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package binary
import (
const (
TYPE_NIL = Byte(0x00)
TYPE_BYTE = Byte(0x01)
TYPE_INT8 = Byte(0x02)
TYPE_UINT8 = Byte(0x03)
TYPE_INT16 = Byte(0x04)
TYPE_UINT16 = Byte(0x05)
TYPE_INT32 = Byte(0x06)
TYPE_UINT32 = Byte(0x07)
TYPE_INT64 = Byte(0x08)
TYPE_UINT64 = Byte(0x09)
TYPE_STRING = Byte(0x10)
func GetBinaryType(o Binary) Byte {
switch o.(type) {
case nil: return TYPE_NIL
case Byte: return TYPE_BYTE
case Int8: return TYPE_INT8
case UInt8: return TYPE_UINT8
case Int16: return TYPE_INT16
case UInt16: return TYPE_UINT16
case Int32: return TYPE_INT32
case UInt32: return TYPE_UINT32
case Int64: return TYPE_INT64
case UInt64: return TYPE_UINT64
case Int: panic("Int not supported")
case UInt: panic("UInt not supported")
case String: return TYPE_STRING
case ByteSlice: return TYPE_BYTESLICE
default: panic("Unsupported type")
func ReadBinary(r io.Reader) Binary {
type_ := ReadByte(r)
switch type_ {
case TYPE_NIL: return nil
case TYPE_BYTE: return ReadByte(r)
case TYPE_INT8: return ReadInt8(r)
case TYPE_UINT8: return ReadUInt8(r)
case TYPE_INT16: return ReadInt16(r)
case TYPE_UINT16: return ReadUInt16(r)
case TYPE_INT32: return ReadInt32(r)
case TYPE_UINT32: return ReadUInt32(r)
case TYPE_INT64: return ReadInt64(r)
case TYPE_UINT64: return ReadUInt64(r)
case TYPE_STRING: return ReadString(r)
case TYPE_BYTESLICE:return ReadByteSlice(r)
default: panic("Unsupported type")