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package crypto
import (
secp256k1 ""
data ""
. ""
func PrivKeyFromBytes(privKeyBytes []byte) (privKey PrivKey, err error) {
err = wire.ReadBinaryBytes(privKeyBytes, &privKey)
// You probably want to use PubKey
// +gen wrapper:"PrivKey,Impl[PrivKeyEd25519,PrivKeySecp256k1],ed25519,secp256k1"
type PrivKeyInner interface {
Bytes() []byte
Sign(msg []byte) Signature
PubKey() PubKey
Equals(PrivKey) bool
Wrap() PrivKey
var _ PrivKeyInner = PrivKeyEd25519{}
// Implements PrivKey
type PrivKeyEd25519 [64]byte
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) AssertIsPrivKeyInner() {}
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) Bytes() []byte {
return wire.BinaryBytes(PrivKey{privKey})
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) Sign(msg []byte) Signature {
privKeyBytes := [64]byte(privKey)
signatureBytes := ed25519.Sign(&privKeyBytes, msg)
return SignatureEd25519(*signatureBytes).Wrap()
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) PubKey() PubKey {
privKeyBytes := [64]byte(privKey)
pubBytes := *ed25519.MakePublicKey(&privKeyBytes)
return PubKeyEd25519(pubBytes).Wrap()
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) Equals(other PrivKey) bool {
if otherEd, ok := other.Unwrap().(PrivKeyEd25519); ok {
// It is essential that we constant time compare
// private keys and signatures instead of bytes.Equal,
// to avoid susceptibility to timing/side channel attacks.
// See Issue
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(privKey[:], otherEd[:]) == 0
} else {
return false
func (p PrivKeyEd25519) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return data.Encoder.Marshal(p[:])
func (p *PrivKeyEd25519) UnmarshalJSON(enc []byte) error {
var ref []byte
err := data.Encoder.Unmarshal(&ref, enc)
copy(p[:], ref)
return err
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) ToCurve25519() *[32]byte {
keyCurve25519 := new([32]byte)
privKeyBytes := [64]byte(privKey)
extra25519.PrivateKeyToCurve25519(keyCurve25519, &privKeyBytes)
return keyCurve25519
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) String() string {
return Fmt("PrivKeyEd25519{*****}")
// Deterministically generates new priv-key bytes from key.
func (privKey PrivKeyEd25519) Generate(index int) PrivKeyEd25519 {
newBytes := wire.BinarySha256(struct {
PrivKey [64]byte
Index int
}{privKey, index})
var newKey [64]byte
copy(newKey[:], newBytes)
return PrivKeyEd25519(newKey)
func GenPrivKeyEd25519() PrivKeyEd25519 {
privKeyBytes := new([64]byte)
copy(privKeyBytes[:32], CRandBytes(32))
return PrivKeyEd25519(*privKeyBytes)
// NOTE: secret should be the output of a KDF like bcrypt,
// if it's derived from user input.
func GenPrivKeyEd25519FromSecret(secret []byte) PrivKeyEd25519 {
privKey32 := Sha256(secret) // Not Ripemd160 because we want 32 bytes.
privKeyBytes := new([64]byte)
copy(privKeyBytes[:32], privKey32)
return PrivKeyEd25519(*privKeyBytes)
var _ PrivKeyInner = PrivKeySecp256k1{}
// Implements PrivKey
type PrivKeySecp256k1 [32]byte
func (privKey PrivKeySecp256k1) AssertIsPrivKeyInner() {}
func (privKey PrivKeySecp256k1) Bytes() []byte {
return wire.BinaryBytes(PrivKey{privKey})
func (privKey PrivKeySecp256k1) Sign(msg []byte) Signature {
priv__, _ := secp256k1.PrivKeyFromBytes(secp256k1.S256(), privKey[:])
sig__, err := priv__.Sign(Sha256(msg))
if err != nil {
return SignatureSecp256k1(sig__.Serialize()).Wrap()
func (privKey PrivKeySecp256k1) PubKey() PubKey {
_, pub__ := secp256k1.PrivKeyFromBytes(secp256k1.S256(), privKey[:])
var pub PubKeySecp256k1
copy(pub[:], pub__.SerializeCompressed())
return pub.Wrap()
func (privKey PrivKeySecp256k1) Equals(other PrivKey) bool {
if otherSecp, ok := other.Unwrap().(PrivKeySecp256k1); ok {
// It is essential that we constant time compare
// private keys and signatures instead of bytes.Equal,
// to avoid susceptibility to timing/side channel attacks.
// See Issue
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(privKey[:], otherSecp[:]) == 0
} else {
return false
func (p PrivKeySecp256k1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return data.Encoder.Marshal(p[:])
func (p *PrivKeySecp256k1) UnmarshalJSON(enc []byte) error {
var ref []byte
err := data.Encoder.Unmarshal(&ref, enc)
copy(p[:], ref)
return err
func (privKey PrivKeySecp256k1) String() string {
return Fmt("PrivKeySecp256k1{*****}")
// Deterministically generates new priv-key bytes from key.
func (key PrivKeySecp256k1) Generate(index int) PrivKeySecp256k1 {
newBytes := wire.BinarySha256(struct {
PrivKey [64]byte
Index int
}{key, index})
var newKey [64]byte
copy(newKey[:], newBytes)
return PrivKeySecp256k1(newKey)
func GenPrivKeySecp256k1() PrivKeySecp256k1 {
privKeyBytes := [32]byte{}
copy(privKeyBytes[:], CRandBytes(32))
priv, _ := secp256k1.PrivKeyFromBytes(secp256k1.S256(), privKeyBytes[:])
copy(privKeyBytes[:], priv.Serialize())
return PrivKeySecp256k1(privKeyBytes)
// NOTE: secret should be the output of a KDF like bcrypt,
// if it's derived from user input.
func GenPrivKeySecp256k1FromSecret(secret []byte) PrivKeySecp256k1 {
privKey32 := Sha256(secret) // Not Ripemd160 because we want 32 bytes.
priv, _ := secp256k1.PrivKeyFromBytes(secp256k1.S256(), privKey32)
privKeyBytes := [32]byte{}
copy(privKeyBytes[:], priv.Serialize())
return PrivKeySecp256k1(privKeyBytes)