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module "cluster" {
source = "./cluster"
environment = "test"
name = "tendermint-testnet"
# curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN" ""
key_ids = [8163311]
image_id = "ubuntu-14-04-x64"
desired_capacity = 4
instance_size = "2gb"
regions = ["AMS2", "FRA1", "LON1", "NYC2", "SFO2", "SGP1", "TOR1"]
provider "digitalocean" {
output "public_ips" {
value = "${module.cluster.public_ips}"
output "private_ips" {
value = "${join(",",module.cluster.private_ips)}"
output "seeds" {
value = "${join(":46656,",module.cluster.public_ips)}:46656"
output "rpcs" {
value = "${join(":46657,",module.cluster.public_ips)}:46657"