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package statesync
import (
ssproto ""
proto ""
var (
errNoConnectedPeers = errors.New("no available peers to dispatch request to")
errUnsolicitedResponse = errors.New("unsolicited light block response")
errPeerAlreadyBusy = errors.New("peer is already processing a request")
errDisconnected = errors.New("dispatcher disconnected")
// A Dispatcher multiplexes concurrent requests by multiple peers for light blocks.
// Only one request per peer can be sent at a time. Subsequent concurrent requests will
// report an error from the LightBlock method.
// NOTE: It is not the responsibility of the dispatcher to verify the light blocks.
type Dispatcher struct {
// the channel with which to send light block requests on
requestCh chan<- p2p.Envelope
closeCh chan struct{}
mtx sync.Mutex
// all pending calls that have been dispatched and are awaiting an answer
calls map[types.NodeID]chan *types.LightBlock
func NewDispatcher(requestCh chan<- p2p.Envelope) *Dispatcher {
return &Dispatcher{
requestCh: requestCh,
closeCh: make(chan struct{}),
calls: make(map[types.NodeID]chan *types.LightBlock),
// LightBlock uses the request channel to fetch a light block from a given peer
// tracking, the call and waiting for the reactor to pass back the response. A nil
// LightBlock response is used to signal that the peer doesn't have the requested LightBlock.
func (d *Dispatcher) LightBlock(ctx context.Context, height int64, peer types.NodeID) (*types.LightBlock, error) {
// dispatch the request to the peer
callCh, err := d.dispatch(peer, height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// clean up the call after a response is returned
defer func() {
defer d.mtx.Unlock()
if call, ok := d.calls[peer]; ok {
delete(d.calls, peer)
// wait for a response, cancel or timeout
select {
case resp := <-callCh:
return resp, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case <-d.closeCh:
return nil, errDisconnected
// dispatch takes a peer and allocates it a channel so long as it's not already
// busy and the receiving channel is still running. It then dispatches the message
func (d *Dispatcher) dispatch(peer types.NodeID, height int64) (chan *types.LightBlock, error) {
defer d.mtx.Unlock()
select {
case <-d.closeCh:
return nil, errDisconnected
ch := make(chan *types.LightBlock, 1)
// check if a request for the same peer has already been made
if _, ok := d.calls[peer]; ok {
return ch, errPeerAlreadyBusy
d.calls[peer] = ch
// send request
d.requestCh <- p2p.Envelope{
To: peer,
Message: &ssproto.LightBlockRequest{
Height: uint64(height),
return ch, nil
// Respond allows the underlying process which receives requests on the
// requestCh to respond with the respective light block. A nil response is used to
// represent that the receiver of the request does not have a light block at that height.
func (d *Dispatcher) Respond(lb *proto.LightBlock, peer types.NodeID) error {
defer d.mtx.Unlock()
// check that the response came from a request
answerCh, ok := d.calls[peer]
if !ok {
// this can also happen if the response came in after the timeout
return errUnsolicitedResponse
// If lb is nil we take that to mean that the peer didn't have the requested light
// block and thus pass on the nil to the caller.
if lb == nil {
answerCh <- nil
return nil
block, err := types.LightBlockFromProto(lb)
if err != nil {
return err
answerCh <- block
return nil
// Close shuts down the dispatcher and cancels any pending calls awaiting responses.
// Peers awaiting responses that have not arrived are delivered a nil block.
func (d *Dispatcher) Close() {
defer d.mtx.Unlock()
for peer, call := range d.calls {
delete(d.calls, peer)
func (d *Dispatcher) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return d.closeCh
// BlockProvider is a p2p based light provider which uses a dispatcher connected
// to the state sync reactor to serve light blocks to the light client
// TODO: This should probably be moved over to the light package but as we're
// not yet officially supporting p2p light clients we'll leave this here for now.
// NOTE: BlockProvider will return an error with concurrent calls. However, we don't
// need a mutex because a light client (and the backfill process) will never call a
// method more than once at the same time
type BlockProvider struct {
peer types.NodeID
chainID string
dispatcher *Dispatcher
// Creates a block provider which implements the light client Provider interface.
func NewBlockProvider(peer types.NodeID, chainID string, dispatcher *Dispatcher) *BlockProvider {
return &BlockProvider{
peer: peer,
chainID: chainID,
dispatcher: dispatcher,
// LightBlock fetches a light block from the peer at a specified height returning either a
// light block or an appropriate error.
func (p *BlockProvider) LightBlock(ctx context.Context, height int64) (*types.LightBlock, error) {
lb, err := p.dispatcher.LightBlock(ctx, height, p.peer)
switch err {
case nil:
if lb == nil {
return nil, provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound
case context.DeadlineExceeded, context.Canceled:
return nil, err
case errPeerAlreadyBusy:
return nil, provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound
return nil, provider.ErrUnreliableProvider{Reason: err.Error()}
// check that the height requested is the same one returned
if lb.Height != height {
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{
Reason: fmt.Errorf("expected height %d, got height %d", height, lb.Height),
// perform basic validation
if err := lb.ValidateBasic(p.chainID); err != nil {
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: err}
return lb, nil
// ReportEvidence should allow for the light client to report any light client
// attacks. This is a no op as there currently isn't a way to wire this up to
// the evidence reactor (we should endeavor to do this in the future but for now
// it's not critical for backwards verification)
func (p *BlockProvider) ReportEvidence(ctx context.Context, ev types.Evidence) error {
return nil
// String implements stringer interface
func (p *BlockProvider) String() string { return string(p.peer) }
// peerList is a rolling list of peers. This is used to distribute the load of
// retrieving blocks over all the peers the reactor is connected to
type peerList struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
peers []types.NodeID
waiting []chan types.NodeID
func newPeerList() *peerList {
return &peerList{
peers: make([]types.NodeID, 0),
waiting: make([]chan types.NodeID, 0),
func (l *peerList) Len() int {
defer l.mtx.Unlock()
return len(l.peers)
func (l *peerList) Pop(ctx context.Context) types.NodeID {
if len(l.peers) == 0 {
// if we don't have any peers in the list we block until a peer is
// appended
wait := make(chan types.NodeID, 1)
l.waiting = append(l.waiting, wait)
// unlock whilst waiting so that the list can be appended to
select {
case peer := <-wait:
return peer
case <-ctx.Done():
return ""
peer := l.peers[0]
l.peers = l.peers[1:]
return peer
func (l *peerList) Append(peer types.NodeID) {
defer l.mtx.Unlock()
if len(l.waiting) > 0 {
wait := l.waiting[0]
l.waiting = l.waiting[1:]
wait <- peer
} else {
l.peers = append(l.peers, peer)
func (l *peerList) Remove(peer types.NodeID) {
defer l.mtx.Unlock()
for i, p := range l.peers {
if p == peer {
l.peers = append(l.peers[:i], l.peers[i+1:]...)
func (l *peerList) All() []types.NodeID {
defer l.mtx.Unlock()
return l.peers