You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

733 lines
20 KiB

package consensus
import (
cstypes ""
tmrand ""
tmcons ""
tmproto ""
func TestMsgToProto(t *testing.T) {
psh := types.PartSetHeader{
Total: 1,
Hash: tmrand.Bytes(32),
pbPsh := psh.ToProto()
bi := types.BlockID{
Hash: tmrand.Bytes(32),
PartSetHeader: psh,
pbBi := bi.ToProto()
bits := bits.NewBitArray(1)
pbBits := bits.ToProto()
parts := types.Part{
Index: 1,
Bytes: []byte("test"),
Proof: merkle.Proof{
Total: 1,
Index: 1,
LeafHash: tmrand.Bytes(32),
Aunts: [][]byte{},
pbParts, err := parts.ToProto()
require.NoError(t, err)
proposal := types.Proposal{
Type: tmproto.ProposalType,
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
POLRound: 1,
BlockID: bi,
Timestamp: time.Now(),
Signature: tmrand.Bytes(20),
pbProposal := proposal.ToProto()
pv := types.NewMockPV()
vote, err := factory.MakeVote(pv, factory.DefaultTestChainID,
0, 1, 0, 2, types.BlockID{}, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
pbVote := vote.ToProto()
testsCases := []struct {
testName string
msg Message
want *tmcons.Message
wantErr bool
{"successful NewRoundStepMessage", &NewRoundStepMessage{
Height: 2,
Round: 1,
Step: 1,
SecondsSinceStartTime: 1,
LastCommitRound: 2,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_NewRoundStep{
NewRoundStep: &tmcons.NewRoundStep{
Height: 2,
Round: 1,
Step: 1,
SecondsSinceStartTime: 1,
LastCommitRound: 2,
}, false},
{"successful NewValidBlockMessage", &NewValidBlockMessage{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
BlockPartSetHeader: psh,
BlockParts: bits,
IsCommit: false,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_NewValidBlock{
NewValidBlock: &tmcons.NewValidBlock{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
BlockPartSetHeader: pbPsh,
BlockParts: pbBits,
IsCommit: false,
}, false},
{"successful BlockPartMessage", &BlockPartMessage{
Height: 100,
Round: 1,
Part: &parts,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_BlockPart{
BlockPart: &tmcons.BlockPart{
Height: 100,
Round: 1,
Part: *pbParts,
}, false},
{"successful ProposalPOLMessage", &ProposalPOLMessage{
Height: 1,
ProposalPOLRound: 1,
ProposalPOL: bits,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_ProposalPol{
ProposalPol: &tmcons.ProposalPOL{
Height: 1,
ProposalPolRound: 1,
ProposalPol: *pbBits,
}}, false},
{"successful ProposalMessage", &ProposalMessage{
Proposal: &proposal,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_Proposal{
Proposal: &tmcons.Proposal{
Proposal: *pbProposal,
}, false},
{"successful VoteMessage", &VoteMessage{
Vote: vote,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_Vote{
Vote: &tmcons.Vote{
Vote: pbVote,
}, false},
{"successful VoteSetMaj23", &VoteSetMaj23Message{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Type: 1,
BlockID: bi,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_VoteSetMaj23{
VoteSetMaj23: &tmcons.VoteSetMaj23{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Type: 1,
BlockID: pbBi,
}, false},
{"successful VoteSetBits", &VoteSetBitsMessage{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Type: 1,
BlockID: bi,
Votes: bits,
}, &tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_VoteSetBits{
VoteSetBits: &tmcons.VoteSetBits{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Type: 1,
BlockID: pbBi,
Votes: *pbBits,
}, false},
{"failure", nil, &tmcons.Message{}, true},
for _, tt := range testsCases {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
pb, err := MsgToProto(tt.msg)
if tt.wantErr == true {
assert.Equal(t, err != nil, tt.wantErr)
assert.EqualValues(t, tt.want, pb, tt.testName)
msg, err := MsgFromProto(pb)
if !tt.wantErr {
require.NoError(t, err)
bcm := assert.Equal(t, tt.msg, msg, tt.testName)
assert.True(t, bcm, tt.testName)
} else {
require.Error(t, err, tt.testName)
func TestWALMsgProto(t *testing.T) {
parts := types.Part{
Index: 1,
Bytes: []byte("test"),
Proof: merkle.Proof{
Total: 1,
Index: 1,
LeafHash: tmrand.Bytes(32),
Aunts: [][]byte{},
pbParts, err := parts.ToProto()
require.NoError(t, err)
testsCases := []struct {
testName string
msg WALMessage
want *tmcons.WALMessage
wantErr bool
{"successful EventDataRoundState", types.EventDataRoundState{
Height: 2,
Round: 1,
Step: "ronies",
}, &tmcons.WALMessage{
Sum: &tmcons.WALMessage_EventDataRoundState{
EventDataRoundState: &tmproto.EventDataRoundState{
Height: 2,
Round: 1,
Step: "ronies",
}, false},
{"successful msgInfo", msgInfo{
Msg: &BlockPartMessage{
Height: 100,
Round: 1,
Part: &parts,
PeerID: p2p.NodeID("string"),
}, &tmcons.WALMessage{
Sum: &tmcons.WALMessage_MsgInfo{
MsgInfo: &tmcons.MsgInfo{
Msg: tmcons.Message{
Sum: &tmcons.Message_BlockPart{
BlockPart: &tmcons.BlockPart{
Height: 100,
Round: 1,
Part: *pbParts,
PeerID: "string",
}, false},
{"successful timeoutInfo", timeoutInfo{
Duration: time.Duration(100),
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Step: 1,
}, &tmcons.WALMessage{
Sum: &tmcons.WALMessage_TimeoutInfo{
TimeoutInfo: &tmcons.TimeoutInfo{
Duration: time.Duration(100),
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Step: 1,
}, false},
{"successful EndHeightMessage", EndHeightMessage{
Height: 1,
}, &tmcons.WALMessage{
Sum: &tmcons.WALMessage_EndHeight{
EndHeight: &tmcons.EndHeight{
Height: 1,
}, false},
{"failure", nil, &tmcons.WALMessage{}, true},
for _, tt := range testsCases {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
pb, err := WALToProto(tt.msg)
if tt.wantErr == true {
assert.Equal(t, err != nil, tt.wantErr)
assert.EqualValues(t, tt.want, pb, tt.testName)
msg, err := WALFromProto(pb)
if !tt.wantErr {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.msg, msg, tt.testName) // need the concrete type as WAL Message is a empty interface
} else {
require.Error(t, err, tt.testName)
// nolint:lll //ignore line length for tests
func TestConsMsgsVectors(t *testing.T) {
date := time.Date(2018, 8, 30, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
psh := types.PartSetHeader{
Total: 1,
Hash: []byte("add_more_exclamation_marks_code-"),
pbPsh := psh.ToProto()
bi := types.BlockID{
Hash: []byte("add_more_exclamation_marks_code-"),
PartSetHeader: psh,
pbBi := bi.ToProto()
bits := bits.NewBitArray(1)
pbBits := bits.ToProto()
parts := types.Part{
Index: 1,
Bytes: []byte("test"),
Proof: merkle.Proof{
Total: 1,
Index: 1,
LeafHash: []byte("add_more_exclamation_marks_code-"),
Aunts: [][]byte{},
pbParts, err := parts.ToProto()
require.NoError(t, err)
proposal := types.Proposal{
Type: tmproto.ProposalType,
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
POLRound: 1,
BlockID: bi,
Timestamp: date,
Signature: []byte("add_more_exclamation"),
pbProposal := proposal.ToProto()
v := &types.Vote{
ValidatorAddress: []byte("add_more_exclamation"),
ValidatorIndex: 1,
Height: 1,
Round: 0,
Timestamp: date,
Type: tmproto.PrecommitType,
BlockID: bi,
vpb := v.ToProto()
testCases := []struct {
testName string
cMsg proto.Message
expBytes string
{"NewRoundStep", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_NewRoundStep{NewRoundStep: &tmcons.NewRoundStep{
Height: 1,
Round: 1,
Step: 1,
SecondsSinceStartTime: 1,
LastCommitRound: 1,
}}}, "0a0a08011001180120012801"},
{"NewRoundStep Max", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_NewRoundStep{NewRoundStep: &tmcons.NewRoundStep{
Height: math.MaxInt64,
Round: math.MaxInt32,
Step: math.MaxUint32,
SecondsSinceStartTime: math.MaxInt64,
LastCommitRound: math.MaxInt32,
}}}, "0a2608ffffffffffffffff7f10ffffffff0718ffffffff0f20ffffffffffffffff7f28ffffffff07"},
{"NewValidBlock", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_NewValidBlock{
NewValidBlock: &tmcons.NewValidBlock{
Height: 1, Round: 1, BlockPartSetHeader: pbPsh, BlockParts: pbBits, IsCommit: false}}},
{"Proposal", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_Proposal{Proposal: &tmcons.Proposal{Proposal: *pbProposal}}},
{"ProposalPol", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_ProposalPol{
ProposalPol: &tmcons.ProposalPOL{Height: 1, ProposalPolRound: 1}}},
{"BlockPart", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_BlockPart{
BlockPart: &tmcons.BlockPart{Height: 1, Round: 1, Part: *pbParts}}},
{"Vote", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_Vote{
Vote: &tmcons.Vote{Vote: vpb}}},
{"HasVote", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_HasVote{
HasVote: &tmcons.HasVote{Height: 1, Round: 1, Type: tmproto.PrevoteType, Index: 1}}},
{"HasVote", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_HasVote{
HasVote: &tmcons.HasVote{Height: math.MaxInt64, Round: math.MaxInt32,
Type: tmproto.PrevoteType, Index: math.MaxInt32}}},
{"VoteSetMaj23", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_VoteSetMaj23{
VoteSetMaj23: &tmcons.VoteSetMaj23{Height: 1, Round: 1, Type: tmproto.PrevoteType, BlockID: pbBi}}},
{"VoteSetBits", &tmcons.Message{Sum: &tmcons.Message_VoteSetBits{
VoteSetBits: &tmcons.VoteSetBits{Height: 1, Round: 1, Type: tmproto.PrevoteType, BlockID: pbBi, Votes: *pbBits}}},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
bz, err := proto.Marshal(tc.cMsg)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expBytes, hex.EncodeToString(bz))
func TestVoteSetMaj23MessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
const (
validSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x01
invalidSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x03
validBlockID := types.BlockID{}
invalidBlockID := types.BlockID{
Hash: bytes.HexBytes{},
PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{
Total: 1,
Hash: []byte{0},
testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned
expectErr bool
messageRound int32
messageHeight int64
testName string
messageType tmproto.SignedMsgType
messageBlockID types.BlockID
{false, 0, 0, "Valid Message", validSignedMsgType, validBlockID},
{true, -1, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType, validBlockID},
{true, 0, -1, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType, validBlockID},
{true, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", invalidSignedMsgType, validBlockID},
{true, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType, invalidBlockID},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
message := VoteSetMaj23Message{
Height: tc.messageHeight,
Round: tc.messageRound,
Type: tc.messageType,
BlockID: tc.messageBlockID,
assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result")
func TestVoteSetBitsMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
malleateFn func(*VoteSetBitsMessage)
expErr string
{func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) {}, ""},
{func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.Height = -1 }, "negative Height"},
{func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.Type = 0x03 }, "invalid Type"},
{func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) {
msg.BlockID = types.BlockID{
Hash: bytes.HexBytes{},
PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{
Total: 1,
Hash: []byte{0},
}, "wrong BlockID: wrong PartSetHeader: wrong Hash:"},
{func(msg *VoteSetBitsMessage) { msg.Votes = bits.NewBitArray(types.MaxVotesCount + 1) },
"votes bit array is too big: 10001, max: 10000"},
for i, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
msg := &VoteSetBitsMessage{
Height: 1,
Round: 0,
Type: 0x01,
Votes: bits.NewBitArray(1),
BlockID: types.BlockID{},
err := msg.ValidateBasic()
if tc.expErr != "" && assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErr)
func TestNewRoundStepMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned
expectErr bool
messageRound int32
messageLastCommitRound int32
messageHeight int64
testName string
messageStep cstypes.RoundStepType
{false, 0, 0, 0, "Valid Message", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight},
{true, -1, 0, 0, "Negative round", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight},
{true, 0, 0, -1, "Negative height", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight},
{true, 0, 0, 0, "Invalid Step", cstypes.RoundStepCommit + 1},
// The following cases will be handled by ValidateHeight
{false, 0, 0, 1, "H == 1 but LCR != -1 ", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight},
{false, 0, -1, 2, "H > 1 but LCR < 0", cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
message := NewRoundStepMessage{
Height: tc.messageHeight,
Round: tc.messageRound,
Step: tc.messageStep,
LastCommitRound: tc.messageLastCommitRound,
err := message.ValidateBasic()
if tc.expectErr {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestNewRoundStepMessageValidateHeight(t *testing.T) {
initialHeight := int64(10)
testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned
expectErr bool
messageLastCommitRound int32
messageHeight int64
testName string
{false, 0, 11, "Valid Message"},
{true, 0, -1, "Negative height"},
{true, 0, 0, "Zero height"},
{true, 0, 10, "Initial height but LCR != -1 "},
{true, -1, 11, "Normal height but LCR < 0"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
message := NewRoundStepMessage{
Height: tc.messageHeight,
Round: 0,
Step: cstypes.RoundStepNewHeight,
LastCommitRound: tc.messageLastCommitRound,
err := message.ValidateHeight(initialHeight)
if tc.expectErr {
require.Error(t, err)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestNewValidBlockMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
malleateFn func(*NewValidBlockMessage)
expErr string
{func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) {}, ""},
{func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.Height = -1 }, "negative Height"},
{func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.Round = -1 }, "negative Round"},
func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.BlockPartSetHeader.Total = 2 },
"blockParts bit array size 1 not equal to BlockPartSetHeader.Total 2",
func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) {
msg.BlockPartSetHeader.Total = 0
msg.BlockParts = bits.NewBitArray(0)
"empty blockParts",
func(msg *NewValidBlockMessage) { msg.BlockParts = bits.NewBitArray(int(types.MaxBlockPartsCount) + 1) },
"blockParts bit array size 1602 not equal to BlockPartSetHeader.Total 1",
for i, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
msg := &NewValidBlockMessage{
Height: 1,
Round: 0,
BlockPartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{
Total: 1,
BlockParts: bits.NewBitArray(1),
err := msg.ValidateBasic()
if tc.expErr != "" && assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErr)
func TestProposalPOLMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
malleateFn func(*ProposalPOLMessage)
expErr string
{func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) {}, ""},
{func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.Height = -1 }, "negative Height"},
{func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.ProposalPOLRound = -1 }, "negative ProposalPOLRound"},
{func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.ProposalPOL = bits.NewBitArray(0) }, "empty ProposalPOL bit array"},
{func(msg *ProposalPOLMessage) { msg.ProposalPOL = bits.NewBitArray(types.MaxVotesCount + 1) },
"proposalPOL bit array is too big: 10001, max: 10000"},
for i, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
msg := &ProposalPOLMessage{
Height: 1,
ProposalPOLRound: 1,
ProposalPOL: bits.NewBitArray(1),
err := msg.ValidateBasic()
if tc.expErr != "" && assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.expErr)
func TestBlockPartMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
testPart := new(types.Part)
testPart.Proof.LeafHash = tmhash.Sum([]byte("leaf"))
testCases := []struct {
testName string
messageHeight int64
messageRound int32
messagePart *types.Part
expectErr bool
{"Valid Message", 0, 0, testPart, false},
{"Invalid Message", -1, 0, testPart, true},
{"Invalid Message", 0, -1, testPart, true},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
message := BlockPartMessage{
Height: tc.messageHeight,
Round: tc.messageRound,
Part: tc.messagePart,
assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result")
message := BlockPartMessage{Height: 0, Round: 0, Part: new(types.Part)}
message.Part.Index = 1
assert.Equal(t, true, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result")
func TestHasVoteMessageValidateBasic(t *testing.T) {
const (
validSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x01
invalidSignedMsgType tmproto.SignedMsgType = 0x03
testCases := []struct { // nolint: maligned
expectErr bool
messageRound int32
messageIndex int32
messageHeight int64
testName string
messageType tmproto.SignedMsgType
{false, 0, 0, 0, "Valid Message", validSignedMsgType},
{true, -1, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType},
{true, 0, -1, 0, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType},
{true, 0, 0, 0, "Invalid Message", invalidSignedMsgType},
{true, 0, 0, -1, "Invalid Message", validSignedMsgType},
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
message := HasVoteMessage{
Height: tc.messageHeight,
Round: tc.messageRound,
Type: tc.messageType,
Index: tc.messageIndex,
assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, message.ValidateBasic() != nil, "Validate Basic had an unexpected result")