Blockchain Reactor
The Blockchain Reactor's high level responsibility is to maintain connection to a reasonable number
of peers in the network, request blocks from them or provide them with blocks, validate and persist
the blocks to disk and play blocks to the ABCI app.
Block Reactor
- coordinates the pool for synching
- coordinates the store for persistence
- coordinates the playing of blocks towards the app using a sm.BlockExecutor
- handles switching between fastsync and consensus
- it is a p2p.BaseReactor
- starts the pool.Start() and its poolRoutine()
- registers all the concrete types and interfaces for serialisation
- requests blocks from a specific peer based on the pool
- periodically asks for status updates
- tries to switch to consensus
- tries to sync the app by taking downloaded blocks from the pool, gives them to the app and stores
them on disk
Block Pool
- maintain connections to other peers
Block Store