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package p2p
import (
crypto ""
cmn ""
func AddPeerToSwitch(sw *Switch, peer Peer) {
func CreateRandomPeer(outbound bool) *peer {
addr, netAddr := CreateRoutableAddr()
p := &peer{
peerConn: peerConn{
outbound: outbound,
nodeInfo: NodeInfo{
ID: netAddr.ID,
ListenAddr: netAddr.DialString(),
mconn: &conn.MConnection{},
p.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger().With("peer", addr))
return p
func CreateRoutableAddr() (addr string, netAddr *NetAddress) {
for {
var err error
addr = fmt.Sprintf("%X@%v.%v.%v.%v:26656", cmn.RandBytes(20), cmn.RandInt()%256, cmn.RandInt()%256, cmn.RandInt()%256, cmn.RandInt()%256)
netAddr, err = NewNetAddressString(addr)
if err != nil {
if netAddr.Routable() {
// Connects switches via arbitrary net.Conn. Used for testing.
const TEST_HOST = "localhost"
// MakeConnectedSwitches returns n switches, connected according to the connect func.
// If connect==Connect2Switches, the switches will be fully connected.
// initSwitch defines how the i'th switch should be initialized (ie. with what reactors).
// NOTE: panics if any switch fails to start.
func MakeConnectedSwitches(cfg *config.P2PConfig, n int, initSwitch func(int, *Switch) *Switch, connect func([]*Switch, int, int)) []*Switch {
switches := make([]*Switch, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
switches[i] = MakeSwitch(cfg, i, TEST_HOST, "123.123.123", initSwitch)
if err := StartSwitches(switches); err != nil {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
connect(switches, i, j)
return switches
// Connect2Switches will connect switches i and j via net.Pipe().
// Blocks until a connection is established.
// NOTE: caller ensures i and j are within bounds.
func Connect2Switches(switches []*Switch, i, j int) {
switchI := switches[i]
switchJ := switches[j]
c1, c2 := conn.NetPipe()
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
err := switchI.addPeerWithConnection(c1)
if err != nil {
doneCh <- struct{}{}
go func() {
err := switchJ.addPeerWithConnection(c2)
if err != nil {
doneCh <- struct{}{}
func (sw *Switch) addPeerWithConnection(conn net.Conn) error {
pc, err := testInboundPeerConn(conn, sw.config, sw.nodeKey.PrivKey)
if err != nil {
if err := conn.Close(); err != nil {
sw.Logger.Error("Error closing connection", "err", err)
return err
ni, err := handshake(conn, 50*time.Millisecond, sw.nodeInfo)
if err != nil {
if err := conn.Close(); err != nil {
sw.Logger.Error("Error closing connection", "err", err)
return err
p := newPeer(
if err = sw.addPeer(p); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StartSwitches calls sw.Start() for each given switch.
// It returns the first encountered error.
func StartSwitches(switches []*Switch) error {
for _, s := range switches {
err := s.Start() // start switch and reactors
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func MakeSwitch(
cfg *config.P2PConfig,
i int,
network, version string,
initSwitch func(int, *Switch) *Switch,
opts ...SwitchOption,
) *Switch {
var (
nodeKey = NodeKey{
PrivKey: ed25519.GenPrivKey(),
ni = NodeInfo{
ID: nodeKey.ID(),
Moniker: fmt.Sprintf("switch%d", i),
Network: network,
Version: version,
ListenAddr: fmt.Sprintf("", cmn.RandIntn(64512)+1023),
Other: NodeInfoOther{
AminoVersion: "1.0",
P2PVersion: "1.0",
ConsensusVersion: "1.0",
RPCVersion: "1.0",
TxIndex: "off",
RPCAddress: fmt.Sprintf("", cmn.RandIntn(64512)+1023),
addr, err := NewNetAddressStringWithOptionalID(
IDAddressString(nodeKey.ID(), ni.ListenAddr),
if err != nil {
t := NewMultiplexTransport(ni, nodeKey)
if err := t.Listen(*addr); err != nil {
// TODO: let the config be passed in?
sw := initSwitch(i, NewSwitch(cfg, t, opts...))
for ch := range sw.reactorsByCh {
ni.Channels = append(ni.Channels, ch)
// TODO: We need to setup reactors ahead of time so the NodeInfo is properly
// populated and we don't have to do those awkward overrides and setters.
t.nodeInfo = ni
return sw
func testInboundPeerConn(
conn net.Conn,
config *config.P2PConfig,
ourNodePrivKey crypto.PrivKey,
) (peerConn, error) {
return testPeerConn(conn, config, false, false, ourNodePrivKey, nil)
func testPeerConn(
rawConn net.Conn,
cfg *config.P2PConfig,
outbound, persistent bool,
ourNodePrivKey crypto.PrivKey,
originalAddr *NetAddress,
) (pc peerConn, err error) {
conn := rawConn
// Fuzz connection
if cfg.TestFuzz {
// so we have time to do peer handshakes and get set up
conn = FuzzConnAfterFromConfig(conn, 10*time.Second, cfg.TestFuzzConfig)
// Encrypt connection
conn, err = upgradeSecretConn(conn, cfg.HandshakeTimeout, ourNodePrivKey)
if err != nil {
return pc, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error creating peer")
// Only the information we already have
return peerConn{
config: cfg,
outbound: outbound,
persistent: persistent,
conn: conn,
originalAddr: originalAddr,
}, nil