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352 lines
11 KiB

package abcicli
import (
tmnet ""
tmsync ""
var _ Client = (*grpcClient)(nil)
// A stripped copy of the remoteClient that makes
// synchronous calls using grpc
type grpcClient struct {
mustConnect bool
client types.ABCIApplicationClient
conn *grpc.ClientConn
mtx tmsync.Mutex
addr string
err error
resCb func(*types.Request, *types.Response) // listens to all callbacks
func NewGRPCClient(addr string, mustConnect bool) Client {
cli := &grpcClient{
addr: addr,
mustConnect: mustConnect,
cli.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(nil, "grpcClient", cli)
return cli
func dialerFunc(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
return tmnet.Connect(addr)
func (cli *grpcClient) OnStart() error {
if err := cli.BaseService.OnStart(); err != nil {
return err
for {
conn, err := grpc.Dial(cli.addr, grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithContextDialer(dialerFunc))
if err != nil {
if cli.mustConnect {
return err
cli.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("abci.grpcClient failed to connect to %v. Retrying...\n", cli.addr), "err", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * dialRetryIntervalSeconds)
continue RETRY_LOOP
cli.Logger.Info("Dialed server. Waiting for echo.", "addr", cli.addr)
client := types.NewABCIApplicationClient(conn)
cli.conn = conn
for {
_, err := client.Echo(context.Background(), &types.RequestEcho{Message: "hello"}, grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err == nil {
cli.Logger.Error("Echo failed", "err", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * echoRetryIntervalSeconds)
cli.client = client
return nil
func (cli *grpcClient) OnStop() {
if cli.conn != nil {
func (cli *grpcClient) StopForError(err error) {
if !cli.IsRunning() {
if cli.err == nil {
cli.err = err
cli.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Stopping abci.grpcClient for error: %v", err.Error()))
if err := cli.Stop(); err != nil {
cli.Logger.Error("Error stopping abci.grpcClient", "err", err)
func (cli *grpcClient) Error() error {
defer cli.mtx.Unlock()
return cli.err
// Set listener for all responses
// NOTE: callback may get internally generated flush responses.
func (cli *grpcClient) SetResponseCallback(resCb Callback) {
cli.resCb = resCb
// GRPC calls are synchronous, but some callbacks expect to be called asynchronously
// (eg. the mempool expects to be able to lock to remove bad txs from cache).
// To accommodate, we finish each call in its own go-routine,
// which is expensive, but easy - if you want something better, use the socket protocol!
// maybe one day, if people really want it, we use grpc streams,
// but hopefully not :D
func (cli *grpcClient) EchoAsync(msg string) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestEcho(msg)
res, err := cli.client.Echo(context.Background(), req.GetEcho(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_Echo{Echo: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) FlushAsync() *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestFlush()
res, err := cli.client.Flush(context.Background(), req.GetFlush(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_Flush{Flush: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) InfoAsync(params types.RequestInfo) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestInfo(params)
res, err := cli.client.Info(context.Background(), req.GetInfo(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_Info{Info: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) DeliverTxAsync(params types.RequestDeliverTx) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestDeliverTx(params)
res, err := cli.client.DeliverTx(context.Background(), req.GetDeliverTx(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_DeliverTx{DeliverTx: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) CheckTxAsync(params types.RequestCheckTx) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestCheckTx(params)
res, err := cli.client.CheckTx(context.Background(), req.GetCheckTx(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_CheckTx{CheckTx: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) QueryAsync(params types.RequestQuery) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestQuery(params)
res, err := cli.client.Query(context.Background(), req.GetQuery(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_Query{Query: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) CommitAsync() *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestCommit()
res, err := cli.client.Commit(context.Background(), req.GetCommit(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_Commit{Commit: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) InitChainAsync(params types.RequestInitChain) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestInitChain(params)
res, err := cli.client.InitChain(context.Background(), req.GetInitChain(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_InitChain{InitChain: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) BeginBlockAsync(params types.RequestBeginBlock) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestBeginBlock(params)
res, err := cli.client.BeginBlock(context.Background(), req.GetBeginBlock(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_BeginBlock{BeginBlock: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) EndBlockAsync(params types.RequestEndBlock) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestEndBlock(params)
res, err := cli.client.EndBlock(context.Background(), req.GetEndBlock(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_EndBlock{EndBlock: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) ListSnapshotsAsync(params types.RequestListSnapshots) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestListSnapshots(params)
res, err := cli.client.ListSnapshots(context.Background(), req.GetListSnapshots(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_ListSnapshots{ListSnapshots: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) OfferSnapshotAsync(params types.RequestOfferSnapshot) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestOfferSnapshot(params)
res, err := cli.client.OfferSnapshot(context.Background(), req.GetOfferSnapshot(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_OfferSnapshot{OfferSnapshot: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) LoadSnapshotChunkAsync(params types.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestLoadSnapshotChunk(params)
res, err := cli.client.LoadSnapshotChunk(context.Background(), req.GetLoadSnapshotChunk(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_LoadSnapshotChunk{LoadSnapshotChunk: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) ApplySnapshotChunkAsync(params types.RequestApplySnapshotChunk) *ReqRes {
req := types.ToRequestApplySnapshotChunk(params)
res, err := cli.client.ApplySnapshotChunk(context.Background(), req.GetApplySnapshotChunk(), grpc.WaitForReady(true))
if err != nil {
return cli.finishAsyncCall(req, &types.Response{Value: &types.Response_ApplySnapshotChunk{ApplySnapshotChunk: res}})
func (cli *grpcClient) finishAsyncCall(req *types.Request, res *types.Response) *ReqRes {
reqres := NewReqRes(req)
reqres.Response = res // Set response
reqres.Done() // Release waiters
reqres.SetDone() // so reqRes.SetCallback will run the callback
// goroutine for callbacks
go func() {
defer cli.mtx.Unlock()
// Notify client listener if set
if cli.resCb != nil {
cli.resCb(reqres.Request, res)
// Notify reqRes listener if set
if cb := reqres.GetCallback(); cb != nil {
return reqres
func (cli *grpcClient) FlushSync() error {
return nil
func (cli *grpcClient) EchoSync(msg string) (*types.ResponseEcho, error) {
reqres := cli.EchoAsync(msg)
// StopForError should already have been called if error is set
return reqres.Response.GetEcho(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) InfoSync(req types.RequestInfo) (*types.ResponseInfo, error) {
reqres := cli.InfoAsync(req)
return reqres.Response.GetInfo(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) DeliverTxSync(params types.RequestDeliverTx) (*types.ResponseDeliverTx, error) {
reqres := cli.DeliverTxAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetDeliverTx(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) CheckTxSync(params types.RequestCheckTx) (*types.ResponseCheckTx, error) {
reqres := cli.CheckTxAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetCheckTx(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) QuerySync(req types.RequestQuery) (*types.ResponseQuery, error) {
reqres := cli.QueryAsync(req)
return reqres.Response.GetQuery(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) CommitSync() (*types.ResponseCommit, error) {
reqres := cli.CommitAsync()
return reqres.Response.GetCommit(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) InitChainSync(params types.RequestInitChain) (*types.ResponseInitChain, error) {
reqres := cli.InitChainAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetInitChain(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) BeginBlockSync(params types.RequestBeginBlock) (*types.ResponseBeginBlock, error) {
reqres := cli.BeginBlockAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetBeginBlock(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) EndBlockSync(params types.RequestEndBlock) (*types.ResponseEndBlock, error) {
reqres := cli.EndBlockAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetEndBlock(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) ListSnapshotsSync(params types.RequestListSnapshots) (*types.ResponseListSnapshots, error) {
reqres := cli.ListSnapshotsAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetListSnapshots(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) OfferSnapshotSync(params types.RequestOfferSnapshot) (*types.ResponseOfferSnapshot, error) {
reqres := cli.OfferSnapshotAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetOfferSnapshot(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) LoadSnapshotChunkSync(
params types.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk) (*types.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk, error) {
reqres := cli.LoadSnapshotChunkAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetLoadSnapshotChunk(), cli.Error()
func (cli *grpcClient) ApplySnapshotChunkSync(
params types.RequestApplySnapshotChunk) (*types.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk, error) {
reqres := cli.ApplySnapshotChunkAsync(params)
return reqres.Response.GetApplySnapshotChunk(), cli.Error()