You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1799 lines
54 KiB

package types
import (
tmmath ""
tmrand ""
tmproto ""
func TestValidatorSetBasic(t *testing.T) {
// empty or nil validator lists are allowed,
// but attempting to IncrementProposerPriority on them will panic.
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{})
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
vset = NewValidatorSet(nil)
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
assert.EqualValues(t, vset, vset.Copy())
assert.False(t, vset.HasAddress([]byte("some val")))
idx, val := vset.GetByAddress([]byte("some val"))
assert.EqualValues(t, -1, idx)
assert.Nil(t, val)
addr, val := vset.GetByIndex(-100)
assert.Nil(t, addr)
assert.Nil(t, val)
addr, val = vset.GetByIndex(0)
assert.Nil(t, addr)
assert.Nil(t, val)
addr, val = vset.GetByIndex(100)
assert.Nil(t, addr)
assert.Nil(t, val)
assert.Zero(t, vset.Size())
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.Nil(t, vset.GetProposer())
assert.Equal(t, []byte{0xe3, 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x42, 0x98, 0xfc, 0x1c, 0x14, 0x9a, 0xfb, 0xf4,
0xc8, 0x99, 0x6f, 0xb9, 0x24, 0x27, 0xae, 0x41, 0xe4, 0x64, 0x9b, 0x93, 0x4c, 0xa4, 0x95,
0x99, 0x1b, 0x78, 0x52, 0xb8, 0x55}, vset.Hash())
// add
val = randModuloValidator(vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.NoError(t, vset.UpdateWithChangeSet([]*Validator{val}))
assert.True(t, vset.HasAddress(val.Address))
idx, _ = vset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
assert.EqualValues(t, 0, idx)
addr, _ = vset.GetByIndex(0)
assert.Equal(t, []byte(val.Address), addr)
assert.Equal(t, 1, vset.Size())
assert.Equal(t, val.VotingPower, vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.NotNil(t, vset.Hash())
assert.NotPanics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
assert.Equal(t, val.Address, vset.GetProposer().Address)
// update
val = randModuloValidator(vset.TotalVotingPower())
assert.NoError(t, vset.UpdateWithChangeSet([]*Validator{val}))
_, val = vset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
val.VotingPower += 100
proposerPriority := val.ProposerPriority
val.ProposerPriority = 0
assert.NoError(t, vset.UpdateWithChangeSet([]*Validator{val}))
_, val = vset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
assert.Equal(t, proposerPriority, val.ProposerPriority)
func TestValidatorSetValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
val, _ := randValidator(false, 1)
badVal := &Validator{}
testCases := []struct {
vals ValidatorSet
err bool
msg string
vals: ValidatorSet{},
err: true,
msg: "validator set is nil or empty",
vals: ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{},
err: true,
msg: "validator set is nil or empty",
vals: ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{val},
err: true,
msg: "proposer failed validate basic, error: nil validator",
vals: ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{badVal},
err: true,
msg: "invalid validator #0: validator does not have a public key",
vals: ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{val},
Proposer: val,
err: false,
msg: "",
for _, tc := range testCases {
err := tc.vals.ValidateBasic()
if tc.err {
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Equal(t, tc.msg, err.Error())
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
vset := randModuloValidatorSet(10)
vsetHash := vset.Hash()
if len(vsetHash) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("ValidatorSet had unexpected zero hash")
vsetCopy := vset.Copy()
vsetCopyHash := vsetCopy.Hash()
if !bytes.Equal(vsetHash, vsetCopyHash) {
t.Fatalf("ValidatorSet copy had wrong hash. Orig: %X, Copy: %X", vsetHash, vsetCopyHash)
// Test that IncrementProposerPriority requires positive times.
func TestIncrementProposerPriorityPositiveTimes(t *testing.T) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{
newValidator([]byte("foo"), 1000),
newValidator([]byte("bar"), 300),
newValidator([]byte("baz"), 330),
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(-1) })
assert.Panics(t, func() { vset.IncrementProposerPriority(0) })
func BenchmarkValidatorSetCopy(b *testing.B) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{})
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
privKey := ed25519.GenPrivKey()
pubKey := privKey.PubKey()
val := NewValidator(pubKey, 10)
err := vset.UpdateWithChangeSet([]*Validator{val})
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to add validator")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func TestProposerSelection1(t *testing.T) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{
newValidator([]byte("foo"), 1000),
newValidator([]byte("bar"), 300),
newValidator([]byte("baz"), 330),
var proposers []string
for i := 0; i < 99; i++ {
val := vset.GetProposer()
proposers = append(proposers, string(val.Address))
expected := `foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar` +
` foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar` +
` foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo foo baz bar foo foo foo baz` +
` foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo bar foo foo baz foo` +
` foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo bar foo baz foo foo`
if expected != strings.Join(proposers, " ") {
t.Errorf("expected sequence of proposers was\n%v\nbut got \n%v", expected, strings.Join(proposers, " "))
func TestProposerSelection2(t *testing.T) {
addr0 := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
addr1 := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
addr2 := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2}
// when all voting power is same, we go in order of addresses
val0, val1, val2 := newValidator(addr0, 100), newValidator(addr1, 100), newValidator(addr2, 100)
valList := []*Validator{val0, val1, val2}
vals := NewValidatorSet(valList)
for i := 0; i < len(valList)*5; i++ {
ii := (i) % len(valList)
prop := vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, valList[ii].Address) {
t.Fatalf("(%d): Expected %X. Got %X", i, valList[ii].Address, prop.Address)
// One validator has more than the others, but not enough to propose twice in a row
*val2 = *newValidator(addr2, 400)
vals = NewValidatorSet(valList)
// vals.IncrementProposerPriority(1)
prop := vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr2) {
t.Fatalf("Expected address with highest voting power to be first proposer. Got %X", prop.Address)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr0) {
t.Fatalf("Expected smallest address to be validator. Got %X", prop.Address)
// One validator has more than the others, and enough to be proposer twice in a row
*val2 = *newValidator(addr2, 401)
vals = NewValidatorSet(valList)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr2) {
t.Fatalf("Expected address with highest voting power to be first proposer. Got %X", prop.Address)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr2) {
t.Fatalf("Expected address with highest voting power to be second proposer. Got %X", prop.Address)
prop = vals.GetProposer()
if !bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr0) {
t.Fatalf("Expected smallest address to be validator. Got %X", prop.Address)
// each validator should be the proposer a proportional number of times
val0, val1, val2 = newValidator(addr0, 4), newValidator(addr1, 5), newValidator(addr2, 3)
valList = []*Validator{val0, val1, val2}
propCount := make([]int, 3)
vals = NewValidatorSet(valList)
N := 1
for i := 0; i < 120*N; i++ {
prop := vals.GetProposer()
ii := prop.Address[19]
if propCount[0] != 40*N {
"Expected prop count for validator with 4/12 of voting power to be %d/%d. Got %d/%d",
if propCount[1] != 50*N {
"Expected prop count for validator with 5/12 of voting power to be %d/%d. Got %d/%d",
if propCount[2] != 30*N {
"Expected prop count for validator with 3/12 of voting power to be %d/%d. Got %d/%d",
func TestProposerSelection3(t *testing.T) {
vset := NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{
newValidator([]byte("avalidator_address12"), 1),
newValidator([]byte("bvalidator_address12"), 1),
newValidator([]byte("cvalidator_address12"), 1),
newValidator([]byte("dvalidator_address12"), 1),
proposerOrder := make([]*Validator, 4)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
// need to give all validators to have keys
pk := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
vset.Validators[i].PubKey = pk
proposerOrder[i] = vset.GetProposer()
// i for the loop
// j for the times
// we should go in order for ever, despite some IncrementProposerPriority with times > 1
var (
i int
j int32
for ; i < 10000; i++ {
got := vset.GetProposer().Address
expected := proposerOrder[j%4].Address
if !bytes.Equal(got, expected) {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("vset.Proposer (%X) does not match expected proposer (%X) for (%d, %d)", got, expected, i, j))
// serialize, deserialize, check proposer
b := vset.toBytes()
vset = vset.fromBytes(b)
computed := vset.GetProposer() // findGetProposer()
if i != 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(got, computed.Address) {
"vset.Proposer (%X) does not match computed proposer (%X) for (%d, %d)",
// times is usually 1
times := int32(1)
mod := (rand.Int() % 5) + 1
if rand.Int()%mod > 0 {
// sometimes its up to 5
times = (rand.Int31() % 4) + 1
j += times
func newValidator(address []byte, power int64) *Validator {
return &Validator{Address: address, VotingPower: power}
func randPubKey() crypto.PubKey {
pubKey := make(ed25519.PubKey, ed25519.PubKeySize)
copy(pubKey, tmrand.Bytes(32))
return ed25519.PubKey(tmrand.Bytes(32))
func randModuloValidator(totalVotingPower int64) *Validator {
// this modulo limits the ProposerPriority/VotingPower to stay in the
// bounds of MaxTotalVotingPower minus the already existing voting power:
val := NewValidator(randPubKey(), int64(rand.Uint64()%uint64(MaxTotalVotingPower-totalVotingPower)))
val.ProposerPriority = rand.Int63() % (MaxTotalVotingPower - totalVotingPower)
return val
func randValidator(randPower bool, minPower int64) (*Validator, PrivValidator) {
privVal := NewMockPV()
votePower := minPower
if randPower {
votePower += int64(rand.Uint32())
pubKey, err := privVal.GetPubKey(context.Background())
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not retrieve pubkey %w", err))
val := NewValidator(pubKey, votePower)
return val, privVal
func randModuloValidatorSet(numValidators int) *ValidatorSet {
validators := make([]*Validator, numValidators)
totalVotingPower := int64(0)
for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
validators[i] = randModuloValidator(totalVotingPower)
totalVotingPower += validators[i].VotingPower
return NewValidatorSet(validators)
func (vals *ValidatorSet) toBytes() []byte {
pbvs, err := vals.ToProto()
if err != nil {
bz, err := pbvs.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return bz
func (vals *ValidatorSet) fromBytes(b []byte) *ValidatorSet {
pbvs := new(tmproto.ValidatorSet)
err := pbvs.Unmarshal(b)
if err != nil {
vs, err := ValidatorSetFromProto(pbvs)
if err != nil {
return vs
func TestValidatorSetTotalVotingPowerPanicsOnOverflow(t *testing.T) {
// NewValidatorSet calls IncrementProposerPriority which calls TotalVotingPower()
// which should panic on overflows:
shouldPanic := func() {
{Address: []byte("a"), VotingPower: math.MaxInt64, ProposerPriority: 0},
{Address: []byte("b"), VotingPower: math.MaxInt64, ProposerPriority: 0},
{Address: []byte("c"), VotingPower: math.MaxInt64, ProposerPriority: 0},
assert.Panics(t, shouldPanic)
func TestAvgProposerPriority(t *testing.T) {
// Create Validator set without calling IncrementProposerPriority:
tcs := []struct {
vs ValidatorSet
want int64
0: {ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: 0}, {ProposerPriority: 0}, {ProposerPriority: 0}}}, 0},
1: {
Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}, {ProposerPriority: 0}, {ProposerPriority: 0}},
}, math.MaxInt64 / 3,
2: {
Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}, {ProposerPriority: 0}},
}, math.MaxInt64 / 2,
3: {
Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}, {ProposerPriority: math.MaxInt64}},
}, math.MaxInt64,
4: {
Validators: []*Validator{{ProposerPriority: math.MinInt64}, {ProposerPriority: math.MinInt64}},
}, math.MinInt64,
for i, tc := range tcs {
got := tc.vs.computeAvgProposerPriority()
assert.Equal(t, tc.want, got, "test case: %v", i)
func TestAveragingInIncrementProposerPriority(t *testing.T) {
// Test that the averaging works as expected inside of IncrementProposerPriority.
// Each validator comes with zero voting power which simplifies reasoning about
// the expected ProposerPriority.
tcs := []struct {
vs ValidatorSet
times int32
avg int64
0: {ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte("a"), ProposerPriority: 1},
{Address: []byte("b"), ProposerPriority: 2},
{Address: []byte("c"), ProposerPriority: 3}}},
1, 2},
1: {ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte("a"), ProposerPriority: 10},
{Address: []byte("b"), ProposerPriority: -10},
{Address: []byte("c"), ProposerPriority: 1}}},
// this should average twice but the average should be 0 after the first iteration
// (voting power is 0 -> no changes)
11, 1 / 3},
2: {ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte("a"), ProposerPriority: 100},
{Address: []byte("b"), ProposerPriority: -10},
{Address: []byte("c"), ProposerPriority: 1}}},
1, 91 / 3},
for i, tc := range tcs {
// work on copy to have the old ProposerPriorities:
newVset := tc.vs.CopyIncrementProposerPriority(tc.times)
for _, val := range tc.vs.Validators {
_, updatedVal := newVset.GetByAddress(val.Address)
assert.Equal(t, updatedVal.ProposerPriority, val.ProposerPriority-tc.avg, "test case: %v", i)
func TestAveragingInIncrementProposerPriorityWithVotingPower(t *testing.T) {
// Other than TestAveragingInIncrementProposerPriority this is a more complete test showing
// how each ProposerPriority changes in relation to the validator's voting power respectively.
// average is zero in each round:
vp0 := int64(10)
vp1 := int64(1)
vp2 := int64(1)
total := vp0 + vp1 + vp2
avg := (vp0 + vp1 + vp2 - total) / 3
vals := ValidatorSet{Validators: []*Validator{
{Address: []byte{0}, ProposerPriority: 0, VotingPower: vp0},
{Address: []byte{1}, ProposerPriority: 0, VotingPower: vp1},
{Address: []byte{2}, ProposerPriority: 0, VotingPower: vp2}}}
tcs := []struct {
vals *ValidatorSet
wantProposerPrioritys []int64
times int32
wantProposer *Validator
0: {
// Acumm+VotingPower-Avg:
0 + vp0 - total - avg, // mostest will be subtracted by total voting power (12)
0 + vp1,
0 + vp2},
1: {
(0 + vp0 - total) + vp0 - total - avg, // this will be mostest on 2nd iter, too
(0 + vp1) + vp1,
(0 + vp2) + vp2},
vals.Validators[0]}, // increment twice -> expect average to be subtracted twice
2: {
0 + 3*(vp0-total) - avg, // still mostest
0 + 3*vp1,
0 + 3*vp2},
3: {
0 + 4*(vp0-total), // still mostest
0 + 4*vp1,
0 + 4*vp2},
4: {
0 + 4*(vp0-total) + vp0, // 4 iters was mostest
0 + 5*vp1 - total, // now this val is mostest for the 1st time (hence -12==totalVotingPower)
0 + 5*vp2},
5: {
0 + 6*vp0 - 5*total, // mostest again
0 + 6*vp1 - total, // mostest once up to here
0 + 6*vp2},
6: {
0 + 7*vp0 - 6*total, // in 7 iters this val is mostest 6 times
0 + 7*vp1 - total, // in 7 iters this val is mostest 1 time
0 + 7*vp2},
7: {
0 + 8*vp0 - 7*total, // mostest again
0 + 8*vp1 - total,
0 + 8*vp2},
8: {
0 + 9*vp0 - 7*total,
0 + 9*vp1 - total,
0 + 9*vp2 - total}, // mostest
9: {
0 + 10*vp0 - 8*total, // after 10 iters this is mostest again
0 + 10*vp1 - total, // after 6 iters this val is "mostest" once and not in between
0 + 10*vp2 - total}, // in between 10 iters this val is "mostest" once
10: {
0 + 11*vp0 - 9*total,
0 + 11*vp1 - total, // after 6 iters this val is "mostest" once and not in between
0 + 11*vp2 - total}, // after 10 iters this val is "mostest" once
for i, tc := range tcs {
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantProposer.Address, tc.vals.GetProposer().Address,
"test case: %v",
for valIdx, val := range tc.vals.Validators {
"test case: %v, validator: %v",
func TestSafeAdd(t *testing.T) {
f := func(a, b int64) bool {
c, overflow := safeAdd(a, b)
return overflow || (!overflow && c == a+b)
if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil {
func TestSafeAddClip(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MaxInt64, safeAddClip(math.MaxInt64, 10))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MaxInt64, safeAddClip(math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MinInt64, safeAddClip(math.MinInt64, -10))
func TestSafeSubClip(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MinInt64, safeSubClip(math.MinInt64, 10))
assert.EqualValues(t, 0, safeSubClip(math.MinInt64, math.MinInt64))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MinInt64, safeSubClip(math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64))
assert.EqualValues(t, math.MaxInt64, safeSubClip(math.MaxInt64, -10))
// Check VerifyCommit, VerifyCommitLight and VerifyCommitLightTrusting basic
// verification.
func TestValidatorSet_VerifyCommit_All(t *testing.T) {
var (
privKey = ed25519.GenPrivKey()
pubKey = privKey.PubKey()
v1 = NewValidator(pubKey, 1000)
vset = NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{v1})
chainID = "Lalande21185"
vote := examplePrecommit()
vote.ValidatorAddress = pubKey.Address()
v := vote.ToProto()
sig, err := privKey.Sign(VoteSignBytes(chainID, v))
require.NoError(t, err)
vote.Signature = sig
commit := NewCommit(vote.Height, vote.Round, vote.BlockID, []CommitSig{vote.CommitSig()})
vote2 := *vote
sig2, err := privKey.Sign(VoteSignBytes("EpsilonEridani", v))
require.NoError(t, err)
vote2.Signature = sig2
testCases := []struct {
description string
chainID string
blockID BlockID
height int64
commit *Commit
expErr bool
{"good", chainID, vote.BlockID, vote.Height, commit, false},
{"wrong signature (#0)", "EpsilonEridani", vote.BlockID, vote.Height, commit, true},
{"wrong block ID", chainID, makeBlockIDRandom(), vote.Height, commit, true},
{"wrong height", chainID, vote.BlockID, vote.Height - 1, commit, true},
{"wrong set size: 1 vs 0", chainID, vote.BlockID, vote.Height,
NewCommit(vote.Height, vote.Round, vote.BlockID, []CommitSig{}), true},
{"wrong set size: 1 vs 2", chainID, vote.BlockID, vote.Height,
NewCommit(vote.Height, vote.Round, vote.BlockID,
[]CommitSig{vote.CommitSig(), {BlockIDFlag: BlockIDFlagAbsent}}), true},
{"insufficient voting power: got 0, needed more than 666", chainID, vote.BlockID, vote.Height,
NewCommit(vote.Height, vote.Round, vote.BlockID, []CommitSig{{BlockIDFlag: BlockIDFlagAbsent}}), true},
{"wrong signature (#0)", chainID, vote.BlockID, vote.Height,
NewCommit(vote.Height, vote.Round, vote.BlockID, []CommitSig{vote2.CommitSig()}), true},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
err := vset.VerifyCommit(tc.chainID, tc.blockID, tc.height, tc.commit)
if tc.expErr {
if assert.Error(t, err, "VerifyCommit") {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.description, "VerifyCommit")
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err, "VerifyCommit")
err = vset.VerifyCommitLight(tc.chainID, tc.blockID, tc.height, tc.commit)
if tc.expErr {
if assert.Error(t, err, "VerifyCommitLight") {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.description, "VerifyCommitLight")
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err, "VerifyCommitLight")
func TestValidatorSet_VerifyCommit_CheckAllSignatures(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = "test_chain_id"
h = int64(3)
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
voteSet, valSet, vals := randVoteSet(h, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, 4, 10)
commit, err := makeCommit(blockID, h, 0, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
// malleate 4th signature
vote := voteSet.GetByIndex(3)
v := vote.ToProto()
err = vals[3].SignVote(context.Background(), "CentaurusA", v)
require.NoError(t, err)
vote.Signature = v.Signature
commit.Signatures[3] = vote.CommitSig()
err = valSet.VerifyCommit(chainID, blockID, h, commit)
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "wrong signature (#3)")
func TestValidatorSet_VerifyCommitLight_ReturnsAsSoonAsMajorityOfVotingPowerSigned(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = "test_chain_id"
h = int64(3)
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
voteSet, valSet, vals := randVoteSet(h, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, 4, 10)
commit, err := makeCommit(blockID, h, 0, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
// malleate 4th signature (3 signatures are enough for 2/3+)
vote := voteSet.GetByIndex(3)
v := vote.ToProto()
err = vals[3].SignVote(context.Background(), "CentaurusA", v)
require.NoError(t, err)
vote.Signature = v.Signature
commit.Signatures[3] = vote.CommitSig()
err = valSet.VerifyCommitLight(chainID, blockID, h, commit)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestValidatorSet_VerifyCommitLightTrusting_ReturnsAsSoonAsTrustLevelOfVotingPowerSigned(t *testing.T) {
var (
chainID = "test_chain_id"
h = int64(3)
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
voteSet, valSet, vals := randVoteSet(h, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, 4, 10)
commit, err := makeCommit(blockID, h, 0, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
// malleate 3rd signature (2 signatures are enough for 1/3+ trust level)
vote := voteSet.GetByIndex(2)
v := vote.ToProto()
err = vals[2].SignVote(context.Background(), "CentaurusA", v)
require.NoError(t, err)
vote.Signature = v.Signature
commit.Signatures[2] = vote.CommitSig()
err = valSet.VerifyCommitLightTrusting(chainID, commit, tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 3})
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestEmptySet(t *testing.T) {
var valList []*Validator
valSet := NewValidatorSet(valList)
assert.Panics(t, func() { valSet.IncrementProposerPriority(1) })
assert.Panics(t, func() { valSet.RescalePriorities(100) })
assert.Panics(t, func() { valSet.shiftByAvgProposerPriority() })
assert.Panics(t, func() { assert.Zero(t, computeMaxMinPriorityDiff(valSet)) })
// Add to empty set
v1 := newValidator([]byte("v1"), 100)
v2 := newValidator([]byte("v2"), 100)
valList = []*Validator{v1, v2}
assert.NoError(t, valSet.UpdateWithChangeSet(valList))
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
// Delete all validators from set
v1 = newValidator([]byte("v1"), 0)
v2 = newValidator([]byte("v2"), 0)
delList := []*Validator{v1, v2}
assert.Error(t, valSet.UpdateWithChangeSet(delList))
// Attempt delete from empty set
assert.Error(t, valSet.UpdateWithChangeSet(delList))
func TestUpdatesForNewValidatorSet(t *testing.T) {
v1 := newValidator([]byte("v1"), 100)
v2 := newValidator([]byte("v2"), 100)
valList := []*Validator{v1, v2}
valSet := NewValidatorSet(valList)
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
// Verify duplicates are caught in NewValidatorSet() and it panics
v111 := newValidator([]byte("v1"), 100)
v112 := newValidator([]byte("v1"), 123)
v113 := newValidator([]byte("v1"), 234)
valList = []*Validator{v111, v112, v113}
assert.Panics(t, func() { NewValidatorSet(valList) })
// Verify set including validator with voting power 0 cannot be created
v1 = newValidator([]byte("v1"), 0)
v2 = newValidator([]byte("v2"), 22)
v3 := newValidator([]byte("v3"), 33)
valList = []*Validator{v1, v2, v3}
assert.Panics(t, func() { NewValidatorSet(valList) })
// Verify set including validator with negative voting power cannot be created
v1 = newValidator([]byte("v1"), 10)
v2 = newValidator([]byte("v2"), -20)
v3 = newValidator([]byte("v3"), 30)
valList = []*Validator{v1, v2, v3}
assert.Panics(t, func() { NewValidatorSet(valList) })
type testVal struct {
name string
power int64
func permutation(valList []testVal) []testVal {
if len(valList) == 0 {
return nil
permList := make([]testVal, len(valList))
perm := rand.Perm(len(valList))
for i, v := range perm {
permList[v] = valList[i]
return permList
func createNewValidatorList(testValList []testVal) []*Validator {
valList := make([]*Validator, 0, len(testValList))
for _, val := range testValList {
valList = append(valList, newValidator([]byte(, val.power))
return valList
func createNewValidatorSet(testValList []testVal) *ValidatorSet {
return NewValidatorSet(createNewValidatorList(testValList))
func valSetTotalProposerPriority(valSet *ValidatorSet) int64 {
sum := int64(0)
for _, val := range valSet.Validators {
// mind overflow
sum = safeAddClip(sum, val.ProposerPriority)
return sum
func verifyValidatorSet(t *testing.T, valSet *ValidatorSet) {
// verify that the capacity and length of validators is the same
assert.Equal(t, len(valSet.Validators), cap(valSet.Validators))
// verify that the set's total voting power has been updated
tvp := valSet.totalVotingPower
expectedTvp := valSet.TotalVotingPower()
assert.Equal(t, expectedTvp, tvp,
"expected TVP %d. Got %d, valSet=%s", expectedTvp, tvp, valSet)
// verify that validator priorities are centered
valsCount := int64(len(valSet.Validators))
tpp := valSetTotalProposerPriority(valSet)
assert.True(t, tpp < valsCount && tpp > -valsCount,
"expected total priority in (-%d, %d). Got %d", valsCount, valsCount, tpp)
// verify that priorities are scaled
dist := computeMaxMinPriorityDiff(valSet)
assert.True(t, dist <= PriorityWindowSizeFactor*tvp,
"expected priority distance < %d. Got %d", PriorityWindowSizeFactor*tvp, dist)
func toTestValList(valList []*Validator) []testVal {
testList := make([]testVal, len(valList))
for i, val := range valList {
testList[i].name = string(val.Address)
testList[i].power = val.VotingPower
return testList
func testValSet(nVals int, power int64) []testVal {
vals := make([]testVal, nVals)
for i := 0; i < nVals; i++ {
vals[i] = testVal{fmt.Sprintf("v%d", i+1), power}
return vals
type valSetErrTestCase struct {
startVals []testVal
updateVals []testVal
func executeValSetErrTestCase(t *testing.T, idx int, tt valSetErrTestCase) {
// create a new set and apply updates, keeping copies for the checks
valSet := createNewValidatorSet(tt.startVals)
valSetCopy := valSet.Copy()
valList := createNewValidatorList(tt.updateVals)
valListCopy := validatorListCopy(valList)
err := valSet.UpdateWithChangeSet(valList)
// for errors check the validator set has not been changed
assert.Error(t, err, "test %d", idx)
assert.Equal(t, valSet, valSetCopy, "test %v", idx)
// check the parameter list has not changed
assert.Equal(t, valList, valListCopy, "test %v", idx)
func TestValSetUpdatesDuplicateEntries(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []valSetErrTestCase{
// Duplicate entries in changes
{ // first entry is duplicated change
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v1", 22}},
{ // second entry is duplicated change
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v2", 11}, {"v2", 22}},
{ // change duplicates are separated by a valid change
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}, {"v1", 12}},
{ // change duplicates are separated by a valid change
testValSet(3, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v3", 22}, {"v1", 12}},
// Duplicate entries in remove
{ // first entry is duplicated remove
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v1", 0}},
{ // second entry is duplicated remove
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v2", 0}, {"v2", 0}},
{ // remove duplicates are separated by a valid remove
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v2", 0}, {"v1", 0}},
{ // remove duplicates are separated by a valid remove
testValSet(3, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v3", 0}, {"v1", 0}},
{ // remove and update same val
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v2", 20}, {"v1", 30}},
{ // duplicate entries in removes + changes
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v2", 20}, {"v2", 30}, {"v1", 0}},
{ // duplicate entries in removes + changes
testValSet(3, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v3", 5}, {"v2", 20}, {"v2", 30}, {"v1", 0}},
for i, tt := range testCases {
executeValSetErrTestCase(t, i, tt)
func TestValSetUpdatesOverflows(t *testing.T) {
maxVP := MaxTotalVotingPower
testCases := []valSetErrTestCase{
{ // single update leading to overflow
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", math.MaxInt64}},
{ // single update leading to overflow
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v2", math.MaxInt64}},
{ // add validator leading to overflow
testValSet(1, maxVP),
[]testVal{{"v2", math.MaxInt64}},
{ // add validator leading to exceed Max
testValSet(1, maxVP-1),
[]testVal{{"v2", 5}},
{ // add validator leading to exceed Max
testValSet(2, maxVP/3),
[]testVal{{"v3", maxVP / 2}},
{ // add validator leading to exceed Max
testValSet(1, maxVP),
[]testVal{{"v2", maxVP}},
for i, tt := range testCases {
executeValSetErrTestCase(t, i, tt)
func TestValSetUpdatesOtherErrors(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []valSetErrTestCase{
{ // update with negative voting power
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v1", -123}},
{ // update with negative voting power
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v2", -123}},
{ // remove non-existing validator
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v3", 0}},
{ // delete all validators
[]testVal{{"v1", 10}, {"v2", 20}, {"v3", 30}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v2", 0}, {"v3", 0}},
for i, tt := range testCases {
executeValSetErrTestCase(t, i, tt)
func TestValSetUpdatesBasicTestsExecute(t *testing.T) {
valSetUpdatesBasicTests := []struct {
startVals []testVal
updateVals []testVal
expectedVals []testVal
{ // no changes
testValSet(2, 10),
testValSet(2, 10),
{ // voting power changes
testValSet(2, 10),
[]testVal{{"v2", 22}, {"v1", 11}},
[]testVal{{"v2", 22}, {"v1", 11}},
{ // add new validators
[]testVal{{"v2", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v4", 40}, {"v3", 30}},
[]testVal{{"v4", 40}, {"v3", 30}, {"v2", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
{ // add new validator to middle
[]testVal{{"v3", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v2", 30}},
[]testVal{{"v2", 30}, {"v3", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
{ // add new validator to beginning
[]testVal{{"v3", 20}, {"v2", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 30}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 30}, {"v3", 20}, {"v2", 10}},
{ // delete validators
[]testVal{{"v3", 30}, {"v2", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v2", 0}},
[]testVal{{"v3", 30}, {"v1", 10}},
for i, tt := range valSetUpdatesBasicTests {
// create a new set and apply updates, keeping copies for the checks
valSet := createNewValidatorSet(tt.startVals)
valList := createNewValidatorList(tt.updateVals)
err := valSet.UpdateWithChangeSet(valList)
assert.NoError(t, err, "test %d", i)
valListCopy := validatorListCopy(valSet.Validators)
// check that the voting power in the set's validators is not changing if the voting power
// is changed in the list of validators previously passed as parameter to UpdateWithChangeSet.
// this is to make sure copies of the validators are made by UpdateWithChangeSet.
if len(valList) > 0 {
assert.Equal(t, toTestValList(valListCopy), toTestValList(valSet.Validators), "test %v", i)
// check the final validator list is as expected and the set is properly scaled and centered.
assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedVals, toTestValList(valSet.Validators), "test %v", i)
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
// Test that different permutations of an update give the same result.
func TestValSetUpdatesOrderIndependenceTestsExecute(t *testing.T) {
// startVals - initial validators to create the set with
// updateVals - a sequence of updates to be applied to the set.
// updateVals is shuffled a number of times during testing to check for same resulting validator set.
valSetUpdatesOrderTests := []struct {
startVals []testVal
updateVals []testVal
0: { // order of changes should not matter, the final validator sets should be the same
[]testVal{{"v4", 40}, {"v3", 30}, {"v2", 10}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v3", 33}, {"v2", 22}, {"v1", 11}}},
1: { // order of additions should not matter
[]testVal{{"v2", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v3", 30}, {"v4", 40}, {"v5", 50}, {"v6", 60}}},
2: { // order of removals should not matter
[]testVal{{"v4", 40}, {"v3", 30}, {"v2", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v3", 0}, {"v4", 0}}},
3: { // order of mixed operations should not matter
[]testVal{{"v4", 40}, {"v3", 30}, {"v2", 20}, {"v1", 10}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 0}, {"v3", 0}, {"v2", 22}, {"v5", 50}, {"v4", 44}}},
for i, tt := range valSetUpdatesOrderTests {
// create a new set and apply updates
valSet := createNewValidatorSet(tt.startVals)
valSetCopy := valSet.Copy()
valList := createNewValidatorList(tt.updateVals)
assert.NoError(t, valSetCopy.UpdateWithChangeSet(valList))
// save the result as expected for next updates
valSetExp := valSetCopy.Copy()
// perform at most 20 permutations on the updates and call UpdateWithChangeSet()
n := len(tt.updateVals)
maxNumPerms := tmmath.MinInt(20, n*n)
for j := 0; j < maxNumPerms; j++ {
// create a copy of original set and apply a random permutation of updates
valSetCopy := valSet.Copy()
valList := createNewValidatorList(permutation(tt.updateVals))
// check there was no error and the set is properly scaled and centered.
assert.NoError(t, valSetCopy.UpdateWithChangeSet(valList),
"test %v failed for permutation %v", i, valList)
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSetCopy)
// verify the resulting test is same as the expected
assert.Equal(t, valSetCopy, valSetExp,
"test %v failed for permutation %v", i, valList)
// This tests the private function validator_set.go:applyUpdates() function, used only for additions and changes.
// Should perform a proper merge of updatedVals and startVals
func TestValSetApplyUpdatesTestsExecute(t *testing.T) {
valSetUpdatesBasicTests := []struct {
startVals []testVal
updateVals []testVal
expectedVals []testVal
// additions
0: { // prepend
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v5", 55}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v4", 44}, {"v5", 55}}},
1: { // append
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v5", 55}},
[]testVal{{"v6", 66}},
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v5", 55}, {"v6", 66}}},
2: { // insert
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v6", 66}},
[]testVal{{"v5", 55}},
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v5", 55}, {"v6", 66}}},
3: { // insert multi
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v6", 66}, {"v9", 99}},
[]testVal{{"v5", 55}, {"v7", 77}, {"v8", 88}},
[]testVal{{"v4", 44}, {"v5", 55}, {"v6", 66}, {"v7", 77}, {"v8", 88}, {"v9", 99}}},
// changes
4: { // head
[]testVal{{"v1", 111}, {"v2", 22}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}}},
5: { // tail
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 222}},
[]testVal{{"v2", 22}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}}},
6: { // middle
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 222}, {"v3", 33}},
[]testVal{{"v2", 22}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}, {"v3", 33}}},
7: { // multi
[]testVal{{"v1", 111}, {"v2", 222}, {"v3", 333}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}, {"v3", 33}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}, {"v3", 33}}},
// additions and changes
8: {
[]testVal{{"v1", 111}, {"v2", 22}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v3", 33}, {"v4", 44}},
[]testVal{{"v1", 11}, {"v2", 22}, {"v3", 33}, {"v4", 44}}},
for i, tt := range valSetUpdatesBasicTests {
// create a new validator set with the start values
valSet := createNewValidatorSet(tt.startVals)
// applyUpdates() with the update values
valList := createNewValidatorList(tt.updateVals)
// check the new list of validators for proper merge
assert.Equal(t, toTestValList(valSet.Validators), tt.expectedVals, "test %v", i)
type testVSetCfg struct {
name string
startVals []testVal
deletedVals []testVal
updatedVals []testVal
addedVals []testVal
expectedVals []testVal
expErr error
func randTestVSetCfg(t *testing.T, nBase, nAddMax int) testVSetCfg {
if nBase <= 0 || nAddMax < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad parameters %v %v", nBase, nAddMax))
const maxPower = 1000
var nOld, nDel, nChanged, nAdd int
nOld = int(uint(rand.Int())%uint(nBase)) + 1
if nBase-nOld > 0 {
nDel = int(uint(rand.Int()) % uint(nBase-nOld))
nChanged = nBase - nOld - nDel
if nAddMax > 0 {
nAdd = rand.Int()%nAddMax + 1
cfg := testVSetCfg{}
cfg.startVals = make([]testVal, nBase)
cfg.deletedVals = make([]testVal, nDel)
cfg.addedVals = make([]testVal, nAdd)
cfg.updatedVals = make([]testVal, nChanged)
cfg.expectedVals = make([]testVal, nBase-nDel+nAdd)
for i := 0; i < nBase; i++ {
cfg.startVals[i] = testVal{fmt.Sprintf("v%d", i), int64(uint(rand.Int())%maxPower + 1)}
if i < nOld {
cfg.expectedVals[i] = cfg.startVals[i]
if i >= nOld && i < nOld+nChanged {
cfg.updatedVals[i-nOld] = testVal{fmt.Sprintf("v%d", i), int64(uint(rand.Int())%maxPower + 1)}
cfg.expectedVals[i] = cfg.updatedVals[i-nOld]
if i >= nOld+nChanged {
cfg.deletedVals[i-nOld-nChanged] = testVal{fmt.Sprintf("v%d", i), 0}
for i := nBase; i < nBase+nAdd; i++ {
cfg.addedVals[i-nBase] = testVal{fmt.Sprintf("v%d", i), int64(uint(rand.Int())%maxPower + 1)}
cfg.expectedVals[i-nDel] = cfg.addedVals[i-nBase]
return cfg
func applyChangesToValSet(t *testing.T, expErr error, valSet *ValidatorSet, valsLists ...[]testVal) {
changes := make([]testVal, 0)
for _, valsList := range valsLists {
changes = append(changes, valsList...)
valList := createNewValidatorList(changes)
err := valSet.UpdateWithChangeSet(valList)
if expErr != nil {
assert.Equal(t, expErr, err)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestValSetUpdatePriorityOrderTests(t *testing.T) {
const nMaxElections int32 = 5000
testCases := []testVSetCfg{
0: { // remove high power validator, keep old equal lower power validators
startVals: []testVal{{"v3", 1000}, {"v1", 1}, {"v2", 1}},
deletedVals: []testVal{{"v3", 0}},
updatedVals: []testVal{},
addedVals: []testVal{},
expectedVals: []testVal{{"v1", 1}, {"v2", 1}},
1: { // remove high power validator, keep old different power validators
startVals: []testVal{{"v3", 1000}, {"v2", 10}, {"v1", 1}},
deletedVals: []testVal{{"v3", 0}},
updatedVals: []testVal{},
addedVals: []testVal{},
expectedVals: []testVal{{"v2", 10}, {"v1", 1}},
2: { // remove high power validator, add new low power validators, keep old lower power
startVals: []testVal{{"v3", 1000}, {"v2", 2}, {"v1", 1}},
deletedVals: []testVal{{"v3", 0}},
updatedVals: []testVal{{"v2", 1}},
addedVals: []testVal{{"v5", 50}, {"v4", 40}},
expectedVals: []testVal{{"v5", 50}, {"v4", 40}, {"v1", 1}, {"v2", 1}},
// generate a configuration with 100 validators,
// randomly select validators for updates and deletes, and
// generate 10 new validators to be added
3: randTestVSetCfg(t, 100, 10),
4: randTestVSetCfg(t, 1000, 100),
5: randTestVSetCfg(t, 10, 100),
6: randTestVSetCfg(t, 100, 1000),
7: randTestVSetCfg(t, 1000, 1000),
for _, cfg := range testCases {
// create a new validator set
valSet := createNewValidatorSet(cfg.startVals)
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
// run election up to nMaxElections times, apply changes and verify that the priority order is correct
verifyValSetUpdatePriorityOrder(t, valSet, cfg, nMaxElections)
func verifyValSetUpdatePriorityOrder(t *testing.T, valSet *ValidatorSet, cfg testVSetCfg, nMaxElections int32) {
// Run election up to nMaxElections times, sort validators by priorities
valSet.IncrementProposerPriority(rand.Int31()%nMaxElections + 1)
// apply the changes, get the updated validators, sort by priorities
applyChangesToValSet(t, nil, valSet, cfg.addedVals, cfg.updatedVals, cfg.deletedVals)
// basic checks
assert.Equal(t, cfg.expectedVals, toTestValList(valSet.Validators))
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
// verify that the added validators have the smallest priority:
// - they should be at the beginning of updatedValsPriSorted since it is
// sorted by priority
if len(cfg.addedVals) > 0 {
updatedValsPriSorted := validatorListCopy(valSet.Validators)
addedValsPriSlice := updatedValsPriSorted[:len(cfg.addedVals)]
assert.Equal(t, cfg.addedVals, toTestValList(addedValsPriSlice))
// - and should all have the same priority
expectedPri := addedValsPriSlice[0].ProposerPriority
for _, val := range addedValsPriSlice[1:] {
assert.Equal(t, expectedPri, val.ProposerPriority)
func TestNewValidatorSetFromExistingValidators(t *testing.T) {
size := 5
vals := make([]*Validator, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
pv := NewMockPV()
vals[i] = pv.ExtractIntoValidator(int64(i + 1))
valSet := NewValidatorSet(vals)
newValSet := NewValidatorSet(valSet.Validators)
assert.NotEqual(t, valSet, newValSet)
existingValSet, err := ValidatorSetFromExistingValidators(valSet.Validators)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, valSet, existingValSet)
assert.Equal(t, valSet.CopyIncrementProposerPriority(3), existingValSet.CopyIncrementProposerPriority(3))
func TestValSetUpdateOverflowRelated(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []testVSetCfg{
name: "1 no false overflow error messages for updates",
startVals: []testVal{{"v2", MaxTotalVotingPower - 1}, {"v1", 1}},
updatedVals: []testVal{{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower - 1}, {"v2", 1}},
expectedVals: []testVal{{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower - 1}, {"v2", 1}},
expErr: nil,
// this test shows that it is important to apply the updates in the order of the change in power
// i.e. apply first updates with decreases in power, v2 change in this case.
name: "2 no false overflow error messages for updates",
startVals: []testVal{{"v2", MaxTotalVotingPower - 1}, {"v1", 1}},
updatedVals: []testVal{{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower/2 - 1}, {"v2", MaxTotalVotingPower / 2}},
expectedVals: []testVal{{"v2", MaxTotalVotingPower / 2}, {"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower/2 - 1}},
expErr: nil,
name: "3 no false overflow error messages for deletes",
startVals: []testVal{{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower - 2}, {"v2", 1}, {"v3", 1}},
deletedVals: []testVal{{"v1", 0}},
addedVals: []testVal{{"v4", MaxTotalVotingPower - 2}},
expectedVals: []testVal{{"v4", MaxTotalVotingPower - 2}, {"v2", 1}, {"v3", 1}},
expErr: nil,
name: "4 no false overflow error messages for adds, updates and deletes",
startVals: []testVal{
{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower / 4}, {"v2", MaxTotalVotingPower / 4},
{"v3", MaxTotalVotingPower / 4}, {"v4", MaxTotalVotingPower / 4}},
deletedVals: []testVal{{"v2", 0}},
updatedVals: []testVal{
{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower/2 - 2}, {"v3", MaxTotalVotingPower/2 - 3}, {"v4", 2}},
addedVals: []testVal{{"v5", 3}},
expectedVals: []testVal{
{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower/2 - 2}, {"v3", MaxTotalVotingPower/2 - 3}, {"v5", 3}, {"v4", 2}},
expErr: nil,
name: "5 check panic on overflow is prevented: update 8 validators with power int64(math.MaxInt64)/8",
startVals: []testVal{
{"v1", 1}, {"v2", 1}, {"v3", 1}, {"v4", 1}, {"v5", 1},
{"v6", 1}, {"v7", 1}, {"v8", 1}, {"v9", 1}},
updatedVals: []testVal{
{"v1", MaxTotalVotingPower}, {"v2", MaxTotalVotingPower}, {"v3", MaxTotalVotingPower},
{"v4", MaxTotalVotingPower}, {"v5", MaxTotalVotingPower}, {"v6", MaxTotalVotingPower},
{"v7", MaxTotalVotingPower}, {"v8", MaxTotalVotingPower}, {"v9", 8}},
expectedVals: []testVal{
{"v1", 1}, {"v2", 1}, {"v3", 1}, {"v4", 1}, {"v5", 1},
{"v6", 1}, {"v7", 1}, {"v8", 1}, {"v9", 1}},
expErr: ErrTotalVotingPowerOverflow,
for _, tt := range testCases {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
valSet := createNewValidatorSet(tt.startVals)
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
// execute update and verify returned error is as expected
applyChangesToValSet(t, tt.expErr, valSet, tt.addedVals, tt.updatedVals, tt.deletedVals)
// verify updated validator set is as expected
assert.Equal(t, tt.expectedVals, toTestValList(valSet.Validators))
verifyValidatorSet(t, valSet)
func TestValidatorSet_VerifyCommitLightTrusting(t *testing.T) {
var (
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
voteSet, originalValset, vals = randVoteSet(1, 1, tmproto.PrecommitType, 6, 1)
commit, err = makeCommit(blockID, 1, 1, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
newValSet, _ = randValidatorPrivValSet(2, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
testCases := []struct {
valSet *ValidatorSet
err bool
// good
0: {
valSet: originalValset,
err: false,
// bad - no overlap between validator sets
1: {
valSet: newValSet,
err: true,
// good - first two are different but the rest of the same -> >1/3
2: {
valSet: NewValidatorSet(append(newValSet.Validators, originalValset.Validators...)),
err: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
err = tc.valSet.VerifyCommitLightTrusting("test_chain_id", commit,
tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 3})
if tc.err {
assert.Error(t, err)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestValidatorSet_VerifyCommitLightTrustingErrorsOnOverflow(t *testing.T) {
var (
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
voteSet, valSet, vals = randVoteSet(1, 1, tmproto.PrecommitType, 1, MaxTotalVotingPower)
commit, err = makeCommit(blockID, 1, 1, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
err = valSet.VerifyCommitLightTrusting("test_chain_id", commit,
tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 25, Denominator: 55})
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "int64 overflow")
func TestSafeMul(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
a int64
b int64
c int64
overflow bool
0: {0, 0, 0, false},
1: {1, 0, 0, false},
2: {2, 3, 6, false},
3: {2, -3, -6, false},
4: {-2, -3, 6, false},
5: {-2, 3, -6, false},
6: {math.MaxInt64, 1, math.MaxInt64, false},
7: {math.MaxInt64 / 2, 2, math.MaxInt64 - 1, false},
8: {math.MaxInt64 / 2, 3, 0, true},
9: {math.MaxInt64, 2, 0, true},
for i, tc := range testCases {
c, overflow := safeMul(tc.a, tc.b)
assert.Equal(t, tc.c, c, "#%d", i)
assert.Equal(t, tc.overflow, overflow, "#%d", i)
func TestValidatorSetProtoBuf(t *testing.T) {
valset, _ := randValidatorPrivValSet(10, 100)
valset2, _ := randValidatorPrivValSet(10, 100)
valset2.Validators[0] = &Validator{}
valset3, _ := randValidatorPrivValSet(10, 100)
valset3.Proposer = nil
valset4, _ := randValidatorPrivValSet(10, 100)
valset4.Proposer = &Validator{}
testCases := []struct {
msg string
v1 *ValidatorSet
expPass1 bool
expPass2 bool
{"success", valset, true, true},
{"fail valSet2, pubkey empty", valset2, false, false},
{"fail nil Proposer", valset3, false, false},
{"fail empty Proposer", valset4, false, false},
{"fail empty valSet", &ValidatorSet{}, true, false},
{"false nil", nil, true, false},
for _, tc := range testCases {
protoValSet, err := tc.v1.ToProto()
if tc.expPass1 {
require.NoError(t, err, tc.msg)
} else {
require.Error(t, err, tc.msg)
valSet, err := ValidatorSetFromProto(protoValSet)
if tc.expPass2 {
require.NoError(t, err, tc.msg)
require.EqualValues(t, tc.v1, valSet, tc.msg)
} else {
require.Error(t, err, tc.msg)
// Sort validators by priority and address
type validatorsByPriority []*Validator
func (valz validatorsByPriority) Len() int {
return len(valz)
func (valz validatorsByPriority) Less(i, j int) bool {
if valz[i].ProposerPriority < valz[j].ProposerPriority {
return true
if valz[i].ProposerPriority > valz[j].ProposerPriority {
return false
return bytes.Compare(valz[i].Address, valz[j].Address) < 0
func (valz validatorsByPriority) Swap(i, j int) {
valz[i], valz[j] = valz[j], valz[i]
type testValsByVotingPower []testVal
func (tvals testValsByVotingPower) Len() int {
return len(tvals)
func (tvals testValsByVotingPower) Less(i, j int) bool {
if tvals[i].power == tvals[j].power {
return bytes.Compare([]byte(tvals[i].name), []byte(tvals[j].name)) == -1
return tvals[i].power > tvals[j].power
func (tvals testValsByVotingPower) Swap(i, j int) {
tvals[i], tvals[j] = tvals[j], tvals[i]
// Benchmark tests
func BenchmarkUpdates(b *testing.B) {
const (
n = 100
m = 2000
// Init with n validators
vs := make([]*Validator, n)
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
vs[j] = newValidator([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("v%d", j)), 100)
valSet := NewValidatorSet(vs)
l := len(valSet.Validators)
// Make m new validators
newValList := make([]*Validator, m)
for j := 0; j < m; j++ {
newValList[j] = newValidator([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("v%d", j+l)), 1000)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// Add m validators to valSetCopy
valSetCopy := valSet.Copy()
assert.NoError(b, valSetCopy.UpdateWithChangeSet(newValList))
func BenchmarkValidatorSet_VerifyCommit_Ed25519(b *testing.B) {
for _, n := range []int{1, 8, 64, 1024} {
n := n
var (
chainID = "test_chain_id"
h = int64(3)
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("valset size %d", n), func(b *testing.B) {
// generate n validators
voteSet, valSet, vals := randVoteSet(h, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, n, int64(n*5))
// create a commit with n validators
commit, err := makeCommit(blockID, h, 0, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N/n; i++ {
err = valSet.VerifyCommit(chainID, blockID, h, commit)
assert.NoError(b, err)
func BenchmarkValidatorSet_VerifyCommitLight_Ed25519(b *testing.B) {
for _, n := range []int{1, 8, 64, 1024} {
n := n
var (
chainID = "test_chain_id"
h = int64(3)
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("valset size %d", n), func(b *testing.B) {
// generate n validators
voteSet, valSet, vals := randVoteSet(h, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, n, int64(n*5))
// create a commit with n validators
commit, err := makeCommit(blockID, h, 0, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N/n; i++ {
err = valSet.VerifyCommitLight(chainID, blockID, h, commit)
assert.NoError(b, err)
func BenchmarkValidatorSet_VerifyCommitLightTrusting_Ed25519(b *testing.B) {
for _, n := range []int{1, 8, 64, 1024} {
n := n
var (
chainID = "test_chain_id"
h = int64(3)
blockID = makeBlockIDRandom()
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("valset size %d", n), func(b *testing.B) {
// generate n validators
voteSet, valSet, vals := randVoteSet(h, 0, tmproto.PrecommitType, n, int64(n*5))
// create a commit with n validators
commit, err := makeCommit(blockID, h, 0, voteSet, vals, time.Now())
require.NoError(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N/n; i++ {
err = valSet.VerifyCommitLightTrusting(chainID, commit, tmmath.Fraction{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 3})
assert.NoError(b, err)