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package consensus
import (
bc ""
dbm ""
mempl ""
sm ""
// utils
func changeProposer(t *testing.T, perspectiveOf, newProposer *ConsensusState) *types.Block {
_, v1 := perspectiveOf.Validators.GetByAddress(perspectiveOf.privValidator.Address)
v1.Accum, v1.VotingPower = 0, 0
if updated := perspectiveOf.Validators.Update(v1); !updated {
t.Fatal("failed to update validator")
_, v2 := perspectiveOf.Validators.GetByAddress(newProposer.privValidator.Address)
v2.Accum, v2.VotingPower = 100, 100
if updated := perspectiveOf.Validators.Update(v2); !updated {
t.Fatal("failed to update validator")
// make the proposal
propBlock, _ := newProposer.createProposalBlock()
if propBlock == nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to create proposal block with cs2")
return propBlock
func fixVotingPower(t *testing.T, cs1 *ConsensusState, addr2 []byte) {
_, v1 := cs1.Validators.GetByAddress(cs1.privValidator.Address)
_, v2 := cs1.Validators.GetByAddress(addr2)
v1.Accum, v1.VotingPower = v2.Accum, v2.VotingPower
if updated := cs1.Validators.Update(v1); !updated {
t.Fatal("failed to update validator")
func addVoteToFromMany(to *ConsensusState, votes []*types.Vote, froms ...*ConsensusState) {
if len(votes) != len(froms) {
panic("len(votes) and len(froms) must match")
for i, from := range froms {
addVoteToFrom(to, from, votes[i])
func addVoteToFrom(to, from *ConsensusState, vote *types.Vote) {
valIndex, _ := to.Validators.GetByAddress(from.privValidator.Address)
added, err := to.TryAddVote(valIndex, vote, "")
if _, ok := err.(*types.ErrVoteConflictingSignature); ok {
// let it fly
} else if !added {
panic("Failed to add vote")
} else if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Failed to add vote:", err))
func signVote(from *ConsensusState, voteType byte, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote {
vote, err := from.signVote(voteType, hash, header)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("Failed to sign vote", err))
return vote
func signVoteMany(voteType byte, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader, css ...*ConsensusState) []*types.Vote {
votes := make([]*types.Vote, len(css))
for i, cs := range css {
votes[i] = signVote(cs, voteType, hash, header)
return votes
// add vote to one cs from another
func signAddVoteToFromMany(voteType byte, to *ConsensusState, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader, froms ...*ConsensusState) {
for _, from := range froms {
vote := signVote(from, voteType, hash, header)
addVoteToFrom(to, from, vote)
func signAddVoteToFrom(voteType byte, to, from *ConsensusState, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote {
vote := signVote(from, voteType, hash, header)
addVoteToFrom(to, from, vote)
return vote
func ensureNoNewStep(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState) {
timeout := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
select {
case <-timeout.C:
case <-cs.NewStepCh():
panic("We should be stuck waiting for more votes, not moving to the next step")
func ensureNewStep(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState) {
timeout := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
select {
case <-timeout.C:
panic("We should have gone to the next step, not be stuck waiting")
case <-cs.NewStepCh():
func validatePrevote(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, round int, privVal *types.PrivValidator, blockHash []byte) {
prevotes := cs.Votes.Prevotes(round)
var vote *types.Vote
if vote = prevotes.GetByAddress(privVal.Address); vote == nil {
panic("Failed to find prevote from validator")
if blockHash == nil {
if vote.BlockHash != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected prevote to be for nil, got %X", vote.BlockHash))
} else {
if !bytes.Equal(vote.BlockHash, blockHash) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected prevote to be for %X, got %X", blockHash, vote.BlockHash))
func incrementRound(css ...*ConsensusState) {
for _, cs := range css {
cs.Round += 1
func validatePrecommit(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, thisRound, lockRound int, privVal *types.PrivValidator, votedBlockHash, lockedBlockHash []byte) {
precommits := cs.Votes.Precommits(thisRound)
var vote *types.Vote
if vote = precommits.GetByAddress(privVal.Address); vote == nil {
panic("Failed to find precommit from validator")
if votedBlockHash == nil {
if vote.BlockHash != nil {
panic("Expected precommit to be for nil")
} else {
if !bytes.Equal(vote.BlockHash, votedBlockHash) {
panic("Expected precommit to be for proposal block")
if lockedBlockHash == nil {
if cs.LockedRound != lockRound || cs.LockedBlock != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected to be locked on nil at round %d. Got locked at round %d with block %v", lockRound, cs.LockedRound, cs.LockedBlock))
} else {
if cs.LockedRound != lockRound || !bytes.Equal(cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), lockedBlockHash) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected block to be locked on round %d, got %d. Got locked block %X, expected %X", lockRound, cs.LockedRound, cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), lockedBlockHash))
func validatePrevoteAndPrecommit(t *testing.T, cs *ConsensusState, thisRound, lockRound int, privVal *types.PrivValidator, votedBlockHash, lockedBlockHash []byte, f func()) {
// verify the prevote
validatePrevote(t, cs, thisRound, privVal, votedBlockHash)
if f != nil {
// wait to finish precommit
// verify precommit
validatePrecommit(t, cs, thisRound, lockRound, privVal, votedBlockHash, lockedBlockHash)
func simpleConsensusState(nValidators int) ([]*ConsensusState, []*types.PrivValidator) {
// Get State
state, privAccs, privVals := sm.RandGenesisState(10, true, 1000, nValidators, false, 10)
_, _ = privAccs, privVals
css := make([]*ConsensusState, nValidators)
for i := 0; i < nValidators; i++ {
// Get BlockStore
blockDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(blockDB)
// Make MempoolReactor
mempool := mempl.NewMempool(state.Copy())
mempoolReactor := mempl.NewMempoolReactor(mempool)
// Make ConsensusReactor
cs := NewConsensusState(state, blockStore, mempoolReactor)
// read off the NewHeightStep
css[i] = cs
return css, privVals
func randConsensusState() (*ConsensusState, []*types.PrivValidator) {
state, _, privValidators := sm.RandGenesisState(20, false, 1000, 10, false, 1000)
blockStore := bc.NewBlockStore(dbm.NewMemDB())
mempool := mempl.NewMempool(state)
mempoolReactor := mempl.NewMempoolReactor(mempool)
cs := NewConsensusState(state, blockStore, mempoolReactor)
return cs, privValidators