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package behaviour
import (
// Reporter provides an interface for reactors to report the behaviour
// of peers synchronously to other components.
type Reporter interface {
Report(behaviour PeerBehaviour) error
// SwitchReporter reports peer behaviour to an internal Switch.
type SwitchReporter struct {
sw *p2p.Switch
// NewSwitchReporter return a new SwitchReporter instance which wraps the Switch.
func NewSwitcReporter(sw *p2p.Switch) *SwitchReporter {
return &SwitchReporter{
sw: sw,
// Report reports the behaviour of a peer to the Switch.
func (spbr *SwitchReporter) Report(behaviour PeerBehaviour) error {
peer := spbr.sw.Peers().Get(behaviour.peerID)
if peer == nil {
return errors.New("peer not found")
switch reason := behaviour.reason.(type) {
case consensusVote, blockPart:
case badMessage:
spbr.sw.StopPeerForError(peer, reason.explanation)
case messageOutOfOrder:
spbr.sw.StopPeerForError(peer, reason.explanation)
return errors.New("unknown reason reported")
return nil
// MockReporter is a concrete implementation of the Reporter
// interface used in reactor tests to ensure reactors report the correct
// behaviour in manufactured scenarios.
type MockReporter struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
pb map[p2p.ID][]PeerBehaviour
// NewMockReporter returns a Reporter which records all reported
// behaviours in memory.
func NewMockReporter() *MockReporter {
return &MockReporter{
pb: map[p2p.ID][]PeerBehaviour{},
// Report stores the PeerBehaviour produced by the peer identified by peerID.
func (mpbr *MockReporter) Report(behaviour PeerBehaviour) error {
defer mpbr.mtx.Unlock()
mpbr.pb[behaviour.peerID] = append(mpbr.pb[behaviour.peerID], behaviour)
return nil
// GetBehaviours returns all behaviours reported on the peer identified by peerID.
func (mpbr *MockReporter) GetBehaviours(peerID p2p.ID) []PeerBehaviour {
defer mpbr.mtx.RUnlock()
if items, ok := mpbr.pb[peerID]; ok {
result := make([]PeerBehaviour, len(items))
copy(result, items)
return result
} else {
return []PeerBehaviour{}