You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

326 lines
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package p2p
import (
// ============================================================================
// TODO: Types and business logic below are temporary and will be removed once
// the legacy p2p stack is removed in favor of the new model.
// ref:
// ============================================================================
var _ Reactor = (*ReactorShim)(nil)
type (
messageValidator interface {
Validate() error
// ReactorShim defines a generic shim wrapper around a BaseReactor. It is
// responsible for wiring up legacy p2p behavior to the new p2p semantics
// (e.g. proxying Envelope messages to legacy peers).
ReactorShim struct {
Name string
PeerUpdates *PeerUpdatesCh
Channels map[ChannelID]*ChannelShim
// ChannelShim defines a generic shim wrapper around a legacy p2p channel
// and the new p2p Channel. It also includes the raw bi-directional Go channels
// so we can proxy message delivery.
ChannelShim struct {
Descriptor *ChannelDescriptor
Channel *Channel
// ChannelDescriptorShim defines a shim wrapper around a legacy p2p channel
// and the proto.Message the new p2p Channel is responsible for handling.
// A ChannelDescriptorShim is not contained in ReactorShim, but is rather
// used to construct a ReactorShim.
ChannelDescriptorShim struct {
MsgType proto.Message
Descriptor *ChannelDescriptor
func NewReactorShim(logger log.Logger, name string, descriptors map[ChannelID]*ChannelDescriptorShim) *ReactorShim {
channels := make(map[ChannelID]*ChannelShim)
for _, cds := range descriptors {
chShim := NewChannelShim(cds, 0)
channels[] = chShim
rs := &ReactorShim{
Name: name,
PeerUpdates: NewPeerUpdates(make(chan PeerUpdate)),
Channels: channels,
rs.BaseReactor = *NewBaseReactor(name, rs)
return rs
func NewChannelShim(cds *ChannelDescriptorShim, buf uint) *ChannelShim {
return &ChannelShim{
Descriptor: cds.Descriptor,
Channel: NewChannel(
make(chan Envelope, buf),
make(chan Envelope, buf),
make(chan PeerError, buf),
// proxyPeerEnvelopes iterates over each p2p Channel and starts a separate
// go-routine where we listen for outbound envelopes sent during Receive
// executions (or anything else that may send on the Channel) and proxy them to
// the corresponding Peer using the To field from the envelope.
func (rs *ReactorShim) proxyPeerEnvelopes() {
for _, cs := range rs.Channels {
go func(cs *ChannelShim) {
for e := range cs.Channel.outCh {
msg := proto.Clone(cs.Channel.messageType)
wrapper, ok := msg.(Wrapper)
if ok {
if err := wrapper.Wrap(e.Message); err != nil {
"failed to proxy envelope; failed to wrap message",
"ch_id", cs.Descriptor.ID,
"msg", e.Message,
"err", err,
} else {
msg = e.Message
bz, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
"failed to proxy envelope; failed to encode message",
"ch_id", cs.Descriptor.ID,
"msg", e.Message,
"err", err,
switch {
case e.Broadcast:
rs.Switch.Broadcast(cs.Descriptor.ID, bz)
case e.To != "":
src := rs.Switch.peers.Get(e.To)
if src == nil {
"failed to proxy envelope; failed to find peer",
"ch_id", cs.Descriptor.ID,
"msg", e.Message,
"peer", e.To,
if !src.Send(cs.Descriptor.ID, bz) {
"failed to proxy message to peer",
"ch_id", cs.Descriptor.ID,
"msg", e.Message,
"peer", e.To,
rs.Logger.Error("failed to proxy envelope; missing peer ID", "ch_id", cs.Descriptor.ID, "msg", e.Message)
// handlePeerErrors iterates over each p2p Channel and starts a separate go-routine
// where we listen for peer errors. For each peer error, we find the peer from
// the legacy p2p Switch and execute a StopPeerForError call with the corresponding
// peer error.
func (rs *ReactorShim) handlePeerErrors() {
for _, cs := range rs.Channels {
go func(cs *ChannelShim) {
for pErr := range cs.Channel.errCh {
if pErr.PeerID != "" {
peer := rs.Switch.peers.Get(pErr.PeerID)
if peer == nil {
rs.Logger.Error("failed to handle peer error; failed to find peer", "peer", pErr.PeerID)
rs.Switch.StopPeerForError(peer, pErr.Err)
// OnStart executes the reactor shim's OnStart hook where we start all the
// necessary go-routines in order to proxy peer envelopes and errors per p2p
// Channel.
func (rs *ReactorShim) OnStart() error {
if rs.Switch == nil {
return errors.New("proxyPeerEnvelopes: reactor shim switch is nil")
// start envelope proxying and peer error handling in separate go routines
return nil
// GetChannel returns a p2p Channel reference for a given ChannelID. If no
// Channel exists, nil is returned.
func (rs *ReactorShim) GetChannel(cID ChannelID) *Channel {
channelShim, ok := rs.Channels[cID]
if ok {
return channelShim.Channel
return nil
// GetChannels implements the legacy Reactor interface for getting a slice of all
// the supported ChannelDescriptors.
func (rs *ReactorShim) GetChannels() []*ChannelDescriptor {
sortedChIDs := make([]ChannelID, 0, len(rs.Channels))
for cID := range rs.Channels {
sortedChIDs = append(sortedChIDs, cID)
sort.Slice(sortedChIDs, func(i, j int) bool { return sortedChIDs[i] < sortedChIDs[j] })
descriptors := make([]*ChannelDescriptor, len(rs.Channels))
for i, cID := range sortedChIDs {
descriptors[i] = rs.Channels[cID].Descriptor
return descriptors
// AddPeer sends a PeerUpdate with status PeerStatusUp on the PeerUpdateCh.
// The embedding reactor must be sure to listen for messages on this channel to
// handle adding a peer.
func (rs *ReactorShim) AddPeer(peer Peer) {
select {
case rs.PeerUpdates.updatesCh <- PeerUpdate{PeerID: peer.ID(), Status: PeerStatusUp}:
rs.Logger.Debug("sent peer update", "reactor", rs.Name, "peer", peer.ID(), "status", PeerStatusUp)
case <-rs.PeerUpdates.Done():
// NOTE: We explicitly DO NOT close the PeerUpdatesCh's updateCh go channel.
// This is because there may be numerous spawned goroutines that are
// attempting to send on the updateCh go channel and when the reactor stops
// we do not want to preemptively close the channel as that could result in
// panics sending on a closed channel. This also means that reactors MUST
// be certain there are NO listeners on the updateCh channel when closing or
// stopping.
// RemovePeer sends a PeerUpdate with status PeerStatusDown on the PeerUpdateCh.
// The embedding reactor must be sure to listen for messages on this channel to
// handle removing a peer.
func (rs *ReactorShim) RemovePeer(peer Peer, reason interface{}) {
select {
case rs.PeerUpdates.updatesCh <- PeerUpdate{PeerID: peer.ID(), Status: PeerStatusDown}:
"sent peer update",
"reactor", rs.Name,
"peer", peer.ID(),
"reason", reason,
"status", PeerStatusDown,
case <-rs.PeerUpdates.Done():
// NOTE: We explicitly DO NOT close the PeerUpdatesCh's updateCh go channel.
// This is because there may be numerous spawned goroutines that are
// attempting to send on the updateCh go channel and when the reactor stops
// we do not want to preemptively close the channel as that could result in
// panics sending on a closed channel. This also means that reactors MUST
// be certain there are NO listeners on the updateCh channel when closing or
// stopping.
// Receive implements a generic wrapper around implementing the Receive method
// on the legacy Reactor p2p interface. If the reactor is running, Receive will
// find the corresponding new p2p Channel, create and decode the appropriate
// proto.Message from the msgBytes, execute any validation and finally construct
// and send a p2p Envelope on the appropriate p2p Channel.
func (rs *ReactorShim) Receive(chID byte, src Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
if !rs.IsRunning() {
cID := ChannelID(chID)
channelShim, ok := rs.Channels[cID]
if !ok {
rs.Logger.Error("unexpected channel", "peer", src, "ch_id", chID)
msg := proto.Clone(channelShim.Channel.messageType)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(msgBytes, msg); err != nil {
rs.Logger.Error("error decoding message", "peer", src, "ch_id", cID, "msg", msg, "err", err)
rs.Switch.StopPeerForError(src, err)
validator, ok := msg.(messageValidator)
if ok {
if err := validator.Validate(); err != nil {
rs.Logger.Error("invalid message", "peer", src, "ch_id", cID, "msg", msg, "err", err)
rs.Switch.StopPeerForError(src, err)
wrapper, ok := msg.(Wrapper)
if ok {
var err error
msg, err = wrapper.Unwrap()
if err != nil {
rs.Logger.Error("failed to unwrap message", "peer", src, "ch_id", chID, "msg", msg, "err", err)
select {
case channelShim.Channel.inCh <- Envelope{From: src.ID(), Message: msg}:
rs.Logger.Debug("proxied envelope", "reactor", rs.Name, "ch_id", cID, "peer", src.ID())
case <-channelShim.Channel.Done():
// NOTE: We explicitly DO NOT close the p2p Channel's inbound go channel.
// This is because there may be numerous spawned goroutines that are
// attempting to send on the inbound channel and when the reactor stops we
// do not want to preemptively close the channel as that could result in
// panics sending on a closed channel. This also means that reactors MUST
// be certain there are NO listeners on the inbound channel when closing or
// stopping.