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// Uses nacl's secret_box to encrypt a net.Conn.
// It is (meant to be) an implementation of the STS protocol.
// See docs/sts-final.pdf for more info
package p2p
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
acm ""
bm ""
. ""
// 2 + 1024 == 1026 total frame size
const dataLenSize = 2 // uint16 to describe the length, is <= dataMaxSize
const dataMaxSize = 1024
const totalFrameSize = dataMaxSize + dataLenSize
const sealedFrameSize = totalFrameSize + secretbox.Overhead
// Implements net.Conn
type SecretConnection struct {
conn io.ReadWriteCloser
recvBuffer []byte
recvNonce *[24]byte
sendNonce *[24]byte
remPubKey acm.PubKeyEd25519
shrSecret *[32]byte // shared secret
// Performs handshake and returns a new authenticated SecretConnection.
// Returns nil if error in handshake.
// Caller should call conn.Close()
// See docs/sts-final.pdf for more information.
func MakeSecretConnection(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, locPrivKey acm.PrivKeyEd25519) (*SecretConnection, error) {
locPubKey := locPrivKey.PubKey().(acm.PubKeyEd25519)
// Generate ephemeral keys for perfect forward secrecy.
locEphPub, locEphPriv := genEphKeys()
// Write local ephemeral pubkey and receive one too.
remEphPub, err := shareEphPubKey(conn, locEphPub)
// Compute common shared secret.
shrSecret := computeSharedSecret(remEphPub, locEphPriv)
// Sort by lexical order.
loEphPub, hiEphPub := sort32(locEphPub, remEphPub)
// Generate nonces to use for secretbox.
recvNonce, sendNonce := genNonces(loEphPub, hiEphPub, locEphPub == loEphPub)
// Generate common challenge to sign.
challenge := genChallenge(loEphPub, hiEphPub)
// Construct SecretConnection.
sc := &SecretConnection{
conn: conn,
recvBuffer: nil,
recvNonce: recvNonce,
sendNonce: sendNonce,
remPubKey: nil,
shrSecret: shrSecret,
// Sign the challenge bytes for authentication.
locSignature := signChallenge(challenge, locPrivKey)
// Share (in secret) each other's pubkey & challenge signature
remPubKey, remSignature, err := shareAuthSignature(sc, locPubKey, locSignature)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !remPubKey.VerifyBytes(challenge[:], remSignature) {
return nil, errors.New("Challenge verification failed")
// We've authorized.
sc.remPubKey = remPubKey
return sc, nil
// Returns authenticated remote pubkey
func (sc *SecretConnection) RemotePubKey() acm.PubKeyEd25519 {
return sc.remPubKey
// Writes encrypted frames of `sealedFrameSize`
// CONTRACT: data smaller than dataMaxSize is read atomically.
func (sc *SecretConnection) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
for 0 < len(data) {
var frame []byte = make([]byte, totalFrameSize)
var chunk []byte
if dataMaxSize < len(data) {
chunk = data[:dataMaxSize]
data = data[dataMaxSize:]
} else {
chunk = data
data = nil
chunkLength := len(chunk)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(frame, uint16(chunkLength))
copy(frame[dataLenSize:], chunk)
// encrypt the frame
var sealedFrame = make([]byte, sealedFrameSize)
secretbox.Seal(sealedFrame[:0], frame, sc.sendNonce, sc.shrSecret)
// fmt.Printf("secretbox.Seal(sealed:%X,sendNonce:%X,shrSecret:%X\n", sealedFrame, sc.sendNonce, sc.shrSecret)
// end encryption
_, err := sc.conn.Write(sealedFrame)
if err != nil {
return n, err
} else {
n += len(chunk)
// CONTRACT: data smaller than dataMaxSize is read atomically.
func (sc *SecretConnection) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
if 0 < len(sc.recvBuffer) {
n_ := copy(data, sc.recvBuffer)
sc.recvBuffer = sc.recvBuffer[n_:]
sealedFrame := make([]byte, sealedFrameSize)
_, err = io.ReadFull(sc.conn, sealedFrame)
if err != nil {
// decrypt the frame
var frame = make([]byte, totalFrameSize)
// fmt.Printf("secretbox.Open(sealed:%X,recvNonce:%X,shrSecret:%X\n", sealedFrame, sc.recvNonce, sc.shrSecret)
_, ok := secretbox.Open(frame[:0], sealedFrame, sc.recvNonce, sc.shrSecret)
if !ok {
return n, errors.New("Failed to decrypt SecretConnection")
// end decryption
var chunkLength = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(frame)
var chunk = frame[dataLenSize : dataLenSize+chunkLength]
n = copy(data, chunk)
sc.recvBuffer = chunk[n:]
// Implements net.Conn
func (sc *SecretConnection) Close() error { return sc.conn.Close() }
func (sc *SecretConnection) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return sc.conn.(net.Conn).LocalAddr() }
func (sc *SecretConnection) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return sc.conn.(net.Conn).RemoteAddr() }
func (sc *SecretConnection) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error { return sc.conn.(net.Conn).SetDeadline(t) }
func (sc *SecretConnection) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return sc.conn.(net.Conn).SetReadDeadline(t)
func (sc *SecretConnection) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return sc.conn.(net.Conn).SetWriteDeadline(t)
func genEphKeys() (ephPub, ephPriv *[32]byte) {
var err error
ephPub, ephPriv, err = box.GenerateKey(crand.Reader)
if err != nil {
panic("Could not generate ephemeral keypairs")
func shareEphPubKey(conn io.ReadWriteCloser, locEphPub *[32]byte) (remEphPub *[32]byte, err error) {
var err1, err2 error
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_, err1 = conn.Write(locEphPub[:])
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
remEphPub = new([32]byte)
_, err2 = io.ReadFull(conn, remEphPub[:])
if err1 != nil {
return nil, err1
if err2 != nil {
return nil, err2
return remEphPub, nil
func computeSharedSecret(remPubKey, locPrivKey *[32]byte) (shrSecret *[32]byte) {
shrSecret = new([32]byte)
box.Precompute(shrSecret, remPubKey, locPrivKey)
func sort32(foo, bar *[32]byte) (lo, hi *[32]byte) {
if bytes.Compare(foo[:], bar[:]) < 0 {
lo = foo
hi = bar
} else {
lo = bar
hi = foo
func genNonces(loPubKey, hiPubKey *[32]byte, locIsLo bool) (recvNonce, sendNonce *[24]byte) {
nonce1 := hash24(append(loPubKey[:], hiPubKey[:]...))
nonce2 := new([24]byte)
copy(nonce2[:], nonce1[:])
nonce2[len(nonce2)-1] ^= 0x01
if locIsLo {
recvNonce = nonce1
sendNonce = nonce2
} else {
recvNonce = nonce2
sendNonce = nonce1
func genChallenge(loPubKey, hiPubKey *[32]byte) (challenge *[32]byte) {
return hash32(append(loPubKey[:], hiPubKey[:]...))
func signChallenge(challenge *[32]byte, locPrivKey acm.PrivKeyEd25519) (signature acm.SignatureEd25519) {
signature = locPrivKey.Sign(challenge[:]).(acm.SignatureEd25519)
type authSigMessage struct {
Key acm.PubKeyEd25519
Sig acm.SignatureEd25519
func shareAuthSignature(sc *SecretConnection, pubKey acm.PubKeyEd25519, signature acm.SignatureEd25519) (acm.PubKeyEd25519, acm.SignatureEd25519, error) {
var recvMsg authSigMessage
var err1, err2 error
func() {
msgBytes := bm.BinaryBytes(authSigMessage{pubKey, signature})
_, err1 = sc.Write(msgBytes)
func() {
// NOTE relies on atomicity of small data.
readBuffer := make([]byte, dataMaxSize)
_, err2 = sc.Read(readBuffer)
if err2 != nil {
n := int64(0) // not used.
recvMsg = bm.ReadBinary(authSigMessage{}, bytes.NewBuffer(readBuffer), &n, &err2).(authSigMessage)
if err1 != nil {
return nil, nil, err1
if err2 != nil {
return nil, nil, err2
return recvMsg.Key, recvMsg.Sig, nil
func verifyChallengeSignature(challenge *[32]byte, remPubKey acm.PubKeyEd25519, remSignature acm.SignatureEd25519) bool {
return remPubKey.VerifyBytes(challenge[:], remSignature)
// sha256
func hash32(input []byte) (res *[32]byte) {
hasher := sha256.New()
hasher.Write(input) // does not error
resSlice := hasher.Sum(nil)
res = new([32]byte)
copy(res[:], resSlice)
// We only fill in the first 20 bytes with ripemd160
func hash24(input []byte) (res *[24]byte) {
hasher := ripemd160.New()
hasher.Write(input) // does not error
resSlice := hasher.Sum(nil)
res = new([24]byte)
copy(res[:], resSlice)
// ripemd160
func hash20(input []byte) (res *[20]byte) {
hasher := ripemd160.New()
hasher.Write(input) // does not error
resSlice := hasher.Sum(nil)
res = new([20]byte)
copy(res[:], resSlice)
// increment nonce big-endian by 2 with wraparound.
func incr2Nonce(nonce *[24]byte) {
// increment nonce big-endian by 1 with wraparound.
func incrNonce(nonce *[24]byte) {
for i := 23; 0 <= i; i-- {
nonce[i] += 1
if nonce[i] != 0 {