You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

362 lines
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package keys
import (
dbm ""
var _ Keybase = dbKeybase{}
// Language is a language to create the BIP 39 mnemonic in.
// Currently, only english is supported though.
// Find a list of all supported languages in the BIP 39 spec (word lists).
type Language int
const (
// English is the default language to create a mnemonic.
// It is the only supported language by this package.
English Language = iota + 1
// Japanese is currently not supported.
// Korean is currently not supported.
// Spanish is currently not supported.
// ChineseSimplified is currently not supported.
// ChineseTraditional is currently not supported.
// French is currently not supported.
// Italian is currently not supported.
var (
// ErrUnsupportedSigningAlgo is raised when the caller tries to use a different signing scheme than secp256k1.
ErrUnsupportedSigningAlgo = errors.New("unsupported signing algo: only secp256k1 is supported")
// ErrUnsupportedLanguage is raised when the caller tries to use a different language than english for creating
// a mnemonic sentence.
ErrUnsupportedLanguage = errors.New("unsupported language: only english is supported")
// dbKeybase combines encryption and storage implementation to provide
// a full-featured key manager
type dbKeybase struct {
db dbm.DB
// New creates a new keybase instance using the passed DB for reading and writing keys.
func New(db dbm.DB) Keybase {
return dbKeybase{
db: db,
// CreateMnemonic generates a new key and persists it to storage, encrypted
// using the provided password.
// It returns the generated mnemonic and the key Info.
// It returns an error if it fails to
// generate a key for the given algo type, or if another key is
// already stored under the same name.
func (kb dbKeybase) CreateMnemonic(name string, language Language, passwd string, algo SigningAlgo) (info Info, mnemonic string, err error) {
if language != English {
return nil, "", ErrUnsupportedLanguage
if algo != Secp256k1 {
err = ErrUnsupportedSigningAlgo
// default number of words (24):
mnemonicS, err := bip39.NewMnemonic(bip39.FreshKey)
if err != nil {
mnemonic = strings.Join(mnemonicS, " ")
seed := bip39.MnemonicToSeed(mnemonic)
info, err = kb.persistDerivedKey(seed, passwd, name, hd.FullFundraiserPath)
// CreateFundraiserKey converts a mnemonic to a private key and persists it,
// encrypted with the given password.
// TODO(ismail)
func (kb dbKeybase) CreateFundraiserKey(name, mnemonic, passwd string) (info Info, err error) {
words := strings.Split(mnemonic, " ")
if len(words) != 12 {
err = fmt.Errorf("recovering only works with 12 word (fundraiser) mnemonics, got: %v words", len(words))
seed, err := bip39.MnemonicToSeedWithErrChecking(mnemonic)
if err != nil {
info, err = kb.persistDerivedKey(seed, passwd, name, hd.FullFundraiserPath)
func (kb dbKeybase) Derive(name, mnemonic, passwd string, params hd.BIP44Params) (info Info, err error) {
seed, err := bip39.MnemonicToSeedWithErrChecking(mnemonic)
if err != nil {
info, err = kb.persistDerivedKey(seed, passwd, name, params.String())
// CreateLedger creates a new locally-stored reference to a Ledger keypair
// It returns the created key info and an error if the Ledger could not be queried
func (kb dbKeybase) CreateLedger(name string, path crypto.DerivationPath, algo SigningAlgo) (Info, error) {
if algo != Secp256k1 {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedSigningAlgo
priv, err := crypto.NewPrivKeyLedgerSecp256k1(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pub := priv.PubKey()
return kb.writeLedgerKey(pub, path, name), nil
// CreateOffline creates a new reference to an offline keypair
// It returns the created key info
func (kb dbKeybase) CreateOffline(name string, pub crypto.PubKey) (Info, error) {
return kb.writeOfflineKey(pub, name), nil
func (kb *dbKeybase) persistDerivedKey(seed []byte, passwd, name, fullHdPath string) (info Info, err error) {
// create master key and derive first key:
masterPriv, ch := hd.ComputeMastersFromSeed(seed)
derivedPriv, err := hd.DerivePrivateKeyForPath(masterPriv, ch, fullHdPath)
if err != nil {
// if we have a password, use it to encrypt the private key and store it
// else store the public key only
if passwd != "" {
info = kb.writeLocalKey(crypto.PrivKeySecp256k1(derivedPriv), name, passwd)
} else {
pubk := crypto.PrivKeySecp256k1(derivedPriv).PubKey()
info = kb.writeOfflineKey(pubk, name)
// List returns the keys from storage in alphabetical order.
func (kb dbKeybase) List() ([]Info, error) {
var res []Info
iter := kb.db.Iterator(nil, nil)
defer iter.Close()
for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
info, err := readInfo(iter.Value())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res = append(res, info)
return res, nil
// Get returns the public information about one key.
func (kb dbKeybase) Get(name string) (Info, error) {
bs := kb.db.Get(infoKey(name))
return readInfo(bs)
// Sign signs the msg with the named key.
// It returns an error if the key doesn't exist or the decryption fails.
func (kb dbKeybase) Sign(name, passphrase string, msg []byte) (sig crypto.Signature, pub crypto.PubKey, err error) {
info, err := kb.Get(name)
if err != nil {
var priv crypto.PrivKey
switch info.(type) {
case localInfo:
linfo := info.(localInfo)
if linfo.PrivKeyArmor == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("private key not available")
priv, err = unarmorDecryptPrivKey(linfo.PrivKeyArmor, passphrase)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
case ledgerInfo:
linfo := info.(ledgerInfo)
priv, err = crypto.NewPrivKeyLedgerSecp256k1(linfo.Path)
if err != nil {
case offlineInfo:
linfo := info.(offlineInfo)
fmt.Printf("Bytes to sign:\n%s", msg)
buf := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Printf("\nEnter Amino-encoded signature:\n")
// Will block until user inputs the signature
signed, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cdc.MustUnmarshalBinary([]byte(signed), sig)
return sig, linfo.GetPubKey(), nil
sig, err = priv.Sign(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
pub = priv.PubKey()
return sig, pub, nil
func (kb dbKeybase) Export(name string) (armor string, err error) {
bz := kb.db.Get(infoKey(name))
if bz == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no key to export with name %s", name)
return armorInfoBytes(bz), nil
// ExportPubKey returns public keys in ASCII armored format.
// Retrieve a Info object by its name and return the public key in
// a portable format.
func (kb dbKeybase) ExportPubKey(name string) (armor string, err error) {
bz := kb.db.Get(infoKey(name))
if bz == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no key to export with name %s", name)
info, err := readInfo(bz)
if err != nil {
return armorPubKeyBytes(info.GetPubKey().Bytes()), nil
func (kb dbKeybase) Import(name string, armor string) (err error) {
bz := kb.db.Get(infoKey(name))
if len(bz) > 0 {
return errors.New("Cannot overwrite data for name " + name)
infoBytes, err := unarmorInfoBytes(armor)
if err != nil {
kb.db.Set(infoKey(name), infoBytes)
return nil
// ImportPubKey imports ASCII-armored public keys.
// Store a new Info object holding a public key only, i.e. it will
// not be possible to sign with it as it lacks the secret key.
func (kb dbKeybase) ImportPubKey(name string, armor string) (err error) {
bz := kb.db.Get(infoKey(name))
if len(bz) > 0 {
return errors.New("Cannot overwrite data for name " + name)
pubBytes, err := unarmorPubKeyBytes(armor)
if err != nil {
pubKey, err := crypto.PubKeyFromBytes(pubBytes)
if err != nil {
kb.writeOfflineKey(pubKey, name)
// Delete removes key forever, but we must present the
// proper passphrase before deleting it (for security).
// A passphrase of 'yes' is used to delete stored
// references to offline and Ledger / HW wallet keys
func (kb dbKeybase) Delete(name, passphrase string) error {
// verify we have the proper password before deleting
info, err := kb.Get(name)
if err != nil {
return err
switch info.(type) {
case localInfo:
linfo := info.(localInfo)
_, err = unarmorDecryptPrivKey(linfo.PrivKeyArmor, passphrase)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case ledgerInfo:
case offlineInfo:
if passphrase != "yes" {
return fmt.Errorf("enter exactly 'yes' to delete the key")
return nil
return nil
// Update changes the passphrase with which an already stored key is
// encrypted.
// oldpass must be the current passphrase used for encryption,
// newpass will be the only valid passphrase from this time forward.
func (kb dbKeybase) Update(name, oldpass, newpass string) error {
info, err := kb.Get(name)
if err != nil {
return err
switch info.(type) {
case localInfo:
linfo := info.(localInfo)
key, err := unarmorDecryptPrivKey(linfo.PrivKeyArmor, oldpass)
if err != nil {
return err
kb.writeLocalKey(key, name, newpass)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("locally stored key required")
func (kb dbKeybase) writeLocalKey(priv crypto.PrivKey, name, passphrase string) Info {
// encrypt private key using passphrase
privArmor := encryptArmorPrivKey(priv, passphrase)
// make Info
pub := priv.PubKey()
info := newLocalInfo(name, pub, privArmor)
kb.writeInfo(info, name)
return info
func (kb dbKeybase) writeLedgerKey(pub crypto.PubKey, path crypto.DerivationPath, name string) Info {
info := newLedgerInfo(name, pub, path)
kb.writeInfo(info, name)
return info
func (kb dbKeybase) writeOfflineKey(pub crypto.PubKey, name string) Info {
info := newOfflineInfo(name, pub)
kb.writeInfo(info, name)
return info
func (kb dbKeybase) writeInfo(info Info, name string) {
// write the info by key
kb.db.SetSync(infoKey(name), writeInfo(info))
func infoKey(name string) []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("", name))