You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
2.6 KiB

package bicall_test
import (
func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
want := mustFindNeedles(testInput)
var got []needle
err := bicall.Parse(strings.NewReader(testInput), "testinput.go", func(c bicall.Call) error {
got = append(got, needle{
Name: c.Name,
Line: c.Site.Line,
Col: c.Site.Column - 1,
t.Logf("Found call site for %q at %v", c.Name, c.Site)
// Verify that the indicator comment shows up attributed to the site.
tag := "@" + c.Name
if len(c.Comments) != 1 || c.Comments[0] != tag {
t.Errorf("Wrong comment at %v: got %+q, want [%q]", c.Site, c.Comments, tag)
return nil
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Parse unexpectedly failed: %v", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Call site mismatch: (-want, +got)\n%s", diff)
// sortByLocation permutes ns in-place to be ordered by line and column.
// The specific ordering rule is not important; we just need a consistent order
// for comparison of test results.
func sortByLocation(ns []needle) {
sort.Slice(ns, func(i, j int) bool {
if ns[i].Line == ns[j].Line {
return ns[i].Col < ns[j].Col
return ns[i].Line < ns[j].Line
// To add call sites to the test, include a trailing line comment having the
// form "//@name", where "name" is a built-in function name.
// The first offset of that name on the line prior to the comment will become
// an expected call site for that function.
const testInput = `
package testinput
func main() {
defer func() {
x := recover() //@recover
if x != nil {
println("whoa") //@println
ip := new(int) //@new
*ip = 3 + copy([]byte{}, "") //@copy
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ip=%p", ip)) //@panic
// A needle is a name at a location in the source, that is expected to be
// located in a scan of the input for built-in calls.
// N.B. Fields are exported to allow comparison by the cmp package.
type needle struct {
Name string
Line, Col int
func mustFindNeedles(src string) []needle {
var needles []needle
for i, raw := range strings.Split(src, "\n") {
tag := strings.SplitN(raw, "//@", 2)
if len(tag) == 1 {
continue // no needle on this line
name := strings.TrimSpace(tag[1])
col := strings.Index(tag[0], name)
if col < 0 {
log.Panicf("No match for %q on line %d of test input", name, i+1)
needles = append(needles, needle{
Name: name,
Line: i + 1,
Col: col,
return needles