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package proxy
import (
abciclient ""
// AppConns is the Tendermint's interface to the application that consists of
// multiple connections.
type AppConns interface {
// Mempool connection
Mempool() AppConnMempool
// Consensus connection
Consensus() AppConnConsensus
// Query connection
Query() AppConnQuery
// Snapshot connection
Snapshot() AppConnSnapshot
// NewAppConns calls NewMultiAppConn.
func NewAppConns(clientCreator abciclient.Creator, logger log.Logger, metrics *Metrics) AppConns {
return NewMultiAppConn(clientCreator, logger, metrics)
// multiAppConn implements AppConns.
// A multiAppConn is made of a few appConns and manages their underlying abci
// clients.
// TODO: on app restart, clients must reboot together
type multiAppConn struct {
logger log.Logger
metrics *Metrics
consensusConn AppConnConsensus
mempoolConn AppConnMempool
queryConn AppConnQuery
snapshotConn AppConnSnapshot
client stoppableClient
clientCreator abciclient.Creator
// TODO: this is a totally internal and quasi permanent shim for
// clients. eventually we can have a single client and have some kind
// of reasonable lifecycle witout needing an explicit stop method.
type stoppableClient interface {
// NewMultiAppConn makes all necessary abci connections to the application.
func NewMultiAppConn(clientCreator abciclient.Creator, logger log.Logger, metrics *Metrics) AppConns {
multiAppConn := &multiAppConn{
logger: logger,
metrics: metrics,
clientCreator: clientCreator,
multiAppConn.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(logger, "multiAppConn", multiAppConn)
return multiAppConn
func (app *multiAppConn) Mempool() AppConnMempool { return app.mempoolConn }
func (app *multiAppConn) Consensus() AppConnConsensus { return app.consensusConn }
func (app *multiAppConn) Query() AppConnQuery { return app.queryConn }
func (app *multiAppConn) Snapshot() AppConnSnapshot { return app.snapshotConn }
func (app *multiAppConn) OnStart(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
var client abciclient.Client
client, err = app.clientCreator(app.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
app.queryConn = NewAppConnQuery(client, app.metrics)
app.snapshotConn = NewAppConnSnapshot(client, app.metrics)
app.mempoolConn = NewAppConnMempool(client, app.metrics)
app.consensusConn = NewAppConnConsensus(client, app.metrics)
app.client = client.(stoppableClient)
// Kill Tendermint if the ABCI application crashes.
go func() {
if !client.IsRunning() {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
if err := app.client.Error(); err != nil {
app.logger.Error("client connection terminated. Did the application crash? Please restart tendermint",
"err", err)
if killErr := kill(); killErr != nil {
app.logger.Error("Failed to kill this process - please do so manually",
"err", killErr)
return client.Start(ctx)
func (app *multiAppConn) OnStop() { app.client.Stop() }
func kill() error {
p, err := os.FindProcess(os.Getpid())
if err != nil {
return err
return p.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM)