package rpcserver
import (
amino "github.com/tendermint/go-amino"
types "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/lib/types"
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
// RegisterRPCFuncs adds a route for each function in the funcMap, as well as general jsonrpc and websocket handlers for all functions.
// "result" is the interface on which the result objects are registered, and is popualted with every RPCResponse
func RegisterRPCFuncs(mux *http.ServeMux, funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, logger log.Logger) {
// HTTP endpoints
for funcName, rpcFunc := range funcMap {
mux.HandleFunc("/"+funcName, makeHTTPHandler(rpcFunc, cdc, logger))
// JSONRPC endpoints
mux.HandleFunc("/", handleInvalidJSONRPCPaths(makeJSONRPCHandler(funcMap, cdc, logger)))
// function introspection
// RPCFunc contains the introspected type information for a function
type RPCFunc struct {
f reflect.Value // underlying rpc function
args []reflect.Type // type of each function arg
returns []reflect.Type // type of each return arg
argNames []string // name of each argument
ws bool // websocket only
// NewRPCFunc wraps a function for introspection.
// f is the function, args are comma separated argument names
func NewRPCFunc(f interface{}, args string) *RPCFunc {
return newRPCFunc(f, args, false)
// NewWSRPCFunc wraps a function for introspection and use in the websockets.
func NewWSRPCFunc(f interface{}, args string) *RPCFunc {
return newRPCFunc(f, args, true)
func newRPCFunc(f interface{}, args string, ws bool) *RPCFunc {
var argNames []string
if args != "" {
argNames = strings.Split(args, ",")
return &RPCFunc{
f: reflect.ValueOf(f),
args: funcArgTypes(f),
returns: funcReturnTypes(f),
argNames: argNames,
ws: ws,
// return a function's argument types
func funcArgTypes(f interface{}) []reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf(f)
n := t.NumIn()
typez := make([]reflect.Type, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
typez[i] = t.In(i)
return typez
// return a function's return types
func funcReturnTypes(f interface{}) []reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf(f)
n := t.NumOut()
typez := make([]reflect.Type, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
typez[i] = t.Out(i)
return typez
// function introspection
// rpc.json
// jsonrpc calls grab the given method's function info and runs reflect.Call
func makeJSONRPCHandler(funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, logger log.Logger) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCInvalidRequestError("", errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading request body")))
// if its an empty request (like from a browser),
// just display a list of functions
if len(b) == 0 {
writeListOfEndpoints(w, r, funcMap)
var request types.RPCRequest
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &request)
if err != nil {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCParseError("", errors.Wrap(err, "Error unmarshalling request")))
// A Notification is a Request object without an "id" member.
// The Server MUST NOT reply to a Notification, including those that are within a batch request.
if request.ID == "" {
logger.Debug("HTTPJSONRPC received a notification, skipping... (please send a non-empty ID if you want to call a method)")
if len(r.URL.Path) > 1 {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCInvalidRequestError(request.ID, errors.Errorf("Path %s is invalid", r.URL.Path)))
rpcFunc := funcMap[request.Method]
if rpcFunc == nil || rpcFunc.ws {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCMethodNotFoundError(request.ID))
var args []reflect.Value
if len(request.Params) > 0 {
args, err = jsonParamsToArgsRPC(rpcFunc, cdc, request.Params)
if err != nil {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCInvalidParamsError(request.ID, errors.Wrap(err, "Error converting json params to arguments")))
returns := rpcFunc.f.Call(args)
logger.Info("HTTPJSONRPC", "method", request.Method, "args", args, "returns", returns)
result, err := unreflectResult(returns)
if err != nil {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCInternalError(request.ID, err))
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.NewRPCSuccessResponse(cdc, request.ID, result))
func handleInvalidJSONRPCPaths(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Since the pattern "/" matches all paths not matched by other registered patterns we check whether the path is indeed
// "/", otherwise return a 404 error
if r.URL.Path != "/" {
http.NotFound(w, r)
next(w, r)
func mapParamsToArgs(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, params map[string]json.RawMessage, argsOffset int) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
values := make([]reflect.Value, len(rpcFunc.argNames))
for i, argName := range rpcFunc.argNames {
argType := rpcFunc.args[i+argsOffset]
if p, ok := params[argName]; ok && p != nil && len(p) > 0 {
val := reflect.New(argType)
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON(p, val.Interface())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values[i] = val.Elem()
} else { // use default for that type
values[i] = reflect.Zero(argType)
return values, nil
func arrayParamsToArgs(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, params []json.RawMessage, argsOffset int) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
if len(rpcFunc.argNames) != len(params) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Expected %v parameters (%v), got %v (%v)",
len(rpcFunc.argNames), rpcFunc.argNames, len(params), params)
values := make([]reflect.Value, len(params))
for i, p := range params {
argType := rpcFunc.args[i+argsOffset]
val := reflect.New(argType)
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON(p, val.Interface())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values[i] = val.Elem()
return values, nil
// `raw` is unparsed json (from json.RawMessage) encoding either a map or an array.
// `argsOffset` should be 0 for RPC calls, and 1 for WS requests, where len(rpcFunc.args) != len(rpcFunc.argNames).
// Example:
// rpcFunc.args = [rpctypes.WSRPCContext string]
// rpcFunc.argNames = ["arg"]
func jsonParamsToArgs(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, raw []byte, argsOffset int) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
// TODO: Make more efficient, perhaps by checking the first character for '{' or '['?
// First, try to get the map.
var m map[string]json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &m)
if err == nil {
return mapParamsToArgs(rpcFunc, cdc, m, argsOffset)
// Otherwise, try an array.
var a []json.RawMessage
err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &a)
if err == nil {
return arrayParamsToArgs(rpcFunc, cdc, a, argsOffset)
// Otherwise, bad format, we cannot parse
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unknown type for JSON params: %v. Expected map or array", err)
// Convert a []interface{} OR a map[string]interface{} to properly typed values
func jsonParamsToArgsRPC(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, params json.RawMessage) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
return jsonParamsToArgs(rpcFunc, cdc, params, 0)
// Same as above, but with the first param the websocket connection
func jsonParamsToArgsWS(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, params json.RawMessage, wsCtx types.WSRPCContext) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
values, err := jsonParamsToArgs(rpcFunc, cdc, params, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return append([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(wsCtx)}, values...), nil
// rpc.json
// rpc.http
// convert from a function name to the http handler
func makeHTTPHandler(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, logger log.Logger) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
// Exception for websocket endpoints
if rpcFunc.ws {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCMethodNotFoundError(""))
// All other endpoints
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
logger.Debug("HTTP HANDLER", "req", r)
args, err := httpParamsToArgs(rpcFunc, cdc, r)
if err != nil {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCInvalidParamsError("", errors.Wrap(err, "Error converting http params to arguments")))
returns := rpcFunc.f.Call(args)
logger.Info("HTTPRestRPC", "method", r.URL.Path, "args", args, "returns", returns)
result, err := unreflectResult(returns)
if err != nil {
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.RPCInternalError("", err))
WriteRPCResponseHTTP(w, types.NewRPCSuccessResponse(cdc, "", result))
// Covert an http query to a list of properly typed values.
// To be properly decoded the arg must be a concrete type from tendermint (if its an interface).
func httpParamsToArgs(rpcFunc *RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, r *http.Request) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
values := make([]reflect.Value, len(rpcFunc.args))
for i, name := range rpcFunc.argNames {
argType := rpcFunc.args[i]
values[i] = reflect.Zero(argType) // set default for that type
arg := GetParam(r, name)
// log.Notice("param to arg", "argType", argType, "name", name, "arg", arg)
if "" == arg {
v, err, ok := nonJSONToArg(cdc, argType, arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ok {
values[i] = v
values[i], err = _jsonStringToArg(cdc, argType, arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return values, nil
func _jsonStringToArg(cdc *amino.Codec, ty reflect.Type, arg string) (reflect.Value, error) {
v := reflect.New(ty)
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(arg), v.Interface())
if err != nil {
return v, err
v = v.Elem()
return v, nil
func nonJSONToArg(cdc *amino.Codec, ty reflect.Type, arg string) (reflect.Value, error, bool) {
isQuotedString := strings.HasPrefix(arg, `"`) && strings.HasSuffix(arg, `"`)
isHexString := strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(arg), "0x")
expectingString := ty.Kind() == reflect.String
expectingByteSlice := ty.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ty.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8
if isHexString {
if !expectingString && !expectingByteSlice {
err := errors.Errorf("Got a hex string arg, but expected '%s'",
return reflect.ValueOf(nil), err, false
var value []byte
value, err := hex.DecodeString(arg[2:])
if err != nil {
return reflect.ValueOf(nil), err, false
if ty.Kind() == reflect.String {
return reflect.ValueOf(string(value)), nil, true
return reflect.ValueOf([]byte(value)), nil, true
if isQuotedString && expectingByteSlice {
v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(""))
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(arg), v.Interface())
if err != nil {
return reflect.ValueOf(nil), err, false
v = v.Elem()
return reflect.ValueOf([]byte(v.String())), nil, true
return reflect.ValueOf(nil), nil, false
// rpc.http
// rpc.websocket
const (
defaultWSWriteChanCapacity = 1000
defaultWSWriteWait = 10 * time.Second
defaultWSReadWait = 30 * time.Second
defaultWSPingPeriod = (defaultWSReadWait * 9) / 10
// A single websocket connection contains listener id, underlying ws
// connection, and the event switch for subscribing to events.
// In case of an error, the connection is stopped.
type wsConnection struct {
remoteAddr string
baseConn *websocket.Conn
writeChan chan types.RPCResponse
funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc
cdc *amino.Codec
// write channel capacity
writeChanCapacity int
// each write times out after this.
writeWait time.Duration
// Connection times out if we haven't received *anything* in this long, not even pings.
readWait time.Duration
// Send pings to server with this period. Must be less than readWait, but greater than zero.
pingPeriod time.Duration
// object that is used to subscribe / unsubscribe from events
eventSub types.EventSubscriber
// NewWSConnection wraps websocket.Conn.
// See the commentary on the func(*wsConnection) functions for a detailed
// description of how to configure ping period and pong wait time. NOTE: if the
// write buffer is full, pongs may be dropped, which may cause clients to
// disconnect. see https://github.com/gorilla/websocket/issues/97
func NewWSConnection(
baseConn *websocket.Conn,
funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc,
cdc *amino.Codec,
options ...func(*wsConnection),
) *wsConnection {
wsc := &wsConnection{
remoteAddr: baseConn.RemoteAddr().String(),
baseConn: baseConn,
funcMap: funcMap,
cdc: cdc,
writeWait: defaultWSWriteWait,
writeChanCapacity: defaultWSWriteChanCapacity,
readWait: defaultWSReadWait,
pingPeriod: defaultWSPingPeriod,
for _, option := range options {
wsc.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "wsConnection", wsc)
return wsc
// EventSubscriber sets object that is used to subscribe / unsubscribe from
// events - not Goroutine-safe. If none given, default node's eventBus will be
// used.
func EventSubscriber(eventSub types.EventSubscriber) func(*wsConnection) {
return func(wsc *wsConnection) {
wsc.eventSub = eventSub
// WriteWait sets the amount of time to wait before a websocket write times out.
// It should only be used in the constructor - not Goroutine-safe.
func WriteWait(writeWait time.Duration) func(*wsConnection) {
return func(wsc *wsConnection) {
wsc.writeWait = writeWait
// WriteChanCapacity sets the capacity of the websocket write channel.
// It should only be used in the constructor - not Goroutine-safe.
func WriteChanCapacity(cap int) func(*wsConnection) {
return func(wsc *wsConnection) {
wsc.writeChanCapacity = cap
// ReadWait sets the amount of time to wait before a websocket read times out.
// It should only be used in the constructor - not Goroutine-safe.
func ReadWait(readWait time.Duration) func(*wsConnection) {
return func(wsc *wsConnection) {
wsc.readWait = readWait
// PingPeriod sets the duration for sending websocket pings.
// It should only be used in the constructor - not Goroutine-safe.
func PingPeriod(pingPeriod time.Duration) func(*wsConnection) {
return func(wsc *wsConnection) {
wsc.pingPeriod = pingPeriod
// OnStart implements cmn.Service by starting the read and write routines. It
// blocks until the connection closes.
func (wsc *wsConnection) OnStart() error {
wsc.writeChan = make(chan types.RPCResponse, wsc.writeChanCapacity)
// Read subscriptions/unsubscriptions to events
go wsc.readRoutine()
// Write responses, BLOCKING.
return nil
// OnStop implements cmn.Service by unsubscribing remoteAddr from all subscriptions.
func (wsc *wsConnection) OnStop() {
// Both read and write loops close the websocket connection when they exit their loops.
// The writeChan is never closed, to allow WriteRPCResponse() to fail.
if wsc.eventSub != nil {
wsc.eventSub.UnsubscribeAll(context.TODO(), wsc.remoteAddr)
// GetRemoteAddr returns the remote address of the underlying connection.
// It implements WSRPCConnection
func (wsc *wsConnection) GetRemoteAddr() string {
return wsc.remoteAddr
// GetEventSubscriber implements WSRPCConnection by returning event subscriber.
func (wsc *wsConnection) GetEventSubscriber() types.EventSubscriber {
return wsc.eventSub
// WriteRPCResponse pushes a response to the writeChan, and blocks until it is accepted.
// It implements WSRPCConnection. It is Goroutine-safe.
func (wsc *wsConnection) WriteRPCResponse(resp types.RPCResponse) {
select {
case <-wsc.Quit():
case wsc.writeChan <- resp:
// TryWriteRPCResponse attempts to push a response to the writeChan, but does not block.
// It implements WSRPCConnection. It is Goroutine-safe
func (wsc *wsConnection) TryWriteRPCResponse(resp types.RPCResponse) bool {
select {
case <-wsc.Quit():
return false
case wsc.writeChan <- resp:
return true
return false
// Codec returns an amino codec used to decode parameters and encode results.
// It implements WSRPCConnection.
func (wsc *wsConnection) Codec() *amino.Codec {
return wsc.cdc
// Read from the socket and subscribe to or unsubscribe from events
func (wsc *wsConnection) readRoutine() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err, ok := r.(error)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("WSJSONRPC: %v", r)
wsc.Logger.Error("Panic in WSJSONRPC handler", "err", err, "stack", string(debug.Stack()))
wsc.WriteRPCResponse(types.RPCInternalError("unknown", err))
go wsc.readRoutine()
} else {
wsc.baseConn.Close() // nolint: errcheck
wsc.baseConn.SetPongHandler(func(m string) error {
return wsc.baseConn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsc.readWait))
for {
select {
case <-wsc.Quit():
// reset deadline for every type of message (control or data)
if err := wsc.baseConn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsc.readWait)); err != nil {
wsc.Logger.Error("failed to set read deadline", "err", err)
var in []byte
_, in, err := wsc.baseConn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
if websocket.IsCloseError(err, websocket.CloseNormalClosure) {
wsc.Logger.Info("Client closed the connection")
} else {
wsc.Logger.Error("Failed to read request", "err", err)
var request types.RPCRequest
err = json.Unmarshal(in, &request)
if err != nil {
wsc.WriteRPCResponse(types.RPCParseError("", errors.Wrap(err, "Error unmarshaling request")))
// A Notification is a Request object without an "id" member.
// The Server MUST NOT reply to a Notification, including those that are within a batch request.
if request.ID == "" {
wsc.Logger.Debug("WSJSONRPC received a notification, skipping... (please send a non-empty ID if you want to call a method)")
// Now, fetch the RPCFunc and execute it.
rpcFunc := wsc.funcMap[request.Method]
if rpcFunc == nil {
var args []reflect.Value
if rpcFunc.ws {
wsCtx := types.WSRPCContext{Request: request, WSRPCConnection: wsc}
if len(request.Params) > 0 {
args, err = jsonParamsToArgsWS(rpcFunc, wsc.cdc, request.Params, wsCtx)
} else {
if len(request.Params) > 0 {
args, err = jsonParamsToArgsRPC(rpcFunc, wsc.cdc, request.Params)
if err != nil {
wsc.WriteRPCResponse(types.RPCInternalError(request.ID, errors.Wrap(err, "Error converting json params to arguments")))
returns := rpcFunc.f.Call(args)
// TODO: Need to encode args/returns to string if we want to log them
wsc.Logger.Info("WSJSONRPC", "method", request.Method)
result, err := unreflectResult(returns)
if err != nil {
wsc.WriteRPCResponse(types.RPCInternalError(request.ID, err))
wsc.WriteRPCResponse(types.NewRPCSuccessResponse(wsc.cdc, request.ID, result))
// receives on a write channel and writes out on the socket
func (wsc *wsConnection) writeRoutine() {
pingTicker := time.NewTicker(wsc.pingPeriod)
defer func() {
if err := wsc.baseConn.Close(); err != nil {
wsc.Logger.Error("Error closing connection", "err", err)
// https://github.com/gorilla/websocket/issues/97
pongs := make(chan string, 1)
wsc.baseConn.SetPingHandler(func(m string) error {
select {
case pongs <- m:
return nil
for {
select {
case m := <-pongs:
err := wsc.writeMessageWithDeadline(websocket.PongMessage, []byte(m))
if err != nil {
wsc.Logger.Info("Failed to write pong (client may disconnect)", "err", err)
case <-pingTicker.C:
err := wsc.writeMessageWithDeadline(websocket.PingMessage, []byte{})
if err != nil {
wsc.Logger.Error("Failed to write ping", "err", err)
case msg := <-wsc.writeChan:
jsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(msg, "", " ")
if err != nil {
wsc.Logger.Error("Failed to marshal RPCResponse to JSON", "err", err)
} else {
if err = wsc.writeMessageWithDeadline(websocket.TextMessage, jsonBytes); err != nil {
wsc.Logger.Error("Failed to write response", "err", err)
case <-wsc.Quit():
// All writes to the websocket must (re)set the write deadline.
// If some writes don't set it while others do, they may timeout incorrectly (https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/553)
func (wsc *wsConnection) writeMessageWithDeadline(msgType int, msg []byte) error {
if err := wsc.baseConn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(wsc.writeWait)); err != nil {
return err
return wsc.baseConn.WriteMessage(msgType, msg)
// WebsocketManager provides a WS handler for incoming connections and passes a
// map of functions along with any additional params to new connections.
// NOTE: The websocket path is defined externally, e.g. in node/node.go
type WebsocketManager struct {
funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc
cdc *amino.Codec
logger log.Logger
wsConnOptions []func(*wsConnection)
// NewWebsocketManager returns a new WebsocketManager that passes a map of
// functions, connection options and logger to new WS connections.
func NewWebsocketManager(funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc, cdc *amino.Codec, wsConnOptions ...func(*wsConnection)) *WebsocketManager {
return &WebsocketManager{
funcMap: funcMap,
cdc: cdc,
Upgrader: websocket.Upgrader{
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
// TODO ???
return true
logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
wsConnOptions: wsConnOptions,
// SetLogger sets the logger.
func (wm *WebsocketManager) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
wm.logger = l
// WebsocketHandler upgrades the request/response (via http.Hijack) and starts
// the wsConnection.
func (wm *WebsocketManager) WebsocketHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
wsConn, err := wm.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO - return http error
wm.logger.Error("Failed to upgrade to websocket connection", "err", err)
// register connection
con := NewWSConnection(wsConn, wm.funcMap, wm.cdc, wm.wsConnOptions...)
con.SetLogger(wm.logger.With("remote", wsConn.RemoteAddr()))
wm.logger.Info("New websocket connection", "remote", con.remoteAddr)
err = con.Start() // Blocking
if err != nil {
wm.logger.Error("Error starting connection", "err", err)
// rpc.websocket
// NOTE: assume returns is result struct and error. If error is not nil, return it
func unreflectResult(returns []reflect.Value) (interface{}, error) {
errV := returns[1]
if errV.Interface() != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%v", errV.Interface())
rv := returns[0]
// the result is a registered interface,
// we need a pointer to it so we can marshal with type byte
rvp := reflect.New(rv.Type())
return rvp.Interface(), nil
// writes a list of available rpc endpoints as an html page
func writeListOfEndpoints(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, funcMap map[string]*RPCFunc) {
noArgNames := []string{}
argNames := []string{}
for name, funcData := range funcMap {
if len(funcData.args) == 0 {
noArgNames = append(noArgNames, name)
} else {
argNames = append(argNames, name)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
buf.WriteString("<br>Available endpoints:<br>")
for _, name := range noArgNames {
link := fmt.Sprintf("//%s/%s", r.Host, name)
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a></br>", link, link))
buf.WriteString("<br>Endpoints that require arguments:<br>")
for _, name := range argNames {
link := fmt.Sprintf("//%s/%s?", r.Host, name)
funcData := funcMap[name]
for i, argName := range funcData.argNames {
link += argName + "=_"
if i < len(funcData.argNames)-1 {
link += "&"
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a></br>", link, link))
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
w.Write(buf.Bytes()) // nolint: errcheck