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package commands
import (
const ctxTimeout = 4 * time.Second
// ParseConfig retrieves the default environment configuration,
// sets up the Tendermint root and ensures that the root exists
func ParseConfig(conf *config.Config) (*config.Config, error) {
if err := viper.Unmarshal(conf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := conf.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error in config file: %w", err)
return conf, nil
// RootCommand constructs the root command-line entry point for Tendermint core.
func RootCommand(conf *config.Config, logger log.Logger) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "tendermint",
Short: "BFT state machine replication for applications in any programming languages",
PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if cmd.Name() == VersionCmd.Name() {
return nil
if err := cli.BindFlagsLoadViper(cmd, args); err != nil {
return err
pconf, err := ParseConfig(conf)
if err != nil {
return err
*conf = *pconf
return nil
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringP(cli.HomeFlag, "", os.ExpandEnv(filepath.Join("$HOME", config.DefaultTendermintDir)), "directory for config and data")
cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(cli.TraceFlag, false, "print out full stack trace on errors")
cmd.PersistentFlags().String("log-level", conf.LogLevel, "log level")
cobra.OnInitialize(func() { cli.InitEnv("TM") })
return cmd