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package main
import (
tmjson ""
tmproto ""
e2e ""
// 1 in 4 evidence is light client evidence, the rest is duplicate vote evidence
const lightClientEvidenceRatio = 4
// InjectEvidence takes a running testnet and generates an amount of valid
// evidence and broadcasts it to a random node through the rpc endpoint `/broadcast_evidence`.
// Evidence is random and can be a mixture of LightClientAttackEvidence and
// DuplicateVoteEvidence.
func InjectEvidence(testnet *e2e.Testnet, amount int) error {
// select a random node
targetNode := testnet.RandomNode()
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Injecting evidence through %v (amount: %d)...", targetNode.Name, amount))
client, err := targetNode.Client()
if err != nil {
return err
// request the latest block and validator set from the node
blockRes, err := client.Block(context.Background(), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
lightEvidenceCommonHeight := blockRes.Block.Height
waitHeight := blockRes.Block.Height + 3
duplicateVoteHeight := waitHeight
nValidators := 100
valRes, err := client.Validators(context.Background(), &lightEvidenceCommonHeight, nil, &nValidators)
if err != nil {
return err
valSet, err := types.ValidatorSetFromExistingValidators(valRes.Validators)
if err != nil {
return err
// get the private keys of all the validators in the network
privVals, err := getPrivateValidatorKeys(testnet)
if err != nil {
return err
// wait for the node to reach the height above the forged height so that
// it is able to validate the evidence
status, err := waitForNode(targetNode, waitHeight, 10*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return err
duplicateVoteTime := status.SyncInfo.LatestBlockTime
var ev types.Evidence
for i := 1; i <= amount; i++ {
if i%lightClientEvidenceRatio == 0 {
ev, err = generateLightClientAttackEvidence(
privVals, lightEvidenceCommonHeight, valSet, testnet.Name, blockRes.Block.Time,
} else {
ev, err = generateDuplicateVoteEvidence(
privVals, duplicateVoteHeight, valSet, testnet.Name, duplicateVoteTime,
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := client.BroadcastEvidence(context.Background(), ev)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Finished sending evidence (height %d)", blockRes.Block.Height+2))
return nil
func getPrivateValidatorKeys(testnet *e2e.Testnet) ([]types.MockPV, error) {
privVals := []types.MockPV{}
for _, node := range testnet.Nodes {
if node.Mode == e2e.ModeValidator {
privKeyPath := filepath.Join(testnet.Dir, node.Name, PrivvalKeyFile)
privKey, err := readPrivKey(privKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create mock private validators from the validators private key. MockPV is
// stateless which means we can double vote and do other funky stuff
privVals = append(privVals, types.NewMockPVWithParams(privKey, false, false))
return privVals, nil
// creates evidence of a lunatic attack. The height provided is the common height.
// The forged height happens 2 blocks later.
func generateLightClientAttackEvidence(
privVals []types.MockPV,
height int64,
vals *types.ValidatorSet,
chainID string,
evTime time.Time,
) (*types.LightClientAttackEvidence, error) {
// forge a random header
forgedHeight := height + 2
forgedTime := evTime.Add(1 * time.Second)
header := makeHeaderRandom(chainID, forgedHeight)
header.Time = forgedTime
// add a new bogus validator and remove an existing one to
// vary the validator set slightly
pv, conflictingVals, err := mutateValidatorSet(privVals, vals)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
header.ValidatorsHash = conflictingVals.Hash()
// create a commit for the forged header
blockID := makeBlockID(header.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
voteSet := types.NewVoteSet(chainID, forgedHeight, 0, tmproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
commit, err := factory.MakeCommit(blockID, forgedHeight, 0, voteSet, pv, forgedTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ev := &types.LightClientAttackEvidence{
ConflictingBlock: &types.LightBlock{
SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
Header: header,
Commit: commit,
ValidatorSet: conflictingVals,
CommonHeight: height,
TotalVotingPower: vals.TotalVotingPower(),
Timestamp: evTime,
ev.ByzantineValidators = ev.GetByzantineValidators(vals, &types.SignedHeader{
Header: makeHeaderRandom(chainID, forgedHeight),
return ev, nil
// generateDuplicateVoteEvidence picks a random validator from the val set and
// returns duplicate vote evidence against the validator
func generateDuplicateVoteEvidence(
privVals []types.MockPV,
height int64,
vals *types.ValidatorSet,
chainID string,
time time.Time,
) (*types.DuplicateVoteEvidence, error) {
// nolint:gosec // G404: Use of weak random number generator
privVal := privVals[rand.Intn(len(privVals))]
valIdx, _ := vals.GetByAddress(privVal.PrivKey.PubKey().Address())
voteA, err := factory.MakeVote(privVal, chainID, valIdx, height, 0, 2, makeRandomBlockID(), time)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
voteB, err := factory.MakeVote(privVal, chainID, valIdx, height, 0, 2, makeRandomBlockID(), time)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return types.NewDuplicateVoteEvidence(voteA, voteB, time, vals), nil
func readPrivKey(keyFilePath string) (crypto.PrivKey, error) {
keyJSONBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pvKey := privval.FilePVKey{}
err = tmjson.Unmarshal(keyJSONBytes, &pvKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading PrivValidator key from %v: %w", keyFilePath, err)
return pvKey.PrivKey, nil
func makeHeaderRandom(chainID string, height int64) *types.Header {
return &types.Header{
Version: version.Consensus{Block: version.BlockProtocol, App: 1},
ChainID: chainID,
Height: height,
Time: time.Now(),
LastBlockID: makeBlockID([]byte("headerhash"), 1000, []byte("partshash")),
LastCommitHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
DataHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
ValidatorsHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
NextValidatorsHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
ConsensusHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
AppHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
LastResultsHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
EvidenceHash: crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size),
ProposerAddress: crypto.CRandBytes(crypto.AddressSize),
func makeRandomBlockID() types.BlockID {
return makeBlockID(crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size), 100, crypto.CRandBytes(tmhash.Size))
func makeBlockID(hash []byte, partSetSize uint32, partSetHash []byte) types.BlockID {
var (
h = make([]byte, tmhash.Size)
psH = make([]byte, tmhash.Size)
copy(h, hash)
copy(psH, partSetHash)
return types.BlockID{
Hash: h,
PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{
Total: partSetSize,
Hash: psH,
func mutateValidatorSet(privVals []types.MockPV, vals *types.ValidatorSet,
) ([]types.PrivValidator, *types.ValidatorSet, error) {
newVal, newPrivVal := factory.RandValidator(false, 10)
var newVals *types.ValidatorSet
if vals.Size() > 2 {
newVals = types.NewValidatorSet(append(vals.Copy().Validators[:vals.Size()-1], newVal))
} else {
newVals = types.NewValidatorSet(append(vals.Copy().Validators, newVal))
// we need to sort the priv validators with the same index as the validator set
pv := make([]types.PrivValidator, newVals.Size())
for idx, val := range newVals.Validators {
found := false
for _, p := range append(privVals, newPrivVal.(types.MockPV)) {
if bytes.Equal(p.PrivKey.PubKey().Address(), val.Address) {
pv[idx] = p
found = true
if !found {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("missing priv validator for %v", val.Address)
return pv, newVals, nil