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package commands
import (
tmos ""
// MakeResetAllCommand constructs a command that removes the database of
// the specified Tendermint core instance.
func MakeResetAllCommand(conf *config.Config, logger log.Logger) *cobra.Command {
var keyType string
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "unsafe-reset-all",
Short: "(unsafe) Remove all the data and WAL, reset this node's validator to genesis state",
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return resetAll(conf.DBDir(), conf.PrivValidator.KeyFile(),
conf.PrivValidator.StateFile(), logger, keyType)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&keyType, "key", types.ABCIPubKeyTypeEd25519,
"Key type to generate privval file with. Options: ed25519, secp256k1")
return cmd
func MakeResetPrivateValidatorCommand(conf *config.Config, logger log.Logger) *cobra.Command {
var keyType string
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "unsafe-reset-priv-validator",
Short: "(unsafe) Reset this node's validator to genesis state",
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return resetFilePV(conf.PrivValidator.KeyFile(), conf.PrivValidator.StateFile(), logger, keyType)
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&keyType, "key", types.ABCIPubKeyTypeEd25519,
"Key type to generate privval file with. Options: ed25519, secp256k1")
return cmd
// XXX: this is totally unsafe.
// it's only suitable for testnets.
// XXX: this is totally unsafe.
// it's only suitable for testnets.
// resetAll removes address book files plus all data, and resets the privValdiator data.
// Exported so other CLI tools can use it.
func resetAll(dbDir, privValKeyFile, privValStateFile string, logger log.Logger, keyType string) error {
if err := os.RemoveAll(dbDir); err == nil {
logger.Info("Removed all blockchain history", "dir", dbDir)
} else {
logger.Error("error removing all blockchain history", "dir", dbDir, "err", err)
// recreate the dbDir since the privVal state needs to live there
if err := tmos.EnsureDir(dbDir, 0700); err != nil {
logger.Error("unable to recreate dbDir", "err", err)
return resetFilePV(privValKeyFile, privValStateFile, logger, keyType)
func resetFilePV(privValKeyFile, privValStateFile string, logger log.Logger, keyType string) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(privValKeyFile); err == nil {
pv, err := privval.LoadFilePVEmptyState(privValKeyFile, privValStateFile)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := pv.Reset(); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Reset private validator file to genesis state", "keyFile", privValKeyFile,
"stateFile", privValStateFile)
} else {
pv, err := privval.GenFilePV(privValKeyFile, privValStateFile, keyType)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := pv.Save(); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Generated private validator file", "keyFile", privValKeyFile,
"stateFile", privValStateFile)
return nil