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Unreleased Changes

Friendly reminder: We have a bug bounty program.


Month, DD, YYYY

Special thanks to external contributors on this release:


  • CLI/RPC/Config

  • Apps

    • [tendermint/spec] #7804 Migrate spec from spec repo.
    • [abci] #7984 Remove the locks preventing concurrent use of ABCI applications by Tendermint. (@tychoish)
  • P2P Protocol

    • [p2p] #7035 Remove legacy P2P routing implementation and associated configuration options. (@tychoish)
    • [p2p] #7265 Peer manager reduces peer score for each failed dial attempts for peers that have not successfully dialed. (@tychoish)
    • [p2p] #7594 always advertise self, to enable mutual address discovery. (@altergui)
  • Go API

  • Blockchain Protocol


  • [rpc] #7270 Add header and header_by_hash RPC Client queries. (@fedekunze)
  • [rpc] [#7701] Add ApplicationInfo to status rpc call which contains the application version. (@jonasbostoen)
  • [cli] #7033 Add a rollback command to rollback to the previous tendermint state in the event of non-determinstic app hash or reverting an upgrade.
  • [mempool, rpc] #7041 Add removeTx operation to the RPC layer. (@tychoish)
  • [consensus] #7354 add a new synchrony field to the ConsensusParameter struct for controlling the parameters of the proposer-based timestamp algorithm. (@williambanfield)
  • [consensus] #7376 Update the proposal logic per the Propose-based timestamps specification so that the proposer will wait for the previous block time to occur before proposing the next block. (@williambanfield)
  • [consensus] #7391 Use the proposed block timestamp as the proposal timestamp. Update the block validation logic to ensure that the proposed block's timestamp matches the timestamp in the proposal message. (@williambanfield)
  • [consensus] #7415 Update proposal validation logic to Prevote nil if a proposal does not meet the conditions for Timelyness per the proposer-based timestamp specification. (@anca)
  • [consensus] #7382 Update block validation to no longer require the block timestamp to be the median of the timestamps of the previous commit. (@anca)
  • [consensus] #7711 Use the proposer timestamp for the first height instead of the genesis time. Chains will still start consensus at the genesis time. (@anca)


  • [internal/protoio] #7325 Optimized MarshalDelimited by inlining the common case and using a sync.Pool in the worst case. (@odeke-em)
  • [consensus] #6969 remove logic to 'unlock' a locked block.
  • [evidence] #7700 Evidence messages contain single Evidence instead of EvidenceList (@jmalicevic)
  • [evidence] #7802 Evidence pool emits events when evidence is validated and updates a metric when the number of evidence in the evidence pool changes. (@jmalicevic)
  • [pubsub] #7319 Performance improvements for the event query API (@creachadair)
  • [node] #7521 Define concrete type for seed node implementation (@spacech1mp)
  • [rpc] #7612 paginate mempool /unconfirmed_txs rpc endpoint (@spacech1mp)
  • [light] #7536 rpc /status call returns info about the light client (@jmalicevic)
  • [types] #7765 Replace EvidenceData with EvidenceList to avoid unnecessary nesting of evidence fields within a block. (@jmalicevic)


  • fix: assignment copies lock value in BitArray.UnmarshalJSON() (@lklimek)
  • [light] #7640 Light Client: fix absence proof verification (@ashcherbakov)
  • [light] #7641 Light Client: fix querying against the latest height (@ashcherbakov)
  • [cli] #7837 fix app hash in state rollback. (@yihuang)