You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.9 KiB

package core
import (
abcitypes ""
tmstate ""
rpctypes ""
const (
height int64 = 10
base int64 = 1
func TestUnsafeReIndex(t *testing.T) {
mockBlockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
mockStateStore := &mocks.Store{}
mockEventSink := &mocks.EventSink{}
env := &Environment{
BlockStore: mockBlockStore,
StateStore: mockStateStore,
EventSinks: []indexer.EventSink{mockEventSink},
Logger: log.TestingLogger()}
On("LoadBlock", base+1).Return(nil).Once().
On("LoadBlock", base+1).Return(&types.Block{Data: types.Data{Txs: types.Txs{make(types.Tx, 1)}}})
On("IndexBlockEvents", mock.AnythingOfType("types.EventDataNewBlockHeader")).Return(errors.New("")).Once().
On("IndexBlockEvents", mock.AnythingOfType("types.EventDataNewBlockHeader")).Return(nil).
On("IndexTxEvents", mock.AnythingOfType("[]*types.TxResult")).Return(errors.New("")).Once().
On("IndexTxEvents", mock.AnythingOfType("[]*types.TxResult")).Return(nil)
dtx := abcitypes.ResponseDeliverTx{}
abciResp := &tmstate.ABCIResponses{
DeliverTxs: []*abcitypes.ResponseDeliverTx{&dtx},
EndBlock: &abcitypes.ResponseEndBlock{},
BeginBlock: &abcitypes.ResponseBeginBlock{},
On("LoadABCIResponses", base+1).Return(nil, errors.New("")).Once().
On("LoadABCIResponses", base+1).Return(abciResp, nil)
testCases := []struct {
startHeight int64
endHeight int64
enableSink bool
isErr bool
{base, 0, false, true}, // the start height less equal than the base height
{height + 1, 0, false, true}, // the start height greater than the store height
{base + 1, base, false, true}, // the end height less equal than the base height
{height, height - 1, false, true}, // the start height greater than the end height
{base + 1, height + 1, false, true}, // the end height will be the same as the store height and no eventsink error
{base + 1, base + 1, true, true}, // LoadBlock error
{base + 1, base + 1, true, true}, // LoadABCIResponses error
{base + 1, base + 1, true, true}, // index block event error
{base + 1, base + 1, true, true}, // index tx event error
{base + 1, base + 1, true, false},
for _, tc := range testCases {
res, err := env.UnsafeReIndex(&rpctypes.Context{}, tc.startHeight, tc.endHeight)
if tc.isErr {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, res)