package consensus
import (
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
cfg "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/config"
p2pdummy "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p/dummy"
func init() {
config = ResetConfig("consensus_reactor_test")
// in-process testnets
func startConsensusNet(t *testing.T, css []*ConsensusState, N int) ([]*ConsensusReactor, []chan interface{}, []*types.EventBus) {
reactors := make([]*ConsensusReactor, N)
eventChans := make([]chan interface{}, N)
eventBuses := make([]*types.EventBus, N)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
/*logger, err := tmflags.ParseLogLevel("consensus:info,*:error", logger, "info")
if err != nil { t.Fatal(err)}*/
reactors[i] = NewConsensusReactor(css[i], true) // so we dont start the consensus states
// eventBus is already started with the cs
eventBuses[i] = css[i].eventBus
eventChans[i] = make(chan interface{}, 1)
err := eventBuses[i].Subscribe(context.Background(), testSubscriber, types.EventQueryNewBlock, eventChans[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
// make connected switches and start all reactors
p2p.MakeConnectedSwitches(config.P2P, N, func(i int, s *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch {
s.AddReactor("CONSENSUS", reactors[i])
s.SetLogger(reactors[i].conS.Logger.With("module", "p2p"))
return s
}, p2p.Connect2Switches)
// now that everyone is connected, start the state machines
// If we started the state machines before everyone was connected,
// we'd block when the cs fires NewBlockEvent and the peers are trying to start their reactors
// TODO: is this still true with new pubsub?
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
s := reactors[i].conS.GetState()
reactors[i].SwitchToConsensus(s, 0)
return reactors, eventChans, eventBuses
func stopConsensusNet(logger log.Logger, reactors []*ConsensusReactor, eventBuses []*types.EventBus) {
logger.Info("stopConsensusNet", "n", len(reactors))
for i, r := range reactors {
logger.Info("stopConsensusNet: Stopping ConsensusReactor", "i", i)
for i, b := range eventBuses {
logger.Info("stopConsensusNet: Stopping eventBus", "i", i)
logger.Info("stopConsensusNet: DONE", "n", len(reactors))
// Ensure a testnet makes blocks
func TestReactorBasic(t *testing.T) {
N := 4
css := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter)
reactors, eventChans, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N)
defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses)
// wait till everyone makes the first new block
timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) {
}, css)
// Ensure a testnet sends proposal heartbeats and makes blocks when there are txs
func TestReactorProposalHeartbeats(t *testing.T) {
N := 4
css := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newCounter,
func(c *cfg.Config) {
c.Consensus.CreateEmptyBlocks = false
reactors, eventChans, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N)
defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses)
heartbeatChans := make([]chan interface{}, N)
var err error
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
heartbeatChans[i] = make(chan interface{}, 1)
err = eventBuses[i].Subscribe(context.Background(), testSubscriber, types.EventQueryProposalHeartbeat, heartbeatChans[i])
require.NoError(t, err)
// wait till everyone sends a proposal heartbeat
timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) {
}, css)
// send a tx
if err := css[3].mempool.CheckTx([]byte{1, 2, 3}, nil); err != nil {
// wait till everyone makes the first new block
timeoutWaitGroup(t, N, func(j int) {
}, css)
// Test we record block parts from other peers
func TestReactorRecordsBlockParts(t *testing.T) {
// create dummy peer
peer := p2pdummy.NewPeer()
ps := NewPeerState(peer).SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
peer.Set(types.PeerStateKey, ps)
// create reactor
css := randConsensusNet(1, "consensus_reactor_records_block_parts_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newPersistentKVStore)
reactor := NewConsensusReactor(css[0], false) // so we dont start the consensus states
sw := p2p.MakeSwitch(cfg.DefaultP2PConfig(), 1, "testing", "123.123.123", func(i int, sw *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch { return sw })
err := reactor.Start()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer reactor.Stop()
// 1) new block part
parts := types.NewPartSetFromData(cmn.RandBytes(100), 10)
msg := &BlockPartMessage{
Height: 2,
Round: 0,
Part: parts.GetPart(0),
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(msg)
require.NoError(t, err)
reactor.Receive(DataChannel, peer, bz)
require.Equal(t, 1, ps.BlockPartsSent(), "number of block parts sent should have increased by 1")
// 2) block part with the same height, but different round
msg.Round = 1
bz, err = cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(msg)
require.NoError(t, err)
reactor.Receive(DataChannel, peer, bz)
require.Equal(t, 1, ps.BlockPartsSent(), "number of block parts sent should stay the same")
// 3) block part from earlier height
msg.Height = 1
msg.Round = 0
bz, err = cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(msg)
require.NoError(t, err)
reactor.Receive(DataChannel, peer, bz)
require.Equal(t, 1, ps.BlockPartsSent(), "number of block parts sent should stay the same")
// Test we record votes from other peers.
func TestReactorRecordsVotes(t *testing.T) {
// Create dummy peer.
peer := p2pdummy.NewPeer()
ps := NewPeerState(peer).SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
peer.Set(types.PeerStateKey, ps)
// Create reactor.
css := randConsensusNet(1, "consensus_reactor_records_votes_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newPersistentKVStore)
reactor := NewConsensusReactor(css[0], false) // so we dont start the consensus states
sw := p2p.MakeSwitch(cfg.DefaultP2PConfig(), 1, "testing", "123.123.123", func(i int, sw *p2p.Switch) *p2p.Switch { return sw })
err := reactor.Start()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer reactor.Stop()
_, val := css[0].state.Validators.GetByIndex(0)
// 1) new vote
vote := &types.Vote{
ValidatorIndex: 0,
ValidatorAddress: val.Address,
Height: 2,
Round: 0,
Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
Type: types.VoteTypePrevote,
BlockID: types.BlockID{},
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(&VoteMessage{vote})
require.NoError(t, err)
reactor.Receive(VoteChannel, peer, bz)
assert.Equal(t, 1, ps.VotesSent(), "number of votes sent should have increased by 1")
// 2) vote with the same height, but different round
vote.Round = 1
bz, err = cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(&VoteMessage{vote})
require.NoError(t, err)
reactor.Receive(VoteChannel, peer, bz)
assert.Equal(t, 1, ps.VotesSent(), "number of votes sent should stay the same")
// 3) vote from earlier height
vote.Height = 1
vote.Round = 0
bz, err = cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(&VoteMessage{vote})
require.NoError(t, err)
reactor.Receive(VoteChannel, peer, bz)
assert.Equal(t, 1, ps.VotesSent(), "number of votes sent should stay the same")
// ensure we can make blocks despite cycling a validator set
func TestReactorVotingPowerChange(t *testing.T) {
nVals := 4
logger := log.TestingLogger()
css := randConsensusNet(nVals, "consensus_voting_power_changes_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newPersistentKVStore)
reactors, eventChans, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, nVals)
defer stopConsensusNet(logger, reactors, eventBuses)
// map of active validators
activeVals := make(map[string]struct{})
for i := 0; i < nVals; i++ {
activeVals[string(css[i].privValidator.GetAddress())] = struct{}{}
// wait till everyone makes block 1
timeoutWaitGroup(t, nVals, func(j int) {
}, css)
logger.Debug("---------------------------- Testing changing the voting power of one validator a few times")
val1PubKey := css[0].privValidator.GetPubKey()
val1PubKeyABCI := types.TM2PB.PubKey(val1PubKey)
updateValidatorTx := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(val1PubKeyABCI, 25)
previousTotalVotingPower := css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx)
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css)
if css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower {
t.Fatalf("expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower())
updateValidatorTx = kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(val1PubKeyABCI, 2)
previousTotalVotingPower = css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx)
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css)
if css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower {
t.Fatalf("expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower())
updateValidatorTx = kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(val1PubKeyABCI, 26)
previousTotalVotingPower = css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx)
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nVals, activeVals, eventChans, css)
if css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower {
t.Fatalf("expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[0].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower())
func TestReactorValidatorSetChanges(t *testing.T) {
nPeers := 7
nVals := 4
css := randConsensusNetWithPeers(nVals, nPeers, "consensus_val_set_changes_test", newMockTickerFunc(true), newPersistentKVStore)
logger := log.TestingLogger()
reactors, eventChans, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, nPeers)
defer stopConsensusNet(logger, reactors, eventBuses)
// map of active validators
activeVals := make(map[string]struct{})
for i := 0; i < nVals; i++ {
activeVals[string(css[i].privValidator.GetAddress())] = struct{}{}
// wait till everyone makes block 1
timeoutWaitGroup(t, nPeers, func(j int) {
}, css)
logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing adding one validator")
newValidatorPubKey1 := css[nVals].privValidator.GetPubKey()
valPubKey1ABCI := types.TM2PB.PubKey(newValidatorPubKey1)
newValidatorTx1 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(valPubKey1ABCI, testMinPower)
// wait till everyone makes block 2
// ensure the commit includes all validators
// send newValTx to change vals in block 3
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, newValidatorTx1)
// wait till everyone makes block 3.
// it includes the commit for block 2, which is by the original validator set
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, newValidatorTx1)
// wait till everyone makes block 4.
// it includes the commit for block 3, which is by the original validator set
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
// the commits for block 4 should be with the updated validator set
activeVals[string(newValidatorPubKey1.Address())] = struct{}{}
// wait till everyone makes block 5
// it includes the commit for block 4, which should have the updated validator set
waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing changing the voting power of one validator")
updateValidatorPubKey1 := css[nVals].privValidator.GetPubKey()
updatePubKey1ABCI := types.TM2PB.PubKey(updateValidatorPubKey1)
updateValidatorTx1 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(updatePubKey1ABCI, 25)
previousTotalVotingPower := css[nVals].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx1)
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, updateValidatorTx1)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
if css[nVals].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower() == previousTotalVotingPower {
t.Errorf("expected voting power to change (before: %d, after: %d)", previousTotalVotingPower, css[nVals].GetRoundState().LastValidators.TotalVotingPower())
logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing adding two validators at once")
newValidatorPubKey2 := css[nVals+1].privValidator.GetPubKey()
newVal2ABCI := types.TM2PB.PubKey(newValidatorPubKey2)
newValidatorTx2 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal2ABCI, testMinPower)
newValidatorPubKey3 := css[nVals+2].privValidator.GetPubKey()
newVal3ABCI := types.TM2PB.PubKey(newValidatorPubKey3)
newValidatorTx3 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal3ABCI, testMinPower)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, newValidatorTx2, newValidatorTx3)
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, newValidatorTx2, newValidatorTx3)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
activeVals[string(newValidatorPubKey2.Address())] = struct{}{}
activeVals[string(newValidatorPubKey3.Address())] = struct{}{}
waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
logger.Info("---------------------------- Testing removing two validators at once")
removeValidatorTx2 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal2ABCI, 0)
removeValidatorTx3 := kvstore.MakeValSetChangeTx(newVal3ABCI, 0)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, removeValidatorTx2, removeValidatorTx3)
waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css, removeValidatorTx2, removeValidatorTx3)
waitForAndValidateBlock(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
delete(activeVals, string(newValidatorPubKey2.Address()))
delete(activeVals, string(newValidatorPubKey3.Address()))
waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t, nPeers, activeVals, eventChans, css)
// Check we can make blocks with skip_timeout_commit=false
func TestReactorWithTimeoutCommit(t *testing.T) {
N := 4
css := randConsensusNet(N, "consensus_reactor_with_timeout_commit_test", newMockTickerFunc(false), newCounter)
// override default SkipTimeoutCommit == true for tests
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
css[i].config.SkipTimeoutCommit = false
reactors, eventChans, eventBuses := startConsensusNet(t, css, N-1)
defer stopConsensusNet(log.TestingLogger(), reactors, eventBuses)
// wait till everyone makes the first new block
timeoutWaitGroup(t, N-1, func(j int) {
}, css)
func waitForAndValidateBlock(t *testing.T, n int, activeVals map[string]struct{}, eventChans []chan interface{}, css []*ConsensusState, txs ...[]byte) {
timeoutWaitGroup(t, n, func(j int) {
newBlockI, ok := <-eventChans[j]
if !ok {
newBlock := newBlockI.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block
css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlock: Got block", "height", newBlock.Height)
err := validateBlock(newBlock, activeVals)
assert.Nil(t, err)
for _, tx := range txs {
err := css[j].mempool.CheckTx(tx, nil)
assert.Nil(t, err)
}, css)
func waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx(t *testing.T, n int, activeVals map[string]struct{}, eventChans []chan interface{}, css []*ConsensusState, txs ...[]byte) {
timeoutWaitGroup(t, n, func(j int) {
ntxs := 0
for {
css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx", "ntxs", ntxs)
newBlockI, ok := <-eventChans[j]
if !ok {
newBlock := newBlockI.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block
css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForAndValidateBlockWithTx: Got block", "height", newBlock.Height)
err := validateBlock(newBlock, activeVals)
assert.Nil(t, err)
// check that txs match the txs we're waiting for.
// note they could be spread over multiple blocks,
// but they should be in order.
for _, tx := range newBlock.Data.Txs {
assert.EqualValues(t, txs[ntxs], tx)
if ntxs == len(txs) {
}, css)
func waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt(t *testing.T, n int, updatedVals map[string]struct{}, eventChans []chan interface{}, css []*ConsensusState) {
timeoutWaitGroup(t, n, func(j int) {
var newBlock *types.Block
for {
newBlockI, ok := <-eventChans[j]
if !ok {
newBlock = newBlockI.(types.EventDataNewBlock).Block
if newBlock.LastCommit.Size() == len(updatedVals) {
css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt: Got block", "height", newBlock.Height)
break LOOP
} else {
css[j].Logger.Debug("waitForBlockWithUpdatedValsAndValidateIt: Got block with no new validators. Skipping", "height", newBlock.Height)
err := validateBlock(newBlock, updatedVals)
assert.Nil(t, err)
}, css)
// expects high synchrony!
func validateBlock(block *types.Block, activeVals map[string]struct{}) error {
if block.LastCommit.Size() != len(activeVals) {
return fmt.Errorf("Commit size doesn't match number of active validators. Got %d, expected %d", block.LastCommit.Size(), len(activeVals))
for _, vote := range block.LastCommit.Precommits {
if _, ok := activeVals[string(vote.ValidatorAddress)]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Found vote for unactive validator %X", vote.ValidatorAddress)
return nil
func timeoutWaitGroup(t *testing.T, n int, f func(int), css []*ConsensusState) {
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func(j int) {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// we're running many nodes in-process, possibly in in a virtual machine,
// and spewing debug messages - making a block could take a while,
timeout := time.Second * 300
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(timeout):
for i, cs := range css {
t.Log("Validator", i)
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
panic("Timed out waiting for all validators to commit a block")
func capture() {
trace := make([]byte, 10240000)
count := runtime.Stack(trace, true)
fmt.Printf("Stack of %d bytes: %s\n", count, trace)