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syntax = "proto3";
package tendermint.abci;
import "tendermint/crypto/proof.proto";
import "tendermint/types/types.proto";
import "tendermint/crypto/keys.proto";
import "tendermint/types/params.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
// This file is a temporary workaround to enable development during the ABCI++
// project. This file should be deleted and any references to it removed when
// the ongoing work on ABCI++ is completed.
// For the duration of ABCI++, this file should be able to build the `abci/types/types.pb.go`
// file. Any changes that update that file must come as a result of a change in
// this .proto file.
// For more information, see
// Request types
message Request {
oneof value {
RequestEcho echo = 1;
RequestFlush flush = 2;
RequestInfo info = 3;
RequestInitChain init_chain = 4;
RequestQuery query = 5;
RequestBeginBlock begin_block = 6 [deprecated = true];
RequestCheckTx check_tx = 7;
RequestDeliverTx deliver_tx = 8 [deprecated = true];
RequestEndBlock end_block = 9 [deprecated = true];
RequestCommit commit = 10;
RequestListSnapshots list_snapshots = 11;
RequestOfferSnapshot offer_snapshot = 12;
RequestLoadSnapshotChunk load_snapshot_chunk = 13;
RequestApplySnapshotChunk apply_snapshot_chunk = 14;
RequestPrepareProposal prepare_proposal = 15;
RequestProcessProposal process_proposal = 16;
RequestExtendVote extend_vote = 17;
RequestVerifyVoteExtension verify_vote_extension = 18;
RequestFinalizeBlock finalize_block = 19;
message RequestEcho {
string message = 1;
message RequestFlush {}
message RequestInfo {
string version = 1;
uint64 block_version = 2;
uint64 p2p_version = 3;
string abci_version = 4;
message RequestInitChain {
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
string chain_id = 2;
tendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_params = 3;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes app_state_bytes = 5;
int64 initial_height = 6;
message RequestQuery {
bytes data = 1;
string path = 2;
int64 height = 3;
bool prove = 4;
message RequestBeginBlock {
bytes hash = 1;
tendermint.types.Header header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
CommitInfo last_commit_info = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Evidence byzantine_validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
enum CheckTxType {
NEW = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "New"];
RECHECK = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "Recheck"];
message RequestCheckTx {
bytes tx = 1;
CheckTxType type = 2;
message RequestDeliverTx {
bytes tx = 1;
message RequestEndBlock {
int64 height = 1;
message RequestCommit {}
// lists available snapshots
message RequestListSnapshots {}
// offers a snapshot to the application
message RequestOfferSnapshot {
Snapshot snapshot = 1; // snapshot offered by peers
bytes app_hash = 2; // light client-verified app hash for snapshot height
// loads a snapshot chunk
message RequestLoadSnapshotChunk {
uint64 height = 1;
uint32 format = 2;
uint32 chunk = 3;
// Applies a snapshot chunk
message RequestApplySnapshotChunk {
uint32 index = 1;
bytes chunk = 2;
string sender = 3;
message RequestPrepareProposal {
bytes hash = 1;
tendermint.types.Header header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// txs is an array of transactions that will be included in a block,
// sent to the app for possible modifications.
repeated bytes txs = 3;
ExtendedCommitInfo local_last_commit = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Evidence byzantine_validators = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// the modified transactions cannot exceed this size.
int64 max_tx_bytes = 6;
message RequestProcessProposal {
bytes hash = 1;
tendermint.types.Header header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated bytes txs = 3;
CommitInfo proposed_last_commit = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Evidence byzantine_validators = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Extends a vote with application-side injection
message RequestExtendVote {
bytes hash = 1;
int64 height = 2;
// Verify the vote extension
message RequestVerifyVoteExtension {
bytes hash = 1;
bytes validator_address = 2;
int64 height = 3;
bytes vote_extension = 4;
message RequestFinalizeBlock {
bytes hash = 1;
tendermint.types.Header header = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated bytes txs = 3;
CommitInfo decided_last_commit = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated Evidence byzantine_validators = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Response types
message Response {
oneof value {
ResponseException exception = 1;
ResponseEcho echo = 2;
ResponseFlush flush = 3;
ResponseInfo info = 4;
ResponseInitChain init_chain = 5;
ResponseQuery query = 6;
ResponseBeginBlock begin_block = 7 [deprecated = true];
ResponseCheckTx check_tx = 8;
ResponseDeliverTx deliver_tx = 9 [deprecated = true];
ResponseEndBlock end_block = 10 [deprecated = true];
ResponseCommit commit = 11;
ResponseListSnapshots list_snapshots = 12;
ResponseOfferSnapshot offer_snapshot = 13;
ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk load_snapshot_chunk = 14;
ResponseApplySnapshotChunk apply_snapshot_chunk = 15;
ResponsePrepareProposal prepare_proposal = 16;
ResponseProcessProposal process_proposal = 17;
ResponseExtendVote extend_vote = 18;
ResponseVerifyVoteExtension verify_vote_extension = 19;
ResponseFinalizeBlock finalize_block = 20;
// nondeterministic
message ResponseException {
string error = 1;
message ResponseEcho {
string message = 1;
message ResponseFlush {}
message ResponseInfo {
string data = 1;
// this is the software version of the application. TODO: remove?
string version = 2;
uint64 app_version = 3;
int64 last_block_height = 4;
bytes last_block_app_hash = 5;
message ResponseInitChain {
tendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_params = 1;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validators = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes app_hash = 3;
message ResponseQuery {
uint32 code = 1;
// bytes data = 2; // use "value" instead.
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 index = 5;
bytes key = 6;
bytes value = 7;
tendermint.crypto.ProofOps proof_ops = 8;
int64 height = 9;
string codespace = 10;
message ResponseBeginBlock {
repeated Event events = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
message ResponseCheckTx {
uint32 code = 1;
bytes data = 2;
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 gas_wanted = 5;
int64 gas_used = 6;
repeated Event events = 7 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
string codespace = 8;
string sender = 9;
int64 priority = 10;
// mempool_error is set by Tendermint.
// ABCI applications creating a ResponseCheckTX should not set mempool_error.
string mempool_error = 11;
message ResponseDeliverTx {
uint32 code = 1;
bytes data = 2;
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 gas_wanted = 5 [json_name = "gas_wanted"];
int64 gas_used = 6 [json_name = "gas_used"];
repeated Event events = 7
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"]; // nondeterministic
string codespace = 8;
message ResponseEndBlock {
repeated ValidatorUpdate validator_updates = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
tendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 2;
repeated Event events = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
message ResponseCommit {
// reserve 1
bytes data = 2;
int64 retain_height = 3;
message ResponseListSnapshots {
repeated Snapshot snapshots = 1;
message ResponseOfferSnapshot {
Result result = 1;
enum Result {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown result, abort all snapshot restoration
ACCEPT = 1; // Snapshot accepted, apply chunks
ABORT = 2; // Abort all snapshot restoration
REJECT = 3; // Reject this specific snapshot, try others
REJECT_FORMAT = 4; // Reject all snapshots of this format, try others
REJECT_SENDER = 5; // Reject all snapshots from the sender(s), try others
message ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk {
bytes chunk = 1;
message ResponseApplySnapshotChunk {
Result result = 1;
repeated uint32 refetch_chunks = 2; // Chunks to refetch and reapply
repeated string reject_senders = 3; // Chunk senders to reject and ban
enum Result {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown result, abort all snapshot restoration
ACCEPT = 1; // Chunk successfully accepted
ABORT = 2; // Abort all snapshot restoration
RETRY = 3; // Retry chunk (combine with refetch and reject)
RETRY_SNAPSHOT = 4; // Retry snapshot (combine with refetch and reject)
REJECT_SNAPSHOT = 5; // Reject this snapshot, try others
message ResponsePrepareProposal {
ModifiedTxStatus modified_tx_status = 1;
repeated TxRecord tx_records = 2;
bytes app_hash = 3;
repeated ExecTxResult tx_results = 4;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validator_updates = 5;
tendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 6;
enum ModifiedTxStatus {
message ResponseProcessProposal {
ProposalStatus status = 1;
bytes app_hash = 2;
repeated ExecTxResult tx_results = 3;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validator_updates = 4;
tendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 5;
enum ProposalStatus {
message ResponseExtendVote {
bytes vote_extension = 1;
message ResponseVerifyVoteExtension {
VerifyStatus status = 1;
enum VerifyStatus {
message ResponseFinalizeBlock {
repeated Event events = 1
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
repeated ExecTxResult tx_results = 2;
repeated ValidatorUpdate validator_updates = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
tendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 4;
bytes app_hash = 5;
int64 retain_height = 6;
// Misc.
message CommitInfo {
int32 round = 1;
repeated VoteInfo votes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// ExtendedCommitInfo is similar to CommitInfo except that it is only used in
// the PrepareProposal request such that Tendermint can provide vote extensions
// to the application.
message ExtendedCommitInfo {
// The round at which the block proposer decided in the previous height.
int32 round = 1;
// List of validators' addresses in the last validator set with their voting
// information, including vote extensions.
repeated ExtendedVoteInfo votes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Event allows application developers to attach additional information to
// ResponseBeginBlock, ResponseEndBlock, ResponseCheckTx and ResponseDeliverTx.
// Later, transactions may be queried using these events.
message Event {
string type = 1;
repeated EventAttribute attributes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "attributes,omitempty"];
// EventAttribute is a single key-value pair, associated with an event.
message EventAttribute {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
bool index = 3; // nondeterministic
// ExecTxResult contains results of executing one individual transaction.
// * Its structure is equivalent to #ResponseDeliverTx which will be deprecated/deleted
message ExecTxResult {
uint32 code = 1;
bytes data = 2;
string log = 3; // nondeterministic
string info = 4; // nondeterministic
int64 gas_wanted = 5;
int64 gas_used = 6;
repeated Event events = 7
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"]; // nondeterministic
string codespace = 8;
// TxResult contains results of executing the transaction.
// One usage is indexing transaction results.
message TxResult {
int64 height = 1;
uint32 index = 2;
bytes tx = 3;
ExecTxResult result = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message TxRecord {
TxAction action = 1;
bytes tx = 2;
// TxAction contains App-provided information on what to do with a transaction that is part of a raw proposal
enum TxAction {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Unknown action
UNMODIFIED = 1; // The Application did not modify this transaction.
ADDED = 2; // The Application added this transaction.
REMOVED = 3; // The Application wants this transaction removed from the proposal and the mempool.
// Blockchain Types
// Validator
message Validator {
bytes address = 1; // The first 20 bytes of SHA256(public key)
// PubKey pub_key = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
int64 power = 3; // The voting power
// ValidatorUpdate
message ValidatorUpdate {
tendermint.crypto.PublicKey pub_key = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
int64 power = 2;
// VoteInfo
message VoteInfo {
Validator validator = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bool signed_last_block = 2;
reserved 3; // Placeholder for tendermint_signed_extension in v0.37
reserved 4; // Placeholder for app_signed_extension in v0.37
// ExtendedVoteInfo
message ExtendedVoteInfo {
// The validator that sent the vote.
Validator validator = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Indicates whether the validator signed the last block, allowing for rewards based on validator availability.
bool signed_last_block = 2;
// Non-deterministic extension provided by the sending validator's application.
bytes vote_extension = 3;
enum EvidenceType {
message Evidence {
EvidenceType type = 1;
// The offending validator
Validator validator = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// The height when the offense occurred
int64 height = 3;
// The corresponding time where the offense occurred
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
// Total voting power of the validator set in case the ABCI application does
// not store historical validators.
int64 total_voting_power = 5;
// State Sync Types
message Snapshot {
uint64 height = 1; // The height at which the snapshot was taken
uint32 format = 2; // The application-specific snapshot format
uint32 chunks = 3; // Number of chunks in the snapshot
bytes hash = 4; // Arbitrary snapshot hash, equal only if identical
bytes metadata = 5; // Arbitrary application metadata
// Service Definition
service ABCIApplication {
rpc Echo(RequestEcho) returns (ResponseEcho);
rpc Flush(RequestFlush) returns (ResponseFlush);
rpc Info(RequestInfo) returns (ResponseInfo);
rpc CheckTx(RequestCheckTx) returns (ResponseCheckTx);
rpc Query(RequestQuery) returns (ResponseQuery);
rpc Commit(RequestCommit) returns (ResponseCommit);
rpc InitChain(RequestInitChain) returns (ResponseInitChain);
rpc ListSnapshots(RequestListSnapshots) returns (ResponseListSnapshots);
rpc OfferSnapshot(RequestOfferSnapshot) returns (ResponseOfferSnapshot);
rpc LoadSnapshotChunk(RequestLoadSnapshotChunk) returns (ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk);
rpc ApplySnapshotChunk(RequestApplySnapshotChunk) returns (ResponseApplySnapshotChunk);
rpc PrepareProposal(RequestPrepareProposal) returns (ResponsePrepareProposal);
rpc ProcessProposal(RequestProcessProposal) returns (ResponseProcessProposal);
rpc ExtendVote(RequestExtendVote) returns (ResponseExtendVote);
rpc VerifyVoteExtension(RequestVerifyVoteExtension) returns (ResponseVerifyVoteExtension);
rpc FinalizeBlock(RequestFinalizeBlock) returns (ResponseFinalizeBlock);