You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
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package abciclient
import (
types ""
// NOTE: use defer to unlock mutex because Application might panic (e.g., in
// case of malicious tx or query). It only makes sense for publicly exposed
// methods like CheckTx (/broadcast_tx_* RPC endpoint) or Query (/abci_query
// RPC endpoint), but defers are used everywhere for the sake of consistency.
type localClient struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
var _ Client = (*localClient)(nil)
// NewLocalClient creates a local client, which will be directly calling the
// methods of the given app.
// Both Async and Sync methods ignore the given context.Context parameter.
func NewLocalClient(logger log.Logger, app types.Application) Client {
cli := &localClient{
Application: app,
cli.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(logger, "localClient", cli)
return cli
func (*localClient) OnStart(context.Context) error { return nil }
func (*localClient) OnStop() {}
// TODO: change types.Application to include Error()?
func (app *localClient) Error() error {
return nil
func (app *localClient) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func (app *localClient) Echo(ctx context.Context, msg string) (*types.ResponseEcho, error) {
return &types.ResponseEcho{Message: msg}, nil
func (app *localClient) Info(ctx context.Context, req types.RequestInfo) (*types.ResponseInfo, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.Info(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) CheckTx(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestCheckTx,
) (*types.ResponseCheckTx, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.CheckTx(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) Query(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestQuery,
) (*types.ResponseQuery, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.Query(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) Commit(ctx context.Context) (*types.ResponseCommit, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.Commit()
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) InitChain(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestInitChain,
) (*types.ResponseInitChain, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.InitChain(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) ListSnapshots(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestListSnapshots,
) (*types.ResponseListSnapshots, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.ListSnapshots(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) OfferSnapshot(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestOfferSnapshot,
) (*types.ResponseOfferSnapshot, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.OfferSnapshot(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) LoadSnapshotChunk(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk) (*types.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.LoadSnapshotChunk(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) ApplySnapshotChunk(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestApplySnapshotChunk) (*types.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.ApplySnapshotChunk(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) PrepareProposal(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestPrepareProposal) (*types.ResponsePrepareProposal, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.PrepareProposal(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) ProcessProposal(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestProcessProposal) (*types.ResponseProcessProposal, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.ProcessProposal(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) ExtendVote(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestExtendVote) (*types.ResponseExtendVote, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.ExtendVote(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) VerifyVoteExtension(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestVerifyVoteExtension) (*types.ResponseVerifyVoteExtension, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.VerifyVoteExtension(req)
return &res, nil
func (app *localClient) FinalizeBlock(
ctx context.Context,
req types.RequestFinalizeBlock) (*types.ResponseFinalizeBlock, error) {
defer app.mtx.Unlock()
res := app.Application.FinalizeBlock(req)
return &res, nil