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package consensus
import (
tmpubsub ""
tmtimemocks ""
tmproto ""
const (
// blockTimeIota is used in the test harness as the time between
// blocks when not otherwise specified.
blockTimeIota = time.Millisecond
// pbtsTestHarness constructs a Tendermint network that can be used for testing the
// implementation of the Proposer-Based timestamps algorithm.
// It runs a series of consensus heights and captures timing of votes and events.
type pbtsTestHarness struct {
// configuration options set by the user of the test harness.
// The timestamp of the first block produced by the network.
firstBlockTime time.Time
// The Tendermint consensus state machine being run during
// a run of the pbtsTestHarness.
observedState *State
// A stub for signing votes and messages using the key
// from the observedState.
observedValidator *validatorStub
// A list of simulated validators that interact with the observedState and are
// fully controlled by the test harness.
otherValidators []*validatorStub
// The mock time source used by all of the validator stubs in the test harness.
// This mock clock allows the test harness to produce votes and blocks with arbitrary
// timestamps.
validatorClock *tmtimemocks.Source
chainID string
// channels for verifying that the observed validator completes certain actions.
ensureProposalCh, roundCh, blockCh, ensureVoteCh <-chan tmpubsub.Message
// channel of events from the observed validator annotated with the timestamp
// the event was received.
eventCh <-chan timestampedEvent
currentHeight int64
currentRound int32
type pbtsTestConfiguration struct {
// The timestamp consensus parameters to be used by the state machine under test.
synchronyParams types.SynchronyParams
// The setting to use for the TimeoutPropose configuration parameter.
timeoutPropose time.Duration
// The genesis time
genesisTime time.Time
// The times offset from height 1 block time of the block proposed at height 2.
height2ProposedBlockOffset time.Duration
// The time offset from height 1 block time at which the proposal at height 2 should be delivered.
height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset time.Duration
// The time offset from height 1 block time of the block proposed at height 4.
// At height 4, the proposed block and the deliver offsets are the same so
// that timely-ness does not affect height 4.
height4ProposedBlockOffset time.Duration
func newPBTSTestHarness(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, tc pbtsTestConfiguration) pbtsTestHarness {
const validators = 4
cfg := configSetup(t)
clock := new(tmtimemocks.Source)
if tc.genesisTime.IsZero() {
tc.genesisTime = time.Now()
if tc.height4ProposedBlockOffset == 0 {
// Set a default height4ProposedBlockOffset.
// Use a proposed block time that is greater than the time that the
// block at height 2 was delivered. Height 3 is not relevant for testing
// and always occurs blockTimeIota before height 4. If not otherwise specified,
// height 4 therefore occurs 2*blockTimeIota after height 2.
tc.height4ProposedBlockOffset = tc.height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset + 2*blockTimeIota
cfg.Consensus.TimeoutPropose = tc.timeoutPropose
consensusParams := types.DefaultConsensusParams()
consensusParams.Synchrony = tc.synchronyParams
state, privVals := makeGenesisState(ctx, t, cfg, genesisStateArgs{
Params: consensusParams,
Time: tc.genesisTime,
Validators: validators,
cs := newState(ctx, t, log.TestingLogger(), state, privVals[0], kvstore.NewApplication())
vss := make([]*validatorStub, validators)
for i := 0; i < validators; i++ {
vss[i] = newValidatorStub(privVals[i], int32(i))
for _, vs := range vss {
vs.clock = clock
pubKey, err := vss[0].PrivValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
eventCh := timestampedCollector(ctx, t, cs.eventBus)
return pbtsTestHarness{
pbtsTestConfiguration: tc,
observedValidator: vss[0],
observedState: cs,
otherValidators: vss[1:],
validatorClock: clock,
currentHeight: 1,
chainID: cfg.ChainID(),
roundCh: subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound),
ensureProposalCh: subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal),
blockCh: subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewBlock),
ensureVoteCh: subscribeToVoterBuffered(ctx, t, cs, pubKey.Address()),
eventCh: eventCh,
func (p *pbtsTestHarness) observedValidatorProposerHeight(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, previousBlockTime time.Time) (heightResult, time.Time) {
ensureNewRound(t, p.roundCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
timeout := time.Until(previousBlockTime.Add(ensureTimeout))
ensureProposalWithTimeout(t, p.ensureProposalCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound, nil, timeout)
rs := p.observedState.GetRoundState()
bid := types.BlockID{Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header()}
ensurePrevote(t, p.ensureVoteCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
signAddVotes(ctx, t, p.observedState, tmproto.PrevoteType, p.chainID, bid, p.otherValidators...)
signAddVotes(ctx, t, p.observedState, tmproto.PrecommitType, p.chainID, bid, p.otherValidators...)
ensurePrecommit(t, p.ensureVoteCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
ensureNewBlock(t, p.blockCh, p.currentHeight)
vk, err := p.observedValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
res := collectHeightResults(ctx, t, p.eventCh, p.currentHeight, vk.Address())
return res, rs.ProposalBlock.Time
func (p *pbtsTestHarness) height2(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) heightResult {
signer := p.otherValidators[0].PrivValidator
return p.nextHeight(ctx, t, signer,
func (p *pbtsTestHarness) intermediateHeights(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) {
signer := p.otherValidators[1].PrivValidator
p.nextHeight(ctx, t, signer,
signer = p.otherValidators[2].PrivValidator
p.nextHeight(ctx, t, signer,
func (p *pbtsTestHarness) height5(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) (heightResult, time.Time) {
return p.observedValidatorProposerHeight(ctx, t, p.firstBlockTime.Add(p.height4ProposedBlockOffset))
func (p *pbtsTestHarness) nextHeight(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, proposer types.PrivValidator, deliverTime, proposedTime, nextProposedTime time.Time) heightResult {
ensureNewRound(t, p.roundCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
b, _, err := p.observedState.createProposalBlock()
require.NoError(t, err)
b.Height = p.currentHeight
b.Header.Height = p.currentHeight
b.Header.Time = proposedTime
k, err := proposer.GetPubKey(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
b.Header.ProposerAddress = k.Address()
ps, err := b.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
require.NoError(t, err)
bid := types.BlockID{Hash: b.Hash(), PartSetHeader: ps.Header()}
prop := types.NewProposal(p.currentHeight, 0, -1, bid, proposedTime)
tp := prop.ToProto()
if err := proposer.SignProposal(ctx, p.observedState.state.ChainID, tp); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error signing proposal: %s", err)
prop.Signature = tp.Signature
if err := p.observedState.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, b, ps, "peerID"); err != nil {
ensureProposal(t, p.ensureProposalCh, p.currentHeight, 0, bid)
ensurePrevote(t, p.ensureVoteCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
signAddVotes(ctx, t, p.observedState, tmproto.PrevoteType, p.chainID, bid, p.otherValidators...)
signAddVotes(ctx, t, p.observedState, tmproto.PrecommitType, p.chainID, bid, p.otherValidators...)
ensurePrecommit(t, p.ensureVoteCh, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
vk, err := p.observedValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
res := collectHeightResults(ctx, t, p.eventCh, p.currentHeight, vk.Address())
ensureNewBlock(t, p.blockCh, p.currentHeight)
return res
func timestampedCollector(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, eb *eventbus.EventBus) <-chan timestampedEvent {
// Since eventCh is not read until the end of each height, it must be large
// enough to hold all of the events produced during a single height.
eventCh := make(chan timestampedEvent, 100)
if err := eb.Observe(ctx, func(msg tmpubsub.Message) error {
eventCh <- timestampedEvent{
ts: time.Now(),
m: msg,
return nil
}, types.EventQueryVote, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to observe query %v: %v", types.EventQueryVote, err)
return eventCh
func collectHeightResults(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, eventCh <-chan timestampedEvent, height int64, address []byte) heightResult {
var res heightResult
for event := range eventCh {
switch v := event.m.Data().(type) {
case types.EventDataVote:
if v.Vote.Height > height {
t.Fatalf("received prevote from unexpected height, expected: %d, saw: %d", height, v.Vote.Height)
if !bytes.Equal(address, v.Vote.ValidatorAddress) {
if v.Vote.Type != tmproto.PrevoteType {
res.prevote = v.Vote
res.prevoteIssuedAt = event.ts
case types.EventDataCompleteProposal:
if v.Height > height {
t.Fatalf("received proposal from unexpected height, expected: %d, saw: %d", height, v.Height)
res.proposalIssuedAt = event.ts
if res.isComplete() {
return res
t.Fatalf("complete height result never seen for height %d", height)
type timestampedEvent struct {
ts time.Time
m tmpubsub.Message
func (p *pbtsTestHarness) run(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) resultSet {
startTestRound(ctx, p.observedState, p.currentHeight, p.currentRound)
r1, proposalBlockTime := p.observedValidatorProposerHeight(ctx, t, p.genesisTime)
p.firstBlockTime = proposalBlockTime
r2 := p.height2(ctx, t)
p.intermediateHeights(ctx, t)
r5, _ := p.height5(ctx, t)
return resultSet{
genesisHeight: r1,
height2: r2,
height5: r5,
type resultSet struct {
genesisHeight heightResult
height2 heightResult
height5 heightResult
type heightResult struct {
proposalIssuedAt time.Time
prevote *types.Vote
prevoteIssuedAt time.Time
func (hr heightResult) isComplete() bool {
return !hr.proposalIssuedAt.IsZero() && !hr.prevoteIssuedAt.IsZero() && hr.prevote != nil
// TestProposerWaitsForGenesisTime tests that a proposer will not propose a block
// until after the genesis time has passed. The test sets the genesis time in the
// future and then ensures that the observed validator waits to propose a block.
func TestProposerWaitsForGenesisTime(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// create a genesis time far (enough) in the future.
initialTime := time.Now().Add(800 * time.Millisecond)
cfg := pbtsTestConfiguration{
synchronyParams: types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: 10 * time.Millisecond,
MessageDelay: 10 * time.Millisecond,
timeoutPropose: 10 * time.Millisecond,
genesisTime: initialTime,
height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset: 10 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposedBlockOffset: 10 * time.Millisecond,
height4ProposedBlockOffset: 30 * time.Millisecond,
pbtsTest := newPBTSTestHarness(ctx, t, cfg)
results :=, t)
// ensure that the proposal was issued after the genesis time.
assert.True(t, results.genesisHeight.proposalIssuedAt.After(cfg.genesisTime))
// TestProposerWaitsForPreviousBlock tests that the proposer of a block waits until
// the block time of the previous height has passed to propose the next block.
// The test harness ensures that the observed validator will be the proposer at
// height 1 and height 5. The test sets the block time of height 4 in the future
// and then verifies that the observed validator waits until after the block time
// of height 4 to propose a block at height 5.
func TestProposerWaitsForPreviousBlock(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
initialTime := time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond * 50)
cfg := pbtsTestConfiguration{
synchronyParams: types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: 100 * time.Millisecond,
MessageDelay: 500 * time.Millisecond,
timeoutPropose: 50 * time.Millisecond,
genesisTime: initialTime,
height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset: 150 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposedBlockOffset: 100 * time.Millisecond,
height4ProposedBlockOffset: 800 * time.Millisecond,
pbtsTest := newPBTSTestHarness(ctx, t, cfg)
results :=, t)
// the observed validator is the proposer at height 5.
// ensure that the observed validator did not propose a block until after
// the time configured for height 4.
assert.True(t, results.height5.proposalIssuedAt.After(pbtsTest.firstBlockTime.Add(cfg.height4ProposedBlockOffset)))
// Ensure that the validator issued a prevote for a non-nil block.
assert.NotNil(t, results.height5.prevote.BlockID.Hash)
func TestProposerWaitTime(t *testing.T) {
genesisTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2019-03-13T23:00:00Z")
require.NoError(t, err)
testCases := []struct {
name string
previousBlockTime time.Time
localTime time.Time
expectedWait time.Duration
name: "block time greater than local time",
previousBlockTime: genesisTime.Add(5 * time.Nanosecond),
localTime: genesisTime.Add(1 * time.Nanosecond),
expectedWait: 4 * time.Nanosecond,
name: "local time greater than block time",
previousBlockTime: genesisTime.Add(1 * time.Nanosecond),
localTime: genesisTime.Add(5 * time.Nanosecond),
expectedWait: 0,
name: "both times equal",
previousBlockTime: genesisTime.Add(5 * time.Nanosecond),
localTime: genesisTime.Add(5 * time.Nanosecond),
expectedWait: 0,
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
mockSource := new(tmtimemocks.Source)
ti := proposerWaitTime(mockSource, testCase.previousBlockTime)
assert.Equal(t, testCase.expectedWait, ti)
func TestTimelyProposal(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
initialTime := time.Now()
cfg := pbtsTestConfiguration{
synchronyParams: types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: 10 * time.Millisecond,
MessageDelay: 140 * time.Millisecond,
timeoutPropose: 40 * time.Millisecond,
genesisTime: initialTime,
height2ProposedBlockOffset: 15 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset: 30 * time.Millisecond,
pbtsTest := newPBTSTestHarness(ctx, t, cfg)
results :=, t)
require.NotNil(t, results.height2.prevote.BlockID.Hash)
func TestTooFarInThePastProposal(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// localtime > proposedBlockTime + MsgDelay + Precision
cfg := pbtsTestConfiguration{
synchronyParams: types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: 1 * time.Millisecond,
MessageDelay: 10 * time.Millisecond,
timeoutPropose: 50 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposedBlockOffset: 15 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset: 27 * time.Millisecond,
pbtsTest := newPBTSTestHarness(ctx, t, cfg)
results :=, t)
require.Nil(t, results.height2.prevote.BlockID.Hash)
func TestTooFarInTheFutureProposal(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// localtime < proposedBlockTime - Precision
cfg := pbtsTestConfiguration{
synchronyParams: types.SynchronyParams{
Precision: 1 * time.Millisecond,
MessageDelay: 10 * time.Millisecond,
timeoutPropose: 50 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposedBlockOffset: 100 * time.Millisecond,
height2ProposalTimeDeliveryOffset: 10 * time.Millisecond,
height4ProposedBlockOffset: 150 * time.Millisecond,
pbtsTest := newPBTSTestHarness(ctx, t, cfg)
results :=, t)
require.Nil(t, results.height2.prevote.BlockID.Hash)