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package v1
import (
flow ""
// Peer
// BpPeerParams stores the peer parameters that are used when creating a peer.
type BpPeerParams struct {
timeout time.Duration
minRecvRate int64
sampleRate time.Duration
windowSize time.Duration
// BpPeer is the datastructure associated with a fast sync peer.
type BpPeer struct {
logger log.Logger
ID p2p.ID
Height int64 // the peer reported height
NumPendingBlockRequests int // number of requests still waiting for block responses
blocks map[int64]*types.Block // blocks received or expected to be received from this peer
blockResponseTimer *time.Timer
recvMonitor *flow.Monitor
params *BpPeerParams // parameters for timer and monitor
onErr func(err error, peerID p2p.ID) // function to call on error
// NewBpPeer creates a new peer.
func NewBpPeer(
peerID p2p.ID, height int64, onErr func(err error, peerID p2p.ID), params *BpPeerParams) *BpPeer {
if params == nil {
params = BpPeerDefaultParams()
return &BpPeer{
ID: peerID,
Height: height,
blocks: make(map[int64]*types.Block, maxRequestsPerPeer),
logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
onErr: onErr,
params: params,
// String returns a string representation of a peer.
func (peer *BpPeer) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("peer: %v height: %v pending: %v", peer.ID, peer.Height, peer.NumPendingBlockRequests)
// SetLogger sets the logger of the peer.
func (peer *BpPeer) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
peer.logger = l
// Cleanup performs cleanup of the peer, removes blocks, requests, stops timer and monitor.
func (peer *BpPeer) Cleanup() {
if peer.blockResponseTimer != nil {
if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests != 0 {
peer.logger.Info("peer with pending requests is being cleaned", "peer", peer.ID)
if len(peer.blocks)-peer.NumPendingBlockRequests != 0 {
peer.logger.Info("peer with pending blocks is being cleaned", "peer", peer.ID)
for h := range peer.blocks {
delete(peer.blocks, h)
peer.NumPendingBlockRequests = 0
peer.recvMonitor = nil
// BlockAtHeight returns the block at a given height if available and errMissingBlock otherwise.
func (peer *BpPeer) BlockAtHeight(height int64) (*types.Block, error) {
block, ok := peer.blocks[height]
if !ok {
return nil, errMissingBlock
if block == nil {
return nil, errMissingBlock
return peer.blocks[height], nil
// AddBlock adds a block at peer level. Block must be non-nil and recvSize a positive integer
// The peer must have a pending request for this block.
func (peer *BpPeer) AddBlock(block *types.Block, recvSize int) error {
if block == nil || recvSize < 0 {
panic("bad parameters")
existingBlock, ok := peer.blocks[block.Height]
if !ok {
peer.logger.Error("unsolicited block", "blockHeight", block.Height, "peer", peer.ID)
return errMissingBlock
if existingBlock != nil {
peer.logger.Error("already have a block for height", "height", block.Height)
return errDuplicateBlock
if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests == 0 {
panic("peer does not have pending requests")
peer.blocks[block.Height] = block
if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests == 0 {
} else {
return nil
// RemoveBlock removes the block of given height
func (peer *BpPeer) RemoveBlock(height int64) {
delete(peer.blocks, height)
// RequestSent records that a request was sent, and starts the peer timer and monitor if needed.
func (peer *BpPeer) RequestSent(height int64) {
peer.blocks[height] = nil
if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests == 0 {
// CheckRate verifies that the response rate of the peer is acceptable (higher than the minimum allowed).
func (peer *BpPeer) CheckRate() error {
if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests == 0 {
return nil
curRate := peer.recvMonitor.Status().CurRate
// curRate can be 0 on start
if curRate != 0 && curRate < peer.params.minRecvRate {
err := errSlowPeer
peer.logger.Error("SendTimeout", "peer", peer,
"reason", err,
"curRate", fmt.Sprintf("%d KB/s", curRate/1024),
"minRate", fmt.Sprintf("%d KB/s", peer.params.minRecvRate/1024))
return err
return nil
func (peer *BpPeer) onTimeout() {
peer.onErr(errNoPeerResponse, peer.ID)
func (peer *BpPeer) stopMonitor() {
peer.recvMonitor = nil
func (peer *BpPeer) startMonitor() {
peer.recvMonitor = flow.New(peer.params.sampleRate, peer.params.windowSize)
initialValue := float64(peer.params.minRecvRate) * math.E
func (peer *BpPeer) resetBlockResponseTimer() {
if peer.blockResponseTimer == nil {
peer.blockResponseTimer = time.AfterFunc(peer.params.timeout, peer.onTimeout)
} else {
func (peer *BpPeer) stopBlockResponseTimer() bool {
if peer.blockResponseTimer == nil {
return false
return peer.blockResponseTimer.Stop()
// BpPeerDefaultParams returns the default peer parameters.
func BpPeerDefaultParams() *BpPeerParams {
return &BpPeerParams{
// Timeout for a peer to respond to a block request.
timeout: 15 * time.Second,
// Minimum recv rate to ensure we're receiving blocks from a peer fast
// enough. If a peer is not sending data at at least that rate, we
// consider them to have timedout and we disconnect.
// Assuming a DSL connection (not a good choice) 128 Kbps (upload) ~ 15 KB/s,
// sending data across atlantic ~ 7.5 KB/s.
minRecvRate: int64(7680),
// Monitor parameters
sampleRate: time.Second,
windowSize: 40 * time.Second,