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package v1
import (
// BlockPool keeps track of the fast sync peers, block requests and block responses.
type BlockPool struct {
logger log.Logger
// Set of peers that have sent status responses, with height bigger than pool.Height
peers map[p2p.ID]*BpPeer
// Set of block heights and the corresponding peers from where a block response is expected or has been received.
blocks map[int64]p2p.ID
plannedRequests map[int64]struct{} // list of blocks to be assigned peers for blockRequest
nextRequestHeight int64 // next height to be added to plannedRequests
Height int64 // height of next block to execute
MaxPeerHeight int64 // maximum height of all peers
toBcR bcReactor
// NewBlockPool creates a new BlockPool.
func NewBlockPool(height int64, toBcR bcReactor) *BlockPool {
return &BlockPool{
Height: height,
MaxPeerHeight: 0,
peers: make(map[p2p.ID]*BpPeer),
blocks: make(map[int64]p2p.ID),
plannedRequests: make(map[int64]struct{}),
nextRequestHeight: height,
toBcR: toBcR,
// SetLogger sets the logger of the pool.
func (pool *BlockPool) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
pool.logger = l
// ReachedMaxHeight check if the pool has reached the maximum peer height.
func (pool *BlockPool) ReachedMaxHeight() bool {
return pool.Height >= pool.MaxPeerHeight
func (pool *BlockPool) rescheduleRequest(peerID p2p.ID, height int64) {
pool.logger.Info("reschedule requests made to peer for height ", "peerID", peerID, "height", height)
pool.plannedRequests[height] = struct{}{}
delete(pool.blocks, height)
// Updates the pool's max height. If no peers are left MaxPeerHeight is set to 0.
func (pool *BlockPool) updateMaxPeerHeight() {
var newMax int64
for _, peer := range pool.peers {
peerHeight := peer.Height
if peerHeight > newMax {
newMax = peerHeight
pool.MaxPeerHeight = newMax
// UpdatePeer adds a new peer or updates an existing peer with a new base and height.
// If a peer is short it is not added.
func (pool *BlockPool) UpdatePeer(peerID p2p.ID, base int64, height int64) error {
peer := pool.peers[peerID]
if peer == nil {
if height < pool.Height {
pool.logger.Info("Peer height too small",
"peer", peerID, "height", height, "fsm_height", pool.Height)
return errPeerTooShort
// Add new peer.
peer = NewBpPeer(peerID, base, height, pool.toBcR.sendPeerError, nil)
peer.SetLogger(pool.logger.With("peer", peerID))
pool.peers[peerID] = peer
pool.logger.Info("added peer", "peerID", peerID, "base", base, "height", height, "num_peers", len(pool.peers))
} else {
// Check if peer is lowering its height. This is not allowed.
if height < peer.Height {
pool.RemovePeer(peerID, errPeerLowersItsHeight)
return errPeerLowersItsHeight
// Update existing peer.
peer.Base = base
peer.Height = height
// Update the pool's MaxPeerHeight if needed.
return nil
// SetNoBlock records that the peer does not have a block for height and
// schedules a new request for that height from another peer.
func (pool *BlockPool) SetNoBlock(peerID p2p.ID, height int64) {
peer := pool.peers[peerID]
if peer == nil {
pool.rescheduleRequest(peerID, height)
// Cleans and deletes the peer. Recomputes the max peer height.
func (pool *BlockPool) deletePeer(peer *BpPeer) {
if peer == nil {
delete(pool.peers, peer.ID)
if peer.Height == pool.MaxPeerHeight {
// RemovePeer removes the blocks and requests from the peer, reschedules them and deletes the peer.
func (pool *BlockPool) RemovePeer(peerID p2p.ID, err error) {
peer := pool.peers[peerID]
if peer == nil {
pool.logger.Info("removing peer", "peerID", peerID, "error", err)
// Reschedule the block requests made to the peer, or received and not processed yet.
// Note that some of the requests may be removed further down.
for h := range pool.peers[peerID].blocks {
pool.rescheduleRequest(peerID, h)
oldMaxPeerHeight := pool.MaxPeerHeight
// Delete the peer. This operation may result in the pool's MaxPeerHeight being lowered.
// Check if the pool's MaxPeerHeight has been lowered.
// This may happen if the tallest peer has been removed.
if oldMaxPeerHeight > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
// Remove any planned requests for heights over the new MaxPeerHeight.
for h := range pool.plannedRequests {
if h > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
delete(pool.plannedRequests, h)
// Adjust the nextRequestHeight to the new max plus one.
if pool.nextRequestHeight > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
pool.nextRequestHeight = pool.MaxPeerHeight + 1
func (pool *BlockPool) removeShortPeers() {
for _, peer := range pool.peers {
if peer.Height < pool.Height {
pool.RemovePeer(peer.ID, nil)
func (pool *BlockPool) removeBadPeers() {
for _, peer := range pool.peers {
if err := peer.CheckRate(); err != nil {
pool.RemovePeer(peer.ID, err)
pool.toBcR.sendPeerError(err, peer.ID)
// MakeNextRequests creates more requests if the block pool is running low.
func (pool *BlockPool) MakeNextRequests(maxNumRequests int) {
heights := pool.makeRequestBatch(maxNumRequests)
if len(heights) != 0 {
pool.logger.Info("makeNextRequests will make following requests",
"number", len(heights), "heights", heights)
for _, height := range heights {
h := int64(height)
if !pool.sendRequest(h) {
// If a good peer was not found for sending the request at height h then return,
// as it shouldn't be possible to find a peer for h+1.
delete(pool.plannedRequests, h)
// Makes a batch of requests sorted by height such that the block pool has up to maxNumRequests entries.
func (pool *BlockPool) makeRequestBatch(maxNumRequests int) []int {
// At this point pool.requests may include heights for requests to be redone due to removal of peers:
// - peers timed out or were removed by switch
// - FSM timed out on waiting to advance the block execution due to missing blocks at h or h+1
// Determine the number of requests needed by subtracting the number of requests already made from the maximum
// allowed
numNeeded := maxNumRequests - len(pool.blocks)
for len(pool.plannedRequests) < numNeeded {
if pool.nextRequestHeight > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
pool.plannedRequests[pool.nextRequestHeight] = struct{}{}
heights := make([]int, 0, len(pool.plannedRequests))
for k := range pool.plannedRequests {
heights = append(heights, int(k))
return heights
func (pool *BlockPool) sendRequest(height int64) bool {
for _, peer := range pool.peers {
if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests >= maxRequestsPerPeer {
if peer.Base > height || peer.Height < height || peer.NoBlock(height) {
err := pool.toBcR.sendBlockRequest(peer.ID, height)
if err == errNilPeerForBlockRequest {
// Switch does not have this peer, remove it and continue to look for another peer.
pool.logger.Error("switch does not have peer..removing peer selected for height", "peer",
peer.ID, "height", height)
pool.RemovePeer(peer.ID, err)
if err == errSendQueueFull {
pool.logger.Error("peer queue is full", "peer", peer.ID, "height", height)
pool.logger.Info("assigned request to peer", "peer", peer.ID, "height", height)
pool.blocks[height] = peer.ID
return true
pool.logger.Error("could not find peer to send request for block at height", "height", height)
return false
// AddBlock validates that the block comes from the peer it was expected from and stores it in the 'blocks' map.
func (pool *BlockPool) AddBlock(peerID p2p.ID, block *types.Block, blockSize int) error {
peer, ok := pool.peers[peerID]
if !ok {
pool.logger.Error("block from unknown peer", "height", block.Height, "peer", peerID)
return errBadDataFromPeer
if wantPeerID, ok := pool.blocks[block.Height]; ok && wantPeerID != peerID {
pool.logger.Error("block received from wrong peer", "height", block.Height,
"peer", peerID, "expected_peer", wantPeerID)
return errBadDataFromPeer
return peer.AddBlock(block, blockSize)
// BlockData stores the peer responsible to deliver a block and the actual block if delivered.
type BlockData struct {
block *types.Block
peer *BpPeer
// BlockAndPeerAtHeight retrieves the block and delivery peer at specified height.
// Returns errMissingBlock if a block was not found
func (pool *BlockPool) BlockAndPeerAtHeight(height int64) (bData *BlockData, err error) {
peerID := pool.blocks[height]
peer := pool.peers[peerID]
if peer == nil {
return nil, errMissingBlock
block, err := peer.BlockAtHeight(height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &BlockData{peer: peer, block: block}, nil
// FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers returns the blocks and the delivery peers at pool's height H and H+1.
func (pool *BlockPool) FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers() (first, second *BlockData, err error) {
first, err = pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height)
second, err2 := pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height + 1)
if err == nil {
err = err2
// InvalidateFirstTwoBlocks removes the peers that sent us the first two blocks, blocks are removed by RemovePeer().
func (pool *BlockPool) InvalidateFirstTwoBlocks(err error) {
first, err1 := pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height)
second, err2 := pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height + 1)
if err1 == nil {
pool.RemovePeer(first.peer.ID, err)
if err2 == nil {
pool.RemovePeer(second.peer.ID, err)
// ProcessedCurrentHeightBlock performs cleanup after a block is processed. It removes block at pool height and
// the peers that are now short.
func (pool *BlockPool) ProcessedCurrentHeightBlock() {
peerID, peerOk := pool.blocks[pool.Height]
if peerOk {
delete(pool.blocks, pool.Height)
pool.logger.Debug("removed block at height", "height", pool.Height)
// RemovePeerAtCurrentHeights checks if a block at pool's height H exists and if not, it removes the
// delivery peer and returns. If a block at height H exists then the check and peer removal is done for H+1.
// This function is called when the FSM is not able to make progress for some time.
// This happens if either the block H or H+1 have not been delivered.
func (pool *BlockPool) RemovePeerAtCurrentHeights(err error) {
peerID := pool.blocks[pool.Height]
peer, ok := pool.peers[peerID]
if ok {
if _, err := peer.BlockAtHeight(pool.Height); err != nil {
pool.logger.Info("remove peer that hasn't sent block at pool.Height",
"peer", peerID, "height", pool.Height)
pool.RemovePeer(peerID, err)
peerID = pool.blocks[pool.Height+1]
peer, ok = pool.peers[peerID]
if ok {
if _, err := peer.BlockAtHeight(pool.Height + 1); err != nil {
pool.logger.Info("remove peer that hasn't sent block at pool.Height+1",
"peer", peerID, "height", pool.Height+1)
pool.RemovePeer(peerID, err)
// Cleanup performs pool and peer cleanup
func (pool *BlockPool) Cleanup() {
for id, peer := range pool.peers {
delete(pool.peers, id)
pool.plannedRequests = make(map[int64]struct{})
pool.blocks = make(map[int64]p2p.ID)
pool.nextRequestHeight = 0
pool.Height = 0
pool.MaxPeerHeight = 0
// NumPeers returns the number of peers in the pool
func (pool *BlockPool) NumPeers() int {
return len(pool.peers)
// NeedsBlocks returns true if more blocks are required.
func (pool *BlockPool) NeedsBlocks() bool {
return len(pool.blocks) < maxNumRequests