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package light
import (
// ErrOldHeaderExpired means the old (trusted) header has expired according to
// the given trustingPeriod and current time. If so, the light client must be
// reset subjectively.
type ErrOldHeaderExpired struct {
At time.Time
Now time.Time
func (e ErrOldHeaderExpired) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("old header has expired at %v (now: %v)", e.At, e.Now)
// ErrNewValSetCantBeTrusted means the new validator set cannot be trusted
// because < 1/3rd (+trustLevel+) of the old validator set has signed.
type ErrNewValSetCantBeTrusted struct {
Reason types.ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned
func (e ErrNewValSetCantBeTrusted) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cant trust new val set: %v", e.Reason)
// ErrInvalidHeader means the header either failed the basic validation or
// commit is not signed by 2/3+.
type ErrInvalidHeader struct {
Reason error
func (e ErrInvalidHeader) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid header: %v", e.Reason)
// ErrFailedHeaderCrossReferencing is returned when the detector was not able to cross reference the header
// with any of the connected witnesses.
var ErrFailedHeaderCrossReferencing = errors.New("all witnesses have either not responded, don't have the " +
" blocks or sent invalid blocks. You should look to change your witnesses" +
" or review the light client's logs for more information")
// ErrVerificationFailed means either sequential or skipping verification has
// failed to verify from header #1 to header #2 due to some reason.
type ErrVerificationFailed struct {
From int64
To int64
Reason error
// Unwrap returns underlying reason.
func (e ErrVerificationFailed) Unwrap() error {
return e.Reason
func (e ErrVerificationFailed) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"verify from #%d to #%d failed: %v",
e.From, e.To, e.Reason)
// ----------------------------- INTERNAL ERRORS ---------------------------------
// ErrConflictingHeaders is thrown when two conflicting headers are discovered.
type errConflictingHeaders struct {
Block *types.LightBlock
WitnessIndex int
func (e errConflictingHeaders) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"header hash (%X) from witness (%d) does not match primary",
e.Block.Hash(), e.WitnessIndex)
// errNoWitnesses means that there are not enough witnesses connected to
// continue running the light client.
type errNoWitnesses struct{}
func (e errNoWitnesses) Error() string {
return "no witnesses connected. please reset light client"
// errBadWitness is returned when the witness either does not respond or
// responds with an invalid header.
type errBadWitness struct {
Reason error
WitnessIndex int
func (e errBadWitness) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Witness %d returned error: %s", e.WitnessIndex, e.Reason.Error())