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package state_test
import (
dbm ""
abci ""
cfg ""
tmrand ""
tmstate ""
tmproto ""
sm ""
func TestStoreLoadValidators(t *testing.T) {
stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
val, _ := types.RandValidator(true, 10)
vals := types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{val})
// 1) LoadValidators loads validators using a height where they were last changed
sm.SaveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, 1, 1, vals)
sm.SaveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, 2, 1, vals)
loadedVals, err := sm.LoadValidators(stateDB, 2)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotZero(t, loadedVals.Size())
// 2) LoadValidators loads validators using a checkpoint height
sm.SaveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, sm.ValSetCheckpointInterval, 1, vals)
loadedVals, err = sm.LoadValidators(stateDB, sm.ValSetCheckpointInterval)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotZero(t, loadedVals.Size())
func BenchmarkLoadValidators(b *testing.B) {
const valSetSize = 100
config := cfg.ResetTestRoot("state_")
defer os.RemoveAll(config.RootDir)
dbType := dbm.BackendType(config.DBBackend)
stateDB := dbm.NewDB("state", dbType, config.DBDir())
state, err := sm.LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisFile(stateDB, config.GenesisFile())
if err != nil {
state.Validators = genValSet(valSetSize)
state.NextValidators = state.Validators.CopyIncrementProposerPriority(1)
sm.SaveState(stateDB, state)
for i := 10; i < 10000000000; i *= 10 { // 10, 100, 1000, ...
i := i
sm.SaveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, int64(i), state.LastHeightValidatorsChanged, state.NextValidators)
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("height=%d", i), func(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
_, err := sm.LoadValidators(stateDB, int64(i))
if err != nil {
func TestPruneStates(t *testing.T) {
testcases := map[string]struct {
makeHeights int64
pruneFrom int64
pruneTo int64
expectErr bool
expectVals []int64
expectParams []int64
expectABCI []int64
"error on pruning from 0": {100, 0, 5, true, nil, nil, nil},
"error when from > to": {100, 3, 2, true, nil, nil, nil},
"error when from == to": {100, 3, 3, true, nil, nil, nil},
"error when to does not exist": {100, 1, 101, true, nil, nil, nil},
"prune all": {100, 1, 100, false, []int64{93, 100}, []int64{95, 100}, []int64{100}},
"prune some": {10, 2, 8, false, []int64{1, 3, 8, 9, 10},
[]int64{1, 5, 8, 9, 10}, []int64{1, 8, 9, 10}},
"prune across checkpoint": {100001, 1, 100001, false, []int64{99993, 100000, 100001},
[]int64{99995, 100001}, []int64{100001}},
for name, tc := range testcases {
tc := tc
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
db := dbm.NewMemDB()
pk := ed25519.GenPrivKey().PubKey()
// Generate a bunch of state data. Validators change for heights ending with 3, and
// parameters when ending with 5.
validator := &types.Validator{Address: tmrand.Bytes(crypto.AddressSize), VotingPower: 100, PubKey: pk}
validatorSet := &types.ValidatorSet{
Validators: []*types.Validator{validator},
Proposer: validator,
valsChanged := int64(0)
paramsChanged := int64(0)
for h := int64(1); h <= tc.makeHeights; h++ {
if valsChanged == 0 || h%10 == 2 {
valsChanged = h + 1 // Have to add 1, since NextValidators is what's stored
if paramsChanged == 0 || h%10 == 5 {
paramsChanged = h
state := sm.State{
LastBlockHeight: h - 1,
Validators: validatorSet,
NextValidators: validatorSet,
ConsensusParams: tmproto.ConsensusParams{
Block: tmproto.BlockParams{MaxBytes: 10e6},
LastHeightValidatorsChanged: valsChanged,
LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged: paramsChanged,
if state.LastBlockHeight >= 1 {
state.LastValidators = state.Validators
sm.SaveState(db, state)
sm.SaveABCIResponses(db, h, &tmstate.ABCIResponses{
DeliverTxs: []*abci.ResponseDeliverTx{
{Data: []byte{1}},
{Data: []byte{2}},
{Data: []byte{3}},
// Test assertions
err := sm.PruneStates(db, tc.pruneFrom, tc.pruneTo)
if tc.expectErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectVals := sliceToMap(tc.expectVals)
expectParams := sliceToMap(tc.expectParams)
expectABCI := sliceToMap(tc.expectABCI)
for h := int64(1); h <= tc.makeHeights; h++ {
vals, err := sm.LoadValidators(db, h)
if expectVals[h] {
require.NoError(t, err, "validators height %v", h)
require.NotNil(t, vals)
} else {
require.Error(t, err, "validators height %v", h)
require.Equal(t, sm.ErrNoValSetForHeight{Height: h}, err)
params, err := sm.LoadConsensusParams(db, h)
if expectParams[h] {
require.NoError(t, err, "params height %v", h)
require.False(t, params.Equal(&tmproto.ConsensusParams{}))
} else {
require.Error(t, err, "params height %v", h)
require.Equal(t, sm.ErrNoConsensusParamsForHeight{Height: h}, err)
abci, err := sm.LoadABCIResponses(db, h)
if expectABCI[h] {
require.NoError(t, err, "abci height %v", h)
require.NotNil(t, abci)
} else {
require.Error(t, err, "abci height %v", h)
require.Equal(t, sm.ErrNoABCIResponsesForHeight{Height: h}, err)
func TestABCIResponsesResultsHash(t *testing.T) {
responses := &tmstate.ABCIResponses{
BeginBlock: &abci.ResponseBeginBlock{},
DeliverTxs: []*abci.ResponseDeliverTx{
{Code: 32, Data: []byte("Hello"), Log: "Huh?"},
EndBlock: &abci.ResponseEndBlock{},
root := sm.ABCIResponsesResultsHash(responses)
bbeBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(responses.BeginBlock)
results := types.NewResults(responses.DeliverTxs)
ebeBytes, _ := proto.Marshal(responses.EndBlock)
root2, proofs := merkle.ProofsFromByteSlices([][]byte{bbeBytes, results.Hash(), ebeBytes})
assert.Equal(t, root2, root)
assert.NoError(t, proofs[1].Verify(root, results.Hash()))
func sliceToMap(s []int64) map[int64]bool {
m := make(map[int64]bool, len(s))
for _, i := range s {
m[i] = true
return m