#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# This file downloads all of the binary dependencies we have, and checks out a
# specific git hash.
# repos it installs:
# github.com/mitchellh/gox
# github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
# gopkg.in/alecthomas/gometalinter.v2
# github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogo
# github.com/square/certstrap
## check if GOPATH is set
if [ -z ${GOPATH+x} ]; then
echo "please set GOPATH (https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/SettingGOPATH)"
exit 1
mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/github.com"
cd "$GOPATH/src/github.com" || exit 1
installFromGithub() {
# optional
echo "--> Installing $repo ($commit)..."
if [ ! -d "$repo" ]; then
mkdir -p "$repo"
git clone "https://github.com/$repo.git" "$repo"
if [ ! -z ${subdir+x} ] && [ ! -d "$repo/$subdir" ]; then
echo "ERROR: no such directory $repo/$subdir"
exit 1
pushd "$repo" && \
git fetch origin && \
git checkout -q "$commit" && \
if [ ! -z ${subdir+x} ]; then cd "$subdir" || exit 1; fi && \
go install && \
if [ ! -z ${subdir+x} ]; then cd - || exit 1; fi && \
popd || exit 1
echo "--> Done"
echo ""
installFromGithub mitchellh/gox 51ed453898ca5579fea9ad1f08dff6b121d9f2e8
installFromGithub golang/dep 22125cfaa6ddc71e145b1535d4b7ee9744fefff2 cmd/dep
## gometalinter v3.0.0
installFromGithub alecthomas/gometalinter df395bfa67c5d0630d936c0044cf07ff05086655
installFromGithub gogo/protobuf 61dbc136cf5d2f08d68a011382652244990a53a9 protoc-gen-gogo
installFromGithub square/certstrap e27060a3643e814151e65b9807b6b06d169580a7
## make test_with_deadlock
installFromGithub petermattis/goid b0b1615b78e5ee59739545bb38426383b2cda4c9
installFromGithub sasha-s/go-deadlock d68e2bc52ae3291765881b9056f2c1527f245f1e
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports