You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

456 lines
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package rpcclient
import (
metrics ""
types ""
cmn ""
const (
defaultMaxReconnectAttempts = 25
defaultWriteWait = 0
defaultReadWait = 0
defaultPingPeriod = 0
// WSClient is a WebSocket client. The methods of WSClient are safe for use by
// multiple goroutines.
type WSClient struct {
conn *websocket.Conn
Address string // IP:PORT or /path/to/socket
Endpoint string // /websocket/url/endpoint
Dialer func(string, string) (net.Conn, error)
// Time between sending a ping and receiving a pong. See
PingPongLatencyTimer metrics.Timer
// user facing channels, closed only when the client is being stopped.
ResultsCh chan json.RawMessage
ErrorsCh chan error
// internal channels
send chan types.RPCRequest // user requests
backlog chan types.RPCRequest // stores a single user request received during a conn failure
reconnectAfter chan error // reconnect requests
readRoutineQuit chan struct{} // a way for readRoutine to close writeRoutine
wg sync.WaitGroup
mtx sync.RWMutex
sentLastPingAt time.Time
reconnecting bool
// Maximum reconnect attempts (0 or greater; default: 25).
maxReconnectAttempts int
// Time allowed to write a message to the server. 0 means block until operation succeeds.
writeWait time.Duration
// Time allowed to read the next message from the server. 0 means block until operation succeeds.
readWait time.Duration
// Send pings to server with this period. Must be less than readWait. If 0, no pings will be sent.
pingPeriod time.Duration
// NewWSClient returns a new client. See the commentary on the func(*WSClient)
// functions for a detailed description of how to configure ping period and
// pong wait time. The endpoint argument must begin with a `/`.
func NewWSClient(remoteAddr, endpoint string, options ...func(*WSClient)) *WSClient {
addr, dialer := makeHTTPDialer(remoteAddr)
c := &WSClient{
Address: addr,
Dialer: dialer,
Endpoint: endpoint,
PingPongLatencyTimer: metrics.NewTimer(),
maxReconnectAttempts: defaultMaxReconnectAttempts,
readWait: defaultReadWait,
writeWait: defaultWriteWait,
pingPeriod: defaultPingPeriod,
c.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "WSClient", c)
for _, option := range options {
return c
// MaxReconnectAttempts sets the maximum number of reconnect attempts before returning an error.
// It should only be used in the constructor and is not Goroutine-safe.
func MaxReconnectAttempts(max int) func(*WSClient) {
return func(c *WSClient) {
c.maxReconnectAttempts = max
// ReadWait sets the amount of time to wait before a websocket read times out.
// It should only be used in the constructor and is not Goroutine-safe.
func ReadWait(readWait time.Duration) func(*WSClient) {
return func(c *WSClient) {
c.readWait = readWait
// WriteWait sets the amount of time to wait before a websocket write times out.
// It should only be used in the constructor and is not Goroutine-safe.
func WriteWait(writeWait time.Duration) func(*WSClient) {
return func(c *WSClient) {
c.writeWait = writeWait
// PingPeriod sets the duration for sending websocket pings.
// It should only be used in the constructor - not Goroutine-safe.
func PingPeriod(pingPeriod time.Duration) func(*WSClient) {
return func(c *WSClient) {
c.pingPeriod = pingPeriod
// String returns WS client full address.
func (c *WSClient) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", c.Address, c.Endpoint)
// OnStart implements cmn.Service by dialing a server and creating read and
// write routines.
func (c *WSClient) OnStart() error {
err := c.dial()
if err != nil {
return err
c.ResultsCh = make(chan json.RawMessage)
c.ErrorsCh = make(chan error)
c.send = make(chan types.RPCRequest)
// 1 additional error may come from the read/write
// goroutine depending on which failed first.
c.reconnectAfter = make(chan error, 1)
// capacity for 1 request. a user won't be able to send more because the send
// channel is unbuffered.
c.backlog = make(chan types.RPCRequest, 1)
go c.reconnectRoutine()
return nil
// OnStop implements cmn.Service.
func (c *WSClient) OnStop() {}
// Stop overrides cmn.Service#Stop. There is no other way to wait until Quit
// channel is closed.
func (c *WSClient) Stop() bool {
success := c.BaseService.Stop()
// only close user-facing channels when we can't write to them
return success
// IsReconnecting returns true if the client is reconnecting right now.
func (c *WSClient) IsReconnecting() bool {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
return c.reconnecting
// IsActive returns true if the client is running and not reconnecting.
func (c *WSClient) IsActive() bool {
return c.IsRunning() && !c.IsReconnecting()
// Send the given RPC request to the server. Results will be available on
// ResultsCh, errors, if any, on ErrorsCh. Will block until send succeeds or
// ctx.Done is closed.
func (c *WSClient) Send(ctx context.Context, request types.RPCRequest) error {
select {
case c.send <- request:
c.Logger.Info("sent a request", "req", request)
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Call the given method. See Send description.
func (c *WSClient) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, params map[string]interface{}) error {
request, err := types.MapToRequest("", method, params)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.Send(ctx, request)
// CallWithArrayParams the given method with params in a form of array. See
// Send description.
func (c *WSClient) CallWithArrayParams(ctx context.Context, method string, params []interface{}) error {
request, err := types.ArrayToRequest("", method, params)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.Send(ctx, request)
// Private methods
func (c *WSClient) dial() error {
dialer := &websocket.Dialer{
NetDial: c.Dialer,
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
rHeader := http.Header{}
conn, _, err := dialer.Dial("ws://"+c.Address+c.Endpoint, rHeader)
if err != nil {
return err
c.conn = conn
return nil
// reconnect tries to redial up to maxReconnectAttempts with exponential
// backoff.
func (c *WSClient) reconnect() error {
attempt := 0
c.reconnecting = true
defer func() {
c.reconnecting = false
for {
c.Logger.Info("reconnecting", "attempt", attempt+1)
d := time.Duration(math.Exp2(float64(attempt)))
time.Sleep(d * time.Second)
err := c.dial()
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("failed to redial", "err", err)
} else {
return nil
if attempt > c.maxReconnectAttempts {
return errors.Wrap(err, "reached maximum reconnect attempts")
func (c *WSClient) startReadWriteRoutines() {
c.readRoutineQuit = make(chan struct{})
go c.readRoutine()
go c.writeRoutine()
func (c *WSClient) processBacklog() error {
select {
case request := <-c.backlog:
if c.writeWait > 0 {
err := c.conn.WriteJSON(request)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("failed to resend request", "err", err)
c.reconnectAfter <- err
// requeue request
c.backlog <- request
return err
c.Logger.Info("resend a request", "req", request)
return nil
func (c *WSClient) reconnectRoutine() {
for {
select {
case originalError := <-c.reconnectAfter:
// wait until writeRoutine and readRoutine finish
err := c.reconnect()
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("failed to reconnect", "err", err, "original_err", originalError)
} else {
// drain reconnectAfter
for {
select {
case <-c.reconnectAfter:
break LOOP
err = c.processBacklog()
if err == nil {
case <-c.Quit:
// The client ensures that there is at most one writer to a connection by
// executing all writes from this goroutine.
func (c *WSClient) writeRoutine() {
var ticker *time.Ticker
if c.pingPeriod > 0 {
// ticker with a predefined period
ticker = time.NewTicker(c.pingPeriod)
} else {
// ticker that never fires
ticker = &time.Ticker{C: make(<-chan time.Time)}
defer func() {
for {
select {
case request := <-c.send:
if c.writeWait > 0 {
err := c.conn.WriteJSON(request)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("failed to send request", "err", err)
c.reconnectAfter <- err
// add request to the backlog, so we don't lose it
c.backlog <- request
case <-ticker.C:
if c.writeWait > 0 {
err := c.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.PingMessage, []byte{})
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("failed to write ping", "err", err)
c.reconnectAfter <- err
c.sentLastPingAt = time.Now()
c.Logger.Debug("sent ping")
case <-c.readRoutineQuit:
case <-c.Quit:
c.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseNormalClosure, ""))
// The client ensures that there is at most one reader to a connection by
// executing all reads from this goroutine.
func (c *WSClient) readRoutine() {
defer func() {
c.conn.SetPongHandler(func(string) error {
// gather latency stats
t := c.sentLastPingAt
c.Logger.Debug("got pong")
return nil
for {
// reset deadline for every message type (control or data)
if c.readWait > 0 {
_, data, err := c.conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
if !websocket.IsUnexpectedCloseError(err, websocket.CloseNormalClosure) {
c.Logger.Error("failed to read response", "err", err)
c.reconnectAfter <- err
var response types.RPCResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &response)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Error("failed to parse response", "err", err, "data", string(data))
c.ErrorsCh <- err
if response.Error != "" {
c.ErrorsCh <- errors.Errorf(response.Error)
c.Logger.Info("got response", "resp", response.Result)
c.ResultsCh <- *response.Result
// Predefined methods
// Subscribe to an event. Note the server must have a "subscribe" route
// defined.
func (c *WSClient) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, eventType string) error {
params := map[string]interface{}{"event": eventType}
return c.Call(ctx, "subscribe", params)
// Unsubscribe from an event. Note the server must have a "unsubscribe" route
// defined.
func (c *WSClient) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, eventType string) error {
params := map[string]interface{}{"event": eventType}
return c.Call(ctx, "unsubscribe", params)
// UnsubscribeAll from all. Note the server must have a "unsubscribe_all" route
// defined.
func (c *WSClient) UnsubscribeAll(ctx context.Context) error {
params := map[string]interface{}{}
return c.Call(ctx, "unsubscribe_all", params)