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349 lines
9.3 KiB

package core
import (
abci ""
ctypes ""
rpctypes ""
// NOTE: tx should be signed, but this is only checked at the app level (not by Tendermint!)
// Returns right away, with no response. Does not wait for CheckTx nor
// DeliverTx results.
// Please refer to
// for formatting/encoding rules.
// ```shell
// curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_async?tx="123"'
// ```
// ```go
// client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket")
// err := client.Start()
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// defer client.Stop()
// result, err := client.BroadcastTxAsync("123")
// ```
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "error": "",
// "result": {
// "hash": "E39AAB7A537ABAA237831742DCE1117F187C3C52",
// "log": "",
// "data": "",
// "code": "0"
// },
// "id": "",
// "jsonrpc": "2.0"
// }
// ```
// ### Query Parameters
// | Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
// |-----------+------+---------+----------+-----------------|
// | tx | Tx | nil | true | The transaction |
func BroadcastTxAsync(ctx *rpctypes.Context, tx types.Tx) (*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error) {
err := mempool.CheckTx(tx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx{Hash: tx.Hash()}, nil
// Returns with the response from CheckTx. Does not wait for DeliverTx result.
// Please refer to
// for formatting/encoding rules.
// ```shell
// curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_sync?tx="456"'
// ```
// ```go
// client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket")
// err := client.Start()
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// defer client.Stop()
// result, err := client.BroadcastTxSync("456")
// ```
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// "id": "",
// "result": {
// "code": "0",
// "data": "",
// "log": "",
// "hash": "0D33F2F03A5234F38706E43004489E061AC40A2E"
// },
// "error": ""
// }
// ```
// ### Query Parameters
// | Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
// |-----------+------+---------+----------+-----------------|
// | tx | Tx | nil | true | The transaction |
func BroadcastTxSync(ctx *rpctypes.Context, tx types.Tx) (*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx, error) {
resCh := make(chan *abci.Response, 1)
err := mempool.CheckTx(tx, func(res *abci.Response) {
resCh <- res
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := <-resCh
r := res.GetCheckTx()
return &ctypes.ResultBroadcastTx{
Code: r.Code,
Data: r.Data,
Log: r.Log,
Hash: tx.Hash(),
}, nil
// Returns with the responses from CheckTx and DeliverTx.
// IMPORTANT: use only for testing and development. In production, use
// BroadcastTxSync or BroadcastTxAsync. You can subscribe for the transaction
// result using JSONRPC via a websocket. See
// CONTRACT: only returns error if mempool.CheckTx() errs or if we timeout
// waiting for tx to commit.
// If CheckTx or DeliverTx fail, no error will be returned, but the returned result
// will contain a non-OK ABCI code.
// Please refer to
// for formatting/encoding rules.
// ```shell
// curl 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="789"'
// ```
// ```go
// client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket")
// err := client.Start()
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// defer client.Stop()
// result, err := client.BroadcastTxCommit("789")
// ```
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "error": "",
// "result": {
// "height": "26682",
// "hash": "75CA0F856A4DA078FC4911580360E70CEFB2EBEE",
// "deliver_tx": {
// "log": "",
// "data": "",
// "code": "0"
// },
// "check_tx": {
// "log": "",
// "data": "",
// "code": "0"
// }
// },
// "id": "",
// "jsonrpc": "2.0"
// }
// ```
// ### Query Parameters
// | Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
// |-----------+------+---------+----------+-----------------|
// | tx | Tx | nil | true | The transaction |
func BroadcastTxCommit(ctx *rpctypes.Context, tx types.Tx) (*ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit, error) {
subscriber := ctx.RemoteAddr()
if eventBus.NumClients() >= config.MaxSubscriptionClients {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("max_subscription_clients %d reached", config.MaxSubscriptionClients)
} else if eventBus.NumClientSubscriptions(subscriber) >= config.MaxSubscriptionsPerClient {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("max_subscriptions_per_client %d reached", config.MaxSubscriptionsPerClient)
// Subscribe to tx being committed in block.
subCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), subscribeTimeout)
defer cancel()
q := types.EventQueryTxFor(tx)
deliverTxSub, err := eventBus.Subscribe(subCtx, subscriber, q)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to subscribe to tx")
logger.Error("Error on broadcast_tx_commit", "err", err)
return nil, err
defer eventBus.Unsubscribe(context.Background(), subscriber, q)
// Broadcast tx and wait for CheckTx result
checkTxResCh := make(chan *abci.Response, 1)
err = mempool.CheckTx(tx, func(res *abci.Response) {
checkTxResCh <- res
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error on broadcastTxCommit", "err", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error on broadcastTxCommit: %v", err)
checkTxResMsg := <-checkTxResCh
checkTxRes := checkTxResMsg.GetCheckTx()
if checkTxRes.Code != abci.CodeTypeOK {
return &ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit{
CheckTx: *checkTxRes,
DeliverTx: abci.ResponseDeliverTx{},
Hash: tx.Hash(),
}, nil
// Wait for the tx to be included in a block or timeout.
select {
case msg := <-deliverTxSub.Out(): // The tx was included in a block.
deliverTxRes := msg.Data().(types.EventDataTx)
return &ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit{
CheckTx: *checkTxRes,
DeliverTx: deliverTxRes.Result,
Hash: tx.Hash(),
Height: deliverTxRes.Height,
}, nil
case <-deliverTxSub.Cancelled():
var reason string
if deliverTxSub.Err() == nil {
reason = "Tendermint exited"
} else {
reason = deliverTxSub.Err().Error()
err = fmt.Errorf("deliverTxSub was cancelled (reason: %s)", reason)
logger.Error("Error on broadcastTxCommit", "err", err)
return &ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit{
CheckTx: *checkTxRes,
DeliverTx: abci.ResponseDeliverTx{},
Hash: tx.Hash(),
}, err
case <-time.After(config.TimeoutBroadcastTxCommit):
err = errors.New("Timed out waiting for tx to be included in a block")
logger.Error("Error on broadcastTxCommit", "err", err)
return &ctypes.ResultBroadcastTxCommit{
CheckTx: *checkTxRes,
DeliverTx: abci.ResponseDeliverTx{},
Hash: tx.Hash(),
}, err
// Get unconfirmed transactions (maximum ?limit entries) including their number.
// ```shell
// curl 'localhost:26657/unconfirmed_txs'
// ```
// ```go
// client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket")
// err := client.Start()
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// defer client.Stop()
// result, err := client.UnconfirmedTxs()
// ```
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "result" : {
// "txs" : [],
// "total_bytes" : "0",
// "n_txs" : "0",
// "total" : "0"
// },
// "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
// "id" : ""
// }
// ```
// ### Query Parameters
// | Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
// |-----------+------+---------+----------+--------------------------------------|
// | limit | int | 30 | false | Maximum number of entries (max: 100) |
// ```
func UnconfirmedTxs(ctx *rpctypes.Context, limit int) (*ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error) {
// reuse per_page validator
limit = validatePerPage(limit)
txs := mempool.ReapMaxTxs(limit)
return &ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs{
Count: len(txs),
Total: mempool.Size(),
TotalBytes: mempool.TxsBytes(),
Txs: txs}, nil
// Get number of unconfirmed transactions.
// ```shell
// curl 'localhost:26657/num_unconfirmed_txs'
// ```
// ```go
// client := client.NewHTTP("tcp://", "/websocket")
// err := client.Start()
// if err != nil {
// // handle error
// }
// defer client.Stop()
// result, err := client.UnconfirmedTxs()
// ```
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
// "id" : "",
// "result" : {
// "n_txs" : "0",
// "total_bytes" : "0",
// "txs" : null,
// "total" : "0"
// }
// }
// ```
func NumUnconfirmedTxs(ctx *rpctypes.Context) (*ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs, error) {
return &ctypes.ResultUnconfirmedTxs{
Count: mempool.Size(),
Total: mempool.Size(),
TotalBytes: mempool.TxsBytes()}, nil