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package types
import (
tmmath ""
// VerifyCommit verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.
// It checks all the signatures! While it's safe to exit as soon as we have
// 2/3+ signatures, doing so would impact incentivization logic in the ABCI
// application that depends on the LastCommitInfo sent in BeginBlock, which
// includes which validators signed. For instance, Gaia incentivizes proposers
// with a bonus for including more than +2/3 of the signatures.
func VerifyCommit(chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet, blockID BlockID,
height int64, commit *Commit) error {
// run a basic validation of the arguments
if err := verifyBasicValsAndCommit(vals, commit, height, blockID); err != nil {
return err
// calculate voting power needed. Note that total voting power is capped to
// 1/8th of max int64 so this operation should never overflow
votingPowerNeeded := vals.TotalVotingPower() * 2 / 3
// ignore all absent signatures
ignore := func(c CommitSig) bool { return c.Absent() }
// only count the signatures that are for the block
count := func(c CommitSig) bool { return c.ForBlock() }
// attempt to batch verify
cacheSignBytes, success, err := tryVerifyCommitBatch(
chainID, vals, commit, votingPowerNeeded, ignore, count, true, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if success {
return nil
// if verification failed or is not supported then fallback to single verification
return verifyCommitSingle(chainID, vals, commit, votingPowerNeeded,
cacheSignBytes, ignore, count, true, true)
// VerifyCommitLight verifies +2/3 of the set had signed the given commit.
// This method is primarily used by the light client and does not check all the
// signatures.
func VerifyCommitLight(chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet, blockID BlockID,
height int64, commit *Commit) error {
// run a basic validation of the arguments
if err := verifyBasicValsAndCommit(vals, commit, height, blockID); err != nil {
return err
// calculate voting power needed
votingPowerNeeded := vals.TotalVotingPower() * 2 / 3
// ignore all commit signatures that are not for the block
ignore := func(c CommitSig) bool { return !c.ForBlock() }
// count all the remaining signatures
count := func(c CommitSig) bool { return true }
// attempt to batch verify
cacheSignBytes, success, err := tryVerifyCommitBatch(
chainID, vals, commit, votingPowerNeeded, ignore, count, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
if success {
return nil
// if verification failed or is not supported then fallback to single verification
return verifyCommitSingle(chainID, vals, commit, votingPowerNeeded,
cacheSignBytes, ignore, count, false, true)
// VerifyCommitLightTrusting verifies that trustLevel of the validator set signed
// this commit.
// NOTE the given validators do not necessarily correspond to the validator set
// for this commit, but there may be some intersection.
// This method is primarily used by the light client and does not check all the
// signatures.
func VerifyCommitLightTrusting(chainID string, vals *ValidatorSet, commit *Commit, trustLevel tmmath.Fraction) error {
// sanity checks
if vals == nil {
return errors.New("nil validator set")
if trustLevel.Denominator == 0 {
return errors.New("trustLevel has zero Denominator")
if commit == nil {
return errors.New("nil commit")
// safely calculate voting power needed.
totalVotingPowerMulByNumerator, overflow := safeMul(vals.TotalVotingPower(), int64(trustLevel.Numerator))
if overflow {
return errors.New("int64 overflow while calculating voting power needed. please provide smaller trustLevel numerator")
votingPowerNeeded := totalVotingPowerMulByNumerator / int64(trustLevel.Denominator)
// ignore all commit signatures that are not for the block
ignore := func(c CommitSig) bool { return !c.ForBlock() }
// count all the remaining signatures
count := func(c CommitSig) bool { return true }
// attempt to batch verify commit. As the validator set doesn't necessarily
// correspond with the validator set that signed the block we need to look
// up by address rather than index.
cacheSignBytes, success, err := tryVerifyCommitBatch(
chainID, vals, commit, votingPowerNeeded, ignore, count, false, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if success {
return nil
// attempt with single verification
return verifyCommitSingle(chainID, vals, commit, votingPowerNeeded,
cacheSignBytes, ignore, count, false, false)
// ValidateHash returns an error if the hash is not empty, but its
// size != tmhash.Size.
func ValidateHash(h []byte) error {
if len(h) > 0 && len(h) != tmhash.Size {
return fmt.Errorf("expected size to be %d bytes, got %d bytes",
return nil
// Batch verification
// tryVerifyCommitBatch attempts to batch verify. If it is not supported or
// verification fails it returns false. If there is an error in the signatures
// or the way that they are counted an error is returned. A cache of all the
// commits in byte form is returned in case it needs to be used again for single
// verification
func tryVerifyCommitBatch(
chainID string,
vals *ValidatorSet,
commit *Commit,
votingPowerNeeded int64,
ignoreSig func(CommitSig) bool,
countSig func(CommitSig) bool,
countAllSignatures bool,
lookUpByIndex bool,
) (map[string][]byte, bool, error) {
var (
val *Validator
valIdx int32
seenVals = make(map[int32]int, len(commit.Signatures))
talliedVotingPower int64 = 0
// we keep a cache of the signed bytes to make it quicker to verify
// individually if we need to
cacheSignBytes = make(map[string][]byte, len(commit.Signatures))
// attempt to create a batch verifier
bv, ok := batch.CreateBatchVerifier(vals.GetProposer().PubKey)
// check if batch verification is supported
if !ok || len(commit.Signatures) < 2 {
return cacheSignBytes, false, nil
for idx, commitSig := range commit.Signatures {
// skip over signatures that should be ignored
if ignoreSig(commitSig) {
// If the vals and commit have a 1-to-1 correspondance we can retrieve
// them by index else we need to retrieve them by address
if lookUpByIndex {
val = vals.Validators[idx]
} else {
valIdx, val = vals.GetByAddress(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)
// if the signature doesn't belong to anyone in the validator set
// then we just skip over it
if val == nil {
// because we are getting validators by address we need to make sure
// that the same validator doesn't commit twice
if firstIndex, ok := seenVals[valIdx]; ok {
secondIndex := idx
return cacheSignBytes, false, fmt.Errorf("double vote from %v (%d and %d)", val, firstIndex, secondIndex)
seenVals[valIdx] = idx
// Validate signature.
voteSignBytes := commit.VoteSignBytes(chainID, int32(idx))
// cache the signBytes in case batch verification fails
cacheSignBytes[string(val.PubKey.Bytes())] = voteSignBytes
// add the key, sig and message to the verifier
if err := bv.Add(val.PubKey, voteSignBytes, commitSig.Signature); err != nil {
return cacheSignBytes, false, err
// If this signature counts then add the voting power of the validator
// to the tally
if countSig(commitSig) {
talliedVotingPower += val.VotingPower
// if we don't need to verify all signatures and already have sufficient
// voting power we can break from batching and verify all the signatures
if !countAllSignatures && talliedVotingPower > votingPowerNeeded {
// ensure that we have batched together enough signatures to exceed the
// voting power needed else there is no need to even verify
if got, needed := talliedVotingPower, votingPowerNeeded; got <= needed {
return cacheSignBytes, false, ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: got, Needed: needed}
// attempt to verify the batch. If this fails, fall back to single
// verification
if bv.Verify() {
// success
return cacheSignBytes, true, nil
// verification failed
return cacheSignBytes, false, nil
// Single Verification
// verifyCommitSingle single verifies commits.
// If a key does not support batch verification, or batch verification fails this will be used
// This method is used to check all the signatures included in a commit.
// It is used in consensus for validating a block LastCommit.
// CONTRACT: both commit and validator set should have passed validate basic
func verifyCommitSingle(
chainID string,
vals *ValidatorSet,
commit *Commit,
votingPowerNeeded int64,
cachedVals map[string][]byte,
ignoreSig func(CommitSig) bool,
countSig func(CommitSig) bool,
countAllSignatures bool,
lookUpByIndex bool,
) error {
var (
val *Validator
valIdx int32
seenVals = make(map[int32]int, len(commit.Signatures))
talliedVotingPower int64 = 0
voteSignBytes []byte
for idx, commitSig := range commit.Signatures {
if ignoreSig(commitSig) {
// If the vals and commit have a 1-to-1 correspondance we can retrieve
// them by index else we need to retrieve them by address
if lookUpByIndex {
val = vals.Validators[idx]
} else {
valIdx, val = vals.GetByAddress(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)
// if the signature doesn't belong to anyone in the validator set
// then we just skip over it
if val == nil {
// because we are getting validators by address we need to make sure
// that the same validator doesn't commit twice
if firstIndex, ok := seenVals[valIdx]; ok {
secondIndex := idx
return fmt.Errorf("double vote from %v (%d and %d)", val, firstIndex, secondIndex)
seenVals[valIdx] = idx
// Check if we have the validator in the cache
if cachedVote, ok := cachedVals[string(val.PubKey.Bytes())]; !ok {
voteSignBytes = commit.VoteSignBytes(chainID, int32(idx))
} else {
voteSignBytes = cachedVote
if !val.PubKey.VerifySignature(voteSignBytes, commitSig.Signature) {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong signature (#%d): %X", idx, commitSig.Signature)
// If this signature counts then add the voting power of the validator
// to the tally
if countSig(commitSig) {
talliedVotingPower += val.VotingPower
// check if we have enough signatures and can thus exit early
if !countAllSignatures && talliedVotingPower > votingPowerNeeded {
return nil
if got, needed := talliedVotingPower, votingPowerNeeded; got <= needed {
return ErrNotEnoughVotingPowerSigned{Got: got, Needed: needed}
return nil
func verifyBasicValsAndCommit(vals *ValidatorSet, commit *Commit, height int64, blockID BlockID) error {
if vals == nil {
return errors.New("nil validator set")
if commit == nil {
return errors.New("nil commit")
if vals.Size() != len(commit.Signatures) {
return NewErrInvalidCommitSignatures(vals.Size(), len(commit.Signatures))
// Validate Height and BlockID.
if height != commit.Height {
return NewErrInvalidCommitHeight(height, commit.Height)
if !blockID.Equals(commit.BlockID) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid commit -- wrong block ID: want %v, got %v",
blockID, commit.BlockID)
return nil