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package nano
import (
func TestLedgerKeys(t *testing.T) {
assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// cryptoCase from sign_test
cases := []struct {
msg, pubkey, sig string
valid bool
msg: "F00D",
pubkey: "8E8754F012C2FDB492183D41437FD837CB81D8BBE731924E2E0DAF43FD3F2C93",
sig: "787DC03E9E4EE05983E30BAE0DEFB8DB0671DBC2F5874AC93F8D8CA4018F7A42D6F9A9BCEADB422AC8E27CEE9CA205A0B88D22CD686F0A43EB806E8190A3C400",
valid: true,
for i, tc := range cases {
bmsg, err := hex.DecodeString(tc.msg)
require.NoError(err, "%d", i)
priv := NewMockKey(tc.msg, tc.pubkey, tc.sig)
pub := priv.PubKey()
sig := priv.Sign(bmsg)
valid := pub.VerifyBytes(bmsg, sig)
assert.Equal(tc.valid, valid, "%d", i)