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package multisig
import (
// CompactBitArray is an implementation of a space efficient bit array.
// This is used to ensure that the encoded data takes up a minimal amount of
// space after amino encoding.
// This is not thread safe, and is not intended for concurrent usage.
type CompactBitArray struct {
ExtraBitsStored byte `json:"extra_bits"` // The number of extra bits in elems.
Elems []byte `json:"bits"`
// NewCompactBitArray returns a new compact bit array.
// It returns nil if the number of bits is zero.
func NewCompactBitArray(bits int) *CompactBitArray {
if bits <= 0 {
return nil
return &CompactBitArray{
ExtraBitsStored: byte(bits % 8),
Elems: make([]byte, (bits+7)/8),
// Size returns the number of bits in the bitarray
func (bA *CompactBitArray) Size() int {
if bA == nil {
return 0
} else if bA.ExtraBitsStored == byte(0) {
return len(bA.Elems) * 8
// num_bits = 8*num_full_bytes + overflow_in_last_byte
// num_full_bytes = (len(bA.Elems)-1)
return (len(bA.Elems)-1)*8 + int(bA.ExtraBitsStored)
// GetIndex returns the bit at index i within the bit array.
// The behavior is undefined if i >= bA.Size()
func (bA *CompactBitArray) GetIndex(i int) bool {
if bA == nil {
return false
if i >= bA.Size() {
return false
return bA.Elems[i>>3]&(uint8(1)<<uint8(7-(i%8))) > 0
// SetIndex sets the bit at index i within the bit array.
// The behavior is undefined if i >= bA.Size()
func (bA *CompactBitArray) SetIndex(i int, v bool) bool {
if bA == nil {
return false
if i >= bA.Size() {
return false
if v {
bA.Elems[i>>3] |= (uint8(1) << uint8(7-(i%8)))
} else {
bA.Elems[i>>3] &= ^(uint8(1) << uint8(7-(i%8)))
return true
// NumTrueBitsBefore returns the number of bits set to true before the
// given index. e.g. if bA = _XX__XX, NumOfTrueBitsBefore(4) = 2, since
// there are two bits set to true before index 4.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) NumTrueBitsBefore(index int) int {
numTrueValues := 0
for i := 0; i < index; i++ {
if bA.GetIndex(i) {
return numTrueValues
// Copy returns a copy of the provided bit array.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) Copy() *CompactBitArray {
if bA == nil {
return nil
c := make([]byte, len(bA.Elems))
copy(c, bA.Elems)
return &CompactBitArray{
ExtraBitsStored: bA.ExtraBitsStored,
Elems: c,
// String returns a string representation of CompactBitArray: BA{<bit-string>},
// where <bit-string> is a sequence of 'x' (1) and '_' (0).
// The <bit-string> includes spaces and newlines to help people.
// For a simple sequence of 'x' and '_' characters with no spaces or newlines,
// see the MarshalJSON() method.
// Example: "BA{_x_}" or "nil-BitArray" for nil.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) String() string {
return bA.StringIndented("")
// StringIndented returns the same thing as String(), but applies the indent
// at every 10th bit, and twice at every 50th bit.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) StringIndented(indent string) string {
if bA == nil {
return "nil-BitArray"
lines := []string{}
bits := ""
size := bA.Size()
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
if bA.GetIndex(i) {
bits += "x"
} else {
bits += "_"
if i%100 == 99 {
lines = append(lines, bits)
bits = ""
if i%10 == 9 {
bits += indent
if i%50 == 49 {
bits += indent
if len(bits) > 0 {
lines = append(lines, bits)
return fmt.Sprintf("BA{%v:%v}", size, strings.Join(lines, indent))
// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface by marshaling bit array
// using a custom format: a string of '-' or 'x' where 'x' denotes the 1 bit.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if bA == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
bits := `"`
size := bA.Size()
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
if bA.GetIndex(i) {
bits += `x`
} else {
bits += `_`
bits += `"`
return []byte(bits), nil
var bitArrayJSONRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\A"([_x]*)"\z`)
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler interface by unmarshaling a custom
// JSON description.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) UnmarshalJSON(bz []byte) error {
b := string(bz)
if b == "null" {
// This is required e.g. for encoding/json when decoding
// into a pointer with pre-allocated BitArray.
bA.ExtraBitsStored = 0
bA.Elems = nil
return nil
// Validate 'b'.
match := bitArrayJSONRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(b)
if match == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("BitArray in JSON should be a string of format %q but got %s", bitArrayJSONRegexp.String(), b)
bits := match[1]
// Construct new CompactBitArray and copy over.
numBits := len(bits)
bA2 := NewCompactBitArray(numBits)
for i := 0; i < numBits; i++ {
if bits[i] == 'x' {
bA2.SetIndex(i, true)
*bA = *bA2
return nil
// CompactMarshal is a space efficient encoding for CompactBitArray.
// It is not amino compatible.
func (bA *CompactBitArray) CompactMarshal() []byte {
size := bA.Size()
if size <= 0 {
return []byte("null")
bz := make([]byte, 0, size/8)
// length prefix number of bits, not number of bytes. This difference
// takes 3-4 bits in encoding, as opposed to instead encoding the number of
// bytes (saving 3-4 bits) and including the offset as a full byte.
bz = appendUvarint(bz, uint64(size))
bz = append(bz, bA.Elems...)
return bz
// CompactUnmarshal is a space efficient decoding for CompactBitArray.
// It is not amino compatible.
func CompactUnmarshal(bz []byte) (*CompactBitArray, error) {
if len(bz) < 2 {
return nil, errors.New("compact bit array: invalid compact unmarshal size")
} else if bytes.Equal(bz, []byte("null")) {
return NewCompactBitArray(0), nil
size, n := binary.Uvarint(bz)
bz = bz[n:]
if len(bz) != int(size+7)/8 {
return nil, errors.New("compact bit array: invalid compact unmarshal size")
bA := &CompactBitArray{byte(int(size % 8)), bz}
return bA, nil
func appendUvarint(b []byte, x uint64) []byte {
var a [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
n := binary.PutUvarint(a[:], x)
return append(b, a[:n]...)