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#! /bin/bash
set -eu
set -o pipefail
# Wait for peer to catchup to other peers
addr=$(test/p2p/ $ID):46657
peerID=$(( $(($ID % 4)) + 1 )) # 1->2 ... 3->4 ... 4->1
peer_addr=$(test/p2p/ $peerID):46657
# get another peer's height
h1=`curl -s $peer_addr/status | jq .result[1].latest_block_height`
# get another peer's state
root1=`curl -s $peer_addr/status | jq .result[1].latest_app_hash`
echo "Other peer is on height $h1 with state $root1"
echo "Waiting for peer $ID to catch up"
# wait for it to sync to past its previous height
set +e
set +o pipefail
while [[ "$h2" -lt "$(($h1+3))" ]]; do
sleep 1
h2=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result[1].latest_block_height`
echo "... $h2"
# check the app hash
root2=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result[1].latest_app_hash`
if [[ "$root1" != "$root2" ]]; then
echo "App hash after fast sync does not match. Got $root2; expected $root1"
exit 1
echo "... fast sync successful"