You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package peer
import (
. ""
/* Client
A client is half of a p2p system.
It can reach out to the network and establish connections with servers.
A client doesn't listen for incoming connections -- that's done by the server.
newPeerCb is a factory method for generating new peers from new *Connections.
newPeerCb(nil) must return a prototypical peer that represents the self "peer".
XXX what about peer disconnects?
type Client struct {
addrBook AddrBook
targetNumPeers int
newPeerCb func(*Connection) *Peer
self *Peer
inQueues map[String]chan *InboundMsg
mtx sync.Mutex
peers merkle.Tree // addr -> *Peer
quit chan struct{}
stopped uint32
var (
CLIENT_STOPPED_ERROR = errors.New("Client already stopped")
CLIENT_DUPLICATE_PEER_ERROR = errors.New("Duplicate peer")
func NewClient(newPeerCb func(*Connect) *Peer) *Client {
self := newPeerCb(nil)
if self == nil {
Panicf("newPeerCb(nil) must return a prototypical peer for self")
inQueues := make(map[String]chan *InboundMsg)
for chName, channel := peer.channels {
inQueues[chName] = make(chan *InboundMsg)
c := &Client{
newPeerCb: newPeerCb,
peers: merkle.NewIAVLTree(nil),
self: self,
inQueues: inQueues,
return c
func (c *Client) Stop() {
// lock
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&c.stopped, 0, 1) {
// stop each peer.
for peerValue := range c.peers.Values() {
peer := peerValue.(*Peer)
// empty tree.
c.peers = merkle.NewIAVLTree(nil)
// unlock
func (c *Client) AddPeerWithConnection(conn *Connection, outgoing bool) (*Peer, error) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) == 1 { return nil, CLIENT_STOPPED_ERROR }
peer := c.newPeerCb(conn)
peer.outgoing = outgoing
err := c.addPeer(peer)
if err != nil { return nil, err }
go peer.Start(c.inQueues)
return peer, nil
func (c *Client) Broadcast(chName String, msg Msg) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) == 1 { return }
for v := range c.peersCopy().Values() {
peer := v.(*Peer)
success := peer.TryQueueOut(chName , msg)
if !success {
// TODO: notify the peer
func (c *Client) PopMessage(chName String) *InboundMsg {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) == 1 { return nil }
channel := c.Channel(chName)
q := c.inQueues[chName]
if q == nil { Panicf("Expected inQueues[%f], found none", chName) }
for {
select {
case <-quit:
return nil
case msg := <-q:
// skip if known.
if channel.Filter().Has(msg) {
return msg
// Updates self's filter for a channel & broadcasts it.
// TODO: maybe don't expose this
func (c *Client) UpdateFilter(chName String, filter Filter) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) == 1 { return }
c.Broadcast("", &NewFilterMsg{
Channel: chName,
Filter: filter,
func (c *Client) StopPeer(peer *Peer) {
// lock
p, _ := c.peers.Remove(peer.RemoteAddress())
// unlock
if p != nil {
func (c *Client) addPeer(peer *Peer) error {
addr := peer.RemoteAddress()
// lock & defer
c.mtx.Lock(); defer c.mtx.Unlock()
if c.stopped == 1 { return CLIENT_STOPPED_ERROR }
if !c.peers.Has(addr) {
c.peers.Put(addr, peer)
return nil
} else {
// ignore duplicate peer for addr.
log.Infof("Ignoring duplicate peer for addr %v", addr)
// unlock deferred
func (c *Client) peersCopy() merkle.Tree {
// lock & defer
c.mtx.Lock(); defer c.mtx.Unlock()
return c.peers.Copy()
// unlock deferred