package consensus
import (
prometheus "github.com/go-kit/kit/metrics/prometheus"
stdprometheus "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
const (
// MetricsSubsystem is a subsystem shared by all metrics exposed by this
// package.
MetricsSubsystem = "consensus"
// Metrics contains metrics exposed by this package.
type Metrics struct {
// Height of the chain.
Height metrics.Gauge
// ValidatorLastSignedHeight of a validator.
ValidatorLastSignedHeight metrics.Gauge
// Number of rounds.
Rounds metrics.Gauge
// Number of validators.
Validators metrics.Gauge
// Total power of all validators.
ValidatorsPower metrics.Gauge
// Power of a validator.
ValidatorPower metrics.Gauge
// Amount of blocks missed by a validator.
ValidatorMissedBlocks metrics.Gauge
// Number of validators who did not sign.
MissingValidators metrics.Gauge
// Total power of the missing validators.
MissingValidatorsPower metrics.Gauge
// Number of validators who tried to double sign.
ByzantineValidators metrics.Gauge
// Total power of the byzantine validators.
ByzantineValidatorsPower metrics.Gauge
// Time between this and the last block.
BlockIntervalSeconds metrics.Histogram
// Number of transactions.
NumTxs metrics.Gauge
// Size of the block.
BlockSizeBytes metrics.Histogram
// Total number of transactions.
TotalTxs metrics.Gauge
// The latest block height.
CommittedHeight metrics.Gauge
// Whether or not a node is block syncing. 1 if yes, 0 if no.
BlockSyncing metrics.Gauge
// Whether or not a node is state syncing. 1 if yes, 0 if no.
StateSyncing metrics.Gauge
// Number of blockparts transmitted by peer.
BlockParts metrics.Counter
// Histogram of time taken per step annotated with reason that the step proceeded.
StepTime metrics.Histogram
// QuroumPrevoteMessageDelay is the interval in seconds between the proposal
// timestamp and the timestamp of the earliest prevote that achieved a quorum
// during the prevote step.
// To compute it, sum the voting power over each prevote received, in increasing
// order of timestamp. The timestamp of the first prevote to increase the sum to
// be above 2/3 of the total voting power of the network defines the endpoint
// the endpoint of the interval. Subtract the proposal timestamp from this endpoint
// to obtain the quorum delay.
QuorumPrevoteMessageDelay metrics.Gauge
// FullPrevoteMessageDelay is the interval in seconds between the proposal
// timestamp and the timestamp of the latest prevote in a round where 100%
// of the voting power on the network issued prevotes.
FullPrevoteMessageDelay metrics.Gauge
// ProposalTimestampDifference is the difference between the timestamp in
// the proposal message and the local time of the validator at the time
// that the validator received the message.
ProposalTimestampDifference metrics.Histogram
// PrometheusMetrics returns Metrics build using Prometheus client library.
// Optionally, labels can be provided along with their values ("foo",
// "fooValue").
func PrometheusMetrics(namespace string, labelsAndValues ...string) *Metrics {
labels := []string{}
for i := 0; i < len(labelsAndValues); i += 2 {
labels = append(labels, labelsAndValues[i])
return &Metrics{
Height: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "height",
Help: "Height of the chain.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
Rounds: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "rounds",
Help: "Number of rounds.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
Validators: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "validators",
Help: "Number of validators.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
ValidatorLastSignedHeight: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "validator_last_signed_height",
Help: "Last signed height for a validator",
}, append(labels, "validator_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
ValidatorMissedBlocks: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "validator_missed_blocks",
Help: "Total missed blocks for a validator",
}, append(labels, "validator_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
ValidatorsPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "validators_power",
Help: "Total power of all validators.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
ValidatorPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "validator_power",
Help: "Power of a validator",
}, append(labels, "validator_address")).With(labelsAndValues...),
MissingValidators: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "missing_validators",
Help: "Number of validators who did not sign.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
MissingValidatorsPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "missing_validators_power",
Help: "Total power of the missing validators.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
ByzantineValidators: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "byzantine_validators",
Help: "Number of validators who tried to double sign.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
ByzantineValidatorsPower: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "byzantine_validators_power",
Help: "Total power of the byzantine validators.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
BlockIntervalSeconds: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "block_interval_seconds",
Help: "Time between this and the last block.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
NumTxs: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "num_txs",
Help: "Number of transactions.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
BlockSizeBytes: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "block_size_bytes",
Help: "Size of the block.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
TotalTxs: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "total_txs",
Help: "Total number of transactions.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
CommittedHeight: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "latest_block_height",
Help: "The latest block height.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
BlockSyncing: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "block_syncing",
Help: "Whether or not a node is block syncing. 1 if yes, 0 if no.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
StateSyncing: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "state_syncing",
Help: "Whether or not a node is state syncing. 1 if yes, 0 if no.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
BlockParts: prometheus.NewCounterFrom(stdprometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "block_parts",
Help: "Number of blockparts transmitted by peer.",
}, append(labels, "peer_id")).With(labelsAndValues...),
StepTime: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "step_time",
Help: "Time spent per step.",
}, append(labels, "step", "reason")).With(labelsAndValues...),
QuorumPrevoteMessageDelay: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "quorum_prevote_message_delay",
Help: "Difference in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp " +
"of the latest prevote that achieved a quorum in the prevote step.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
FullPrevoteMessageDelay: prometheus.NewGaugeFrom(stdprometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "full_prevote_message_delay",
Help: "Difference in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp " +
"of the latest prevote that achieved 100% of the voting power in the prevote step.",
}, labels).With(labelsAndValues...),
ProposalTimestampDifference: prometheus.NewHistogramFrom(stdprometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: MetricsSubsystem,
Name: "proposal_timestamp_difference",
Help: "Difference in seconds between the timestamp in the proposal " +
"message and the local time when the message was received. " +
"Only calculated when a new block is proposed.",
Buckets: []float64{-10, -.5, -.025, 0, .1, .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 10},
}, append(labels, "is_timely")).With(labelsAndValues...),
// NopMetrics returns no-op Metrics.
func NopMetrics() *Metrics {
return &Metrics{
Height: discard.NewGauge(),
ValidatorLastSignedHeight: discard.NewGauge(),
Rounds: discard.NewGauge(),
Validators: discard.NewGauge(),
ValidatorsPower: discard.NewGauge(),
ValidatorPower: discard.NewGauge(),
ValidatorMissedBlocks: discard.NewGauge(),
MissingValidators: discard.NewGauge(),
MissingValidatorsPower: discard.NewGauge(),
ByzantineValidators: discard.NewGauge(),
ByzantineValidatorsPower: discard.NewGauge(),
BlockIntervalSeconds: discard.NewHistogram(),
NumTxs: discard.NewGauge(),
BlockSizeBytes: discard.NewHistogram(),
TotalTxs: discard.NewGauge(),
CommittedHeight: discard.NewGauge(),
BlockSyncing: discard.NewGauge(),
StateSyncing: discard.NewGauge(),
BlockParts: discard.NewCounter(),
QuorumPrevoteMessageDelay: discard.NewGauge(),
FullPrevoteMessageDelay: discard.NewGauge(),
ProposalTimestampDifference: discard.NewHistogram(),
// RecordConsMetrics uses for recording the block related metrics during fast-sync.
func (m *Metrics) RecordConsMetrics(block *types.Block) {