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237 lines
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package commands
import (
dbm ""
tmmath ""
tmos ""
lproxy ""
lrpc ""
dbs ""
rpchttp ""
rpcserver ""
// LightCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var LightCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "light [chainID]",
Short: "Run a light client proxy server, verifying Tendermint rpc",
Long: `Run a light client proxy server, verifying Tendermint rpc.
All calls that can be tracked back to a block header by a proof
will be verified before passing them back to the caller. Other than
that, it will present the same interface as a full Tendermint node.
Furthermore to the chainID, a fresh instance of a light client will
need a primary RPC address, a trusted hash and height and witness RPC addresses
(if not using sequential verification). To restart the node, thereafter
only the chainID is required.
RunE: runProxy,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Example: `light cosmoshub-3 -p -w
--height 962118 --hash 28B97BE9F6DE51AC69F70E0B7BFD7E5C9CD1A595B7DC31AFF27C50D4948020CD`,
var (
listenAddr string
primaryAddr string
witnessAddrsJoined string
chainID string
home string
maxOpenConnections int
sequential bool
trustingPeriod time.Duration
trustedHeight int64
trustedHash []byte
trustLevelStr string
verbose bool
primaryKey = []byte("primary")
witnessesKey = []byte("witnesses")
func init() {
LightCmd.Flags().StringVar(&listenAddr, "laddr", "tcp://localhost:8888",
"Serve the proxy on the given address")
LightCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&primaryAddr, "primary", "p", "",
"Connect to a Tendermint node at this address")
LightCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&witnessAddrsJoined, "witnesses", "w", "",
"Tendermint nodes to cross-check the primary node, comma-separated")
LightCmd.Flags().StringVar(&home, "home-dir", ".tendermint-light", "Specify the home directory")
"Maximum number of simultaneous connections (including WebSocket).")
LightCmd.Flags().DurationVar(&trustingPeriod, "trusting-period", 168*time.Hour,
"Trusting period that headers can be verified within. Should be significantly less than the unbonding period")
LightCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&trustedHeight, "height", 1, "Trusted header's height")
LightCmd.Flags().BytesHexVar(&trustedHash, "hash", []byte{}, "Trusted header's hash")
LightCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&verbose, "verbose", false, "Verbose output")
LightCmd.Flags().StringVar(&trustLevelStr, "trust-level", "1/3",
"Trust level. Must be between 1/3 and 3/3",
LightCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&sequential, "sequential", false,
"Sequential Verification. Verify all headers sequentially as opposed to using skipping verification",
func runProxy(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// Initialise logger.
logger := log.NewTMLogger(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stdout))
var option log.Option
if verbose {
option, _ = log.AllowLevel("debug")
} else {
option, _ = log.AllowLevel("info")
logger = log.NewFilter(logger, option)
chainID = args[0]
logger.Info("Creating client...", "chainID", chainID)
witnessesAddrs := []string{}
if witnessAddrsJoined != "" {
witnessesAddrs = strings.Split(witnessAddrsJoined, ",")
db, err := dbm.NewGoLevelDB("light-client-db", home)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't create a db: %w", err)
if primaryAddr == "" { // check to see if we can start from an existing state
var err error
primaryAddr, witnessesAddrs, err = checkForExistingProviders(db)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve primary or witness from db: %w", err)
if primaryAddr == "" {
return errors.New("no primary address was provided nor found. Please provide a primary (using -p)." +
" Run the command: tendermint light --help for more information")
} else {
err := saveProviders(db, primaryAddr, witnessAddrsJoined)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Unable to save primary and or witness addresses", "err", err)
trustLevel, err := tmmath.ParseFraction(trustLevelStr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't parse trust level: %w", err)
options := []light.Option{light.Logger(logger)}
if sequential {
options = append(options, light.SequentialVerification())
} else {
options = append(options, light.SkippingVerification(trustLevel))
var c *light.Client
if trustedHeight > 0 && len(trustedHash) > 0 { // fresh installation
c, err = light.NewHTTPClient(
Period: trustingPeriod,
Height: trustedHeight,
Hash: trustedHash,
dbs.New(db, chainID),
} else { // continue from latest state
c, err = light.NewHTTPClientFromTrustedStore(
dbs.New(db, chainID),
if err != nil {
return err
rpcClient, err := rpchttp.New(primaryAddr, "/websocket")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("http client for %s: %w", primaryAddr, err)
cfg := rpcserver.DefaultConfig()
cfg.MaxBodyBytes = config.RPC.MaxBodyBytes
cfg.MaxHeaderBytes = config.RPC.MaxHeaderBytes
cfg.MaxOpenConnections = maxOpenConnections
// If necessary adjust global WriteTimeout to ensure it's greater than
// TimeoutBroadcastTxCommit.
// See
if cfg.WriteTimeout <= config.RPC.TimeoutBroadcastTxCommit {
cfg.WriteTimeout = config.RPC.TimeoutBroadcastTxCommit + 1*time.Second
p := lproxy.Proxy{
Addr: listenAddr,
Config: cfg,
Client: lrpc.NewClient(rpcClient, c),
Logger: logger,
// Stop upon receiving SIGTERM or CTRL-C.
tmos.TrapSignal(logger, func() {
logger.Info("Starting proxy...", "laddr", listenAddr)
if err := p.ListenAndServe(); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
// Error starting or closing listener:
logger.Error("proxy ListenAndServe", "err", err)
return nil
func checkForExistingProviders(db dbm.DB) (string, []string, error) {
primaryBytes, err := db.Get(primaryKey)
if err != nil {
return "", []string{""}, err
witnessesBytes, err := db.Get(witnessesKey)
if err != nil {
return "", []string{""}, err
witnessesAddrs := strings.Split(string(witnessesBytes), ",")
return string(primaryBytes), witnessesAddrs, nil
func saveProviders(db dbm.DB, primaryAddr, witnessesAddrs string) error {
err := db.Set(primaryKey, []byte(primaryAddr))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save primary provider: %w", err)
err = db.Set(witnessesKey, []byte(witnessesAddrs))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save witness providers: %w", err)
return nil