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package main
import (
tmrand ""
rpchttp ""
e2e ""
// Load generates transactions against the network until the given context is
// canceled.
func Load(ctx context.Context, r *rand.Rand, testnet *e2e.Testnet) error {
// Since transactions are executed across all nodes in the network, we need
// to reduce transaction load for larger networks to avoid using too much
// CPU. This gives high-throughput small networks and low-throughput large ones.
// This also limits the number of TCP connections, since each worker has
// a connection to all nodes.
concurrency := len(testnet.Nodes) * 2
if concurrency > 32 {
concurrency = 32
chTx := make(chan types.Tx)
chSuccess := make(chan int) // success counts per iteration
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Spawn job generator and processors.
logger.Info("starting transaction load",
"workers", concurrency,
"nodes", len(testnet.Nodes),
"tx", testnet.TxSize)
started := time.Now()
go loadGenerate(ctx, r, chTx, testnet.TxSize, len(testnet.Nodes))
for w := 0; w < concurrency; w++ {
go loadProcess(ctx, testnet, chTx, chSuccess)
// Montior transaction to ensure load propagates to the network
// This loop doesn't check or time out for stalls, since a stall here just
// aborts the load generator sooner and could obscure backpressure
// from the test harness, and there are other checks for
// stalls in the framework. Ideally we should monitor latency as a guide
// for when to give up, but we don't have a good way to track that yet.
success := 0
for {
select {
case numSeen := <-chSuccess:
success += numSeen
case <-ctx.Done():
if success == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to submit transactions in %s by %d workers",
time.Since(started), concurrency)
// TODO perhaps allow test networks to
// declare required transaction rates, which
// might allow us to avoid the special case
// around 0 txs above.
rate := float64(success) / time.Since(started).Seconds()
logger.Info("ending transaction load",
"dur_secs", time.Since(started).Seconds(),
"txns", success,
"workers", concurrency,
"rate", rate)
return nil
// loadGenerate generates jobs until the context is canceled.
// The chTx has multiple consumers, thus the rate limiting of the load
// generation is primarily the result of backpressure from the
// broadcast transaction, though there is still some timer-based
// limiting.
func loadGenerate(ctx context.Context, r *rand.Rand, chTx chan<- types.Tx, txSize int, networkSize int) {
timer := time.NewTimer(0)
defer timer.Stop()
defer close(chTx)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-timer.C:
// Constrain the key space to avoid using too much
// space, while reduce the size of the data in the app.
id := r.Int63n(100)
tx := types.Tx(fmt.Sprintf("load-%X=%s", id, tmrand.StrFromSource(r, txSize)))
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case chTx <- tx:
// sleep for a bit before sending the
// next transaction.
timer.Reset(loadGenerateWaitTime(r, networkSize))
func loadGenerateWaitTime(r *rand.Rand, size int) time.Duration {
const (
min = int64(250 * time.Millisecond)
max = int64(time.Second)
var (
baseJitter = r.Int63n(max-min+1) + min
sizeFactor = int64(size) * min
sizeJitter = r.Int63n(sizeFactor-min+1) + min
return time.Duration(baseJitter + sizeJitter)
// loadProcess processes transactions
func loadProcess(ctx context.Context, testnet *e2e.Testnet, chTx <-chan types.Tx, chSuccess chan<- int) {
// Each worker gets its own client to each usable node, which
// allows for some concurrency while still bounding it.
clients := make([]*rpchttp.HTTP, 0, len(testnet.Nodes))
for idx := range testnet.Nodes {
// Construct a list of usable nodes for the creating
// load. Don't send load through seed nodes because
// they do not provide the RPC endpoints required to
// broadcast transaction.
if testnet.Nodes[idx].Mode == e2e.ModeSeed {
client, err := testnet.Nodes[idx].Client()
if err != nil {
clients = append(clients, client)
if len(clients) == 0 {
panic("no clients to process load")
// Put the clients in a ring so they can be used in a
// round-robin fashion.
clientRing := ring.New(len(clients))
for idx := range clients {
clientRing.Value = clients[idx]
clientRing = clientRing.Next()
successes := 0
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case tx := <-chTx:
clientRing = clientRing.Next()
client := clientRing.Value.(*rpchttp.HTTP)
if status, err := client.Status(ctx); err != nil {
} else if status.SyncInfo.CatchingUp {
if _, err := client.BroadcastTxSync(ctx, tx); err != nil {
select {
case chSuccess <- successes:
successes = 0 // reset counter for the next iteration
case <-ctx.Done():