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package consensus
import (
cstypes ""
sm ""
tmevents ""
tmmath ""
tmos ""
tmtime ""
tmgrpc ""
tmproto ""
// Consensus sentinel errors
var (
ErrInvalidProposalSignature = errors.New("error invalid proposal signature")
ErrInvalidProposalPOLRound = errors.New("error invalid proposal POL round")
ErrAddingVote = errors.New("error adding vote")
ErrSignatureFoundInPastBlocks = errors.New("found signature from the same key")
errPubKeyIsNotSet = errors.New("pubkey is not set. Look for \"Can't get private validator pubkey\" errors")
var msgQueueSize = 1000
// msgs from the reactor which may update the state
type msgInfo struct {
Msg Message
PeerID types.NodeID
ReceiveTime time.Time
func (msgInfo) TypeTag() string { return "tendermint/wal/MsgInfo" }
type msgInfoJSON struct {
Msg json.RawMessage `json:"msg"`
PeerID types.NodeID `json:"peer_key"`
ReceiveTime time.Time `json:"receive_time"`
func (m msgInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
msg, err := jsontypes.Marshal(m.Msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(msgInfoJSON{Msg: msg, PeerID: m.PeerID, ReceiveTime: m.ReceiveTime})
func (m *msgInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var msg msgInfoJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &msg); err != nil {
return err
if err := jsontypes.Unmarshal(msg.Msg, &m.Msg); err != nil {
return err
m.PeerID = msg.PeerID
return nil
// internally generated messages which may update the state
type timeoutInfo struct {
Duration time.Duration `json:"duration,string"`
Height int64 `json:"height,string"`
Round int32 `json:"round"`
Step cstypes.RoundStepType `json:"step"`
func (timeoutInfo) TypeTag() string { return "tendermint/wal/TimeoutInfo" }
func (ti *timeoutInfo) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v ; %d/%d %v", ti.Duration, ti.Height, ti.Round, ti.Step)
// interface to the mempool
type txNotifier interface {
TxsAvailable() <-chan struct{}
// interface to the evidence pool
type evidencePool interface {
// reports conflicting votes to the evidence pool to be processed into evidence
ReportConflictingVotes(voteA, voteB *types.Vote)
// State handles execution of the consensus algorithm.
// It processes votes and proposals, and upon reaching agreement,
// commits blocks to the chain and executes them against the application.
// The internal state machine receives input from peers, the internal validator, and from a timer.
type State struct {
logger log.Logger
// config details
config *config.ConsensusConfig
privValidator types.PrivValidator // for signing votes
privValidatorType types.PrivValidatorType
// store blocks and commits
blockStore sm.BlockStore
// create and execute blocks
blockExec *sm.BlockExecutor
// notify us if txs are available
txNotifier txNotifier
// add evidence to the pool
// when it's detected
evpool evidencePool
// internal state
mtx sync.RWMutex
state sm.State // State until height-1.
// privValidator pubkey, memoized for the duration of one block
// to avoid extra requests to HSM
privValidatorPubKey crypto.PubKey
// state changes may be triggered by: msgs from peers,
// msgs from ourself, or by timeouts
peerMsgQueue chan msgInfo
internalMsgQueue chan msgInfo
timeoutTicker TimeoutTicker
// information about about added votes and block parts are written on this channel
// so statistics can be computed by reactor
statsMsgQueue chan msgInfo
// we use eventBus to trigger msg broadcasts in the reactor,
// and to notify external subscribers, eg. through a websocket
eventBus *eventbus.EventBus
// a Write-Ahead Log ensures we can recover from any kind of crash
// and helps us avoid signing conflicting votes
wal WAL
replayMode bool // so we don't log signing errors during replay
doWALCatchup bool // determines if we even try to do the catchup
// for tests where we want to limit the number of transitions the state makes
nSteps int
// some functions can be overwritten for testing
decideProposal func(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32)
doPrevote func(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32)
setProposal func(proposal *types.Proposal, t time.Time) error
// closed when we finish shutting down
done chan struct{}
// synchronous pubsub between consensus state and reactor.
// state only emits EventNewRoundStep, EventValidBlock, and EventVote
evsw tmevents.EventSwitch
// for reporting metrics
metrics *Metrics
// wait the channel event happening for shutting down the state gracefully
onStopCh chan *cstypes.RoundState
// StateOption sets an optional parameter on the State.
type StateOption func(*State)
// NewState returns a new State.
func NewState(
ctx context.Context,
logger log.Logger,
cfg *config.ConsensusConfig,
state sm.State,
blockExec *sm.BlockExecutor,
blockStore sm.BlockStore,
txNotifier txNotifier,
evpool evidencePool,
options ...StateOption,
) *State {
cs := &State{
logger: logger,
config: cfg,
blockExec: blockExec,
blockStore: blockStore,
txNotifier: txNotifier,
peerMsgQueue: make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
internalMsgQueue: make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
timeoutTicker: NewTimeoutTicker(logger),
statsMsgQueue: make(chan msgInfo, msgQueueSize),
done: make(chan struct{}),
doWALCatchup: true,
wal: nilWAL{},
evpool: evpool,
evsw: tmevents.NewEventSwitch(logger),
metrics: NopMetrics(),
onStopCh: make(chan *cstypes.RoundState),
// set function defaults (may be overwritten before calling Start)
cs.decideProposal = cs.defaultDecideProposal
cs.doPrevote = cs.defaultDoPrevote
cs.setProposal = cs.defaultSetProposal
// We have no votes, so reconstruct LastCommit from SeenCommit.
if state.LastBlockHeight > 0 {
cs.updateToState(ctx, state)
// NOTE: we do not call scheduleRound0 yet, we do that upon Start()
cs.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(logger, "State", cs)
for _, option := range options {
return cs
// SetEventBus sets event bus.
func (cs *State) SetEventBus(b *eventbus.EventBus) {
cs.eventBus = b
// StateMetrics sets the metrics.
func StateMetrics(metrics *Metrics) StateOption {
return func(cs *State) { cs.metrics = metrics }
// String returns a string.
func (cs *State) String() string {
// better not to access shared variables
return "ConsensusState"
// GetState returns a copy of the chain state.
func (cs *State) GetState() sm.State {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
return cs.state.Copy()
// GetLastHeight returns the last height committed.
// If there were no blocks, returns 0.
func (cs *State) GetLastHeight() int64 {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
return cs.RoundState.Height - 1
// GetRoundState returns a shallow copy of the internal consensus state.
func (cs *State) GetRoundState() *cstypes.RoundState {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
// NOTE: this might be dodgy, as RoundState itself isn't thread
// safe as it contains a number of pointers and is explicitly
// not thread safe.
rs := cs.RoundState // copy
return &rs
// GetRoundStateJSON returns a json of RoundState.
func (cs *State) GetRoundStateJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(cs.RoundState)
// GetRoundStateSimpleJSON returns a json of RoundStateSimple
func (cs *State) GetRoundStateSimpleJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(cs.RoundState.RoundStateSimple())
// GetValidators returns a copy of the current validators.
func (cs *State) GetValidators() (int64, []*types.Validator) {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
return cs.state.LastBlockHeight, cs.state.Validators.Copy().Validators
// SetPrivValidator sets the private validator account for signing votes. It
// immediately requests pubkey and caches it.
func (cs *State) SetPrivValidator(ctx context.Context, priv types.PrivValidator) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
cs.privValidator = priv
if priv != nil {
switch t := priv.(type) {
case *privval.RetrySignerClient:
cs.privValidatorType = types.RetrySignerClient
case *privval.FilePV:
cs.privValidatorType = types.FileSignerClient
case *privval.SignerClient:
cs.privValidatorType = types.SignerSocketClient
case *tmgrpc.SignerClient:
cs.privValidatorType = types.SignerGRPCClient
case types.MockPV:
cs.privValidatorType = types.MockSignerClient
case *types.ErroringMockPV:
cs.privValidatorType = types.ErrorMockSignerClient
cs.logger.Error("unsupported priv validator type", "err",
fmt.Errorf("error privValidatorType %s", t))
if err := cs.updatePrivValidatorPubKey(ctx); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed to get private validator pubkey", "err", err)
// SetTimeoutTicker sets the local timer. It may be useful to overwrite for
// testing.
func (cs *State) SetTimeoutTicker(timeoutTicker TimeoutTicker) {
cs.timeoutTicker = timeoutTicker
// LoadCommit loads the commit for a given height.
func (cs *State) LoadCommit(height int64) *types.Commit {
defer cs.mtx.RUnlock()
if height == cs.blockStore.Height() {
commit := cs.blockStore.LoadSeenCommit()
// NOTE: Retrieving the height of the most recent block and retrieving
// the most recent commit does not currently occur as an atomic
// operation. We check the height and commit here in case a more recent
// commit has arrived since retrieving the latest height.
if commit != nil && commit.Height == height {
return commit
return cs.blockStore.LoadBlockCommit(height)
// OnStart loads the latest state via the WAL, and starts the timeout and
// receive routines.
func (cs *State) OnStart(ctx context.Context) error {
// We may set the WAL in testing before calling Start, so only OpenWAL if its
// still the nilWAL.
if _, ok := cs.wal.(nilWAL); ok {
if err := cs.loadWalFile(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// we need the timeoutRoutine for replay so
// we don't block on the tick chan.
// NOTE: we will get a build up of garbage go routines
// firing on the tockChan until the receiveRoutine is started
// to deal with them (by that point, at most one will be valid)
if err := cs.timeoutTicker.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// We may have lost some votes if the process crashed reload from consensus
// log to catchup.
if cs.doWALCatchup {
repairAttempted := false
for {
err := cs.catchupReplay(ctx, cs.Height)
switch {
case err == nil:
break LOOP
case !IsDataCorruptionError(err):
cs.logger.Error("error on catchup replay; proceeding to start state anyway", "err", err)
break LOOP
case repairAttempted:
return err
cs.logger.Error("the WAL file is corrupted; attempting repair", "err", err)
// 1) prep work
repairAttempted = true
// 2) backup original WAL file
corruptedFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.CORRUPTED", cs.config.WalFile())
if err := tmos.CopyFile(cs.config.WalFile(), corruptedFile); err != nil {
return err
cs.logger.Debug("backed up WAL file", "src", cs.config.WalFile(), "dst", corruptedFile)
// 3) try to repair (WAL file will be overwritten!)
if err := repairWalFile(corruptedFile, cs.config.WalFile()); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("the WAL repair failed", "err", err)
return err
cs.logger.Info("successful WAL repair")
// reload WAL file
if err := cs.loadWalFile(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := cs.evsw.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Double Signing Risk Reduction
if err := cs.checkDoubleSigningRisk(cs.Height); err != nil {
return err
// now start the receiveRoutine
go cs.receiveRoutine(ctx, 0)
// schedule the first round!
// use GetRoundState so we don't race the receiveRoutine for access
return nil
// timeoutRoutine: receive requests for timeouts on tickChan and fire timeouts on tockChan
// receiveRoutine: serializes processing of proposoals, block parts, votes; coordinates state transitions
// this is only used in tests.
func (cs *State) startRoutines(ctx context.Context, maxSteps int) {
err := cs.timeoutTicker.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed to start timeout ticker", "err", err)
go cs.receiveRoutine(ctx, maxSteps)
// loadWalFile loads WAL data from file. It overwrites cs.wal.
func (cs *State) loadWalFile(ctx context.Context) error {
wal, err := cs.OpenWAL(ctx, cs.config.WalFile())
if err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed to load state WAL", "err", err)
return err
cs.wal = wal
return nil
// OnStop implements service.Service.
func (cs *State) OnStop() {
// If the node is committing a new block, wait until it is finished!
if cs.GetRoundState().Step == cstypes.RoundStepCommit {
select {
case <-cs.onStopCh:
case <-time.After(cs.config.TimeoutCommit):
cs.logger.Error("OnStop: timeout waiting for commit to finish", "time", cs.config.TimeoutCommit)
if cs.evsw.IsRunning() {
if cs.timeoutTicker.IsRunning() {
// WAL is stopped in receiveRoutine.
// Wait waits for the the main routine to return.
// NOTE: be sure to Stop() the event switch and drain
// any event channels or this may deadlock
func (cs *State) Wait() {
// OpenWAL opens a file to log all consensus messages and timeouts for
// deterministic accountability.
func (cs *State) OpenWAL(ctx context.Context, walFile string) (WAL, error) {
wal, err := NewWAL(ctx, cs.logger.With("wal", walFile), walFile)
if err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed to open WAL", "file", walFile, "err", err)
return nil, err
if err := wal.Start(ctx); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed to start WAL", "err", err)
return nil, err
return wal, nil
// Public interface for passing messages into the consensus state, possibly causing a state transition.
// If peerID == "", the msg is considered internal.
// Messages are added to the appropriate queue (peer or internal).
// If the queue is full, the function may block.
// TODO: should these return anything or let callers just use events?
// AddVote inputs a vote.
func (cs *State) AddVote(ctx context.Context, vote *types.Vote, peerID types.NodeID) error {
if peerID == "" {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case cs.internalMsgQueue <- msgInfo{&VoteMessage{vote}, "", tmtime.Now()}:
return nil
} else {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case cs.peerMsgQueue <- msgInfo{&VoteMessage{vote}, peerID, tmtime.Now()}:
return nil
// TODO: wait for event?!
// SetProposal inputs a proposal.
func (cs *State) SetProposal(ctx context.Context, proposal *types.Proposal, peerID types.NodeID) error {
if peerID == "" {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case cs.internalMsgQueue <- msgInfo{&ProposalMessage{proposal}, "", tmtime.Now()}:
return nil
} else {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case cs.peerMsgQueue <- msgInfo{&ProposalMessage{proposal}, peerID, tmtime.Now()}:
return nil
// TODO: wait for event?!
// AddProposalBlockPart inputs a part of the proposal block.
func (cs *State) AddProposalBlockPart(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32, part *types.Part, peerID types.NodeID) error {
if peerID == "" {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case cs.internalMsgQueue <- msgInfo{&BlockPartMessage{height, round, part}, "", tmtime.Now()}:
return nil
} else {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case cs.peerMsgQueue <- msgInfo{&BlockPartMessage{height, round, part}, peerID, tmtime.Now()}:
return nil
// TODO: wait for event?!
// SetProposalAndBlock inputs the proposal and all block parts.
func (cs *State) SetProposalAndBlock(
ctx context.Context,
proposal *types.Proposal,
block *types.Block,
parts *types.PartSet,
peerID types.NodeID,
) error {
if err := cs.SetProposal(ctx, proposal, peerID); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(parts.Total()); i++ {
part := parts.GetPart(i)
if err := cs.AddProposalBlockPart(ctx, proposal.Height, proposal.Round, part, peerID); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// internal functions for managing the state
func (cs *State) updateHeight(height int64) {
cs.Height = height
func (cs *State) updateRoundStep(round int32, step cstypes.RoundStepType) {
if !cs.replayMode {
if round != cs.Round || round == 0 && step == cstypes.RoundStepNewRound {
cs.metrics.MarkRound(cs.Round, cs.StartTime)
if cs.Step != step {
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = step
// enterNewRound(height, 0) at cs.StartTime.
func (cs *State) scheduleRound0(rs *cstypes.RoundState) {
// cs.logger.Info("scheduleRound0", "now", tmtime.Now(), "startTime", cs.StartTime)
sleepDuration := rs.StartTime.Sub(tmtime.Now())
cs.scheduleTimeout(sleepDuration, rs.Height, 0, cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight)
// Attempt to schedule a timeout (by sending timeoutInfo on the tickChan)
func (cs *State) scheduleTimeout(duration time.Duration, height int64, round int32, step cstypes.RoundStepType) {
cs.timeoutTicker.ScheduleTimeout(timeoutInfo{duration, height, round, step})
// send a msg into the receiveRoutine regarding our own proposal, block part, or vote
func (cs *State) sendInternalMessage(ctx context.Context, mi msgInfo) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case cs.internalMsgQueue <- mi:
// NOTE: using the go-routine means our votes can
// be processed out of order.
// TODO: use CList here for strict determinism and
// attempt push to internalMsgQueue in receiveRoutine
cs.logger.Debug("internal msg queue is full; using a go-routine")
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case cs.internalMsgQueue <- mi:
// Reconstruct LastCommit from SeenCommit, which we saved along with the block,
// (which happens even before saving the state)
func (cs *State) reconstructLastCommit(state sm.State) {
commit := cs.blockStore.LoadSeenCommit()
if commit == nil || commit.Height != state.LastBlockHeight {
commit = cs.blockStore.LoadBlockCommit(state.LastBlockHeight)
if commit == nil {
"failed to reconstruct last commit; commit for height %v not found",
lastPrecommits := types.CommitToVoteSet(state.ChainID, commit, state.LastValidators)
if !lastPrecommits.HasTwoThirdsMajority() {
panic("failed to reconstruct last commit; does not have +2/3 maj")
cs.LastCommit = lastPrecommits
// Updates State and increments height to match that of state.
// The round becomes 0 and cs.Step becomes cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight.
func (cs *State) updateToState(ctx context.Context, state sm.State) {
if cs.CommitRound > -1 && 0 < cs.Height && cs.Height != state.LastBlockHeight {
"updateToState() expected state height of %v but found %v",
cs.Height, state.LastBlockHeight,
if !cs.state.IsEmpty() {
if cs.state.LastBlockHeight > 0 && cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1 != cs.Height {
// This might happen when someone else is mutating cs.state.
// Someone forgot to pass in state.Copy() somewhere?!
"inconsistent cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1 %v vs cs.Height %v",
cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1, cs.Height,
if cs.state.LastBlockHeight > 0 && cs.Height == cs.state.InitialHeight {
"inconsistent cs.state.LastBlockHeight %v, expected 0 for initial height %v",
cs.state.LastBlockHeight, cs.state.InitialHeight,
// If state isn't further out than cs.state, just ignore.
// This happens when SwitchToConsensus() is called in the reactor.
// We don't want to reset e.g. the Votes, but we still want to
// signal the new round step, because other services (eg. txNotifier)
// depend on having an up-to-date peer state!
if state.LastBlockHeight <= cs.state.LastBlockHeight {
"ignoring updateToState()",
"new_height", state.LastBlockHeight+1,
"old_height", cs.state.LastBlockHeight+1,
// Reset fields based on state.
validators := state.Validators
switch {
case state.LastBlockHeight == 0: // Very first commit should be empty.
cs.LastCommit = (*types.VoteSet)(nil)
case cs.CommitRound > -1 && cs.Votes != nil: // Otherwise, use cs.Votes
if !cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).HasTwoThirdsMajority() {
"wanted to form a commit, but precommits (H/R: %d/%d) didn't have 2/3+: %v",
state.LastBlockHeight, cs.CommitRound, cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound),
cs.LastCommit = cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound)
case cs.LastCommit == nil:
// NOTE: when Tendermint starts, it has no votes. reconstructLastCommit
// must be called to reconstruct LastCommit from SeenCommit.
"last commit cannot be empty after initial block (H:%d)",
// Next desired block height
height := state.LastBlockHeight + 1
if height == 1 {
height = state.InitialHeight
// RoundState fields
cs.updateRoundStep(0, cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight)
if cs.CommitTime.IsZero() {
// "Now" makes it easier to sync up dev nodes.
// We add timeoutCommit to allow transactions
// to be gathered for the first block.
// And alternative solution that relies on clocks:
// cs.StartTime = state.LastBlockTime.Add(timeoutCommit)
cs.StartTime = cs.config.Commit(tmtime.Now())
} else {
cs.StartTime = cs.config.Commit(cs.CommitTime)
cs.Validators = validators
cs.Proposal = nil
cs.ProposalReceiveTime = time.Time{}
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil
cs.LockedRound = -1
cs.LockedBlock = nil
cs.LockedBlockParts = nil
cs.ValidRound = -1
cs.ValidBlock = nil
cs.ValidBlockParts = nil
cs.Votes = cstypes.NewHeightVoteSet(state.ChainID, height, validators)
cs.CommitRound = -1
cs.LastValidators = state.LastValidators
cs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit = false
cs.state = state
// Finally, broadcast RoundState
func (cs *State) newStep(ctx context.Context) {
rs := cs.RoundStateEvent()
if err := cs.wal.Write(rs); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed writing to WAL", "err", err)
// newStep is called by updateToState in NewState before the eventBus is set!
if cs.eventBus != nil {
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventNewRoundStep(ctx, rs); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed publishing new round step", "err", err)
cs.evsw.FireEvent(ctx, types.EventNewRoundStepValue, &cs.RoundState)
// the main go routines
// receiveRoutine handles messages which may cause state transitions.
// it's argument (n) is the number of messages to process before exiting - use 0 to run forever
// It keeps the RoundState and is the only thing that updates it.
// Updates (state transitions) happen on timeouts, complete proposals, and 2/3 majorities.
// State must be locked before any internal state is updated.
func (cs *State) receiveRoutine(ctx context.Context, maxSteps int) {
onExit := func(cs *State) {
// NOTE: the internalMsgQueue may have signed messages from our
// priv_val that haven't hit the WAL, but its ok because
// priv_val tracks LastSig
// close wal now that we're done writing to it
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
cs.logger.Error("CONSENSUS FAILURE!!!", "err", r, "stack", string(debug.Stack()))
// stop gracefully
// NOTE: We most probably shouldn't be running any further when there is
// some unexpected panic. Some unknown error happened, and so we don't
// know if that will result in the validator signing an invalid thing. It
// might be worthwhile to explore a mechanism for manual resuming via
// some console or secure RPC system, but for now, halting the chain upon
// unexpected consensus bugs sounds like the better option.
for {
if maxSteps > 0 {
if cs.nSteps >= maxSteps {
cs.logger.Debug("reached max steps; exiting receive routine")
cs.nSteps = 0
rs := cs.RoundState
var mi msgInfo
select {
case <-cs.txNotifier.TxsAvailable():
case mi = <-cs.peerMsgQueue:
if err := cs.wal.Write(mi); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed writing to WAL", "err", err)
// handles proposals, block parts, votes
// may generate internal events (votes, complete proposals, 2/3 majorities)
cs.handleMsg(ctx, mi)
case mi = <-cs.internalMsgQueue:
err := cs.wal.WriteSync(mi) // NOTE: fsync
if err != nil {
"failed to write %v msg to consensus WAL due to %v; check your file system and restart the node",
mi, err,
// handles proposals, block parts, votes
cs.handleMsg(ctx, mi)
case ti := <-cs.timeoutTicker.Chan(): // tockChan:
if err := cs.wal.Write(ti); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed writing to WAL", "err", err)
// if the timeout is relevant to the rs
// go to the next step
cs.handleTimeout(ctx, ti, rs)
case <-ctx.Done():
// TODO should we handle context cancels here?
// state transitions on complete-proposal, 2/3-any, 2/3-one
func (cs *State) handleMsg(ctx context.Context, mi msgInfo) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
var (
added bool
err error
msg, peerID := mi.Msg, mi.PeerID
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *ProposalMessage:
// will not cause transition.
// once proposal is set, we can receive block parts
err = cs.setProposal(msg.Proposal, mi.ReceiveTime)
case *BlockPartMessage:
// if the proposal is complete, we'll enterPrevote or tryFinalizeCommit
added, err = cs.addProposalBlockPart(ctx, msg, peerID)
if added {
select {
case cs.statsMsgQueue <- mi:
case <-ctx.Done():
if err != nil && msg.Round != cs.Round {
"received block part from wrong round",
"height", cs.Height,
"cs_round", cs.Round,
"block_round", msg.Round,
err = nil
case *VoteMessage:
// attempt to add the vote and dupeout the validator if its a duplicate signature
// if the vote gives us a 2/3-any or 2/3-one, we transition
added, err = cs.tryAddVote(ctx, msg.Vote, peerID)
if added {
select {
case cs.statsMsgQueue <- mi:
case <-ctx.Done():
// if err == ErrAddingVote {
// TODO: punish peer
// We probably don't want to stop the peer here. The vote does not
// necessarily comes from a malicious peer but can be just broadcasted by
// a typical peer.
// }
// NOTE: the vote is broadcast to peers by the reactor listening
// for vote events
// TODO: If rs.Height == vote.Height && rs.Round < vote.Round,
// the peer is sending us CatchupCommit precommits.
// We could make note of this and help filter in broadcastHasVoteMessage().
cs.logger.Error("unknown msg type", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", msg))
if err != nil {
"failed to process message",
"height", cs.Height,
"round", cs.Round,
"peer", peerID,
"msg_type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", msg),
"err", err,
func (cs *State) handleTimeout(
ctx context.Context,
ti timeoutInfo,
rs cstypes.RoundState,
) {
cs.logger.Debug("received tock", "timeout", ti.Duration, "height", ti.Height, "round", ti.Round, "step", ti.Step)
// timeouts must be for current height, round, step
if ti.Height != rs.Height || ti.Round < rs.Round || (ti.Round == rs.Round && ti.Step < rs.Step) {
cs.logger.Debug("ignoring tock because we are ahead", "height", rs.Height, "round", rs.Round, "step", rs.Step)
// the timeout will now cause a state transition
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
switch ti.Step {
case cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight:
// NewRound event fired from enterNewRound.
// XXX: should we fire timeout here (for timeout commit)?
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, ti.Height, 0)
case cstypes.RoundStepNewRound:
cs.enterPropose(ctx, ti.Height, 0)
case cstypes.RoundStepPropose:
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventTimeoutPropose(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed publishing timeout propose", "err", err)
cs.enterPrevote(ctx, ti.Height, ti.Round)
case cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait:
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventTimeoutWait(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed publishing timeout wait", "err", err)
cs.enterPrecommit(ctx, ti.Height, ti.Round)
case cstypes.RoundStepPrecommitWait:
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventTimeoutWait(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed publishing timeout wait", "err", err)
cs.enterPrecommit(ctx, ti.Height, ti.Round)
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, ti.Height, ti.Round+1)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid timeout step: %v", ti.Step))
func (cs *State) handleTxsAvailable(ctx context.Context) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
// We only need to do this for round 0.
if cs.Round != 0 {
switch cs.Step {
case cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight: // timeoutCommit phase
if cs.needProofBlock(cs.Height) {
// enterPropose will be called by enterNewRound
// +1ms to ensure RoundStepNewRound timeout always happens after RoundStepNewHeight
timeoutCommit := cs.StartTime.Sub(tmtime.Now()) + 1*time.Millisecond
cs.scheduleTimeout(timeoutCommit, cs.Height, 0, cstypes.RoundStepNewRound)
case cstypes.RoundStepNewRound: // after timeoutCommit
cs.enterPropose(ctx, cs.Height, 0)
// State functions
// Used internally by handleTimeout and handleMsg to make state transitions
// Enter: `timeoutNewHeight` by startTime (commitTime+timeoutCommit),
// or, if SkipTimeoutCommit==true, after receiving all precommits from (height,round-1)
// Enter: `timeoutPrecommits` after any +2/3 precommits from (height,round-1)
// Enter: +2/3 precommits for nil at (height,round-1)
// Enter: +2/3 prevotes any or +2/3 precommits for block or any from (height, round)
// NOTE: cs.StartTime was already set for height.
func (cs *State) enterNewRound(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
// TODO: remove panics in this function and return an error
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step != cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight) {
"entering new round with invalid args",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
if now := tmtime.Now(); cs.StartTime.After(now) {
logger.Debug("need to set a buffer and log message here for sanity", "start_time", cs.StartTime, "now", now)
logger.Debug("entering new round", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
// increment validators if necessary
validators := cs.Validators
if cs.Round < round {
validators = validators.Copy()
r, err := tmmath.SafeSubInt32(round, cs.Round)
if err != nil {
// Setup new round
// we don't fire newStep for this step,
// but we fire an event, so update the round step first
cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepNewRound)
cs.Validators = validators
if round == 0 {
// We've already reset these upon new height,
// and meanwhile we might have received a proposal
// for round 0.
} else {
logger.Debug("resetting proposal info")
cs.Proposal = nil
cs.ProposalReceiveTime = time.Time{}
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil
r, err := tmmath.SafeAddInt32(round, 1)
if err != nil {
cs.Votes.SetRound(r) // also track next round (round+1) to allow round-skipping
cs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit = false
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventNewRound(ctx, cs.NewRoundEvent()); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed publishing new round", "err", err)
// Wait for txs to be available in the mempool
// before we enterPropose in round 0. If the last block changed the app hash,
// we may need an empty "proof" block, and enterPropose immediately.
waitForTxs := cs.config.WaitForTxs() && round == 0 && !cs.needProofBlock(height)
if waitForTxs {
if cs.config.CreateEmptyBlocksInterval > 0 {
cs.scheduleTimeout(cs.config.CreateEmptyBlocksInterval, height, round,
cs.enterPropose(ctx, height, round)
// needProofBlock returns true on the first height (so the genesis app hash is signed right away)
// and where the last block (height-1) caused the app hash to change
func (cs *State) needProofBlock(height int64) bool {
if height == cs.state.InitialHeight {
return true
lastBlockMeta := cs.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(height - 1)
if lastBlockMeta == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("needProofBlock: last block meta for height %d not found", height-1))
return !bytes.Equal(cs.state.AppHash, lastBlockMeta.Header.AppHash)
// Enter (CreateEmptyBlocks): from enterNewRound(height,round)
// Enter (CreateEmptyBlocks, CreateEmptyBlocksInterval > 0 ):
// after enterNewRound(height,round), after timeout of CreateEmptyBlocksInterval
// Enter (!CreateEmptyBlocks) : after enterNewRound(height,round), once txs are in the mempool
func (cs *State) enterPropose(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cstypes.RoundStepPropose <= cs.Step) {
"entering propose step with invalid args",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
// If this validator is the proposer of this round, and the previous block time is later than
// our local clock time, wait to propose until our local clock time has passed the block time.
if cs.privValidatorPubKey != nil && cs.isProposer(cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()) {
proposerWaitTime := proposerWaitTime(tmtime.DefaultSource{}, cs.state.LastBlockTime)
if proposerWaitTime > 0 {
cs.scheduleTimeout(proposerWaitTime, height, round, cstypes.RoundStepNewRound)
logger.Debug("entering propose step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done enterPropose:
cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepPropose)
// If we have the whole proposal + POL, then goto Prevote now.
// else, we'll enterPrevote when the rest of the proposal is received (in AddProposalBlockPart),
// or else after timeoutPropose
if cs.isProposalComplete() {
cs.enterPrevote(ctx, height, cs.Round)
// If we don't get the proposal and all block parts quick enough, enterPrevote
cs.scheduleTimeout(cs.config.Propose(round), height, round, cstypes.RoundStepPropose)
// Nothing more to do if we're not a validator
if cs.privValidator == nil {
logger.Debug("propose step; not proposing since node is not a validator")
if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
// If this node is a validator & proposer in the current round, it will
// miss the opportunity to create a block.
logger.Error("propose step; empty priv validator public key", "err", errPubKeyIsNotSet)
addr := cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()
// if not a validator, we're done
if !cs.Validators.HasAddress(addr) {
logger.Debug("propose step; not proposing since node is not in the validator set",
"addr", addr,
"vals", cs.Validators)
if cs.isProposer(addr) {
"propose step; our turn to propose",
"proposer", addr,
cs.decideProposal(ctx, height, round)
} else {
"propose step; not our turn to propose",
"proposer", cs.Validators.GetProposer().Address,
func (cs *State) isProposer(address []byte) bool {
return bytes.Equal(cs.Validators.GetProposer().Address, address)
func (cs *State) defaultDecideProposal(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
var block *types.Block
var blockParts *types.PartSet
// Decide on block
if cs.ValidBlock != nil {
// If there is valid block, choose that.
block, blockParts = cs.ValidBlock, cs.ValidBlockParts
} else {
// Create a new proposal block from state/txs from the mempool.
var err error
block, blockParts, err = cs.createProposalBlock(ctx)
if block == nil || err != nil {
// Flush the WAL. Otherwise, we may not recompute the same proposal to sign,
// and the privValidator will refuse to sign anything.
if err := cs.wal.FlushAndSync(); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed flushing WAL to disk")
// Make proposal
propBlockID := types.BlockID{Hash: block.Hash(), PartSetHeader: blockParts.Header()}
proposal := types.NewProposal(height, round, cs.ValidRound, propBlockID, block.Header.Time)
p := proposal.ToProto()
// wait the max amount we would wait for a proposal
ctxto, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, cs.config.TimeoutPropose)
defer cancel()
if err := cs.privValidator.SignProposal(ctxto, cs.state.ChainID, p); err == nil {
proposal.Signature = p.Signature
// send proposal and block parts on internal msg queue
cs.sendInternalMessage(ctx, msgInfo{&ProposalMessage{proposal}, "", tmtime.Now()})
for i := 0; i < int(blockParts.Total()); i++ {
part := blockParts.GetPart(i)
cs.sendInternalMessage(ctx, msgInfo{&BlockPartMessage{cs.Height, cs.Round, part}, "", tmtime.Now()})
cs.logger.Debug("signed proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "proposal", proposal)
} else if !cs.replayMode {
cs.logger.Error("propose step; failed signing proposal", "height", height, "round", round, "err", err)
// Returns true if the proposal block is complete &&
// (if POLRound was proposed, we have +2/3 prevotes from there).
func (cs *State) isProposalComplete() bool {
if cs.Proposal == nil || cs.ProposalBlock == nil {
return false
// we have the proposal. if there's a POLRound,
// make sure we have the prevotes from it too
if cs.Proposal.POLRound < 0 {
return true
// if this is false the proposer is lying or we haven't received the POL yet
return cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Proposal.POLRound).HasTwoThirdsMajority()
// Create the next block to propose and return it. Returns nil block upon error.
// We really only need to return the parts, but the block is returned for
// convenience so we can log the proposal block.
// NOTE: keep it side-effect free for clarity.
// CONTRACT: cs.privValidator is not nil.
func (cs *State) createProposalBlock(ctx context.Context) (block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, err error) {
if cs.privValidator == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("entered createProposalBlock with privValidator being nil")
var commit *types.Commit
var votes []*types.Vote
switch {
case cs.Height == cs.state.InitialHeight:
// We're creating a proposal for the first block.
// The commit is empty, but not nil.
commit = types.NewCommit(0, 0, types.BlockID{}, nil)
case cs.LastCommit.HasTwoThirdsMajority():
// Make the commit from LastCommit
commit = cs.LastCommit.MakeCommit()
votes = cs.LastCommit.GetVotes()
default: // This shouldn't happen.
cs.logger.Error("propose step; cannot propose anything without commit for the previous block")
if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
// If this node is a validator & proposer in the current round, it will
// miss the opportunity to create a block.
cs.logger.Error("propose step; empty priv validator public key", "err", errPubKeyIsNotSet)
proposerAddr := cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()
return cs.blockExec.CreateProposalBlock(ctx, cs.Height, cs.state, commit, proposerAddr, votes)
// Enter: `timeoutPropose` after entering Propose.
// Enter: proposal block and POL is ready.
// If we received a valid proposal within this round and we are not locked on a block,
// we will prevote for block.
// Otherwise, if we receive a valid proposal that matches the block we are
// locked on or matches a block that received a POL in a round later than our
// locked round, prevote for the proposal, otherwise vote nil.
func (cs *State) enterPrevote(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cstypes.RoundStepPrevote <= cs.Step) {
"entering prevote step with invalid args",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
defer func() {
// Done enterPrevote:
cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepPrevote)
logger.Debug("entering prevote step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
// Sign and broadcast vote as necessary
cs.doPrevote(ctx, height, round)
// Once `addVote` hits any +2/3 prevotes, we will go to PrevoteWait
// (so we have more time to try and collect +2/3 prevotes for a single block)
func (cs *State) proposalIsTimely() bool {
sp := types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: cs.state.ConsensusParams.Synchrony.Precision,
MessageDelay: cs.state.ConsensusParams.Synchrony.MessageDelay,
return cs.Proposal.IsTimely(cs.ProposalReceiveTime, sp, cs.Round)
func (cs *State) defaultDoPrevote(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
// Check that a proposed block was not received within this round (and thus executing this from a timeout).
if cs.ProposalBlock == nil {
logger.Debug("prevote step: ProposalBlock is nil; prevoting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
if cs.Proposal == nil {
logger.Debug("prevote step: did not receive proposal; prevoting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
if !cs.Proposal.Timestamp.Equal(cs.ProposalBlock.Header.Time) {
logger.Debug("prevote step: proposal timestamp not equal; prevoting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
if cs.Proposal.POLRound == -1 && cs.LockedRound == -1 && !cs.proposalIsTimely() {
logger.Debug("prevote step: Proposal is not timely; prevoting nil",
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// Validate proposal block, from Tendermint's perspective
err := cs.blockExec.ValidateBlock(ctx, cs.state, cs.ProposalBlock)
if err != nil {
// ProposalBlock is invalid, prevote nil.
logger.Error("prevote step: consensus deems this block invalid; prevoting nil",
"err", err)
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
The block has now passed Tendermint's validation rules.
Before prevoting the block received from the proposer for the current round and height,
we request the Application, via the ProcessProposal, ABCI call to confirm that the block is
valid. If the Application does not accept the block, Tendermint prevotes nil.
WARNING: misuse of block rejection by the Application can seriously compromise Tendermint's
liveness properties. Please see PrepareProposal-ProcessProposal coherence and determinism
properties in the ABCI++ specification.
isAppValid, err := cs.blockExec.ProcessProposal(ctx, cs.ProposalBlock, cs.state)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ProcessProposal: %v", err))
// Vote nil if the Application rejected the block
if !isAppValid {
logger.Error("prevote step: state machine rejected a proposed block; this should not happen:"+
"the proposer may be misbehaving; prevoting nil", "err", err)
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
22: upon <PROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, v, −1> from proposer(h_p, round_p) while step_p = propose do
23: if valid(v) && (lockedRound_p = −1 || lockedValue_p = v) then
24: broadcast <PREVOTE, h_p, round_p, id(v)>
Here, cs.Proposal.POLRound corresponds to the -1 in the above algorithm rule.
This means that the proposer is producing a new proposal that has not previously
seen a 2/3 majority by the network.
If we have already locked on a different value that is different from the proposed value,
we prevote nil since we are locked on a different value. Otherwise, if we're not locked on a block
or the proposal matches our locked block, we prevote the proposal.
if cs.Proposal.POLRound == -1 {
if cs.LockedRound == -1 {
logger.Debug("prevote step: ProposalBlock is valid and there is no locked block; prevoting the proposal")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs.ProposalBlockParts.Header())
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(cs.LockedBlock.Hash()) {
logger.Debug("prevote step: ProposalBlock is valid and matches our locked block; prevoting the proposal")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs.ProposalBlockParts.Header())
28: upon <PROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, v, v_r> from proposer(h_p, round_p) AND 2f + 1 <PREVOTE, h_p, v_r, id(v)> while
step_p = propose && (v_r ≥ 0 && v_r < round_p) do
29: if valid(v) && (lockedRound_p ≤ v_r || lockedValue_p = v) then
30: broadcast <PREVOTE, h_p, round_p, id(v)>
This rule is a bit confusing but breaks down as follows:
If we see a proposal in the current round for value 'v' that lists its valid round as 'v_r'
AND this validator saw a 2/3 majority of the voting power prevote 'v' in round 'v_r', then we will
issue a prevote for 'v' in this round if 'v' is valid and either matches our locked value OR
'v_r' is a round greater than or equal to our current locked round.
'v_r' can be a round greater than to our current locked round if a 2/3 majority of
the network prevoted a value in round 'v_r' but we did not lock on it, possibly because we
missed the proposal in round 'v_r'.
blockID, ok := cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Proposal.POLRound).TwoThirdsMajority()
if ok && cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) && cs.Proposal.POLRound >= 0 && cs.Proposal.POLRound < cs.Round {
if cs.LockedRound <= cs.Proposal.POLRound {
logger.Debug("prevote step: ProposalBlock is valid and received a 2/3" +
"majority in a round later than the locked round; prevoting the proposal")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs.ProposalBlockParts.Header())
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(cs.LockedBlock.Hash()) {
logger.Debug("prevote step: ProposalBlock is valid and matches our locked block; prevoting the proposal")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs.ProposalBlockParts.Header())
logger.Debug("prevote step: ProposalBlock is valid but was not our locked block or " +
"did not receive a more recent majority; prevoting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrevoteType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// Enter: any +2/3 prevotes at next round.
func (cs *State) enterPrevoteWait(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait <= cs.Step) {
"entering prevote wait step with invalid args",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
if !cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
"entering prevote wait step (%v/%v), but prevotes does not have any +2/3 votes",
height, round,
logger.Debug("entering prevote wait step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done enterPrevoteWait:
cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait)
// Wait for some more prevotes; enterPrecommit
cs.scheduleTimeout(cs.config.Prevote(round), height, round, cstypes.RoundStepPrevoteWait)
// Enter: `timeoutPrevote` after any +2/3 prevotes.
// Enter: `timeoutPrecommit` after any +2/3 precommits.
// Enter: +2/3 precomits for block or nil.
// Lock & precommit the ProposalBlock if we have enough prevotes for it (a POL in this round)
// else, precommit nil otherwise.
func (cs *State) enterPrecommit(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cstypes.RoundStepPrecommit <= cs.Step) {
"entering precommit step with invalid args",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
logger.Debug("entering precommit step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done enterPrecommit:
cs.updateRoundStep(round, cstypes.RoundStepPrecommit)
// check for a polka
blockID, ok := cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).TwoThirdsMajority()
// If we don't have a polka, we must precommit nil.
if !ok {
if cs.LockedBlock != nil {
logger.Debug("precommit step; no +2/3 prevotes during enterPrecommit while we are locked; precommitting nil")
} else {
logger.Debug("precommit step; no +2/3 prevotes during enterPrecommit; precommitting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// At this point +2/3 prevoted for a particular block or nil.
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventPolka(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed publishing polka", "err", err)
// the latest POLRound should be this round.
polRound, _ := cs.Votes.POLInfo()
if polRound < round {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("this POLRound should be %v but got %v", round, polRound))
// +2/3 prevoted nil. Precommit nil.
if blockID.IsNil() {
logger.Debug("precommit step: +2/3 prevoted for nil; precommitting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// At this point, +2/3 prevoted for a particular block.
// If we never received a proposal for this block, we must precommit nil
if cs.Proposal == nil || cs.ProposalBlock == nil {
logger.Debug("precommit step; did not receive proposal, precommitting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// If the proposal time does not match the block time, precommit nil.
if !cs.Proposal.Timestamp.Equal(cs.ProposalBlock.Header.Time) {
logger.Debug("precommit step: proposal timestamp not equal; precommitting nil")
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// If we're already locked on that block, precommit it, and update the LockedRound
if cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
logger.Debug("precommit step: +2/3 prevoted locked block; relocking")
cs.LockedRound = round
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventRelock(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
logger.Error("precommit step: failed publishing event relock", "err", err)
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, blockID.Hash, blockID.PartSetHeader)
// If greater than 2/3 of the voting power on the network prevoted for
// the proposed block, update our locked block to this block and issue a
// precommit vote for it.
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
logger.Debug("precommit step: +2/3 prevoted proposal block; locking", "hash", blockID.Hash)
// Validate the block.
if err := cs.blockExec.ValidateBlock(ctx, cs.state, cs.ProposalBlock); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("precommit step: +2/3 prevoted for an invalid block %v; relocking", err))
cs.LockedRound = round
cs.LockedBlock = cs.ProposalBlock
cs.LockedBlockParts = cs.ProposalBlockParts
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventLock(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
logger.Error("precommit step: failed publishing event lock", "err", err)
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, blockID.Hash, blockID.PartSetHeader)
// There was a polka in this round for a block we don't have.
// Fetch that block, and precommit nil.
logger.Debug("precommit step: +2/3 prevotes for a block we do not have; voting nil", "block_id", blockID)
if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader) {
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader)
cs.signAddVote(ctx, tmproto.PrecommitType, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// Enter: any +2/3 precommits for next round.
func (cs *State) enterPrecommitWait(ctx context.Context, height int64, round int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "round", round)
if cs.Height != height || round < cs.Round || (cs.Round == round && cs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit) {
"entering precommit wait step with invalid args",
"triggered_timeout", cs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit,
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round),
if !cs.Votes.Precommits(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
"entering precommit wait step (%v/%v), but precommits does not have any +2/3 votes",
height, round,
logger.Debug("entering precommit wait step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done enterPrecommitWait:
cs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit = true
// wait for some more precommits; enterNewRound
cs.scheduleTimeout(cs.config.Precommit(round), height, round, cstypes.RoundStepPrecommitWait)
// Enter: +2/3 precommits for block
func (cs *State) enterCommit(ctx context.Context, height int64, commitRound int32) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height, "commit_round", commitRound)
if cs.Height != height || cstypes.RoundStepCommit <= cs.Step {
"entering commit step with invalid args",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
logger.Debug("entering commit step", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done enterCommit:
// keep cs.Round the same, commitRound points to the right Precommits set.
cs.updateRoundStep(cs.Round, cstypes.RoundStepCommit)
cs.CommitRound = commitRound
cs.CommitTime = tmtime.Now()
// Maybe finalize immediately.
cs.tryFinalizeCommit(ctx, height)
blockID, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(commitRound).TwoThirdsMajority()
if !ok {
panic("RunActionCommit() expects +2/3 precommits")
// The Locked* fields no longer matter.
// Move them over to ProposalBlock if they match the commit hash,
// otherwise they'll be cleared in updateToState.
if cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
logger.Debug("commit is for a locked block; set ProposalBlock=LockedBlock", "block_hash", blockID.Hash)
cs.ProposalBlock = cs.LockedBlock
cs.ProposalBlockParts = cs.LockedBlockParts
// If we don't have the block being committed, set up to get it.
if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader) {
"commit is for a block we do not know about; set ProposalBlock=nil",
"proposal", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
"commit", blockID.Hash,
// We're getting the wrong block.
// Set up ProposalBlockParts and keep waiting.
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader)
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventValidBlock(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed publishing valid block", "err", err)
cs.evsw.FireEvent(ctx, types.EventValidBlockValue, &cs.RoundState)
// If we have the block AND +2/3 commits for it, finalize.
func (cs *State) tryFinalizeCommit(ctx context.Context, height int64) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height)
if cs.Height != height {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("tryFinalizeCommit() cs.Height: %v vs height: %v", cs.Height, height))
blockID, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).TwoThirdsMajority()
if !ok || blockID.IsNil() {
logger.Error("failed attempt to finalize commit; there was no +2/3 majority or +2/3 was for nil")
if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
// TODO: this happens every time if we're not a validator (ugly logs)
// TODO: ^^ wait, why does it matter that we're a validator?
"failed attempt to finalize commit; we do not have the commit block",
"proposal_block", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
"commit_block", blockID.Hash,
cs.finalizeCommit(ctx, height)
// Increment height and goto cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight
func (cs *State) finalizeCommit(ctx context.Context, height int64) {
logger := cs.logger.With("height", height)
if cs.Height != height || cs.Step != cstypes.RoundStepCommit {
"entering finalize commit step",
"current", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step),
blockID, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound).TwoThirdsMajority()
block, blockParts := cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts
if !ok {
panic("cannot finalize commit; commit does not have 2/3 majority")
if !blockParts.HasHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader) {
panic("expected ProposalBlockParts header to be commit header")
if !block.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
panic("cannot finalize commit; proposal block does not hash to commit hash")
if err := cs.blockExec.ValidateBlock(ctx, cs.state, block); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("+2/3 committed an invalid block: %w", err))
"finalizing commit of block",
"hash", block.Hash(),
"root", block.AppHash,
"num_txs", len(block.Txs),
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%v", block))
// Save to blockStore.
if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height {
// NOTE: the seenCommit is local justification to commit this block,
// but may differ from the LastCommit included in the next block
precommits := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.CommitRound)
seenCommit := precommits.MakeCommit()
cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenCommit)
} else {
// Happens during replay if we already saved the block but didn't commit
logger.Debug("calling finalizeCommit on already stored block", "height", block.Height)
// Write EndHeightMessage{} for this height, implying that the blockstore
// has saved the block.
// If we crash before writing this EndHeightMessage{}, we will recover by
// running ApplyBlock during the ABCI handshake when we restart. If we
// didn't save the block to the blockstore before writing
// EndHeightMessage{}, we'd have to change WAL replay -- currently it
// complains about replaying for heights where an #ENDHEIGHT entry already
// exists.
// Either way, the State should not be resumed until we
// successfully call ApplyBlock (ie. later here, or in Handshake after
// restart).
endMsg := EndHeightMessage{height}
if err := cs.wal.WriteSync(endMsg); err != nil { // NOTE: fsync
"failed to write %v msg to consensus WAL due to %v; check your file system and restart the node",
endMsg, err,
// Create a copy of the state for staging and an event cache for txs.
stateCopy := cs.state.Copy()
// Execute and commit the block, update and save the state, and update the mempool.
// NOTE The block.AppHash wont reflect these txs until the next block.
stateCopy, err := cs.blockExec.ApplyBlock(ctx,
Hash: block.Hash(),
PartSetHeader: blockParts.Header(),
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to apply block", "err", err)
// must be called before we update state
cs.RecordMetrics(height, block)
// NewHeightStep!
cs.updateToState(ctx, stateCopy)
// Private validator might have changed it's key pair => refetch pubkey.
if err := cs.updatePrivValidatorPubKey(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to get private validator pubkey", "err", err)
// cs.StartTime is already set.
// Schedule Round0 to start soon.
// By here,
// * cs.Height has been increment to height+1
// * cs.Step is now cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight
// * cs.StartTime is set to when we will start round0.
func (cs *State) RecordMetrics(height int64, block *types.Block) {
var (
missingValidators int
missingValidatorsPower int64
// height=0 -> MissingValidators and MissingValidatorsPower are both 0.
// Remember that the first LastCommit is intentionally empty, so it's not
// fair to increment missing validators number.
if height > cs.state.InitialHeight {
// Sanity check that commit size matches validator set size - only applies
// after first block.
var (
commitSize = block.LastCommit.Size()
valSetLen = len(cs.LastValidators.Validators)
address types.Address
if commitSize != valSetLen {
cs.logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("commit size (%d) doesn't match valset length (%d) at height %d\n\n%v\n\n%v",
commitSize, valSetLen, block.Height, block.LastCommit.Signatures, cs.LastValidators.Validators))
if cs.privValidator != nil {
if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
// Metrics won't be updated, but it's not critical.
cs.logger.Error("recordMetrics", "err", errPubKeyIsNotSet)
} else {
address = cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()
for i, val := range cs.LastValidators.Validators {
commitSig := block.LastCommit.Signatures[i]
if commitSig.Absent() {
missingValidatorsPower += val.VotingPower
if bytes.Equal(val.Address, address) {
label := []string{
"validator_address", val.Address.String(),
if commitSig.ForBlock() {
} else {
// NOTE: byzantine validators power and count is only for consensus evidence i.e. duplicate vote
var (
byzantineValidatorsPower int64
byzantineValidatorsCount int64
for _, ev := range block.Evidence {
if dve, ok := ev.(*types.DuplicateVoteEvidence); ok {
if _, val := cs.Validators.GetByAddress(dve.VoteA.ValidatorAddress); val != nil {
byzantineValidatorsPower += val.VotingPower
if height > 1 {
lastBlockMeta := cs.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(height - 1)
if lastBlockMeta != nil {
func (cs *State) defaultSetProposal(proposal *types.Proposal, recvTime time.Time) error {
// Already have one
// TODO: possibly catch double proposals
if cs.Proposal != nil || proposal == nil {
return nil
// Does not apply
if proposal.Height != cs.Height || proposal.Round != cs.Round {
return nil
// Verify POLRound, which must be -1 or in range [0, proposal.Round).
if proposal.POLRound < -1 ||
(proposal.POLRound >= 0 && proposal.POLRound >= proposal.Round) {
return ErrInvalidProposalPOLRound
p := proposal.ToProto()
// Verify signature
if !cs.Validators.GetProposer().PubKey.VerifySignature(
types.ProposalSignBytes(cs.state.ChainID, p), proposal.Signature,
) {
return ErrInvalidProposalSignature
proposal.Signature = p.Signature
cs.Proposal = proposal
cs.ProposalReceiveTime = recvTime
// We don't update cs.ProposalBlockParts if it is already set.
// This happens if we're already in cstypes.RoundStepCommit or if there is a valid block in the current round.
// TODO: We can check if Proposal is for a different block as this is a sign of misbehavior!
if cs.ProposalBlockParts == nil {
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(proposal.BlockID.PartSetHeader)
cs.logger.Info("received proposal", "proposal", proposal)
return nil
// NOTE: block is not necessarily valid.
// Asynchronously triggers either enterPrevote (before we timeout of propose) or tryFinalizeCommit,
// once we have the full block.
func (cs *State) addProposalBlockPart(
ctx context.Context,
msg *BlockPartMessage,
peerID types.NodeID,
) (added bool, err error) {
height, round, part := msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part
// Blocks might be reused, so round mismatch is OK
if cs.Height != height {
cs.logger.Debug("received block part from wrong height", "height", height, "round", round)
cs.metrics.BlockGossipPartsReceived.With("matches_current", "false").Add(1)
return false, nil
// We're not expecting a block part.
if cs.ProposalBlockParts == nil {
cs.metrics.BlockGossipPartsReceived.With("matches_current", "false").Add(1)
// NOTE: this can happen when we've gone to a higher round and
// then receive parts from the previous round - not necessarily a bad peer.
"received a block part when we are not expecting any",
"height", height,
"round", round,
"index", part.Index,
"peer", peerID,
return false, nil
added, err = cs.ProposalBlockParts.AddPart(part)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, types.ErrPartSetInvalidProof) || errors.Is(err, types.ErrPartSetUnexpectedIndex) {
cs.metrics.BlockGossipPartsReceived.With("matches_current", "false").Add(1)
return added, err
cs.metrics.BlockGossipPartsReceived.With("matches_current", "true").Add(1)
if cs.ProposalBlockParts.ByteSize() > cs.state.ConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes {
return added, fmt.Errorf("total size of proposal block parts exceeds maximum block bytes (%d > %d)",
cs.ProposalBlockParts.ByteSize(), cs.state.ConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes,
if added && cs.ProposalBlockParts.IsComplete() {
bz, err := io.ReadAll(cs.ProposalBlockParts.GetReader())
if err != nil {
return added, err
var pbb = new(tmproto.Block)
err = proto.Unmarshal(bz, pbb)
if err != nil {
return added, err
block, err := types.BlockFromProto(pbb)
if err != nil {
return added, err
cs.ProposalBlock = block
// NOTE: it's possible to receive complete proposal blocks for future rounds without having the proposal
cs.logger.Info("received complete proposal block", "height", cs.ProposalBlock.Height, "hash", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash())
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventCompleteProposal(ctx, cs.CompleteProposalEvent()); err != nil {
cs.logger.Error("failed publishing event complete proposal", "err", err)
// Update Valid* if we can.
prevotes := cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Round)
blockID, hasTwoThirds := prevotes.TwoThirdsMajority()
if hasTwoThirds && !blockID.IsNil() && (cs.ValidRound < cs.Round) {
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
"updating valid block to new proposal block",
"valid_round", cs.Round,
"valid_block_hash", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
cs.ValidRound = cs.Round
cs.ValidBlock = cs.ProposalBlock
cs.ValidBlockParts = cs.ProposalBlockParts
// TODO: In case there is +2/3 majority in Prevotes set for some
// block and cs.ProposalBlock contains different block, either
// proposer is faulty or voting power of faulty processes is more
// than 1/3. We should trigger in the future accountability
// procedure at this point.
if cs.Step <= cstypes.RoundStepPropose && cs.isProposalComplete() {
// Move onto the next step
cs.enterPrevote(ctx, height, cs.Round)
if hasTwoThirds { // this is optimisation as this will be triggered when prevote is added
cs.enterPrecommit(ctx, height, cs.Round)
} else if cs.Step == cstypes.RoundStepCommit {
// If we're waiting on the proposal block...
cs.tryFinalizeCommit(ctx, height)
return added, nil
return added, nil
// Attempt to add the vote. if its a duplicate signature, dupeout the validator
func (cs *State) tryAddVote(ctx context.Context, vote *types.Vote, peerID types.NodeID) (bool, error) {
added, err := cs.addVote(ctx, vote, peerID)
if err != nil {
// If the vote height is off, we'll just ignore it,
// But if it's a conflicting sig, add it to the cs.evpool.
// If it's otherwise invalid, punish peer.
// nolint: gocritic
if voteErr, ok := err.(*types.ErrVoteConflictingVotes); ok {
if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
return false, errPubKeyIsNotSet
if bytes.Equal(vote.ValidatorAddress, cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()) {
"found conflicting vote from ourselves; did you unsafe_reset a validator?",
"height", vote.Height,
"round", vote.Round,
"type", vote.Type,
return added, err
// report conflicting votes to the evidence pool
cs.evpool.ReportConflictingVotes(voteErr.VoteA, voteErr.VoteB)
"found and sent conflicting votes to the evidence pool",
"vote_a", voteErr.VoteA,
"vote_b", voteErr.VoteB,
return added, err
} else if errors.Is(err, types.ErrVoteNonDeterministicSignature) {
cs.logger.Debug("vote has non-deterministic signature", "err", err)
} else {
// Either
// 1) bad peer OR
// 2) not a bad peer? this can also err sometimes with "Unexpected step" OR
// 3) tmkms use with multiple validators connecting to a single tmkms instance
// (
cs.logger.Info("failed attempting to add vote", "err", err)
return added, ErrAddingVote
return added, nil
func (cs *State) addVote(
ctx context.Context,
vote *types.Vote,
peerID types.NodeID,
) (added bool, err error) {
"adding vote",
"vote_height", vote.Height,
"vote_type", vote.Type,
"val_index", vote.ValidatorIndex,
"cs_height", cs.Height,
// A precommit for the previous height?
// These come in while we wait timeoutCommit
if vote.Height+1 == cs.Height && vote.Type == tmproto.PrecommitType {
if cs.Step != cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight {
// Late precommit at prior height is ignored
cs.logger.Debug("precommit vote came in after commit timeout and has been ignored", "vote", vote)
added, err = cs.LastCommit.AddVote(vote)
if !added {
cs.logger.Debug("added vote to last precommits", "last_commit", cs.LastCommit.StringShort())
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventVote(ctx, types.EventDataVote{Vote: vote}); err != nil {
return added, err
cs.evsw.FireEvent(ctx, types.EventVoteValue, vote)
// if we can skip timeoutCommit and have all the votes now,
if cs.config.SkipTimeoutCommit && cs.LastCommit.HasAll() {
// go straight to new round (skip timeout commit)
// cs.scheduleTimeout(time.Duration(0), cs.Height, 0, cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight)
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, cs.Height, 0)
// Height mismatch is ignored.
// Not necessarily a bad peer, but not favorable behavior.
if vote.Height != cs.Height {
cs.logger.Debug("vote ignored and not added", "vote_height", vote.Height, "cs_height", cs.Height, "peer", peerID)
// Verify VoteExtension if precommit
if vote.Type == tmproto.PrecommitType {
if err = cs.blockExec.VerifyVoteExtension(ctx, vote); err != nil {
return false, err
height := cs.Height
added, err = cs.Votes.AddVote(vote, peerID)
if !added {
// Either duplicate, or error upon cs.Votes.AddByIndex()
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventVote(ctx, types.EventDataVote{Vote: vote}); err != nil {
return added, err
cs.evsw.FireEvent(ctx, types.EventVoteValue, vote)
switch vote.Type {
case tmproto.PrevoteType:
prevotes := cs.Votes.Prevotes(vote.Round)
cs.logger.Debug("added vote to prevote", "vote", vote, "prevotes", prevotes.StringShort())
// Check to see if >2/3 of the voting power on the network voted for any non-nil block.
if blockID, ok := prevotes.TwoThirdsMajority(); ok && !blockID.IsNil() {
// Greater than 2/3 of the voting power on the network voted for some
// non-nil block
// Update Valid* if we can.
if cs.ValidRound < vote.Round && vote.Round == cs.Round {
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(blockID.Hash) {
cs.logger.Debug("updating valid block because of POL", "valid_round", cs.ValidRound, "pol_round", vote.Round)
cs.ValidRound = vote.Round
cs.ValidBlock = cs.ProposalBlock
cs.ValidBlockParts = cs.ProposalBlockParts
} else {
"valid block we do not know about; set ProposalBlock=nil",
"proposal", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
"block_id", blockID.Hash,
// we're getting the wrong block
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader) {
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(blockID.PartSetHeader)
cs.evsw.FireEvent(ctx, types.EventValidBlockValue, &cs.RoundState)
if err := cs.eventBus.PublishEventValidBlock(ctx, cs.RoundStateEvent()); err != nil {
return added, err
// If +2/3 prevotes for *anything* for future round:
switch {
case cs.Round < vote.Round && prevotes.HasTwoThirdsAny():
// Round-skip if there is any 2/3+ of votes ahead of us
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, height, vote.Round)
case cs.Round == vote.Round && cstypes.RoundStepPrevote <= cs.Step: // current round
blockID, ok := prevotes.TwoThirdsMajority()
if ok && (cs.isProposalComplete() || blockID.IsNil()) {
cs.enterPrecommit(ctx, height, vote.Round)
} else if prevotes.HasTwoThirdsAny() {
cs.enterPrevoteWait(ctx, height, vote.Round)
case cs.Proposal != nil && 0 <= cs.Proposal.POLRound && cs.Proposal.POLRound == vote.Round:
// If the proposal is now complete, enter prevote of cs.Round.
if cs.isProposalComplete() {
cs.enterPrevote(ctx, height, cs.Round)
case tmproto.PrecommitType:
precommits := cs.Votes.Precommits(vote.Round)
cs.logger.Debug("added vote to precommit",
"height", vote.Height,
"round", vote.Round,
"validator", vote.ValidatorAddress.String(),
"vote_timestamp", vote.Timestamp,
"data", precommits.LogString())
blockID, ok := precommits.TwoThirdsMajority()
if ok {
// Executed as TwoThirdsMajority could be from a higher round
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, height, vote.Round)
cs.enterPrecommit(ctx, height, vote.Round)
if !blockID.IsNil() {
cs.enterCommit(ctx, height, vote.Round)
if cs.config.SkipTimeoutCommit && precommits.HasAll() {
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, cs.Height, 0)
} else {
cs.enterPrecommitWait(ctx, height, vote.Round)
} else if cs.Round <= vote.Round && precommits.HasTwoThirdsAny() {
cs.enterNewRound(ctx, height, vote.Round)
cs.enterPrecommitWait(ctx, height, vote.Round)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected vote type %v", vote.Type))
return added, err
// CONTRACT: cs.privValidator is not nil.
func (cs *State) signVote(
ctx context.Context,
msgType tmproto.SignedMsgType,
hash []byte,
header types.PartSetHeader,
) (*types.Vote, error) {
// Flush the WAL. Otherwise, we may not recompute the same vote to sign,
// and the privValidator will refuse to sign anything.
if err := cs.wal.FlushAndSync(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
return nil, errPubKeyIsNotSet
addr := cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()
valIdx, _ := cs.Validators.GetByAddress(addr)
vote := &types.Vote{
ValidatorAddress: addr,
ValidatorIndex: valIdx,
Height: cs.Height,
Round: cs.Round,
Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
Type: msgType,
BlockID: types.BlockID{Hash: hash, PartSetHeader: header},
// If the signedMessageType is for precommit,
// use our local precommit Timeout as the max wait time for getting a singed commit. The same goes for prevote.
var timeout time.Duration
switch msgType {
case tmproto.PrecommitType:
timeout = cs.config.TimeoutPrecommit
// if the signedMessage type is for a precommit, add VoteExtension
ext, err := cs.blockExec.ExtendVote(ctx, vote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vote.VoteExtension = ext
case tmproto.PrevoteType:
timeout = cs.config.TimeoutPrevote
timeout = time.Second
v := vote.ToProto()
ctxto, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
err := cs.privValidator.SignVote(ctxto, cs.state.ChainID, v)
vote.Signature = v.Signature
vote.Timestamp = v.Timestamp
return vote, err
// sign the vote and publish on internalMsgQueue
func (cs *State) signAddVote(
ctx context.Context,
msgType tmproto.SignedMsgType,
hash []byte,
header types.PartSetHeader,
) *types.Vote {
if cs.privValidator == nil { // the node does not have a key
return nil
if cs.privValidatorPubKey == nil {
// Vote won't be signed, but it's not critical.
cs.logger.Error("signAddVote", "err", errPubKeyIsNotSet)
return nil
// If the node not in the validator set, do nothing.
if !cs.Validators.HasAddress(cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()) {
return nil
// TODO: pass pubKey to signVote
vote, err := cs.signVote(ctx, msgType, hash, header)
if err == nil {
cs.sendInternalMessage(ctx, msgInfo{&VoteMessage{vote}, "", tmtime.Now()})
cs.logger.Debug("signed and pushed vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote)
return vote
cs.logger.Error("failed signing vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote, "err", err)
return nil
// updatePrivValidatorPubKey get's the private validator public key and
// memoizes it. This func returns an error if the private validator is not
// responding or responds with an error.
func (cs *State) updatePrivValidatorPubKey(rctx context.Context) error {
if cs.privValidator == nil {
return nil
var timeout time.Duration
if cs.config.TimeoutPrecommit > cs.config.TimeoutPrevote {
timeout = cs.config.TimeoutPrecommit
} else {
timeout = cs.config.TimeoutPrevote
// no GetPubKey retry beyond the proposal/voting in RetrySignerClient
if cs.Step >= cstypes.RoundStepPrecommit && cs.privValidatorType == types.RetrySignerClient {
timeout = 0
// set context timeout depending on the configuration and the State step,
// this helps in avoiding blocking of the remote signer connection.
ctxto, cancel := context.WithTimeout(rctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
pubKey, err := cs.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctxto)
if err != nil {
return err
cs.privValidatorPubKey = pubKey
return nil
// look back to check existence of the node's consensus votes before joining consensus
func (cs *State) checkDoubleSigningRisk(height int64) error {
if cs.privValidator != nil && cs.privValidatorPubKey != nil && cs.config.DoubleSignCheckHeight > 0 && height > 0 {
valAddr := cs.privValidatorPubKey.Address()
doubleSignCheckHeight := cs.config.DoubleSignCheckHeight
if doubleSignCheckHeight > height {
doubleSignCheckHeight = height
for i := int64(1); i < doubleSignCheckHeight; i++ {
lastCommit := cs.LoadCommit(height - i)
if lastCommit != nil {
for sigIdx, s := range lastCommit.Signatures {
if s.BlockIDFlag == types.BlockIDFlagCommit && bytes.Equal(s.ValidatorAddress, valAddr) {
cs.logger.Info("found signature from the same key", "sig", s, "idx", sigIdx, "height", height-i)
return ErrSignatureFoundInPastBlocks
return nil
func (cs *State) calculatePrevoteMessageDelayMetrics() {
if cs.Proposal == nil {
ps := cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Round)
pl := ps.List()
sort.Slice(pl, func(i, j int) bool {
return pl[i].Timestamp.Before(pl[j].Timestamp)
var votingPowerSeen int64
for _, v := range pl {
_, val := cs.Validators.GetByAddress(v.ValidatorAddress)
votingPowerSeen += val.VotingPower
if votingPowerSeen >= cs.Validators.TotalVotingPower()*2/3+1 {
cs.metrics.QuorumPrevoteMessageDelay.With("proposer_address", cs.Validators.GetProposer().Address.String()).Set(v.Timestamp.Sub(cs.Proposal.Timestamp).Seconds())
if ps.HasAll() {
cs.metrics.FullPrevoteMessageDelay.With("proposer_address", cs.Validators.GetProposer().Address.String()).Set(pl[len(pl)-1].Timestamp.Sub(cs.Proposal.Timestamp).Seconds())
func CompareHRS(h1 int64, r1 int32, s1 cstypes.RoundStepType, h2 int64, r2 int32, s2 cstypes.RoundStepType) int {
if h1 < h2 {
return -1
} else if h1 > h2 {
return 1
if r1 < r2 {
return -1
} else if r1 > r2 {
return 1
if s1 < s2 {
return -1
} else if s1 > s2 {
return 1
return 0
// repairWalFile decodes messages from src (until the decoder errors) and
// writes them to dst.
func repairWalFile(src, dst string) error {
in, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
out, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer out.Close()
var (
dec = NewWALDecoder(in)
enc = NewWALEncoder(out)
// best-case repair (until first error is encountered)
for {
msg, err := dec.Decode()
if err != nil {
err = enc.Encode(msg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to encode msg: %w", err)
return nil
func (cs *State) calculateProposalTimestampDifferenceMetric() {
if cs.Proposal != nil && cs.Proposal.POLRound == -1 {
tp := types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: cs.state.ConsensusParams.Synchrony.Precision,
MessageDelay: cs.state.ConsensusParams.Synchrony.MessageDelay,
isTimely := cs.Proposal.IsTimely(cs.ProposalReceiveTime, tp, cs.Round)
cs.metrics.ProposalTimestampDifference.With("is_timely", fmt.Sprintf("%t", isTimely)).
// proposerWaitTime determines how long the proposer should wait to propose its next block.
// If the result is zero, a block can be proposed immediately.
// Block times must be monotonically increasing, so if the block time of the previous
// block is larger than the proposer's current time, then the proposer will sleep
// until its local clock exceeds the previous block time.
func proposerWaitTime(lt tmtime.Source, bt time.Time) time.Duration {
t := lt.Now()
if bt.After(t) {
return bt.Sub(t)
return 0