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package statesync
import (
abci ""
sm ""
ssproto ""
var (
_ service.Service = (*Reactor)(nil)
_ p2p.Wrapper = (*ssproto.Message)(nil)
const (
// SnapshotChannel exchanges snapshot metadata
SnapshotChannel = p2p.ChannelID(0x60)
// ChunkChannel exchanges chunk contents
ChunkChannel = p2p.ChannelID(0x61)
// LightBlockChannel exchanges light blocks
LightBlockChannel = p2p.ChannelID(0x62)
// ParamsChannel exchanges consensus params
ParamsChannel = p2p.ChannelID(0x63)
// recentSnapshots is the number of recent snapshots to send and receive per peer.
recentSnapshots = 10
// snapshotMsgSize is the maximum size of a snapshotResponseMessage
snapshotMsgSize = int(4e6) // ~4MB
// chunkMsgSize is the maximum size of a chunkResponseMessage
chunkMsgSize = int(16e6) // ~16MB
// lightBlockMsgSize is the maximum size of a lightBlockResponseMessage
lightBlockMsgSize = int(1e7) // ~1MB
// paramMsgSize is the maximum size of a paramsResponseMessage
paramMsgSize = int(1e5) // ~100kb
// lightBlockResponseTimeout is how long the dispatcher waits for a peer to
// return a light block
lightBlockResponseTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// consensusParamsResponseTimeout is the time the p2p state provider waits
// before performing a secondary call
consensusParamsResponseTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// maxLightBlockRequestRetries is the amount of retries acceptable before
// the backfill process aborts
maxLightBlockRequestRetries = 20
func getChannelDescriptors() map[p2p.ChannelID]*p2p.ChannelDescriptor {
return map[p2p.ChannelID]*p2p.ChannelDescriptor{
SnapshotChannel: {
ID: SnapshotChannel,
MessageType: new(ssproto.Message),
Priority: 6,
SendQueueCapacity: 10,
RecvMessageCapacity: snapshotMsgSize,
RecvBufferCapacity: 128,
ChunkChannel: {
ID: ChunkChannel,
Priority: 3,
MessageType: new(ssproto.Message),
SendQueueCapacity: 4,
RecvMessageCapacity: chunkMsgSize,
RecvBufferCapacity: 128,
LightBlockChannel: {
ID: LightBlockChannel,
MessageType: new(ssproto.Message),
Priority: 5,
SendQueueCapacity: 10,
RecvMessageCapacity: lightBlockMsgSize,
RecvBufferCapacity: 128,
ParamsChannel: {
ID: ParamsChannel,
MessageType: new(ssproto.Message),
Priority: 2,
SendQueueCapacity: 10,
RecvMessageCapacity: paramMsgSize,
RecvBufferCapacity: 128,
// Metricer defines an interface used for the rpc sync info query, please see statesync.metrics
// for the details.
type Metricer interface {
TotalSnapshots() int64
ChunkProcessAvgTime() time.Duration
SnapshotHeight() int64
SnapshotChunksCount() int64
SnapshotChunksTotal() int64
BackFilledBlocks() int64
BackFillBlocksTotal() int64
// Reactor handles state sync, both restoring snapshots for the local node and
// serving snapshots for other nodes.
type Reactor struct {
logger log.Logger
chainID string
initialHeight int64
cfg config.StateSyncConfig
stateStore sm.Store
blockStore *store.BlockStore
conn proxy.AppConnSnapshot
connQuery proxy.AppConnQuery
tempDir string
snapshotCh *p2p.Channel
chunkCh *p2p.Channel
blockCh *p2p.Channel
paramsCh *p2p.Channel
peerUpdates *p2p.PeerUpdates
// Dispatcher is used to multiplex light block requests and responses over multiple
// peers used by the p2p state provider and in reverse sync.
dispatcher *Dispatcher
peers *peerList
// These will only be set when a state sync is in progress. It is used to feed
// received snapshots and chunks into the syncer and manage incoming and outgoing
// providers.
mtx sync.RWMutex
syncer *syncer
providers map[types.NodeID]*BlockProvider
stateProvider StateProvider
metrics *Metrics
backfillBlockTotal int64
backfilledBlocks int64
// NewReactor returns a reference to a new state sync reactor, which implements
// the service.Service interface. It accepts a logger, connections for snapshots
// and querying, references to p2p Channels and a channel to listen for peer
// updates on. Note, the reactor will close all p2p Channels when stopping.
func NewReactor(
ctx context.Context,
chainID string,
initialHeight int64,
cfg config.StateSyncConfig,
logger log.Logger,
conn proxy.AppConnSnapshot,
connQuery proxy.AppConnQuery,
channelCreator p2p.ChannelCreator,
peerUpdates *p2p.PeerUpdates,
stateStore sm.Store,
blockStore *store.BlockStore,
tempDir string,
ssMetrics *Metrics,
) (*Reactor, error) {
chDesc := getChannelDescriptors()
snapshotCh, err := channelCreator(ctx, chDesc[SnapshotChannel])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chunkCh, err := channelCreator(ctx, chDesc[ChunkChannel])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockCh, err := channelCreator(ctx, chDesc[LightBlockChannel])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
paramsCh, err := channelCreator(ctx, chDesc[ParamsChannel])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r := &Reactor{
logger: logger,
chainID: chainID,
initialHeight: initialHeight,
cfg: cfg,
conn: conn,
connQuery: connQuery,
snapshotCh: snapshotCh,
chunkCh: chunkCh,
blockCh: blockCh,
paramsCh: paramsCh,
peerUpdates: peerUpdates,
tempDir: tempDir,
stateStore: stateStore,
blockStore: blockStore,
peers: newPeerList(),
dispatcher: NewDispatcher(blockCh),
providers: make(map[types.NodeID]*BlockProvider),
metrics: ssMetrics,
r.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(logger, "StateSync", r)
return r, nil
// OnStart starts separate go routines for each p2p Channel and listens for
// envelopes on each. In addition, it also listens for peer updates and handles
// messages on that p2p channel accordingly. Note, we do not launch a go-routine to
// handle individual envelopes as to not have to deal with bounding workers or pools.
// The caller must be sure to execute OnStop to ensure the outbound p2p Channels are
// closed. No error is returned.
func (r *Reactor) OnStart(ctx context.Context) error {
go r.processCh(ctx, r.snapshotCh, "snapshot")
go r.processCh(ctx, r.chunkCh, "chunk")
go r.processCh(ctx, r.blockCh, "light block")
go r.processCh(ctx, r.paramsCh, "consensus params")
go r.processPeerUpdates(ctx)
return nil
// OnStop stops the reactor by signaling to all spawned goroutines to exit and
// blocking until they all exit.
func (r *Reactor) OnStop() {
// tell the dispatcher to stop sending any more requests
// Sync runs a state sync, fetching snapshots and providing chunks to the
// application. At the close of the operation, Sync will bootstrap the state
// store and persist the commit at that height so that either consensus or
// blocksync can commence. It will then proceed to backfill the necessary amount
// of historical blocks before participating in consensus
func (r *Reactor) Sync(ctx context.Context) (sm.State, error) {
// We need at least two peers (for cross-referencing of light blocks) before we can
// begin state sync
if err := r.waitForEnoughPeers(ctx, 2); err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
if r.syncer != nil {
return sm.State{}, errors.New("a state sync is already in progress")
if err := r.initStateProvider(ctx, r.chainID, r.initialHeight); err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
r.syncer = newSyncer(
defer func() {
// reset syncing objects at the close of Sync
r.syncer = nil
r.stateProvider = nil
requestSnapshotsHook := func() error {
// request snapshots from all currently connected peers
return r.snapshotCh.Send(ctx, p2p.Envelope{
Broadcast: true,
Message: &ssproto.SnapshotsRequest{},
state, commit, err := r.syncer.SyncAny(ctx, r.cfg.DiscoveryTime, requestSnapshotsHook)
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
err = r.stateStore.Bootstrap(state)
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to bootstrap node with new state: %w", err)
err = r.blockStore.SaveSeenCommit(state.LastBlockHeight, commit)
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to store last seen commit: %w", err)
err = r.Backfill(ctx, state)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error("backfill failed. Proceeding optimistically...", "err", err)
return state, nil
// Backfill sequentially fetches, verifies and stores light blocks in reverse
// order. It does not stop verifying blocks until reaching a block with a height
// and time that is less or equal to the stopHeight and stopTime. The
// trustedBlockID should be of the header at startHeight.
func (r *Reactor) Backfill(ctx context.Context, state sm.State) error {
params := state.ConsensusParams.Evidence
stopHeight := state.LastBlockHeight - params.MaxAgeNumBlocks
stopTime := state.LastBlockTime.Add(-params.MaxAgeDuration)
// ensure that stop height doesn't go below the initial height
if stopHeight < state.InitialHeight {
stopHeight = state.InitialHeight
// this essentially makes stop time a void criteria for termination
stopTime = state.LastBlockTime
return r.backfill(
func (r *Reactor) backfill(
ctx context.Context,
chainID string,
startHeight, stopHeight, initialHeight int64,
trustedBlockID types.BlockID,
stopTime time.Time,
) error {
r.logger.Info("starting backfill process...", "startHeight", startHeight,
"stopHeight", stopHeight, "stopTime", stopTime, "trustedBlockID", trustedBlockID)
r.backfillBlockTotal = startHeight - stopHeight + 1
const sleepTime = 1 * time.Second
var (
lastValidatorSet *types.ValidatorSet
lastChangeHeight = startHeight
queue := newBlockQueue(startHeight, stopHeight, initialHeight, stopTime, maxLightBlockRequestRetries)
// fetch light blocks across four workers. The aim with deploying concurrent
// workers is to equate the network messaging time with the verification
// time. Ideally we want the verification process to never have to be
// waiting on blocks. If it takes 4s to retrieve a block and 1s to verify
// it, then steady state involves four workers.
for i := 0; i < int(r.cfg.Fetchers); i++ {
ctxWithCancel, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case height := <-queue.nextHeight():
// pop the next peer of the list to send a request to
peer := r.peers.Pop(ctx)
r.logger.Debug("fetching next block", "height", height, "peer", peer)
subCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctxWithCancel, lightBlockResponseTimeout)
defer cancel()
lb, err := func() (*types.LightBlock, error) {
defer cancel()
// request the light block with a timeout
return r.dispatcher.LightBlock(subCtx, height, peer)
// once the peer has returned a value, add it back to the peer list to be used again
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errNoConnectedPeers) {
r.logger.Info("backfill: no connected peers to fetch light blocks from; sleeping...",
"sleepTime", sleepTime)
} else {
// we don't punish the peer as it might just have not responded in time
r.logger.Info("backfill: error with fetching light block",
"height", height, "err", err)
if lb == nil {
r.logger.Info("backfill: peer didn't have block, fetching from another peer", "height", height)
// As we are fetching blocks backwards, if this node doesn't have the block it likely doesn't
// have any prior ones, thus we remove it from the peer list.
// run a validate basic. This checks the validator set and commit
// hashes line up
err = lb.ValidateBasic(chainID)
if err != nil || lb.Height != height {
r.logger.Info("backfill: fetched light block failed validate basic, removing peer...",
"err", err, "height", height)
if serr := r.blockCh.SendError(ctx, p2p.PeerError{
NodeID: peer,
Err: fmt.Errorf("received invalid light block: %w", err),
}); serr != nil {
// add block to queue to be verified
block: lb,
peer: peer,
r.logger.Debug("backfill: added light block to processing queue", "height", height)
case <-queue.done():
// verify all light blocks
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case resp := <-queue.verifyNext():
// validate the header hash. We take the last block id of the
// previous header (i.e. one height above) as the trusted hash which
// we equate to. ValidatorsHash and CommitHash have already been
// checked in the `ValidateBasic`
if w, g := trustedBlockID.Hash, resp.block.Hash(); !bytes.Equal(w, g) {
r.logger.Info("received invalid light block. header hash doesn't match trusted LastBlockID",
"trustedHash", w, "receivedHash", g, "height", resp.block.Height)
if err := r.blockCh.SendError(ctx, p2p.PeerError{
NodeID: resp.peer,
Err: fmt.Errorf("received invalid light block. Expected hash %v, got: %v", w, g),
}); err != nil {
return nil
// save the signed headers
if err := r.blockStore.SaveSignedHeader(resp.block.SignedHeader, trustedBlockID); err != nil {
return err
// check if there has been a change in the validator set
if lastValidatorSet != nil && !bytes.Equal(resp.block.Header.ValidatorsHash, resp.block.Header.NextValidatorsHash) {
// save all the heights that the last validator set was the same
if err := r.stateStore.SaveValidatorSets(resp.block.Height+1, lastChangeHeight, lastValidatorSet); err != nil {
return err
// update the lastChangeHeight
lastChangeHeight = resp.block.Height
trustedBlockID = resp.block.LastBlockID
r.logger.Info("backfill: verified and stored light block", "height", resp.block.Height)
lastValidatorSet = resp.block.ValidatorSet
// The block height might be less than the stopHeight because of the stopTime condition
// hasn't been fulfilled.
if resp.block.Height < stopHeight {
case <-queue.done():
if err := queue.error(); err != nil {
return err
// save the final batch of validators
if err := r.stateStore.SaveValidatorSets(queue.terminal.Height, lastChangeHeight, lastValidatorSet); err != nil {
return err
r.logger.Info("successfully completed backfill process", "endHeight", queue.terminal.Height)
return nil
// handleSnapshotMessage handles envelopes sent from peers on the
// SnapshotChannel. It returns an error only if the Envelope.Message is unknown
// for this channel. This should never be called outside of handleMessage.
func (r *Reactor) handleSnapshotMessage(ctx context.Context, envelope *p2p.Envelope) error {
logger := r.logger.With("peer", envelope.From)
switch msg := envelope.Message.(type) {
case *ssproto.SnapshotsRequest:
snapshots, err := r.recentSnapshots(ctx, recentSnapshots)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to fetch snapshots", "err", err)
return nil
for _, snapshot := range snapshots {
"advertising snapshot",
"height", snapshot.Height,
"format", snapshot.Format,
"peer", envelope.From,
if err := r.snapshotCh.Send(ctx, p2p.Envelope{
To: envelope.From,
Message: &ssproto.SnapshotsResponse{
Height: snapshot.Height,
Format: snapshot.Format,
Chunks: snapshot.Chunks,
Hash: snapshot.Hash,
Metadata: snapshot.Metadata,
}); err != nil {
return err
case *ssproto.SnapshotsResponse:
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer == nil {
logger.Debug("received unexpected snapshot; no state sync in progress")
return nil
logger.Info("received snapshot", "height", msg.Height, "format", msg.Format)
_, err := r.syncer.AddSnapshot(envelope.From, &snapshot{
Height: msg.Height,
Format: msg.Format,
Chunks: msg.Chunks,
Hash: msg.Hash,
Metadata: msg.Metadata,
if err != nil {
"failed to add snapshot",
"height", msg.Height,
"format", msg.Format,
"err", err,
"channel", r.snapshotCh.ID,
return nil
logger.Info("added snapshot", "height", msg.Height, "format", msg.Format)
return fmt.Errorf("received unknown message: %T", msg)
return nil
// handleChunkMessage handles envelopes sent from peers on the ChunkChannel.
// It returns an error only if the Envelope.Message is unknown for this channel.
// This should never be called outside of handleMessage.
func (r *Reactor) handleChunkMessage(ctx context.Context, envelope *p2p.Envelope) error {
switch msg := envelope.Message.(type) {
case *ssproto.ChunkRequest:
"received chunk request",
"height", msg.Height,
"format", msg.Format,
"chunk", msg.Index,
"peer", envelope.From,
resp, err := r.conn.LoadSnapshotChunkSync(ctx, abci.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk{
Height: msg.Height,
Format: msg.Format,
Chunk: msg.Index,
if err != nil {
"failed to load chunk",
"height", msg.Height,
"format", msg.Format,
"chunk", msg.Index,
"err", err,
"peer", envelope.From,
return nil
"sending chunk",
"height", msg.Height,
"format", msg.Format,
"chunk", msg.Index,
"peer", envelope.From,
if err := r.chunkCh.Send(ctx, p2p.Envelope{
To: envelope.From,
Message: &ssproto.ChunkResponse{
Height: msg.Height,
Format: msg.Format,
Index: msg.Index,
Chunk: resp.Chunk,
Missing: resp.Chunk == nil,
}); err != nil {
return err
case *ssproto.ChunkResponse:
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer == nil {
r.logger.Debug("received unexpected chunk; no state sync in progress", "peer", envelope.From)
return nil
"received chunk; adding to sync",
"height", msg.Height,
"format", msg.Format,
"chunk", msg.Index,
"peer", envelope.From,
_, err := r.syncer.AddChunk(&chunk{
Height: msg.Height,
Format: msg.Format,
Index: msg.Index,
Chunk: msg.Chunk,
Sender: envelope.From,
if err != nil {
"failed to add chunk",
"height", msg.Height,
"format", msg.Format,
"chunk", msg.Index,
"err", err,
"peer", envelope.From,
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("received unknown message: %T", msg)
return nil
func (r *Reactor) handleLightBlockMessage(ctx context.Context, envelope *p2p.Envelope) error {
switch msg := envelope.Message.(type) {
case *ssproto.LightBlockRequest:
r.logger.Info("received light block request", "height", msg.Height)
lb, err := r.fetchLightBlock(msg.Height)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error("failed to retrieve light block", "err", err, "height", msg.Height)
return err
if lb == nil {
if err := r.blockCh.Send(ctx, p2p.Envelope{
To: envelope.From,
Message: &ssproto.LightBlockResponse{
LightBlock: nil,
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
lbproto, err := lb.ToProto()
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error("marshaling light block to proto", "err", err)
return nil
// NOTE: If we don't have the light block we will send a nil light block
// back to the requested node, indicating that we don't have it.
if err := r.blockCh.Send(ctx, p2p.Envelope{
To: envelope.From,
Message: &ssproto.LightBlockResponse{
LightBlock: lbproto,
}); err != nil {
return err
case *ssproto.LightBlockResponse:
var height int64
if msg.LightBlock != nil {
height = msg.LightBlock.SignedHeader.Header.Height
r.logger.Info("received light block response", "peer", envelope.From, "height", height)
if err := r.dispatcher.Respond(msg.LightBlock, envelope.From); err != nil {
r.logger.Error("error processing light block response", "err", err, "height", height)
return fmt.Errorf("received unknown message: %T", msg)
return nil
func (r *Reactor) handleParamsMessage(ctx context.Context, envelope *p2p.Envelope) error {
switch msg := envelope.Message.(type) {
case *ssproto.ParamsRequest:
r.logger.Debug("received consensus params request", "height", msg.Height)
cp, err := r.stateStore.LoadConsensusParams(int64(msg.Height))
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error("failed to fetch requested consensus params", "err", err, "height", msg.Height)
return nil
cpproto := cp.ToProto()
if err := r.paramsCh.Send(ctx, p2p.Envelope{
To: envelope.From,
Message: &ssproto.ParamsResponse{
Height: msg.Height,
ConsensusParams: cpproto,
}); err != nil {
return err
case *ssproto.ParamsResponse:
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
r.logger.Debug("received consensus params response", "height", msg.Height)
cp := types.ConsensusParamsFromProto(msg.ConsensusParams)
if sp, ok := r.stateProvider.(*stateProviderP2P); ok {
select {
case sp.paramsRecvCh <- cp:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
return errors.New("failed to send consensus params, stateprovider not ready for response")
} else {
r.logger.Debug("received unexpected params response; using RPC state provider", "peer", envelope.From)
return fmt.Errorf("received unknown message: %T", msg)
return nil
// handleMessage handles an Envelope sent from a peer on a specific p2p Channel.
// It will handle errors and any possible panics gracefully. A caller can handle
// any error returned by sending a PeerError on the respective channel.
func (r *Reactor) handleMessage(ctx context.Context, chID p2p.ChannelID, envelope *p2p.Envelope) (err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic in processing message: %v", e)
"recovering from processing message panic",
"err", err,
"stack", string(debug.Stack()),
r.logger.Debug("received message", "message", reflect.TypeOf(envelope.Message), "peer", envelope.From)
switch chID {
case SnapshotChannel:
err = r.handleSnapshotMessage(ctx, envelope)
case ChunkChannel:
err = r.handleChunkMessage(ctx, envelope)
case LightBlockChannel:
err = r.handleLightBlockMessage(ctx, envelope)
case ParamsChannel:
err = r.handleParamsMessage(ctx, envelope)
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown channel ID (%d) for envelope (%v)", chID, envelope)
return err
// processCh routes state sync messages to their respective handlers. Any error
// encountered during message execution will result in a PeerError being sent on
// the respective channel. When the reactor is stopped, we will catch the signal
// and close the p2p Channel gracefully.
func (r *Reactor) processCh(ctx context.Context, ch *p2p.Channel, chName string) {
iter := ch.Receive(ctx)
for iter.Next(ctx) {
envelope := iter.Envelope()
if err := r.handleMessage(ctx, ch.ID, envelope); err != nil {
r.logger.Error("failed to process message",
"err", err,
"channel", chName,
"ch_id", ch.ID,
"envelope", envelope)
if serr := ch.SendError(ctx, p2p.PeerError{
NodeID: envelope.From,
Err: err,
}); serr != nil {
// processPeerUpdate processes a PeerUpdate, returning an error upon failing to
// handle the PeerUpdate or if a panic is recovered.
func (r *Reactor) processPeerUpdate(ctx context.Context, peerUpdate p2p.PeerUpdate) {
r.logger.Info("received peer update", "peer", peerUpdate.NodeID, "status", peerUpdate.Status)
switch peerUpdate.Status {
case p2p.PeerStatusUp:
case p2p.PeerStatusDown:
defer r.mtx.Unlock()
if r.syncer == nil {
switch peerUpdate.Status {
case p2p.PeerStatusUp:
newProvider := NewBlockProvider(peerUpdate.NodeID, r.chainID, r.dispatcher)
r.providers[peerUpdate.NodeID] = newProvider
err := r.syncer.AddPeer(ctx, peerUpdate.NodeID)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Error("error adding peer to syncer", "error", err)
if sp, ok := r.stateProvider.(*stateProviderP2P); ok {
// we do this in a separate routine to not block whilst waiting for the light client to finish
// whatever call it's currently executing
go sp.addProvider(newProvider)
case p2p.PeerStatusDown:
delete(r.providers, peerUpdate.NodeID)
r.logger.Info("processed peer update", "peer", peerUpdate.NodeID, "status", peerUpdate.Status)
// processPeerUpdates initiates a blocking process where we listen for and handle
// PeerUpdate messages. When the reactor is stopped, we will catch the signal and
// close the p2p PeerUpdatesCh gracefully.
func (r *Reactor) processPeerUpdates(ctx context.Context) {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
r.logger.Debug("stopped listening on peer updates channel; closing...")
case peerUpdate := <-r.peerUpdates.Updates():
r.processPeerUpdate(ctx, peerUpdate)
// recentSnapshots fetches the n most recent snapshots from the app
func (r *Reactor) recentSnapshots(ctx context.Context, n uint32) ([]*snapshot, error) {
resp, err := r.conn.ListSnapshotsSync(ctx, abci.RequestListSnapshots{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sort.Slice(resp.Snapshots, func(i, j int) bool {
a := resp.Snapshots[i]
b := resp.Snapshots[j]
switch {
case a.Height > b.Height:
return true
case a.Height == b.Height && a.Format > b.Format:
return true
return false
snapshots := make([]*snapshot, 0, n)
for i, s := range resp.Snapshots {
if i >= recentSnapshots {
snapshots = append(snapshots, &snapshot{
Height: s.Height,
Format: s.Format,
Chunks: s.Chunks,
Hash: s.Hash,
Metadata: s.Metadata,
return snapshots, nil
// fetchLightBlock works out whether the node has a light block at a particular
// height and if so returns it so it can be gossiped to peers
func (r *Reactor) fetchLightBlock(height uint64) (*types.LightBlock, error) {
h := int64(height)
blockMeta := r.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(h)
if blockMeta == nil {
return nil, nil
commit := r.blockStore.LoadBlockCommit(h)
if commit == nil {
return nil, nil
vals, err := r.stateStore.LoadValidators(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if vals == nil {
return nil, nil
return &types.LightBlock{
SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
Header: &blockMeta.Header,
Commit: commit,
ValidatorSet: vals,
}, nil
func (r *Reactor) waitForEnoughPeers(ctx context.Context, numPeers int) error {
startAt := time.Now()
t := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
defer t.Stop()
logT := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
defer logT.Stop()
var iter int
for r.peers.Len() < numPeers {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("operation canceled while waiting for peers after %.2fs [%d/%d]",
time.Since(startAt).Seconds(), r.peers.Len(), numPeers)
case <-t.C:
case <-logT.C:
r.logger.Info("waiting for sufficient peers to start statesync",
"duration", time.Since(startAt).String(),
"target", numPeers,
"peers", r.peers.Len(),
"iters", iter,
return nil
func (r *Reactor) initStateProvider(ctx context.Context, chainID string, initialHeight int64) error {
var err error
to := light.TrustOptions{
Period: r.cfg.TrustPeriod,
Height: r.cfg.TrustHeight,
Hash: r.cfg.TrustHashBytes(),
spLogger := r.logger.With("module", "stateprovider")
spLogger.Info("initializing state provider", "trustPeriod", to.Period,
"trustHeight", to.Height, "useP2P", r.cfg.UseP2P)
if r.cfg.UseP2P {
if err := r.waitForEnoughPeers(ctx, 2); err != nil {
return err
peers := r.peers.All()
providers := make([]provider.Provider, len(peers))
for idx, p := range peers {
providers[idx] = NewBlockProvider(p, chainID, r.dispatcher)
r.stateProvider, err = NewP2PStateProvider(ctx, chainID, initialHeight, providers, to, r.paramsCh, spLogger)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize P2P state provider: %w", err)
} else {
r.stateProvider, err = NewRPCStateProvider(ctx, chainID, initialHeight, r.cfg.RPCServers, to, spLogger)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize RPC state provider: %w", err)
return nil
func (r *Reactor) TotalSnapshots() int64 {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer != nil && r.syncer.snapshots != nil {
return int64(len(r.syncer.snapshots.snapshots))
return 0
func (r *Reactor) ChunkProcessAvgTime() time.Duration {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer != nil {
return time.Duration(r.syncer.avgChunkTime)
return time.Duration(0)
func (r *Reactor) SnapshotHeight() int64 {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer != nil {
return r.syncer.lastSyncedSnapshotHeight
return 0
func (r *Reactor) SnapshotChunksCount() int64 {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer != nil && r.syncer.chunks != nil {
return int64(r.syncer.chunks.numChunksReturned())
return 0
func (r *Reactor) SnapshotChunksTotal() int64 {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
if r.syncer != nil && r.syncer.processingSnapshot != nil {
return int64(r.syncer.processingSnapshot.Chunks)
return 0
func (r *Reactor) BackFilledBlocks() int64 {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
return r.backfilledBlocks
func (r *Reactor) BackFillBlocksTotal() int64 {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
return r.backfillBlockTotal