We define a light client attack as detection of conflicting headers for a given height that can be verified starting from the trusted light block. A light client attack is defined in the context of interactions of light client with two peers. One of the peers (called primary) defines a trace of verified light blocks (primary trace) that are being checked against trace of the other peer (called witness) that we call witness trace.
A light client attack is defined by the primary and witness traces that have a common root (the same trusted light block for a common height) but forms conflicting branches (end of traces is for the same height but with different headers). Note that conflicting branches could be arbitrarily big as branches continue to diverge after a bifurcation point. We propose an approach that allows us to define a valid light client attack only with a common light block and a single conflicting light block. We rely on the fact that we assume that the primary is under suspicion (therefore not trusted) and that the witness plays support role to detect and process an attack (therefore trusted). Therefore, once a light client detects an attack, it needs to send to a witness only missing data (common height and conflicting light block) as it has its trace. Keeping light client attack data of constant size saves bandwidth and reduces an attack surface. As we will explain below, although in the context of light client core verification the roles of primary and witness are clearly defined, in case of the attack, we run the same attack detection procedure twice where the roles are swapped. The rationale is that the light client does not know what peer is correct (on a right main branch) so it tries to create and submit an attack evidence to both peers.
Light client attack evidence consists of a conflicting light block and a common height.
type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
ConflictingBlock LightBlock
CommonHeight int64
Full node can validate a light client attack evidence by executing the following procedure:
func IsValid(lcaEvidence LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) boolean {
commonBlock = GetLightBlock(bc, lcaEvidence.CommonHeight)
if commonBlock == nil return false
// Note that trustingPeriod in ValidAndVerified is set to UNBONDING_PERIOD
verdict = ValidAndVerified(commonBlock, lcaEvidence.ConflictingBlock)
conflictingHeight = lcaEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height
return verdict == OK and bc[conflictingHeight].Header != lcaEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Header
Given a trusted light block trusted
, a light node executes the bisection algorithm to verify header
at some height h
. If the bisection algorithm succeeds, then the header untrusted
is verified.
Headers that are downloaded as part of the bisection algorithm are stored in a store and they are also in
the verified state. Therefore, after the bisection algorithm successfully terminates we have a trace of
the light blocks ([] LightBlock) we obtained from the primary that we call primary trace.
The following invariant holds for the primary trace:
light block, target height h
, and primary_trace
([] LightBlock):
primary_trace[0] == trusted and primary_trace[len(primary_trace)-1].Height == h and
successive light blocks are passing light client verification logic.The verified header at height h
is cross-checked with every witness as part of
If a witness returns the conflicting header at the height h
the following procedure is executed to verify
if the conflicting header comes from the valid trace and if that's the case to create an attack evidence:
We assume the following helper functions:
// Returns trace of verified light blocks starting from rootHeight and ending with targetHeight.
Trace(lightStore LightStore, rootHeight int64, targetHeight int64) LightBlock[]
// Returns validator set for the given height
GetValidators(bc Blockchain, height int64) Validator[]
// Returns validator set for the given height
GetValidators(bc Blockchain, height int64) Validator[]
// Return validator addresses for the given validators
GetAddresses(vals Validator[]) ValidatorAddress[]
func DetectLightClientAttacks(primary PeerID,
primary_trace []LightBlock,
witness PeerID) (LightClientAttackEvidence, LightClientAttackEvidence) {
primary_lca_evidence, witness_trace = DetectLightClientAttack(primary_trace, witness)
witness_lca_evidence = nil
if witness_trace != nil {
witness_lca_evidence, _ = DetectLightClientAttack(witness_trace, primary)
return primary_lca_evidence, witness_lca_evidence
func DetectLightClientAttack(trace []LightBlock, peer PeerID) (LightClientAttackEvidence, []LightBlock) {
lightStore = new LightStore().Update(trace[0], StateTrusted)
for i in 1..len(trace)-1 {
lightStore, result = VerifyToTarget(peer, lightStore, trace[i].Header.Height)
if result == ResultFailure then return (nil, nil)
current = lightStore.Get(trace[i].Header.Height)
// if obtained header is the same as in the trace we continue with a next height
if current.Header == trace[i].Header continue
// we have identified a conflicting header
commonBlock = trace[i-1]
conflictingBlock = trace[i]
return (LightClientAttackEvidence { conflictingBlock, commonBlock.Header.Height },
Trace(lightStore, trace[i-1].Header.Height, trace[i].Header.Height))
return (nil, nil)
As part of on chain evidence handling, full nodes identifies misbehaving processes and informs the application, so they can be slashed. Note that only bonded validators should be reported to the application. There are three types of attacks that can be executed against Tendermint light client:
We now specify the evidence handling logic.
func detectMisbehavingProcesses(lcAttackEvidence LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) []ValidatorAddress {
assume IsValid(lcaEvidence, bc)
// lunatic light client attack
if !isValidBlock(current.Header, conflictingBlock.Header) {
conflictingCommit = lcAttackEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Commit
bondedValidators = GetNextValidators(bc, lcAttackEvidence.CommonHeight)
return getSigners(conflictingCommit) intersection GetAddresses(bondedValidators)
// equivocation light client attack
} else if current.Header.Round == conflictingBlock.Header.Round {
conflictingCommit = lcAttackEvidence.ConflictingBlock.Commit
trustedCommit = bc[conflictingBlock.Header.Height+1].LastCommit
return getSigners(trustedCommit) intersection getSigners(conflictingCommit)
// amnesia light client attack
} else {
HandleAmnesiaAttackEvidence(lcAttackEvidence, bc)
// Block validity in this context is defined by the trusted header.
func isValidBlock(trusted Header, conflicting Header) boolean {
return trusted.ValidatorsHash == conflicting.ValidatorsHash and
trusted.NextValidatorsHash == conflicting.NextValidatorsHash and
trusted.ConsensusHash == conflicting.ConsensusHash and
trusted.AppHash == conflicting.AppHash and
trusted.LastResultsHash == conflicting.LastResultsHash
func getSigners(commit Commit) []ValidatorAddress {
signers = []ValidatorAddress
for (i, commitSig) in commit.Signatures {
if commitSig.BlockIDFlag == BlockIDFlagCommit {
return signers
Note that amnesia attack evidence handling involves more complex processing, i.e., cannot be defined simply on amnesia attack evidence. We explain in the following section a protocol for handling amnesia attack evidence.
Detecting faulty processes in case of the amnesia attack is more complex and cannot be inferred purely based on attack evidence data. In this case, in order to detect misbehaving processes we need access to votes processes sent/received during the conflicting height. Therefore, amnesia handling assumes that validators persist all votes received and sent during multi-round heights (as amnesia attack is only possible in heights that executes over multiple rounds, i.e., commit round > 0).
To simplify description of the algorithm we assume existence of the trusted oracle called monitor that will
drive the algorithm and output faulty processes at the end. Monitor can be implemented in a
distributed setting as on-chain module. The algorithm works as follows:
1) Monitor sends votesets request to validators of the conflicting height. Validators
are expected to send their votesets within predefined timeout.
2) Upon receiving votesets request, validators send their votesets to a monitor.
2) Validators which have not sent its votesets within timeout are considered faulty.
3) The preprocessing of the votesets is done. That means that the received votesets are analyzed
and each vote (valid) sent by process p is added to the voteset of the sender p. This phase ensures that
votes sent by faulty processes observed by at least one correct validator cannot be excluded from the analysis.
4) Votesets of every validator are analyzed independently to decide whether the validator is correct or faulty.
A faulty validators is the one where at least one of those invalid transitions is found:
- More than one PREVOTE message is sent in a round
- More than one PRECOMMIT message is sent in a round
- PRECOMMIT message is sent without receiving +2/3 of voting-power equivalent
appropriate PREVOTE messages
- PREVOTE message is sent for the value V’ in round r’ and the PRECOMMIT message had
been sent for the value V in round r by the same process (r’ > r) and there are no
+2/3 of voting-power equivalent PREVOTE(vr, V’) messages (vr ≥ 0 and vr > r and vr < r’)
as the justification for sending PREVOTE(r’, V’)