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oneTimeSetUp() {
export TM_HOME=$HOME/.keys_test
rm -rf $TM_HOME
assertTrue $?
assertNotNull "keyname required" "$1"
KEY=$(echo $KEYPASS | ${EXE} new $1 -o json)
if ! assertTrue "created $1" $?; then return 1; fi
assertEquals "$1" $(echo $KEY | jq | tr -d \")
return $?
# updateKey <name> <oldkey> <newkey>
updateKey() {
(echo $2; echo $3) | keys update $1 > /dev/null
return $?
test00MakeKeys() {
assertFalse "already user $USER" "${EXE} get $USER"
newKey $USER
assertTrue "no user $USER" "${EXE} get $USER"
# make sure bad password not accepted
assertFalse "accepts short password" "echo 123 | keys new badpass"
test01ListKeys() {
# one line plus the number of keys
assertEquals "2" $(keys list | wc -l)
newKey foobar
assertEquals "3" $(keys list | wc -l)
# we got the proper name here...
assertEquals "foobar" $(keys list -o json | jq .[1].name | tr -d \" )
# we get all names in normal output
EXPECTEDNAMES=$(echo demouser; echo foobar)
TEXTNAMES=$(keys list | tail -n +2 | cut -f1)
# let's make sure the addresses match!
assertEquals "text and json addresses don't match" $(keys list | tail -1 | cut -f3) $(keys list -o json | jq .[1].address | tr -d \")
test02updateKeys() {
newKey $USER $PASS1
assertFalse "accepts invalid pass" "updateKey $USER $PASS2 $PASS2"
assertTrue "doesn't update" "updateKey $USER $PASS1 $PASS2"
assertTrue "takes new key after update" "updateKey $USER $PASS2 $PASS3"
test03recoverKeys() {
# make a user and check they exist
echo "create..."
KEY=$(echo $PASS1 | ${EXE} new $USER -o json)
if ! assertTrue "created $USER" $?; then return 1; fi
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then echo $KEY; echo; fi
SEED=$(echo $KEY | jq .seed | tr -d \")
ADDR=$(echo $KEY | jq .key.address | tr -d \")
PUBKEY=$(echo $KEY | jq .key.pubkey | tr -d \")
assertTrue "${EXE} get $USER > /dev/null"
# let's delete this key
echo "delete..."
assertFalse "echo foo | ${EXE} delete $USER > /dev/null"
assertTrue "echo $PASS1 | ${EXE} delete $USER > /dev/null"
assertFalse "${EXE} get $USER > /dev/null"
# fails on short password
echo "recover..."
assertFalse "echo foo; echo $SEED | ${EXE} recover $USER2 -o json > /dev/null"
# fails on bad seed
assertFalse "echo $PASS2; echo \"silly white whale tower bongo\" | ${EXE} recover $USER2 -o json > /dev/null"
# now we got it
KEY2=$((echo $PASS2; echo $SEED) | ${EXE} recover $USER2 -o json)
if ! assertTrue "recovery failed: $KEY2" $?; then return 1; fi
if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then echo $KEY2; echo; fi
# make sure it looks the same
NAME2=$(echo $KEY2 | jq .name | tr -d \")
ADDR2=$(echo $KEY2 | jq .address | tr -d \")
PUBKEY2=$(echo $KEY2 | jq .pubkey | tr -d \")
assertEquals "wrong username" "$USER2" "$NAME2"
assertEquals "address doesn't match" "$ADDR" "$ADDR2"
assertEquals "pubkey doesn't match" "$PUBKEY" "$PUBKEY2"
# and we can find the info
assertTrue "${EXE} get $USER2 > /dev/null"
# load and run these tests with shunit2!
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" #get this files directory
. $DIR/shunit2