----------------------------- MODULE MC_n5_f2 -------------------------------
CONSTANT Proposer \* the proposer function from 0..NRounds to 1..N
\* the variables declared in TendermintAcc3
round, step, decision, lockedValue, lockedRound, validValue, validRound,
msgsPropose, msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit, evidence, action
INSTANCE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft WITH
Corr <- {"c1", "c2", "c3"},
Faulty <- {"f4", "f5"},
N <- 5,
T <- 1,
ValidValues <- { "v0", "v1" },
InvalidValues <- {"v2"},
MaxRound <- 2
\* run Apalache with --cinit=ConstInit
ConstInit == \* the proposer is arbitrary -- works for safety
Proposer \in [Rounds -> AllProcs]