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\section{Introduction} \label{sec:tendermint}
Consensus is a fundamental problem in distributed computing. It
is important because of it's role in State Machine Replication (SMR), a generic
approach for replicating services that can be modeled as a deterministic state
machine~\cite{Lam78:cacm, Sch90:survey}. The key idea of this approach is that
service replicas start in the same initial state, and then execute requests
(also called transactions) in the same order; thereby guaranteeing that
replicas stay in sync with each other. The role of consensus in the SMR
approach is ensuring that all replicas receive transactions in the same order.
Traditionally, deployments of SMR based systems are in data-center settings
(local area network), have a small number of replicas (three to seven) and are
typically part of a single administration domain (e.g., Chubby
\cite{Bur:osdi06}); therefore they handle benign (crash) failures only, as more
general forms of failure (in particular, malicious or Byzantine faults) are
considered to occur with only negligible probability.
The success of cryptocurrencies and blockchain systems in recent years (e.g.,
\cite{Nak2012:bitcoin, But2014:ethereum}) pose a whole new set of challenges on
the design and deployment of SMR based systems: reaching agreement over wide
area network, among large number of nodes (hundreds or thousands) that are not
part of the same administrative domain, and where a subset of nodes can behave
maliciously (Byzantine faults). Furthermore, contrary to the previous
data-center deployments where nodes are fully connected to each other, in
blockchain systems, a node is only connected to a subset of other nodes, so
communication is achieved by gossip-based peer-to-peer protocols.
The new requirements demand designs and algorithms that are not necessarily
present in the classical academic literature on Byzantine fault tolerant
consensus (or SMR) systems (e.g., \cite{DLS88:jacm, CL02:tcs}) as the primary
focus was different setup.
In this paper we describe a novel Byzantine-fault tolerant consensus algorithm
that is the core of the BFT SMR platform called Tendermint\footnote{The
Tendermint platform is available open source at}. The Tendermint platform consists of
a high-performance BFT SMR implementation written in Go, a flexible interface
building arbitrary deterministic applications above the consensus, and a suite
of tools for deployment and management.
The Tendermint consensus algorithm is inspired by the PBFT SMR
algorithm~\cite{CL99:osdi} and the DLS algorithm for authenticated faults (the
Algorithm 2 from \cite{DLS88:jacm}). Similar to DLS algorithm, Tendermint
proceeds in
rounds\footnote{Tendermint is not presented in the basic round model of
\cite{DLS88:jacm}. Furthermore, we use the term round differently than in
\cite{DLS88:jacm}; in Tendermint a round denotes a sequence of communication
steps instead of a single communication step in \cite{DLS88:jacm}.}, where each
round has a dedicated proposer (also called coordinator or
leader) and a process proceeds to a new round as part of normal
processing (not only in case the proposer is faulty or suspected as being faulty
by enough processes as in PBFT).
The communication pattern of each round is very similar to the "normal" case
of PBFT. Therefore, in preferable conditions (correct proposer, timely and
reliable communication between correct processes), Tendermint decides in three
communication steps (the same as PBFT).
The major novelty and contribution of the Tendermint consensus algorithm is a
new termination mechanism. As explained in \cite{MHS09:opodis, RMS10:dsn}, the
existing BFT consensus (and SMR) algorithms for the partially synchronous
system model (for example PBFT~\cite{CL99:osdi}, \cite{DLS88:jacm},
\cite{MA06:tdsc}) typically relies on the communication pattern illustrated in
Figure~\ref{ch3:fig:coordinator-change} for termination. The
Figure~\ref{ch3:fig:coordinator-change} illustrates messages exchanged during
the proposer change when processes start a new round\footnote{There is no
consistent terminology in the distributed computing terminology on naming
sequence of communication steps that corresponds to a logical unit. It is
sometimes called a round, phase or a view.}. It guarantees that eventually (ie.
after some Global Stabilization Time, GST), there exists a round with a correct
proposer that will bring the system into a univalent configuration.
Intuitively, in a round in which the proposed value is accepted
by all correct processes, and communication between correct processes is
timely and reliable, all correct processes decide.
\begin{figure}[tbh!] \def\rdstretch{5} \def\ystretch{3} \centering
\begin{rounddiag}{4}{2} \round{1}{~} \rdmessage{1}{1}{$v_1$}
\rdmessage{2}{1}{$v_2$} \rdmessage{3}{1}{$v_3$} \rdmessage{4}{1}{$v_4$}
\round{2}{~} \rdmessage{1}{1}{$x, [v_{1..4}]$}
\rdmessage{1}{2}{$~~~~~~x, [v_{1..4}]$} \rdmessage{1}{3}{$~~~~~~~~x,
[v_{1..4}]$} \rdmessage{1}{4}{$~~~~~~~x, [v_{1..4}]$} \end{rounddiag}
\vspace{-5mm} \caption{\boldmath Proposer (coordinator) change: $p_1$ is the
new proposer.} \label{ch3:fig:coordinator-change} \end{figure}
To ensure that a proposed value is accepted by all correct
processes\footnote{The proposed value is not blindly accepted by correct
processes in BFT algorithms. A correct process always verifies if the proposed
value is safe to be accepted so that safety properties of consensus are not
a proposer will 1) build the global state by receiving messages from other
processes, 2) select the safe value to propose and 3) send the selected value
together with the signed messages
received in the first step to support it. The
value $v_i$ that a correct process sends to the next proposer normally
corresponds to a value the process considers as acceptable for a decision:
\begin{itemize} \item in PBFT~\cite{CL99:osdi} and DLS~\cite{DLS88:jacm} it is
not the value itself but a set of $2f+1$ signed messages with the same
value id, \item in Fast Byzantine Paxos~\cite{MA06:tdsc} the value
itself is being sent. \end{itemize}
In both cases, using this mechanism in our system model (ie. high
number of nodes over gossip based network) would have high communication
complexity that increases with the number of processes: in the first case as
the message sent depends on the total number of processes, and in the second
case as the value (block of transactions) is sent by each process. The set of
messages received in the first step are normally piggybacked on the proposal
message (in the Figure~\ref{ch3:fig:coordinator-change} denoted with
$[v_{1..4}]$) to justify the choice of the selected value $x$. Note that
sending this message also does not scale with the number of processes in the
We designed a novel termination mechanism for Tendermint that better suits the
system model we consider. It does not require additional communication (neither
sending new messages nor piggybacking information on the existing messages) and
it is fully based on the communication pattern that is very similar to the
normal case in PBFT \cite{CL99:osdi}. Therefore, there is only a single mode of
execution in Tendermint, i.e., there is no separation between the normal and
the recovery mode, which is the case in other PBFT-like protocols (e.g.,
\cite{CL99:osdi}, \cite{Ver09:spinning} or \cite{Cle09:aardvark}). We believe
this makes Tendermint simpler to understand and implement correctly.
Note that the orthogonal approach for reducing message complexity in order to
scalability and decentralization (number of processes) of BFT consensus
algorithms is using advanced cryptography (for example Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS)
signatures \cite{BLS2001:crypto}) as done for example in SBFT
The remainder of the paper is as follows: Section~\ref{sec:definitions} defines
the system model and gives the problem definitions. Tendermint
consensus algorithm is presented in Section~\ref{sec:tendermint} and the
proofs are given in Section~\ref{sec:proof}. We conclude in