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package common
import ()
// This immutable balanced binary tree happens to be an
// immutable AVL+ tree, adapted from tendermint/merkle.
// Unlike that one, this is in-memory, non-merkleized,
// and nodes can be nil to signify an empty tree.
type IBBSTree struct {
key uint64
value interface{}
size uint64
height uint8
left *IBBSTree
right *IBBSTree
// Creates an empty tree.
func NewIBBSTree() *IBBSTree {
return nil
// Creates a single tree node from key and value.
func NewIBBSTreeNode(key uint64, value interface{}) *IBBSTree {
return &IBBSTree{
key: key,
value: value,
size: 1,
func (self *IBBSTree) Copy() *IBBSTree {
if self == nil {
return nil
return &IBBSTree{
key: self.key,
value: self.value,
size: self.size,
height: self.height,
left: self.left,
right: self.right,
func (self *IBBSTree) Size() uint64 {
if self == nil {
return 0
return self.size
func (self *IBBSTree) Height() uint8 {
if self == nil {
return 0
return self.height
func (self *IBBSTree) Has(key uint64) (has bool) {
if self == nil {
return false
if self.key == key {
return true
if self.height == 0 {
return false
} else {
if key < self.key {
return self.left.Has(key)
} else {
return self.right.Has(key)
func (self *IBBSTree) Get(key uint64) (value interface{}) {
if self == nil {
return nil
if self.height == 0 {
if self.key == key {
return self.value
} else {
return nil
} else {
if key < self.key {
return self.left.Get(key)
} else {
return self.right.Get(key)
func (self *IBBSTree) Set(key uint64, value interface{}) (_ *IBBSTree, updated bool) {
if self == nil {
return NewIBBSTreeNode(key, value), false
if self.height == 0 {
if key < self.key {
return &IBBSTree{
key: self.key,
height: 1,
size: 2,
left: NewIBBSTreeNode(key, value),
right: self,
}, false
} else if self.key == key {
return NewIBBSTreeNode(key, value), true
} else {
return &IBBSTree{
key: key,
height: 1,
size: 2,
left: self,
right: NewIBBSTreeNode(key, value),
}, false
} else {
self = self.Copy()
if key < self.key {
self.left, updated = self.left.Set(key, value)
} else {
self.right, updated = self.right.Set(key, value)
if updated {
return self, updated
} else {
return self.balance(), updated
func (self *IBBSTree) Remove(key uint64) (newSelf *IBBSTree, value interface{}, removed bool) {
newSelf, _, _, value, removed = self.remove(key)
// newKey: new leftmost leaf key for tree after successfully removing 'key' if changed.
func (self *IBBSTree) remove(key uint64) (newSelf *IBBSTree, hasNewKey bool, newKey uint64, value interface{}, removed bool) {
if self == nil {
return nil, false, 0, nil, false
if self.height == 0 {
if self.key == key {
return nil, false, 0, self.value, true
} else {
return self, false, 0, nil, false
} else {
if key < self.key {
var newLeft *IBBSTree
newLeft, hasNewKey, newKey, value, removed = self.left.remove(key)
if !removed {
return self, false, 0, value, false
} else if newLeft == nil { // left node held value, was removed
return self.right, true, self.key, value, true
self = self.Copy()
self.left = newLeft
} else {
var newRight *IBBSTree
newRight, hasNewKey, newKey, value, removed = self.right.remove(key)
if !removed {
return self, false, 0, value, false
} else if newRight == nil { // right node held value, was removed
return self.left, false, 0, value, true
self = self.Copy()
self.right = newRight
if hasNewKey {
self.key = newKey
hasNewKey = false
newKey = 0
return self.balance(), hasNewKey, newKey, value, true
func (self *IBBSTree) rotateRight() *IBBSTree {
self = self.Copy()
sl := self.left.Copy()
slr := sl.right
sl.right = self
self.left = slr
return sl
func (self *IBBSTree) rotateLeft() *IBBSTree {
self = self.Copy()
sr := self.right.Copy()
srl := sr.left
sr.left = self
self.right = srl
return sr
func (self *IBBSTree) calcHeightAndSize() {
self.height = MaxUint8(self.left.Height(), self.right.Height()) + 1
self.size = self.left.Size() + self.right.Size()
func (self *IBBSTree) calcBalance() int {
return int(self.left.Height()) - int(self.right.Height())
func (self *IBBSTree) balance() (newSelf *IBBSTree) {
balance := self.calcBalance()
if balance > 1 {
if self.left.calcBalance() >= 0 {
// Left Left Case
return self.rotateRight()
} else {
// Left Right Case
self = self.Copy()
self.left = self.left.rotateLeft()
return self.rotateRight()
if balance < -1 {
if self.right.calcBalance() <= 0 {
// Right Right Case
return self.rotateLeft()
} else {
// Right Left Case
self = self.Copy()
self.right = self.right.rotateRight()
return self.rotateLeft()
// Nothing changed
return self
// Iteration stops when stop is returned.
func (self *IBBSTree) Iterate(cb func(uint64, interface{}) bool) bool {
if self == nil {
return false
if self.height == 0 {
return cb(self.key, self.value)
} else {
stop := self.left.Iterate(cb)
if stop {
return stop
return self.right.Iterate(cb)