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package evidence
import (
dbm ""
clist ""
sm ""
// Pool maintains a pool of valid evidence in an Store.
type Pool struct {
logger log.Logger
store *Store
evidenceList *clist.CList // concurrent linked-list of evidence
// needed to load validators to verify evidence
stateDB dbm.DB
blockStore *store.BlockStore
// a map of active validators and respective last heights validator is active
// if it was in validator set after EvidenceParams.MaxAgeNumBlocks or
// currently is (ie. [MaxAgeNumBlocks, CurrentHeight])
// In simple words, it means it's still bonded -> therefore slashable.
valToLastHeight valToLastHeightMap
// latest state
mtx sync.Mutex
state sm.State
// Validator.Address -> Last height it was in validator set
type valToLastHeightMap map[string]int64
func NewPool(stateDB, evidenceDB dbm.DB, blockStore *store.BlockStore) (*Pool, error) {
var (
store = NewStore(evidenceDB)
state = sm.LoadState(stateDB)
valToLastHeight, err := buildValToLastHeightMap(state, stateDB, blockStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Pool{
stateDB: stateDB,
blockStore: blockStore,
state: state,
logger: log.NewNopLogger(),
store: store,
evidenceList: clist.New(),
valToLastHeight: valToLastHeight,
}, nil
func (evpool *Pool) EvidenceFront() *clist.CElement {
return evpool.evidenceList.Front()
func (evpool *Pool) EvidenceWaitChan() <-chan struct{} {
return evpool.evidenceList.WaitChan()
// SetLogger sets the Logger.
func (evpool *Pool) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
evpool.logger = l
// PriorityEvidence returns the priority evidence.
func (evpool *Pool) PriorityEvidence() []types.Evidence {
// PendingEvidence returns up to maxNum uncommitted evidence.
// If maxNum is -1, all evidence is returned.
func (evpool *Pool) PendingEvidence(maxNum int64) []types.Evidence {
// State returns the current state of the evpool.
func (evpool *Pool) State() sm.State {
defer evpool.mtx.Unlock()
return evpool.state
// Update loads the latest
func (evpool *Pool) Update(block *types.Block, state sm.State) {
// sanity check
if state.LastBlockHeight != block.Height {
fmt.Sprintf("Failed EvidencePool.Update sanity check: got state.Height=%d with block.Height=%d",
// update the state
evpool.state = state
// remove evidence from pending and mark committed
evpool.MarkEvidenceAsCommitted(block.Height, block.Time, block.Evidence.Evidence)
evpool.updateValToLastHeight(block.Height, state)
// AddEvidence checks the evidence is valid and adds it to the pool. If
// evidence is composite (ConflictingHeadersEvidence), it will be broken up
// into smaller pieces.
func (evpool *Pool) AddEvidence(evidence types.Evidence) error {
var (
state = evpool.State()
evList = []types.Evidence{evidence}
valSet, err := sm.LoadValidators(evpool.stateDB, evidence.Height())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't load validators at height #%d: %w", evidence.Height(), err)
// Break composite evidence into smaller pieces.
if ce, ok := evidence.(types.CompositeEvidence); ok {
evpool.logger.Info("Breaking up composite evidence", "ev", evidence)
blockMeta := evpool.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(evidence.Height())
if blockMeta == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("don't have block meta at height #%d", evidence.Height())
if err := ce.VerifyComposite(&blockMeta.Header, valSet); err != nil {
return err
evList = ce.Split(&blockMeta.Header, valSet, evpool.valToLastHeight)
for _, ev := range evList {
if {
return ErrEvidenceAlreadyStored{}
// For lunatic validator evidence, a header needs to be fetched.
var header *types.Header
if _, ok := ev.(*types.LunaticValidatorEvidence); ok {
blockMeta := evpool.blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(ev.Height())
if blockMeta == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("don't have block meta at height #%d", ev.Height())
header = &blockMeta.Header
// 1) Verify against state.
if err := sm.VerifyEvidence(evpool.stateDB, state, ev, header); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to verify %v: %w", ev, err)
// 2) Compute priority.
_, val := valSet.GetByAddress(ev.Address())
priority := val.VotingPower
// 3) Save to store.
_, err :=, priority)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add new evidence %v: %w", ev, err)
// 4) Add evidence to clist.
evpool.logger.Info("Verified new evidence of byzantine behaviour", "evidence", ev)
return nil
// MarkEvidenceAsCommitted marks all the evidence as committed and removes it
// from the queue.
func (evpool *Pool) MarkEvidenceAsCommitted(height int64, lastBlockTime time.Time, evidence []types.Evidence) {
// make a map of committed evidence to remove from the clist
blockEvidenceMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, ev := range evidence {
blockEvidenceMap[evMapKey(ev)] = struct{}{}
// remove committed evidence from the clist
evidenceParams := evpool.State().ConsensusParams.Evidence
evpool.removeEvidence(height, lastBlockTime, evidenceParams, blockEvidenceMap)
// IsCommitted returns true if we have already seen this exact evidence and it
// is already marked as committed.
func (evpool *Pool) IsCommitted(evidence types.Evidence) bool {
ei :=
return ei.Evidence != nil && ei.Committed
// ValidatorLastHeight returns the last height of the validator w/ the
// given address. 0 - if address never was a validator or was such a
// long time ago (> ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeDuration && >
// ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks).
func (evpool *Pool) ValidatorLastHeight(address []byte) int64 {
h, ok := evpool.valToLastHeight[string(address)]
if !ok {
return 0
return h
func (evpool *Pool) removeEvidence(
height int64,
lastBlockTime time.Time,
params types.EvidenceParams,
blockEvidenceMap map[string]struct{}) {
for e := evpool.evidenceList.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
var (
ev = e.Value.(types.Evidence)
ageDuration = lastBlockTime.Sub(ev.Time())
ageNumBlocks = height - ev.Height()
// Remove the evidence if it's already in a block or if it's now too old.
if _, ok := blockEvidenceMap[evMapKey(ev)]; ok ||
(ageDuration > params.MaxAgeDuration && ageNumBlocks > params.MaxAgeNumBlocks) {
// remove from clist
func evMapKey(ev types.Evidence) string {
return string(ev.Hash())
func (evpool *Pool) updateValToLastHeight(blockHeight int64, state sm.State) {
// Update current validators & add new ones.
for _, val := range state.Validators.Validators {
evpool.valToLastHeight[string(val.Address)] = blockHeight
// Remove validators outside of MaxAgeNumBlocks & MaxAgeDuration.
removeHeight := blockHeight - evpool.State().ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks
if removeHeight >= 1 {
valSet, err := sm.LoadValidators(evpool.stateDB, removeHeight)
if err != nil {
for _, val := range valSet.Validators {
h, ok := evpool.valToLastHeight[string(val.Address)]
if ok && h == removeHeight {
delete(evpool.valToLastHeight, string(val.Address))
func buildValToLastHeightMap(state sm.State, stateDB dbm.DB, blockStore *store.BlockStore) (valToLastHeightMap, error) {
var (
valToLastHeight = make(map[string]int64)
params = state.ConsensusParams.Evidence
numBlocks = int64(0)
minAgeTime = time.Now().Add(-params.MaxAgeDuration)
height = state.LastBlockHeight
if height == 0 {
return valToLastHeight, nil
meta := blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(height)
if meta == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("block meta for height %d not found", height)
blockTime := meta.Header.Time
// From state.LastBlockHeight, build a map of "active" validators until
// MaxAgeNumBlocks is passed and block time is less than now() -
// MaxAgeDuration.
for height >= 1 && (numBlocks <= params.MaxAgeNumBlocks || !blockTime.Before(minAgeTime)) {
valSet, err := sm.LoadValidators(stateDB, height)
if err != nil {
// last stored height -> return
if _, ok := err.(sm.ErrNoValSetForHeight); ok {
return valToLastHeight, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("validator set for height %d not found", height)
for _, val := range valSet.Validators {
key := string(val.Address)
if _, ok := valToLastHeight[key]; !ok {
valToLastHeight[key] = height
if height > 0 {
// NOTE: we assume here blockStore and state.Validators are in sync. I.e if
// block N is stored, then validators for height N are also stored in
// state.
meta := blockStore.LoadBlockMeta(height)
if meta == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("block meta for height %d not found", height)
blockTime = meta.Header.Time
return valToLastHeight, nil