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package vm
import (
. ""
ptypes ""
. ""
func newAppState() *FakeAppState {
fas := &FakeAppState{
accounts: make(map[string]*Account),
storage: make(map[string]Word256),
logs: nil,
// For default permissions
fas.accounts[ptypes.GlobalPermissionsAddress256.String()] = &Account{
Permissions: ptypes.DefaultAccountPermissions,
return fas
func newParams() Params {
return Params{
BlockHeight: 0,
BlockHash: Zero256,
BlockTime: 0,
GasLimit: 0,
func makeBytes(n int) []byte {
b := make([]byte, n)
return b
// Runs a basic loop
func TestVM(t *testing.T) {
ourVm := NewVM(newAppState(), newParams(), Zero256, nil)
// Create accounts
account1 := &Account{
Address: Int64ToWord256(100),
account2 := &Account{
Address: Int64ToWord256(101),
var gas int64 = 100000
N := []byte{0x0f, 0x0f}
// Loop N times
code := []byte{0x60, 0x00, 0x60, 0x20, 0x52, 0x5B, byte(0x60 + len(N) - 1)}
code = append(code, N...)
code = append(code, []byte{0x60, 0x20, 0x51, 0x12, 0x15, 0x60, byte(0x1b + len(N)), 0x57, 0x60, 0x01, 0x60, 0x20, 0x51, 0x01, 0x60, 0x20, 0x52, 0x60, 0x05, 0x56, 0x5B}...)
start := time.Now()
output, err := ourVm.Call(account1, account2, code, []byte{}, 0, &gas)
fmt.Printf("Output: %v Error: %v\n", output, err)
fmt.Println("Call took:", time.Since(start))
if err != nil {
// Tests the code for a subcurrency contract compiled by serpent
func TestSubcurrency(t *testing.T) {
st := newAppState()
// Create accounts
account1 := &Account{
Address: LeftPadWord256(makeBytes(20)),
account2 := &Account{
Address: LeftPadWord256(makeBytes(20)),
st.accounts[account1.Address.String()] = account1
st.accounts[account2.Address.String()] = account2
ourVm := NewVM(st, newParams(), Zero256, nil)
var gas int64 = 1000
code_parts := []string{"620f42403355",
code, _ := hex.DecodeString(strings.Join(code_parts, ""))
fmt.Printf("Code: %x\n", code)
data, _ := hex.DecodeString("693200CE0000000000000000000000004B4363CDE27C2EB05E66357DB05BC5C88F850C1A0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005")
output, err := ourVm.Call(account1, account2, code, data, 0, &gas)
fmt.Printf("Output: %v Error: %v\n", output, err)
if err != nil {
// Test sending tokens from a contract to another account
func TestSendCall(t *testing.T) {
fakeAppState := newAppState()
ourVm := NewVM(fakeAppState, newParams(), Zero256, nil)
// Create accounts
account1 := &Account{
Address: Int64ToWord256(100),
account2 := &Account{
Address: Int64ToWord256(101),
account3 := &Account{
Address: Int64ToWord256(102),
// account1 will call account2 which will trigger CALL opcode to account3
addr := account3.Address.Postfix(20)
contractCode := callContractCode(addr)
// account2 has insufficient balance, should fail
fmt.Println("Should fail with insufficient balance")
exception := runVMWaitEvents(t, ourVm, account1, account2, addr, contractCode, 1000)
if exception == "" {
t.Fatal("Expected exception")
// give account2 sufficient balance, should pass
account2.Balance = 100000
exception = runVMWaitEvents(t, ourVm, account1, account2, addr, contractCode, 1000)
if exception != "" {
t.Fatal("Unexpected exception", exception)
// insufficient gas, should fail
fmt.Println("Should fail with insufficient gas")
account2.Balance = 100000
exception = runVMWaitEvents(t, ourVm, account1, account2, addr, contractCode, 100)
if exception == "" {
t.Fatal("Expected exception")
// subscribes to an AccCall, runs the vm, returns the exception
func runVMWaitEvents(t *testing.T, ourVm *VM, caller, callee *Account, subscribeAddr, contractCode []byte, gas int64) string {
// we need to catch the event from the CALL to check for exceptions
evsw := events.NewEventSwitch()
ch := make(chan interface{})
fmt.Printf("subscribe to %x\n", subscribeAddr)
evsw.AddListenerForEvent("test", types.EventStringAccCall(subscribeAddr), func(msg interface{}) {
ch <- msg
evc := events.NewEventCache(evsw)
go func() {
start := time.Now()
output, err := ourVm.Call(caller, callee, contractCode, []byte{}, 0, &gas)
fmt.Printf("Output: %v Error: %v\n", output, err)
fmt.Println("Call took:", time.Since(start))
if err != nil {
ch <- err.Error()
msg := <-ch
switch ev := msg.(type) {
case types.EventMsgCallTx:
return ev.Exception
case types.EventMsgCall:
return ev.Exception
case string:
return ev
return ""
// this is code to call another contract (hardcoded as addr)
func callContractCode(addr []byte) []byte {
gas1, gas2 := byte(0x1), byte(0x1)
value := byte(0x69)
inOff, inSize := byte(0x0), byte(0x0) // no call data
retOff, retSize := byte(0x0), byte(0x20)
// this is the code we want to run (send funds to an account and return)
contractCode := []byte{0x60, retSize, 0x60, retOff, 0x60, inSize, 0x60, inOff, 0x60, value, 0x73}
contractCode = append(contractCode, addr...)
contractCode = append(contractCode, []byte{0x61, gas1, gas2, 0xf1, 0x60, 0x20, 0x60, 0x0, 0xf3}...)
return contractCode
// infinite loop
code := []byte{0x5B, 0x60, 0x00, 0x56}
// mstore
code := []byte{0x60, 0x00, 0x60, 0x20}
// mstore, mload
code := []byte{0x60, 0x01, 0x60, 0x20, 0x52, 0x60, 0x20, 0x51}